à la à la
AAA dienchi triple-A battery
ab by (agent; can turn to “af” before “h”); ab- (verbal prefix) = away, off
aba homespun (sb )
abad eternity ( sb)
abadic eternal ( adj)
abainc aven (sinkhole)
abalone (haliotis ) = abalone
abalorio small glassware
abandon abandon (sb & vtr)
abattis abatis, abattis, abbattis
abbassi abbassid (adj & sb)
abbat abbot
abbatia abbey
abbrehg to get out (vulg. !)
abdeh remove ( vtr ) (to set aside); abdeh y ud x = to rid x of y
abdeih wean (vtr)
abdeil department (sb) (store; section)
abdekhschat to frighten / scare away
abdication abdication
abdomen abdomen (sb)
abeih to make off, to flee
aberration aberration
abfeug + acc shirk ( vpr )
abfug running away (of a child; sb)
abgeir ( to ) turn around (vint )
abghend ( abghènd ) = get rid of ( vpr )
abgwak to burn off in excess
abhorr to abhor
abieh x ud y = to exempt y from x
abject sickening (adj)
abkap to complete (vpr / vtr)
abkhase abkhaz
abkwah to pick up, harness (vtr)
ablation ablation
ablehnc diflect (vtr; a missile)
ablinekw abandon, desert (vtr)
abnegation abnegation (sb )
abneih to take away
abnormal abnormal ( adj )
abnus ebony wood
aboleih abolish (vtr)
abominable abominable (adj)
abonn (+ acc.) = to subscribe to, to buy a season ticket for
abonnent subscriber (adj & sb)
abonnment subscription ( sb)
abor to abort
abord on board (of) (adv. & prep)
abordage boarding (of a vessel, sb)
aborde to board (a vessel)
aborigine aborigine
abortion abortion (sb)
aborto little runt (sb)
Abou Rhurayb Abu Ghraib
Abou Simbel Abu Simbel
abpersne to take to one's heels
Abraham Abraham (npr)
abrasion abrasion
abrupt abrupt (adj; fig.)
Abruzzi ( sing) = Abruzzo (mountain )
Abruzzo Abruzzo ( region)
absect rujiow sawed-off shotgun ( sb)
absent absent (adj)
absenteisme absenteeism
absinth wormwood ( sb)
absleub to slip away (vint)
absmeu to drain (vtr/vint) (vtr/vint)
absolutisme absolutism
absolutisme absolutism
absorb to absorb (vtr)
absorb absorb (vtr)
absorpt energia dose absorbed dosis (total ionizing dose; sb)
absper bumpy (adj)
abstauneih stun (vtr)
abstehm (+ acc) = refrain from
abstehmia abstentionism
absteum evaporate
absurd absurd (adj)
abtrigher trigger ( weapon; sb)
abtrigherbornek trigger guard
abundant abounding (adj)
abunde to abound
abuse to abuse (vtr)
abveic to move away
abveulbh to get round (a difficulty; sb)
abvolg to show one's heels (vint)
abwohndt (& abwohnden) = roundabout (adj) (path, way)
abyeis to shoot (an arrow)
abysse abyss
acacallis acacallis (sb )
acacia acacia
academia academy
acatist prayer for the dead
accelerator accelerator (sb)
accelere to accelerate
accent accent
accentue to accentuate, stress
accepte to accept
access access
accident accident (sb)
accolade brace { }
accommodant accommodating (adj)
accompagnement accompaniment (music)
accompliht completed (adj)
accorde accord (sb & vtr)
accordeon accordeon
accoste to dock at
accosteloc berth (moorings)
accredite to accredit
acculturation acculturation
accurat neat (adj) (well done)
accusation accusation (sb)
accuse accuse (vtr)
Acerbas Acerbas (npr)
acete vinegar (sb)
acetylcholine acetylcholine
achak uneasiness, malaise (sb)
achar pickles ( splu )
achi ! achoo ! (onom.)
achiz unable, powerless
acid acid ( sb & adj )
acolyte acolyte
acquiesc (+ acc.) = to acquiesce to
acquiseih acquire ( vtr )
acquit to acquit
acrell wash drawing (sb)
acrobat acrobat (sb)
acrobatia acrobatic feat (sb)
acronym acronym
act act (sb); act os accusation = indictment; Acts im Apostels = Actes des Apôtres
actia share (finance; sb)
actiacompagnie Incorporated (company) (a.c.)
actiasmyehria shareholding
action action
actionnaire shareholder
activa assets (splu) (accounting)
active substance active ingredient (medicine)
active substance active ingredient
activitat activity (sb)
actor actor (sb)
actoria cast (of actors)
actrice actress (sb)
actualitat news ( splu)
actuarial science actuarial science
actuation lawsuit
actue to proceed (before a court)
acuscherin midwife (sb)
acustic tube speaking tube
acut acute
ad at (prep)
adab good manners ( splu )
adadh number (n°; sb )
adagio adage (sb)
adam human (sb)
adapte to adapt (vtr)
adaptive optique adaptive optics
adaptive radiation adaptive evolution
adarb barricade (sb; parapet between two towers)
adarissa idrisid
adark scum of reed (sb)
adarle poppy (sb)
adawa enmity (sb )
adbehr to make an offering of (vtr)
addeih to add (vtr)
addeih add (vtr)
addic devote (vtr)
Addis Abeba Addis Ababa (npr)
addition addition ( sb)
adduc to end up (place )
adequat adequate ( adj )
adet habit ( sb )
adfall attack, outbreak (illness)
adglehmer to stick/hang to
adhes (+ acc.) = to join, to adhere to
adhesionsproceddure adhesion procedure
adib literate (adj)
adic usual (adj)
Adieu Farewell (interjection)
adil right (adj) (righteousness)
adjudant-chef chief warrant officer
adjudication awarding (sb)
adjust to adjust
adjustable seizer adjustable wrench (USA, Canada), adjustable spanner (UK, and most other English-speaking countries)
admahel subpoena
Admet Admetus
administre administer (including drugs)
admiral admiral (sb)
admire to admire
admission admission (sb)
admitt admit (vtr)
adnehm to award (ex: a medal)
adobe adobe (brick)
adon to atone
Adonis Adonis (npr)
adopt to adopt
adoquin cobblestone
ador wheat (sb) (wide decoccum)
adore adore
adorne to bedizen, bedeck
adpeurt to establish the filiation of
adrenaline adrenaline ( sb)
adresse address (sb)
adresse bar addresse bar
adresseit addressee (sb)
adriug lazy ( adj )
adskweis common hawthorn
adstrehm to rush/flood
adstrohm rush/flood (sb) (sb & prev os "adstrehm"
aduar ad(o)uar
adulation adulation
adult adult (adj, sb)
Advent Advent (sb)
adverse effect adverse effect (medicine; sb)
advocat lawyer (sb) (Justice)
advocat general general counsel (sb)
advocature lawyers' bar
advoque advocate (vtr)
adwar dowery
adyuneg to place side by side
adyuneg add (vtr)
aegid aegis (sb)
aend duck (sb)
Aeneas Aeneas (npr)
Aeneis Aeneid (sb)
aerobic aerobic
aerodrom aerodrome (sb)
aeronautic aeronautic
aerosol aerosol (chemia)
aerospacial aerospace
aerostat aerostat
afa bad luck (sb )
affable affable (adj )
affaire affair
affec to affect (move)
affectat stiff, stilted (fig.)
affection affection
affidavit affidavit
affiliation affiliation
affinitat affinity
affirmative action affirmative action
afflut exhalation, effluvium (sb)
affresco fresco
afire blueberry (sb)
aflig to distress, aflict
aforise curse (vtr)
Africa [Afrika] = Africa (npr)
African african (adj & sb)
afsos I 'm sorry
afu mercy (sb )
afuna blueberry (sb )
ag to act; to go together (when referring to a group), to push, to lead; ag claus = to be bordering/verging on
agama denomination (religion)
agapes (splu) = agape feast (Christendom; sb)
agar if, in case
agarian (racist insult against Arabs or Muslims) (sb) ( !)
agaru African myrrh (sb)
agave agave
Agayos (Sea) Aegean (npr)
agede to squint
agence agency
agent agent; policeman (sb)
agglomeration agglomeration
agglutinant agglutinating (adj) (language)
aggregat aggregate (including pellets)
aggressive aggressive (adj)
aghel disgusting (adj)
agher cultivated field (sb)
agherd wild pear-tree (sb)
aghnue mien kerd aghnuet = my heart pains me
aghyern morning ( sb )
Aghyernland Levant (npr)
agian pitched battle
agiasma Holy water ( sb )
agil agile (adj)
agilitat agility
agitator agitator ( sb )
agite shake, agitate ( vtr )
agla brood ( sb ) ( small animals )
aglow haze (sb)
aglu rain cloud (sb )
agmen army on the march
agmo trajectory, route (sb)
agn lamb ( sb )
agnosticisme agnosticism
agonia agony ( sb )
agonise to be dying
agor household ( sb)
agos bad action, going-ons
agraf safety pin ( sb )
agree to accept, approve, agree
agrement approval, consent
agrent farmer (sb); agricultural (adj)
agriculture agriculture (sb)
Agrigento Agrigento
agriverslyn agribusiness
agrochemical agrochemical
agroforesterie agroforestry
agronom agronomist
agronomia agronomy
agros cultivated countryside
agrotoxic agrotoxin
agrue to scour the countryside
Agulhas Agulhas (nam uns rass ye id sud os Africa
ahammiyat scope (sb) (importance)
ahock se = to curl up, to huddle up
AIDS Acquisiht Immunodeficiency Syndrome = AIDS ( sb )
aig oak ( sb) (green)
air air ( sb ); air conditionen = air conditioning/-ned; air force = air force
air-conditionen unitat air conditioning unit
aircrobatia (sing) = aerobatics ( splu )
airdruna air current (sb)
airise air (vtr)
airise ( -t/-n ) = airy ( adj)
airlotse air controller
airmarcoten air-layering
airnav aircraft (sb)
airpiratia aircraft hijacking
airport airport (sb)
airsclus lock (sm )
airsleidnav hovercraft (sb)
aise ease (sb)
aisic easy
aiw age, era (sb); ever (adv)
aiwic of ever, eternal, everlasting (adj)
aiwic sneigv perpetual snow
aiwo age, era (sb); ever (adv)
aiwoboli evergreen
aja grandmother ( sb )
ajaban ! Gosh !
ajal last hour ( fig)
ajayib unusual ( adj )
ajdadh (sing) = ancestors ( splu )
ajib incredible ( adj)
ajib astonishing ( adj)
ajiz shot (adj; when referring to a discouraged person )
ajlaf villain (adj. & sb) (pejorative )
ajowan ajwain (sb)
ak point (a sharp configuration; sb)
ak (or "akut") = sharp (adj)
akap to end (vtr/vint)
akbaba scavenger (sb)
akel presence of mind (sb)
aker maple (sb); acrid
Akest Acastus
Akharnay Acharnai (npr)
akhat agate (sb)
Akhilleus Achilles (npr)
akhir latest, last (adj ) ( recent)
Akhira the Otherworld
akhire to postpone
akkaditum akkadian
akmak scatterbrained, crazy ( adj , sb)
akmen vault ( sb)
akmenspetra keystone
akowsie to prick up one's ears
akri acrid
akride grasshopper (sb)
akro top ( sb ) (highest point )
Akropoli Acropolis ( npr )
akster lively, strong ( adj ) (fig , color, sense )
akstrag fish spear (multi-pronged spear)
akstraum witty (full of humour; adj)
aktwn twilight ray
akwn barb, herl (sb)
al raise, breed (vtr)
Al-Gaddafi Gaddafi ( npr )
al-hamdulillah ! thank you God !
Al-Khawarizmih Al -Khwarizmi ( npr )
Al-Khwarizmi Al-Khwarizmi
al-Mawsil Mosul
alabasch kohlrabi (sb)
alabster alabaster ( sb )
alaf ration (sb) (food)
alafa (& lafa ) = stipend, salary (sb)
alamat punctuation mark; alamat os mathal = quotation mark, guillemet
alambique alembic (sb)
alamode fashionable (adj)
alarme alarm (sb & vtr)
alascha gelding (sb )
alat tool (sb)
alat-machine machine tool
alatengjia toolbar
alatos set of tools
alaud (& alauda) = lark (sb)
alausa shad (sb)
alawite alawite
alay train, retinue (sb); to stroll about
alayissalam ! May the peace be upon Him !
Alba Scotland (npr)
Alban Scot (sb); scottish, scotch (adj)
albarda packsaddle (sb)
albarrada albarrada ( sm ) ( tile pattern representing a vase of flowers)
albarrana (tor) Albarrana tower
albatroz albatross ( sb)
albatt (& albatta) = certainly, indeed (adv )
albblond white-blond
Albertus Magnus Albertus Magnus
albh white (adj)
albhspirit white spirit ( sm)
albino albino ( adj , sm )
albit stye; barley grain
albu sprite ( sb )
albud swan ( sb)
albumen albumen
albyo wondrous-shiny world
alchemia alchemy (sb)
Alcmene Alcmene ( npr )
alcohol alcohol (sb)
alcoholisme alcoholism
alcoholmeider breathalyzer
ald trough (sb)
aldehyde aldehyde (sb)
aldia pirogue (sb)
Aldus Manutius Aldus Manutius
aleator music aleatoric music
aleg to allege, to defend oneself
alemann alemanni (adj & sub. sing.)
alemannisch alemannic
Alendyin Aladdin
Aleppo Aleppo
alerte alert (sb & vtr)
alevi alevi
alevisme alevism
Alexander Alexander
alexandrin alexandrine
alfalfa alfalfa ( sb )
alfarrabi old book
algara clash, brush (sb)
algebra algebra
algebri algebraic
Alger Algiers (npr)
algerese inhabitant of Algiers (adj & sb)
Algeria Algeria (npr)
algerian algerian (adj & sb)
algorithme algorithm
alguasil alguacil
algv to be awarded (a price = acc.; vtr); to earn (sb)
Alhazen Alhazen (npr)
alian wrath (sb)
aliat Aleut(ian)
alibi alibi
Alice Alice
Alienor Eleanor
alim erudite (adj); scientist (sb)
aliment food (sb)
alinea paragraph (in a legal text)
alinea-alamat pilcrow
alineat aligned (adj) (fig.)
alisia chequer tree (sb)
aliw silver-gilt (sb)
alixire elixir (sb)
aljiss gypsum (sb)
alkali alkali
alkalin alkaline
alkene alkene
Alkibiades Alicibiades
Alkinoos Alcinous
alkuba alcove (sb)
Allah Allah (npr)
allee alley, aisle
allegence allegiance
allegorise to allegorize (vtr)
allele allele
allergen allergen
allergia allergy
allergic allergic (adj)
allie to ally
alligator alligator
alliteration alliteration
allodh allocate (vtr)
allottment allotment
almadraba tunny net
almanac almanac (sb )
almar cupboard, chest (on the wall)
almentask (school) homework
almujna alms ( sf )
almujner chaplain ( sb)
almujnerie chaplaincy
alnos completely, wholly
alokad frolicsmoe, downy
aloyau striploin (CA), sirloin
Alpes Alps (npr)
alphabet alphabet (sb)
alphabetic alphabetic
Alphayos Alphaeus (Bible, father of James)
Alpheios Alpheus
alpin alpine (adj & sb)
alpin ski alpine skiing
als else
als otherwise, else (adv)
alsen alder (correct maynen !)
alsen alder (sb)
also also, so (adv.)
altar altar (sb)
alter the other (one)
altercation altercation
alterglobalisme alterglobalism
alternation alternation
altice embroidery (sb) (sewing)
altie to embroider
altruisme altruism
alu ale (sb)
alue to roam, to loiter about
aluminium aluminium (sb)
aluminium schid aluminium foil
alv bed of a watercourse (sb)
alvey hive (sb)
alveycomputing cloud computing
alyo another (declinable)
am past tense of “amem”
amabiltats (splu) = amiability
amalan practically ( adv )
Amalek Amalek (npr)
amalgame amalgam (sb)
Amaltheia Amalthea (npr)
aman have mercy ! ( interjection ); mercy, pardon (sb)
amanat security, guarantee (private law)
amanita amanita
amanuensis amanuensis
amar mooring rope (sb)
amarant amaranth (flower)
amarinia Amharic
amasirr berber
amat pleasant
amateur amateur
Amathus Amathus (npr)
amaxi body (sb ) (vehicle)
Amazonas Amazon ( npr) (river of Brazil)
amazone Amazon (sb )
Amazonia Amazonia (sb)
amazonic Amazonian (adj)
ambact intermediary, go-between, middleman (sb)
ambag to commit oneself
ambassade embassy (sb)
ambassador ambassador
ambassador ambassador (sb)
ambassadrice (female) ambassador
ambel varietal (idafi maynen)
ambel vine wood
amber gray amber
ambghehrd to encompass
ambh (& perambh) = around (prep)
ambhkaup to go shopping
ambhkeung linger ( vpr )
ambhneus to nose around
ambhriss outline (sb)
ambhspehc to look around
ambhtaste to fumble around
ambhwaurg to bully (vtr)
ambi on both sides
ambient environment (sb )
ambiental environmental
ambigenos ambigenous
ambigu ambiguous ( adj)
ambigwiv amphibious (adj & sb)
ambikwehl to bustle about
ambikwol valet (sb)
ambiluur stakeout
ambinter divider
ambitieus ambitious
ambivalent ambivalent
ambo all both
Ambrosius Ambrose
ambtos from both sides
ambulance ambulance (sb)
ambulant veneg peddler (sb)
ambulator ambulatory (medical)
amdani income (sb)
ame to be(come) attached to (fig.)
amem feed (vtr)
amendement amendment
America America
America America (npr)
American american (adj. & sb)
American Revolution American Revolution
amethyst amethyst ( sb)
amfer bucket ( sb)
amin reliable (adj) ( person)
amino acid amno acid
amirahor master of stables (sm )
amirat Emirate (sb)
amirbar Mayor of the Palace (sb)
amire amir (sb); Amire im Muaminen = Commander of the Faithful
amire im muaminen Amir alMu'minin
amirmajlis chairperson (of an assembly)
amirmakhkma court president
amirselah fencing master (sb )
amiwa (plu) = sorrows ( plu )
amla phyllanthus emblica (sb)
amlak (sing) = assets (plu, finance)
amma adoptive mother (sb)
ammer command
ammer command (sb) & to command + acc. of the person
Ammianus Marcellinus Amianus Marcellinus
ammonia ammonia (sb)
ammonium ammonium
Ammurapi Hammurabi (npr)
amnesia amnesy
amnistia amnesty (sb)
amnistye amnesty (vtr)
amor attachment (love, endeavour)
amoral amoral
amortisation amortization
amortise amortize, pay off (vtr) (capital)
ampere ampere (sb)
amphibia amphibian (adj & sb)
amphibolite amphibolite (sb)
amphitheatre amphitheatre, lecture hall
amphora amphora (sb)
amplifie to amplify
amplor extent (sb)
ampull bulb, phial (sb)
ampute to amputate
ampwa raspberry (sb)
amt tenure
amtire to be in office
amulett amulet (sb)
Amur Amur (npr)
amvon church pulpit (sb)
amygdala amygdala
an if, whether ( conj ) ( introducing a question )
ana on the edge of
anabaptiste Anabaptist (adj , sb )
anac past tense of “anac”
anadeh attribute, allocate, impute (vtr)
Anadolu Anatolia (npr)
anadoludan Anatolian
Anadyomene Anadyomene
anaeg to use sparingly
anaerobic aerobic
anafer blessed bread (sb)
anaglypt low relief (sb)
anal anal (adj.)
analgetic analgesic, painkiller
analog analogous
analog photographia analog photography
analogic analog(ue) (adj.)
analogon analogon
analyse analysis (sb) and analyze (vtr); analyse gridel = evaluation grid
anamnese meditation (sb) (religious contemplation); to meditate (vint)
ananas pineapple (sb )
ananec to present, bring (vtr)
anapaest anapaest
anateina (sing.) = goosebumps
anathema anathema
anatomia anatomy
anatomise to dissect
Anaxagoras Anaxagoras
Anaximander Anaximander
Anchises Anchises
anchoa ! not possible !
anchova anchovy (sb)
ancian ancient (fig.)
anda musk (sb) (gland, perfume)
andaluth Andalusian
andam lock (vtr)
andeir firedog, andiron
andem jewel, flower work (fig.)
Andes Andes (splu)
andh to cover (a distance) (vtr)
andhwrnt route, lap (sb)
andin andean
andos bloom, herb (sb)
Andreas Andrew
androgene androgen
androgyne androgynous
androgynia androgyny
android (an) droid ( sb)
Andromache Andromache
Andromeda Andromeda
andsa medicinal plants
andyes flowering ( sf )
anecdote anecdote (sf )
anemia anemia ( sf )
anemon anemone (sf )
aneria manly strength
anesthesia anaesthetics
anesthesye to give an anaesthetics to
aneta door-post (sb)
aneurysme aneurysm (sb)
anfractuositat vertical crevice (sb)
anganan estimate, invoice
angel angel (sb)
angh narrow (adj.); to tighten
anghen person (sb)
anghencapital human capital
anghpasse narrow gorge, pass
anghpert alley ( sf )
angina angina
angiotensine agiotensin
angkhi khaki ( sb , adj )
angkin waist scarf
angle Angle (Germanic people; adj. & sb)
anglicisant English-speaking (adj. & sb)
angolan angolan
angst anxiety (sb)
angule angle (sb)
angulekaws square bracket [ ]
angver young snake, squib
angwi eel
anhaingher trailer (sb)
animal animal
animal park animal park
animation animation (dynamic medium in which images or objects appear as moving images; condition of being animate or alive)
animator group leader (entertainment, vacation ressort)
anime to animate
animee anime (japanese animation)
animisme animism (sb)
animositat animosity (sb)
anion anion (sb)
anis anise (sb)
ank hook, peg
anker anchor (sm)
ankul shoot (of plant; sb )
ankus sting ( sb) ( for elephants )
ankylose ankylosis (sb)
ann past tense of “annem”
annals annals
annect to annex
annem to breathe; breath
annemraudh pneumatophore
annex annex(e) (sb); subsidiary (adj)
anniversar anniversary (sb)
annotation annotation
annular ring finger
annulation annulation
annunce announcement
anodin anodyne
anomalia anomaly
anon food (sb)
anonymitat anonymity
anorak anorak (sb)
anorectic anorectic (pharmac)
anse handle (eg. of cup)
Anselm Anselm
ansia bridle, rein (sb)
ansu ǫ́ss, áss, ás, ásynja (norse mythology, the plurals of these words are: æsir, ásynjur) (Kay addihes tod maynen do id ja existent werd)
ansu spirit ( sb )
ant before, in front of
antagoniste antagonist
Antakya Antioch ( npr )
antarctic antarctic (adj)
Antarctid Antarctica ( np )
Antayos Antaeus
antbehr + acc = do without ( vpr )
antecedd antecede (vtr.)
antenne antenna (sb)
anter rather ( adv )
antgreip hang on ( vint) ( cling )
anthere anther
antheric anthericum (plant; sb)
Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck (npr)
anthracite anthracite
anthrax anthrax (disease; sb)
anthropophag anthropophag
anti opposite (adj, direction)
anti-septic antiseptic (adj. & sb)
antibiotic antibiotic ( sb , adj)
antichamber antechamber (sb)
antichrist antichrist (sb)
anticipation anticipation
anticlimax punch line (sb, story)
antidepressive antidepressive
antidote antidote
antidrogh rehab (& rehabilitation) = drug rehabilitation (sb)
antigen antigen
Antigone Antigone (npr)
Antigonos Doson Antigonus Doson
Antikleia Anticlea
Antikythera Antikythera (np)
Antilles West Indies (npr)
antillian West Indian (adj & sb)
antilope antelope
antiokw backside
antipersonel mine antipersonnel mine
Antiphates Antiphates (npr)
antiphon antiphon
antiphonarium antiphonary
antiphrase antiphrasis
antipode antipode
antiquar antiquarian (sb)
antique antique (the object)
Antiquitat Antiquity (sb)
antiretroviral antiretroviral
antischemisme antisemitic (adj. & sb)
antisclaveriste opponent of slavery (adj. & sb)
Anton Anthony
antonym antonym
antplehc develop ( vtr )
antreus + acc. = to count on, rely on
antreus to rely on
antro antrum, cave (sb)
antsalg + acc. = escape (vtr)
antsalgvalvule exhaust valve
antskand rebound (vint)
antslehnk develop (vint); antslehnkend lands = developping countries
antwehrd answer (vtr & sb)
antwohrd past tense of "antwehrd"
anua old woman
anun (sing ) = depths ( splu )
anus anus
Anwar as-Sadat Anwar Sadat
anxietat anxiety (sb)
anxieus worried (adj)
anyow password (sb)
aoid aoidos
Aosta Aosta
ap make fit (vtr )
apache apache
apanage appanage (sb)
apank down ( adj)
apart apart (adv)
apartment apartment (sb)
apathia apathy
apathic apathetic (adj)
apatrid stateless (person)
apel apple (sb)
Apelles Apelles (npr)
Apennins Apennines ( splu )
aper wild boar (sm )
aperitif appetizer (sb)
aperture overture (sb)
apex apex (sb)
aphelium aphelion
aphorisme aphorism
Aphrodisias Aphrodisias (npr)
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Aphrodite Aphrodite (npr)
api but, now ( conj )
apiculture apiculture, beekeeping
aplon apple-tree
apnea apnea (sb)
apni rapid river
apo off (prep)
apocryph apocryphal
apogee apogee (sb)
apokwihen + acc. = retaliate (vtr ) (military)
apokwiti retaliation, reprisal ( sb)
Apollon Apollo (npr)
apolloni Apollonian
apologia apology
apoplexia apoplexy
apos joint ( sb)
aposcidd ramification/to ramify (vint)
apostat apostate
apostatise apostatize
apostel apostle (sb)
apotheke pharmacy (sb)
apotheker pharmacist (sb)
Appalaches (splu) = Appalachian Mountains (splu)
appalachian Appalachian (adj & sb)
apparat apparatus
appareih to appear
apparence appearence
appartment appartment (sb)
appassionat with a keen interest
appell appeal (sb)
appelle to appeal
appendix appendix ( sb)
appetitt appetite (sm )
appetittant appetizing (adj)
application application (sb)
applie apply (to put on, to implement; vtr); applien paursken = applied research
apprehension apprehension (fear; sb)
approbe to approve
approximative approximative
apricot apricot (sb )
aprile April (sb)
aproposs a propos
aproviande refuel (vtr )
aps aspen ( sb )
apsis apse
apt fit (adj )
apter behind
apterchasse to pursue, chase (plais modifiete !)
apterchasse to give chase to
apterpersne to follow hot on the heels of
aptersok to give chase to (plais modifiete !)
aptersok pursue (vtr)
apteschka first aid box
aptosmenos ulterior motive
Apuleius Apuleius
aqua water (sb) (element, mineral)
aquaculture aquaculture
aquaforte etching (sb)
aquamarin áquamarine (color)
aquarelle water colouring (sb.)
aquarium aquarium
aquat watery (adj )
aqueduct aqueduct (sb)
Aquen Nepot “Nephew of Waters”, Neptune (Indo-European God)
aquil merlin (bird)
aquilin aquiline
aquitan Aquitanian
ar for ( conj); (& are) plow ( vtr )
arab Arab(ic) (adj. & sb); Arab Mar = Arabian Sea
arabesque arabesque ( sb)
Arabia Arabia (npr)
Arachne Arachne ( npr )
arachnid arachnid (sb)
aralasch (sing) = dodgy dealings (splu)
aramay aramaic
arank spider ( sb )
arankium cobweb
arasih accidentally (adv)
Arasz'Israel Eretz Israel (npr)
araszi land (property)
araszi lwosa land grabbing
araszireforme land reform
arater ard (plow)
arbitrager referee, ref
arbitrair arbitrary ( adj)
arbust shrub (sb)
arc arc (sb)
arc-boutant flying buttress (sb)
arcade arcade
arcaden leiksall amusement arcade, video arcade
arcane arcane ( sb)
arch (& archi-) - = archi -( prefix )
arch(i)- arch(i)- (prefixe)
archae (& archaebacteria ) = archaea (sb)
archangel archangel
archayic archaic
arche arch (architecture, sb)
archel casket
Archelaos Archelaos (npr)
archeologia archaeology (sb)
archer archer (sb)
archet bow (for music instrument)
Archimedes Archimedes (npr)
archipelegv archipelago (sb)
architecte architect (sb)
architecture architecture (sb)
archive archive (sb)
Arctid Arctic (npr)
arcu archery , bow and arrows (sb)
ardeh to align, arrange
ardent ardent (fig; adj)
ardh earth (sb)
ardhem census; to take a census of
ardie Tuesday (sb)
ardmen total number of people
arduase slate (sb)
ared wader (sm , adj )
arehg to contain within onself
areis hazelnut (sb)
arel minor nobleman
arena arena (sb)
arendator lessor
arende lease (sb)
Ares Ares
arful holly (sb)
arg brightness (sb)
argat farm boy (sb)
argavan lilac (adj, color)
Argentina Argentina (npr)
argentine Argentine (adj & sb; pertaining to Argentina)
arghen small crane for burdens (fr: guindal)
argikwaun greyhound
argist swiftest (adj; poetry)
argonaut Argonaut (Greek mythology)
argot argot
argu shiny (adj)
argue to argue
argwrnt silver
argwrntkovach silversmith ( sb)
aria aria (sb)
Ariadne Ariadne ( npr )
arianisme arianism
arid arid ( adj)
Arikia Aricia
Ariosto Ariosto ( npr )
Aristarkhos Aristarchus ( npr )
Aristayos Aristaeus
aristocrat aristocrat (adj & sb)
Aristophanes Aristophanes (npr)
Aristoteles Aristotle (npr)
arithmetic arithmetical
arithmetique arithmetics
ark to contain (to make a containment of), to discard
arker bow-window
arkeut calotropis, milkweed
arkwn saddle bow
arkwnekw (arkwnekwo) = pommel horse
armada armada (sb)
armadillo armadillo
armagan travel present
arme weapon, arm (sb) ; to arm
armee army (sb)
armel handle (sb)
Armelchenal (English) Channel (npr)
armene Armenian (adj, sb)
Armoric Armorica
armur armour (sb)
armuria armory (sb)
armuriar weaponsmith (sb)
aroma aroma ( sb)
aromantic aromantic
aromatic aromatic ( adj)
arpagic chives (sb)
Arpakschad Arpakshad (npr)
arquebuse harquebus ( sb)
arraboun deposit ( sb)
arrest arrest ( sb )
arreste to arrest
Arrian Arrian
arrive to arrive
arriven arrival (sb); arrived (past participle)
arriviste social climber
arrogance arrogance (sb)
arrondissement arrondissement
arsenal arsenal ( sb )
arsenic arsenic (sb)
arsep hawthorn ( sb )
art art (sb )
Art-nouveau Art Nouveau
Artemis Artemis (npr)
arteriographia arteriography (sb)
article article (sb)
articule articulate (vtr)
artifact artifact (sb)
artifice artifice
artifice device, trick (sb)
artillerie artillery
artilleriste artilleryman
artisanat artisanat
artiste artist
artor ploughman
artwehrg work of art, artwork
arua intestine (sb)
arus wound ( sf )
arwr topsoil ( sf )
arwrn cereal (sb)
aryo Bactrian (bahsa)
aryo aryan
Aryoctenmarche Noble Eightfold Path (Buddhism)
as of the (genitive feminine)
asadh frank ( adj) ( free)
asadheihsa manumission, affranchisement
asafa how awful !
asarion rumex scutatus (sb)
asarura azarole (sb)
asavar draft ox
asayma eyespot ( sm)
asbest asbestos (sb)
-asc ( suffix ) = to become X
ascalot shallot
ascend ascend
ascension ascent, Ascension Day
ascese asceticism (sb)
ascete ascetic ( n. , adj)
asch ash (sb)
aschabak jet (lignite)
aschabak jet (lignite)
aschbak ashtray (sb)
aschencredie Ash Wednesday
Ascherah Asherah
aschikar plain, obvious ( adj )
aschkenasi ashkenazi
aschlad grafting (sb)
aschladise grafting (sb)
aschladise to graft
Aschour Assur (npr)
aschouray assyrian
Aschourbaniapli Ashurbanipal
aschyesch comforts (splu)
asel donkey, ass (sb)
aselflor mullein (sb)
asemil packhorse
Aserbaydjan Azerbaijan ( npr )
aserbaydjani Azerbaijani (adj & sb)
aseri azeri
aserng blood (vx)
Asia Asia (npr); Asia Minor = Asia Minor
asiar twitch (sm )
asiat Asian ( adj. & n. )
asiekil horsetail (sb; plant)
asimat departure
askar military (sb)
askari serviceman (military)
askari back-up soldier
Asklepyos Asklepius ( npr )
asli authentic (adj ) ( original )
asocial asocial
asparg asparagus ( sb)
aspect aspect
asperg to splash
aspergill aspergillum
aspersorium stoup (religion)
asphalt asphalt (sb)
asphodel asphodel (sb)
asphyxia asphyxia (sb)
asphyxye to asphyxiate (vtr)
aspida asp viper
aspire to aspire, suck; (+ datif) = to aspire to
aspirin aspirin (sb)
asprese racecourse (sb)
assahi açaì
assamida (& samida) = prime flour ( sb)
assania watermill ( sb )
assassin assassin (sb) assassinate (vtr)
assemblage assembling (sb)
assemblee assembly (sb)
assidu assiduous
assigne assign (vtr )
assirat sloping bed, ridge back (sb)
assist to assist
assistant Wizard software
assistence assistance (sb; help)
assiyurn stirrup leather (sb)
association association
associeit associated, partner
assocye associate (vtr)
assombreus haunting, astonishing
assonance assonance
assortie to match something with
assortiment assortment
assump to assume
assumption assumption (Mary) (Maria)
assymmetria assymetry (sb)
astak lobster (sb )
astat astatine (sb)
aster star (sb)
asterisk asterisk (sb)
asteroid asteroid
asteroid asteroid (sb)
asthma asthma (sb)
astrec screed (demped keramide)
astreinte penalty payment
astringence astringency
astrolog astrologer
astronautique astronautics
astronom astronomer
astrophysique astrophysics
asulejo tile of glazed earthenware
Aswan Aswan (npr)
asyle asylum ( sb )
at(-alamat) at sign, @
Atalante Atalanta
Atarneus Atarneus (npr)
atavia ancestry
atavic ancestral
atelier workshop (sb)
Athanasius Athanasius
atheiste Atheist (adj. & n. )
Athenas Athens ( npr )
athenay athenian (adj. & sb)
Athenayos Athenaeus (npr)
athiber aloe (sb)
athicale polish (vtr )
athicate spit ( sb ) (for frying )
athime formidable ( adj)
athlete athlete (sb)
athletique athletics
athtecah Aztec ( adj. & sb )
atlant Atlantean (adj , sb)
Atlantic Atlantic (adj & sb)
Atlantide Atlantis (npr)
atmen soul
Atmosphere atmosphere (sb)
atoll atoll
atom atom (sb)
atomarehg nuclear containment building
atomic pile atomic pile
atonal music atonality
atrabile black bile
atraf (sing) = surroundings (splu)
Atreide Atreida
Atreides Atreides
atrioventricular fascicule bundle of His
atroce atrocious (adj)
atrocitat atrocity, outrage
atrophia atrophy (sb.)
atrophiat withered (adj)
atrophie atrophy (vtr., vintr.)
atta stepfather
attache to attach
attachement attachment
attachement attachment
attaque attack (sb & vtr)
attar spice merchant ( sb )
attention attention (sb)
attentive attentive
attic attic (sb) ( architecture)
Attikai Attica ( npr )
attir perfume oil (sb)
attitude attitude
attitude attitude (sb)
attract attractiveness (sb )
attrag to attract
attributive adjective attributive adjective
au or ( conj); to be without
aubergine eggplant ( sb )
auburn auburn, reddish-brown
auction auction (sb)
auctionaire auctioneer (sb)
audin mink (sb)
audio audio
audiovisual audiovisual
audit audit; audit firma = audit firm
audite to audit
auditor auditor (bukhalten)
Audowaker Odoacer
aug to increase
aug to increase
augmentet/augmenten realitat augmented reality
augos strength , power ( sf )
augure omen
Augustus Augustus ( npr )
augwedor swelling, rising (of a river; sb)
aukat mood, frame of mind
aul (aulice) = pipe; throughfare (sb)
aula courtyard (sb)
aulice (street) road
aulos aulos (sb; double flute)
auluck groove, slot
aulwehrg piping (sb)
aum reasoning (sb); reason (vint); + acc. = to suspect something
aumber shower, rain (of storm)
aun without (prep)
aunbeidos recalcitrant (adj)
aunbelos superfluous (adj)
aunberd beardless
auncovehr detect ( vtr )
aundamn unscathed
aundaunet undead (adj & sb)
aundexia clumsiness (sb)
aundwoi without doubt
aunfin endless
aunfinia endlessness
aunfund cheque bounced check, rubber check, bad check (USA), dud cheque (BR)
aungrund abyss, gulf
aungvit imperishable
aunharm harmless
aunieusia assault & battery; injury
aunkabel netwehrg wireless network
aunlautel non-profit (adj)
aunnumer countless (adj)
aunpagia nomadism
aunpaur intrepid (adj)
aunporm passager free rider
aunpotem unfathomable (adj)
aunpris priceless (adj)
aunrect undue (adj)
aunroug to unbridle
aunsaldeih desalinate (vtr)
aunsam singular, peculiar
aunspeh desperat, hopeless
aunstehg to discover
aunstehgen discovery ( sb )
aunstehm to condemn
aunstupp to uncork (vtr)
aunsuccessia unsuccess, lack of success (sb)
aunswehpia insomnia (sb)
auntitule untitled (ex
aunulter unsurpassed ( adj )
aunupergumt impassable ( adj )
aunviel netwehrg wireless network
aunvyigia weightlessness ( sb)
aur to hear; ear (sb)
aura aura (sb)
aurdhen order (contrary of disorder); to put in order (vtr)
aurdhenkal call to order
aureola halo, ring
aurer receiver, headphones
aurgh to put into motion
auror dawn (sb)
aurphones earphones
aurplab ear-flap
aurring earring
aurtavan eardrum (sb)
aurwik earwig ( sb ) ( insect)
aus early (adj & adv )
ausk to be dawning
auspices auspices
auspuff exhaust gas
auspuff aul exhaust pipe
austere austere (adj)
autah or (else)
auter... au either .... or ( conj )
authentic authentic (adj)
auti or ... too
auto (& automobil) = automobile (adj & sb)
auto mecaniste car mechanic (sb)
autobiographia autobiography
autobus (& bus) = bus (sb)
autodafee bonfire ( sm )
autograph autograph (sm )
autoimmun autoimmune
automat automaton (sb)
automatic automatic (adj)
autonom autonomous
autopsia autopsy
autor author (sb)
autoradio automotive head unit
autoria authorship
autorisation authorization (sb)
autoritair authoritarian (adj)
autostop hitchhiking (sb)
autostrad motorway (sb)
auwal primeval
aux (& auxan) = ox
auxel bleak ( sb; fish )
auyis ancestor (sm )
av bird ( sb)
aval guarantee (approbation)
avalanche avalanche (sb)
avance advance (vtr, sb) (fig., or finance); deposit (sb)
avancen /avancet = advanced (adj; ex. technology)
avanic shear-legs, heavy lift derrick
avaria breakdown, damage
avaria breakdown (ex: motor; sb)
avenflu avian influenza
aventure adventure (sb)
aventurer adventurer (sb)
aventureus adventurous (adj)
avenue avenue
Averroes Averroes
aversion aversion, loathing
avestayi avestan
aviation aviation
aviator aviator
Avicenna Avicenna (npr)
avid to notify to someone
avocado avocado
avpleuk-ye as the crow flies (adv)
avsen oats (sb)
avweisk bird glue
aw old, ancient
aweis obviously
awie to understand by
awmehnach square, uptight, outdated (!, adj., an old-fashioned person or idea)
awon ladybug (sb )
axe axis; axle
axesmeur dirty oil / grease (from engine, mechanism; sb)
axetehler bearing (mechanical)
axiome axiom (sb)
ay 1°) to hold as, to consider as. Ex: me ayo tien prient = “you consider me as your friend”; 2°) to say, to tell (in dialogues). Ex: “...” iey is = “..” he said; 3°) to her; to the (feminine singular dative)
aya verse (in religious books)
aya verse (religion, sb)
ayabise to taint (vtr, fig.)
ayar scoundrel (sb)
ayasch lively (adj)
ayatollah ayatollah
Ayaya Aeaea (Kirkas insule)
aydh to burn
aydh hearth, fireplace
aydokw black-skinned (adj. & sm)
aydokwensclaver negro slave driver
Aydokwia Black Africa
aydsmo wood (for heating)
aydwo (H)aedui
Ayel Aeolus
Ayetes Aeëtes
ayg goat (sb)
aygfel honeysuckle (sb)
Ayghen Aegina
Ayghest Acestes
Aygheus Aegeus (npr)
Ayghisth Aegisthus
aygin goatskin
aygkwol goat-herd
aygpawson aegipan (sb)
aygswehner tremulous (adj )
aygur stallion
aygve (+ acc.) to feel ashamed of
aygvos shame (sb )
aygw + acc. = to own
ayib stain ( sb ) (fig , reputation )
aykem pike (weapon)
aykw level (vtr)
aykwos expanse (sb)
aykwost plain, smooth, even
aylak idle (adj )
aymey equivocal
Aynesidem Aenesidemus
ayoley Eolian (adj & sb)
ayor slowcoach
ayr raise (vtr )
ayras ryegrass (sb)
ays her (possessive pronoun); hers
ays bronze (sb)
Ayscha Aisha
Ayschylos Aeschylus (npr)
Aysep Aesop
aysgwn mar (vtr)
Ayson Aeson
aytan mournfulness
aythiop Ethiopian ( sm , adj )
Aythiopia Ethiopia ( npr )
Aythra Aethra
ayu vital force (sf )
ayuleus become invalid (vint); invalid ( adj )
azab punishment, doom
azan call to prayer
azimut azimuth
aziyat torment
Azores Azores
azur azure (adj, sb)
azwl to get impeached; impeachment
azwleih to impeach
B-H (busthalter) = bra
baan slat (sb)
baanji scale (for weighing) (sb)
Baath Ba'ath
Baathia Ba'athism
bab broad bean
baba Grandma ( sb )
babaca asshole (in the sense of a person who does things like: mistreating an employee, telling machiste jokes, betraying his / her partner with a lover, etc.) (Plais, Olivier, addeih un explication in id FRanceois tarjem kay anghens suawoident quod tod werd druve-ye maynt)
babusch slipper (sb)
baby baby (sb)
Babylon Babylon ( npr )
bacbord port side (of a vessel)
bach shepherd (sb)
bachimien from all sides
bacillus bacillus
back-end back end (software)
backa rump ( sb)
backal grocer (sb )
backalia grocery
backslasch backslash
baclar bachelor
bactisse + acc. = to be fed up with
bacule big bar to close doors
bacut snipe (sb )
bad at last; ne... bad = not yet
badakhsch right-hand man ( fig.)
badam almond-tree
badan organism ( sb) ( body, natural defense )
badbakht unfortunate ( adj)
badge badge (sb)
badkhoua malicious (adj )
badmasch rogue (sb)
badrak escort-member (sb)
badv showdown (combat ) (sb)
badyeh tin-bath (sb)
baft belt buckle (sb)
bafta calico (sb)
bag beech ( sb)
bagage luggage ( sb )
bagatelle trifle (sb )
bagher dredge (sb & vtr)
baghette baguette
bagiev beechnut (sb)
baglama strap hinge
bagor pike-pole, boat-hook, gaff
bagu forearm ( sb)
bagukneigvtel armrest
bagustehg bracer, armguard (for archer)
bah to say, to speak
bahayi bahà'ì (adj & sb)
bahmen way of speaking, wording, phrasing (sb)
Bahrayn Bahrain ( npr ); bahrayni (adj & sb)
bahsa language (sb)
bai bay (sb) (Geo )
Baikal Baykal (npr)
bain-marie bain-marie
bak bin (sb) (container)
bakam Brazil wood (sb)
bakchang cake ( sm ) (wrapped in bamboo leaves )
bakchup chop, chap, cheek (sb)
bakenbart ( sing ) = sideburns ( splu )
bakhal armpit (sb)
bakhcha melon garden (sb)
bakhil stingy ( adj & sb)
baki end of series, markdown (industry)
bakiya (sing) = arrears ( splu) (debt)
bakjiakwo Chinese star anise (sb)
bakmie noodles with meat ( splu )
bakni beacon
bakstag runner and tackle, running backstay
bal ball (dance, party)
Balaam Balaam (npr)
balaclava hood, balaclava
balagan uproar (sb)
balagian husky (adj )
balah annoyance (sb)
balahen annoy (vtr )
balakhan fair stall (sb)
balance balance sheet (sb); balance iom payghens = balance of payments
balancin rocker-arm
balbal mumble, jabbeer, lisp (sb & vtr)
balbat to gurgle
balbel chat (sb & vint)
balcon balcony
balcon balcony (sb)
baldaquin baldachin, canopy (sb)
Balear Balearic (Balear insules/Balears)
balein whalebone, stay
baleina whale (sb)
balgh bellows ( splu)
balghbonem bogeyman (sb)
balikchi fishmonger (sb)
balirh adult (adj, sb)
balisete baliset (Dune; sb)
balk beam ( sb)
Balkan Balkans ( splu ); balkanic
Balkh Bactria
ball ball ( sb)
ballett ballet ( sm )
ballista ballista (sf)
ballistique ballistics
ballon balloon (sb)
ballpisk pufferfish, puffers, balloonfish, blowfish, blowies, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish, toadfish, toadies, honey toads, sugar toads, and sea squab
balm (& balma) = cave ( sb)
balmink cave-dweller, cave-dwelling, from a cave
balmmensc caveman (sm )
balnia bath ( sb)
balniakyal bathroom (sb)
balnye to bathe
balochi balochi
balsem balm (sb)
balstehm curse (sb & vtr)
balt balt(ic)
balta pothole, rut (sb)
baltca puddle (sb)
baltrogwn bonfire
balustrade railing(s)
balwng beam (sf )
bam beam (of light)
bamb mat ( adj)
bambu bamboo (sm )
bamia okra ( sb)
ban to forbid, ban (vtr)
bana handlebar ( sb)
banane banana (sb)
bandage bandage
bande band (sb)
bander banner ( sb)
bandewure bandwidth
bandit bandit
bandit bandit (sb)
bandrol banderoll(e)
banen parken no parking
Bangla Bengal (npr)
banisban roof in degrees
banjo banjo
bank bank (money, sb)
bankautomat cash machine (sm )
banker banker (sb)
banknote banknote (sb)
bankrott bankruptcy ( sb)
banquet banquet ( sb)
banquette bench seat (sb)
banschi banshee (sb)
bantowmeing translucent (adj)
Banzone - mae intrude Police line - Do not cross
baobab baobab (sb)
baptise baptize (vtr )
baptisme baptism (sb)
baptiste (adj & noun)
bar bar (inn; sb)
baraber laborer ( sb)
barack barrack ( sb )
barakan fustian (sb)
barakat benefit, benefaction (sb)
Barakaten Hilal Fertile Crescent
baraonda crowd, throng
barbadian Barbadian (adj & sb)
Barbados Barbados (npr)
barbakan barbican ( sb)
barbar Barbarian (adj & sb)
barbaria barbarism
Barbarossa Barbarossa
barbat bearded ( adj)
barber hairdresser, barber (sb)
barbette barbette (gun emplacement)
barbeus grim (adj)
barbith string instrument (sb)
barbithbrigv bridge (of a guitar)
barbithbrigvseddel saddle (of a guitar)
barbithseddel nut (of a guitar)
barbule barbule (feather)
barbun barbel (sb; fish)
barbut bearded (adj)
barcasse launch (boat)
barcode barcode
barcodeskweiter barcode reader
bardach war prisoner (sb)
bardak decanter; caraff
barde barding (for horses)
bardul crested lark
bare bare (adj); bare-vetat = bare ownership (Civil law)
barekweit lack of ornamentation
barel barrel (sb)
barge barge (sb)
bargh lean-to, shed (sb ) ( protective structure )
baride post (administration)
bariem at least
bariton baritone (sb)
bark bark (boat; sb)
Barka Cyrenaica
baron baron (sb)
baronesse baroness
baronesse baroness (sb)
barricade barricade (sb & vtr)
barrier barrier (sb)
barrio (sing) = slums (sb)
barroc (& barroco) = baroque ( adj )
barsaat in time
barsagen barley bread (sm )
barsin barley flour
bartass blackthorn, sloe-tree
bartassiev sloe
barth grayish
Bartomlomay Bartholomew
barug trachea (sb)
barwakt in time
barye hutch ( sb)
barzakh isthmus ( sb)
basalt basalt (sb)
baschascha cheerful; smiling
baschmak cloth pad (sb)
baschtin (home) soil
base base, basis ( sb) ( including arithmetics)
base ligne baseline
baseball baseball
basi cotton gray good (sb)
basiar fowler ( sb)
basilic basilica (sb)
basiliskos basilisk ( sm) (monster)
Basilius Basil
bask bundle (sb)
basm tale ( sb)
basquet ball basketball ( sb)
Basra Basra ( npr )
bass bass (sb) ( category of voice)
bassein basin (sb) ( of swimming-pool )
bassin basin ( sb )
bassira insight (sb; quality of person)
basstambur bass drum (sb)
basstrombone bass trombone (sb)
bast (basta !) = it's enough !
bastard bastard ( adj. & sb )
baste to be enough
bastide bastide
bastion bastion (sb)
bat to beat
batal canceled (adj)
batalic nullifying (adj)
batalion battalion (sb)
batasch tender (ship)
bater batter (baseball; sb)
bathyscaphe bathyscaphe
batik batik
batiste batiste
batrac frog ( sb )
batterie battery (artillery)
batterie battery ( sb; electricity; arms)
batterie-charger battery charger
bau to bark
baub to roar
Baubend Quargimtias Roaring Forties
bauk stove ( furnace; sm); bake (vtr)
baul (& baula) = bat ( sb)
baung mushroom (kay correge tod entrat)
baung fungus (sb)
baur drill ( vtr )
baurd board (sb )
baurmen opening, hole (sb)
baurnt drilling, boring
baut boot (sb)
bautin ankle boot (sb)
bautlinger toady, sycophant, apple-polisher, bootlicker, brown-nose, brown-noser, ass-kisser
bauxite bauxite
bava dribble, slobber
bave drool
bavette bib
baveus dribbling (adj)
bavoul attaché-case
baw ! Woof!
bawab doorkeeper, care-taker
bawlaw insane, mad (adj)
baxati cuttlefish (sb)
bay fear (vtr)
bayad inevitably, of course (adv.)
bayaldisse to lose consciousness, to faint
bayan report, list, statement (sm); to state (vtr)
bayasen fearful (adj )
bayat stale (food; adj)
bayduri cat's eye ( opal )
bayeat commercial transaction, deal (sb)
bayga fortune (sb)
baygat fortunate, wealthy (adj )
baygh serves mainly as an adverb and means “very”, “a lot”; as a lonely adjective means “many, much”; ( + acc. ) = to belong to
bayghti dedication, devotion (sb)
bayghtiwent devoted
bayker (motor)biker
bayle bailey, ward (castle)
bayna among (prep)
bayonette bayonet ( sb)
bayram festivity (sb)
bays (maid)servant, servant(girl)
baysa fear (sb)
bayt byte
baytel home, residence; to have one's home in
bayul bailiff (sb)
bazouka bazooka
bazu blouse (sb)
bazzaz draper (sb)
beangst cause anxiety to (vtr)
beauteit beauty (sb)
beauteit salon beauty salon, beauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty shop
beauteitstable dressing table
Bebryce Bebryce
becep impale (vtr)
beciffer to assess (to a sum, a number)
bed patch, plot (garden)
bedars to teach (someone)
bedebah ominous ( adj )
bedeh samt = to set, to crimp with
bedehlv bury (vtr)
bedehmen bezel (sb, jewel)
bedeik to set bounds on
bedeum to smoke out
bediewt (& bediewen) = openwork (adj)
bedolakh bdellium (sb)
bedouin bedouin
bedreugh to play tricks on
bedrohnct (& bedrohnken) = tipsy (adj)
bedwoi (+ acc.) = to doubt, to question
bedyehrc (+ acc.) = to notice, realize
Beerscheva Beersheba
befarm to farm (lease)
befehkht to wear oneself out doing
beflag to deck with flags (decore med flags)
befolk to populate (vtr)
befrect to charter
begehn to initiate (begin) (vtr)
begeir shop around ( vtr )
beghin beguine ( sb)
beghis (& beghs) = deprived of
beghsadab ill-mannered
beghsadab rude (adj)
beghsaum eccentric-minded
beghsgramat illiterate ( adj )
beghsorbatia unemployment ( sm )
beghspace worried (adj)
beghsses deprivation (sb)
begold to gild (vtr)
begonia begonia (sb)
begrabh bury (vtr)
begrance confine (vtr)
begrund to give a base/ground to
begwah to go all over (a place)
behand + acc . = to have at one's disposal
behandet available ( adj )
behang hanging (sb; tapestry)
behaya shameless, brazen (adj)
behayi naughty (erotic sense)
behd propose to, bid (vtr)
behder tenderer, bidder (sb)
beheme to be haunted/inhabited by
behlgh to make a bulge, to be bulging
behnd to bind (vtr)
behnd bind (vtr)
behndwr relative through marriage (adj & sb)
behng smash ( vtr )
behngos crash (sb)
behr to carry, to bear
behrcarr dray (sb)
behrd to cut up, out
behreg burden, load
behrg cliff
behrg to save, to put out of danger; cliff
behrmen burden
behrnteih to fertilize (a female)
bei bee (sb)
beich to whip
beid + acc . = to agree, to get on with
beidmen joint venturer
beige beige
beir to strike (a blow; vtr)
beirst (at) best (adv., superlat.)
Beirut Beirut (npr)
bekabel to cable (vtr)
bekalch to lime (vtr)
bekeip to be/give the picture of (vtr)
beklad to load (a recipient) (acc. = poder)
bekmehen to exhaust, wear out (vtr)
bekmess grape concentrated must (sb)
belagher besiege (vtr)
belaghern siege (vtr)
belajye wisp o' lantern ( sb)
belander (pejorative werd pro blankcuit anghen)
Belaruss Bielorussia (npr)
belast to put a strain on
belchug pendant ( sb)
beleik + acc. = to make light of
belek coot (sb)
belen henbane ( sb)
beleuc light (vtr )
belfort belfry (sb)
belg Belgian ( adj & sb)
Belgia Belgium ( npr )
Belgrad Belgrade (npr)
beliocand water milfoil
beliwk wild cat (sb)
bell beautiful (adj )
bell arts fine art
belladonna belladonna
Belle-Epoque Belle Epoque
belletters Belles Lettres ( splu )
belliciste warmongering (adj & sb)
bellicose bellicose
bellpotnia weasel (kenning)
Bellzebub Beelzebub
belog silly (adj)
belt cross belt (sb)
bemadh to dampen
bemahel bring ( before a judge ) ( vtr )
bemann occupy ( vtr , a crew)
bemeid to take the measurements of
bemeizd + acc. = to put a reward/prize on
bemern thigh (sb)
bemild to move to pity
bemohnen (& bemohnt) = thoughtful (adj)
bender port of call ( sb ); to put in at (ship, vint)
bendera oriflamme (sb)
Bendict Benedict (npr)
benedictin Benedictine
benefice benefice (church)
benefice earnings, benefit (sb) (trade)
Benghazi Benghazi
bengu thick, bushy
benigno tumor benign tumor
benjamin benjamin, youngest (adj, sm & npr ; age )
benk bench (sb)
bensin gasoline (sb) (as opposed to diesel)
bent girl
bentoo packed lunch (sb)
Benwe Benue (fluv os Nigeria)
bepaygh to assume (a cost)
bepehnd to balance, weight (vtr)
bepeiper to pepper (vtr)
bepelp to panel (vtr)
bepeulver to powder (vtr)
bepfehrst- sien ghabel finger-job, fingering
bepollen pollination; to pollinate
beprabh + acc. = give reason
beprient befriend (vtr)
bequader to frame (vtr)
ber berry (sb) (fruit)
berberis barberry (sb)
berd beard (sb)
berdvisch shaving brush
berect entitled (adj. & sb.)
berett beret (sb)
bereul to give instructions to (vtr)
bereust rust ( vtr )
Bergama Pergamon (npr)
bergsteigh steep path (sb)
bergwnt steep (adj., land)
Bering Bering
berkye stuff (vtr)
berlaz bear's den
berline Berlin carriage
Berliner Mur Berlin Wall
berlocka bullshit (!)
berme berm
Bermuda Bermuda (npr)
bermuda (schorts) bermuda shorts
berngal object of amber
berst hogweed (sb)
berstuk fescue (sb)
bert bright
bertel stretcher ( sb)
berti carrying (sb)
bertio basin, bowl ( sb )
berug windpipe, throat ( sb)
bervinca periwinkle ( sb)
beryl beryl ( sb)
beryllium beryllium (sb)
berzd wheat ( sb) ( hail, monococcum )
bes boss (sb)
beschahide to have someone as a witness
bescharam indecent (adj)
beschou shoe ( vtr )
beseh to sow/seed (a field)
besehkw + acc. = to shadow, tail (someone; vtr)
beseup to make drunk (vtr )
besic busy (adj)
beskeulk to scout around (a certain place)
besmeur to spread (ex: butter)
besoar bezoar (sb)
besonters especially (adv)
besoyn business (fact of being busy)
besoynmanagement stewardship (management)
bespehc + acc. = to realise, to become aware of
bestehg cutlery (table)
bestehm to determine (vtr)
bestehm destine, intend (vtr)
bestehnk stink (vtr)
bestial bestial (adj)
bestiar bestiary (collection of beasts)
bestiarium bestiary (book)
bestreich to tick off
besweigh to say nothing about
besweurgh worry (vtr )
besyuh to sew (to insert threads into; vtr)
bet but ( conj ) (however)
betanek concern (vtr)
betarter to scale (vtr)
betayc to say nothing about
betaysface butterface (!)
Bethania Bethany
Bethlehem Bethlehem ( npr )
Bethpage Bethphage
Bethsayda Bethsaida
betolk to address (an issue)
beton concrete (sb)
betouche touch (vtr; sex crime)
betrehv to be about
betreus confide (vtr)
betyehc + acc. = to water something, to provide water to something; to serve (a network)
betyeic supply (vtr)
beud to appeal to (someone), to make (someone) pay attention (to = dative), to demand (something)
beuf beef
beuffer buffer (sb); cushion (vtr)
beugh bend (vtr)
beumper bumper (sb)
beungi bungee jumping
beurs stock exchange, purse (sb)
beurs tan (vtr)
beursindex market index (sb)
beurst brush
beurt destiny
beuw to make grow, to make become; to cultivate (a plant)
beuy graft
bevid + acc. ( bevìd ) = to show
bewaldh manage ( vtr ) (a problem)
bewehgh move (vtr )
bewehkwen provision, proviso (sb)
beweik to accomodate (vtr)
beweik accomodate (vtr; give a lodging to someone)
beweirt to give a value to (vtr)
beweitwodd to have someone as a witness
bewos cow colostrum (sb)
beziel to aim at (vtr; fig.)
bezmen load cell, weight indicator
bfukienkiu immodest (adj)
bfurli disadvantage (sb)
bfushin fishy, shady (adj)
bfuteing indecisive (adj)
bfuxiong worrying (adj)
bfuyi non-stop, continuously (adv)
bfuyow uncomfortable (adj)
bfuzow unshakable (adj)
bfwendwan explain, to make explicit (vtr)
bi next to (with some definite articles: bei, bay, bil, bim; see Grammar)
bi-sabab + genitive = because of
biadet usually (adv )
biais bias
biaur ugly ( adj )
biaur ( sing.) = pangs ( splu )
bibelot trinket (sb)
biber beaver ( sb )
Bible Bible ( sb)
biblic biblical
bibliographia bibliography (sb)
bibliophil bibliophile
bibliothecar librarian (sb)
bibliotheque library ( sb)
bicair beaker (sb)
biceps biceps ( sb)
bich whip (sb ); past tense of “beich”
bichoun line, layout ( sb)
bid past tense of “beid”
bidal beadle, usher
bidehr to make/get chapped
bidet bidet
bidno slit ( sb )
biduar esker (sb)
bied raceway, pond, reach
bieda misfortune, unhappiness
biedan unhappy (adj )
bielbel past tense of “balbel”
bielle connecting rod
bielle motoraxekunda crankpin, crank journal
bienki chamber pot (sb)
biennale biennale (sub.)
biest beast ( sb)
biet past tense of “bat”
bieu past tense of “bau”
bieub past tense of “baub”
bieuc kiss (vtr )
bieuk past tense of “bauk”
bieur past tense of “baur”
biey past tense of “bay”
bieygh past tense of “baygh”
biface hand axe
bifangh to appropriate
bifocal bifocal
Big Bang Big Bang
big-data big data
biga biga (chariot)
bigot over-devout; religious bigot
bih to become
bih- baygat make a fortune
bihakkillah for God's/Heaven's sake !
bikini bikini
biku male beggar monk (sb)
bikuni female beggar monk (sb)
bila failing (prep)
bilax on the contrary (adv)
bild bill (small sheet of paper; sb), ballot (sb)
bile bile (sb)
bilhassa mostly (adv)
biliar duct bile duct
biliard snooker (sb)
bilingual bilingual
bilinguisme bilingualism
bilirubin bilirubin
bilkull extremely
billbord billboard
billeterie box office, ticket office (Bo id local ed id quantitat om denars daken ab determinen film)
billette billet, bar stock, blank, slug
bina building (house, place, sb)
binar binary (adj )
binar deilen fission (biology)
binayi real estate (adj.) (adjective)
bindell wisp (sb)
bingo bingo (game of chance)
binisbat compared to
binisch shower dress (sb)
binomial binomial
biocoenose biocoenosis
biodiversitat biodiversity (sb)
biofiull biofuel (sb)
biologia biology (sb)
biomasse biomass
biome biome
biometria biometrics
biopsie biopsis
biotechnologia biotechnology (sb)
biotope biotope
bioureck cheese cake (sb)
biplan biplane
bipwa loquat (sb)
bir (& bira) = beer ( sb)
birbant knave, rogue
birg birch ( sb)
birnacle barnacle (sb)
Biscaya Biscay; Gulf os Biscaya = Bay of Biscay
biscuit cookie (sb)
bisel samara (sb)
bismillah in the name of God
bison bison (sb)
bissect leap (year)
bissectrice angle bisector
bisser glass bead
bistah to assist, help
bistar bedding ( sb)
bistone Bistone
bistre bistre
biswehd get used to ( vpr )
bit ratio bit rate
bitter bitter (adj)
biuc past tense of “bieuc”
bivuack bivouac (smb)
biya cowry money
bizarre bizarre (adj)
bla bla bla yada (talking)
blagh bless ( vtr )
blaghmen priest (who blesses; sb)
blaghmonium priesthood (sb)
blah blow (vtr )
blah -horn = sound the horn
blame blame ( sb & vtr )
bland mix ( vtr )
blander liquidiser (in British English), blender
blank blank (adj)
blank stiche blank verse
blankrewos blank space
blanquet blanket (sb)
blase to make blasé
blasphem blasphemous
blaspheme blaspheme (vtr)
blasphemie blasphemy ( sb)
blaych bleach (vtr ); blaych(-lowga)
blech sheet metall (sb)
bledin lupine ( sb)
blehgh to bleat
blehs to blossom
bleid pale (adj); to turn pale (vint)
bleig to shine
bleigos flash (sudden light, fire)
bleigostor gas burner (oil) (naft)
bleigu glossy, brilliant ( adj)
blend to blend
blet edible fungus (sb; boletus)
bleuf bluff (vtr & sb)
bleus to smother
blid past tense of “bleid”
bliegh past tense of “blagh”
bliend past tense of “bland”
blieut sparkle (vtr )
blieych past tense of “blaych”
blig past tense of “bleig”
blind blind (adj & vtr)
blindet blindness (permanent disability)
blindos blind man's buff
blindses blindness (refusal of facing truth)
blink to blink
blinker car indicator
bliut past tense of “blieut”
bliute spark (sb)
blix flash (sb )
blixbrev email ( sb )
blizend glossy (adj )
blizzard blizzard (sb)
block block ( sb)
blockade blocking (sb)
blockflute recorder (flute; sb)
blockstop stop on a cheque (sb)
blohgh past tense of “blehgh”
blohs past tense of “blohs”
bloigos glowglobe (Dune; sb)
blond blond (adj)
blosk noise (sb)
blou blue (adj)
blou-rai blu-ray
blouprint blueprint (drawing)
blouse blouse (sb)
blouseut glycine, wisteria (sb)
blouson lumber jacket
bluf past tense of “bleuf”
bluft (& blufen) = dazed ( adj )
blus past tense of “bleus”
blutvurst black pudding (sb)
bneyisrael israelite
bo both
boa boa (sb)
bochengli unreasonable (adj )
bochuan no profit ( adj)
bock goat ( sb)
bodboh stupid (adj)
boder deaf (adj )
bodrum dungeon cell
bodu hooded crow ( sf )
boendien main building of a sanctuary
boengi river basin
Boethius Boethius
bog (& bogwed) = running water
bogacin bocassin (sm )
bogatur adventurer, fighter (sb)
bogaturic bold (adj)
bogmliaker water softening device
bogtor water tower
bohd past tense of “behd”
boheme bohemianism
bohlgh past tense of “behlgh”
bohnd past tense of “behnd”
bohng past tense of “behng”
bohr bore, carried (past tense)
bohrd past tense of “behrd”
bohrg past tense of “behrg”
bohrlict litter (palanquin, sb)
bohs barefoot
boi battle (sb)
boiav pugnacious (adj)
boidos agreement, understanding (sb)
boik traffic light
boinav battleship
boiot Boeotian
bojincheng ungrateful (adj)
bokal cup (big, to be held with two hands; sb)
bokir churned-up mud (sb)
bokvi mud, slush (sb)
bol bowl (sb)
bolghi cushion (sb)
bolide bolide; fast racing car
boliedd to browse ("edde waraks")
bolipehd caducifoliated (adj & sb)
bollwehrg bullwark, rampart ( sb)
bolster bolster (sb)
bolt valiant, brave, bold
boltia audacity ( sb)
bolvan idiot, stupid (adj & sb)
bombarde bomb ( vtr )
bombardement bombing, shelling attack (sb)
bombastic bombastic
bombe bomb (sb)
bomber bomber (sb)
bombyx silkworm ( sb)
bona fide good faith ( sf )
bonadministration good management/administration (ka contrar os "maladministration")
bonbon (boiled) sweet, candy
bond coupon, voucher
bond papier bond paper
bonem chap, goodman (sb)
bonem boogeyman (sb)
bongmeh to feel somebody's pulse
bongo bongo (sb)
bonito bonito ( sb)
bonmot quip, wit (sb)
bonus bonus
boot boat (sb)
bootsman bosun ( sb)
bor boron (sb)
borane borane (sb)
borb quagmire (sb)
bord board ( boat )
bordeau bordeaux (sb) ( red wine )
bordeaurudh burgundy red (adj)
bordell brothel (sb)
border (adj. au prefixe kay expremes "limite-, ye id hadh os"
bordereau slip, note, invoice
bordsklader docker, longshoreman
bordstrehl boardfire (ship)
boreck pastry (cake)
bornek bar ( sm )
bornoz bathrobe; burnous (sb)
Bors Bors (Desk)
bors tip, extremity ( sb)
borsuk badger (sb)
bosanc Bosnian (adj & sb)
bosc wood (sb) (forest)
Bosna-Hercegovina Bosnia- Herzegovina ( npr )
bosor glowing ash
bosorg elder (sb & adj )
Bosphor Bosphorus
botanique botany (sb)
botaniste botanist
botel bottle (sb)
botelghyaner bottle opener
botulisme botulism (sb)
boucanier buccaneer (sb)
boulevard boulevard (sb) (street)
boum swing (expansion, sb)
boumerang boomerang (sb)
bouquete bouquet (wine) ("odor uns vin", ne tayt ia ja existend maynens)
bouquete bunch (of flowers)
bourgogne burgundy (color, wine)
bourimee bout-rimé
boutique store, shop
bouwen (old) building (sb)
bowl ball ( sf ) ( game)
bowling bowling (sf)
bowrley impolite ( adj )
box boxing (sb)
boxring boxing ring (sb)
boya buoy (sb)
boyaukin matter (adj )
boycot boycot (sb & vtr)
boygh Dispenser (god)
boywn neck (of mounted animals, sb)
bra bro (USA), bruv (UK) (informal werd)
braca pants, undies, knickers (BR), panties
brachar armband (sb)
braconier poacher (sb)
braconierie poaching (sb)
brad coniferous tree
braghette codpiece
bragven shorten (vtr); abbreviation
bragver itner shortcut (sb)
bragvye shorten, abridge (vtr)
brahmanisme brahmanism
Brahmaputra Brahmaputra (npr)
brai to bray
braik brake (adj. & sb; vehicle)
braikdisk brake disc
braikschou brake shoe
brakh arm (limb; sb)
brakhlett bracelet ( sm )
bramber blackberry (sm)
branca chain that links prisoners together
branch branch (sf ) ( fig )
brand to burn, big fire
branddrab fire escape (sb)
brander fire ship
brandmark trademark (sb)
brandschtuk firebrand (sb)
brandtuich firebreak, fireroad, fire line (gap in vegetation)
brandy brandy (sb)
brangh scuffed (adj )
brank beetle (sb)
brasileir Brazilian
brasileir Brazilian (adj. & sb)
Brasilu Brazil ( npr )
Brasilu nuce Brazil nut (sb)
brasse breaststroke (swimming)
brassiere woman's undershirt (sb)
brater brother (sb)
bratriya brotherhood (sb)
bratruw brotherly (adj)
braungh (& branghu ) = raucous ( adj ) ( hoarse )
bravado bravado ( sb )
brave brave ( adj )
Bravo ! Bravo !
bre ! whoa ! (interj)
breche gape, hole, breach
bred pasture (sb)
bregna (splu) = freckles
brehg to break
brehger breaker (wave)
brehm to growl
brehn to bubble ( stream )
Breithen Britanny (npr)
breithenic Breton (adj & sb)
breiz to cut up, dismember
brelok piece of junk (sb)
brem foliage ( sb)
bremic leafy ( adj)
bren thought (sb; short)
Brendan os Clonfert Brandan of Clonfert ( npr )
brenk steep (adj )
brent antler (sb)
breuk caress (sb ) and stroke ( vtr ) (ex. cat )
breun (to get a) tan
breunch to brunch
breus frontside of torso and belly
breuspusc to do press-ups / push-ups
brev letter (post)
breve breve
breviar breviary ( sb)
brevsack briefcase
breyel waste land
brezdar ploughshare
Briareos Briareus
brick brick (sb)
bridek ugly ( adj)
bridge contract bridge (card game, sb)
brigandine brigandine
brigantin brigantine (sb)
brigh past tense of “brinegh”
brigv bridge (sb)
brigvcap bridgehead (sb)
bril (sing) = glasses (splu)
brilliant brilliant (adj)
brillye to be brilliant
brimbel blackberry ( sb)
brinegh to bring
brinza cheese goat ( sb)
brioche brioche
Britisch Columbia British Columbia
briz past tense of “breiz”
brocante second hand goods dealing (sb)
brohg breaking, wreck (sb); past tense of “brehg”
brohm past tense of “brehm”
brohn past tense of “brohn”; bubbling brohn
broisk bitter, rough (adj)
broker business broker
bromum bromum (sb)
bronchitis bronchitis ( sb)
bronchium bronchus
bronze bronze (sb)
bronzeblond bronze (adj )
brosch brooch (sb)
brous face down (adv)
brouteck shrub ( sb)
brov eyebrow ( sb)
brov to frown
browser browser
browsersklink tab(bed document interface)
broyn chainmail, ringmail
brozdh barbed (adj)
brozdh viel barbed wire, barb wire, bobbed wire, bob wire
brozdhos (sing.) = barbed wires (splu.)
bructor beneficiary (sb)
brug past tense of “bruneg”
Bruges Bruges (npr)
brugos enjoyment (sb)
brugs pants
bruk past tense of “breuk”
brukh wizard (sb)
brukhti wizardry (eng: wizardry)
bruks pants
brun brown (adj); past tense of “breun”
brunch brunch; past tense of "breunch"
bruneg to enjoy, profit (vtr)
brungos benefit (sb)
brungost profitable (adj)
Brunhild Brunhild
brunorange brown- orange (adj )
bruschlian climbing ivy ( sb)
brusk sudden (adj)
brustaydh fag, faggot Un meis legv rughat esiet "bulgher"
brusto bundle (of wood, sb)
brustugh bridesmaid ( sb )
brut (& brutto) = raw; gross
brutal brutal ( adj)
brute brute (sb)
brutisk brutish (adj)
Bruttinlandproduct Err :509
bruwent brow, forehead (sb)
Bruxelles Brussels ( npr )
bry to mill about; to swarm about
bryophyt bryophyte
bsinjien notebook ( sb)
bsofu granpa (sb)
bubonic bubonic ( adj )
bubu boo-boo (a minor injury, such as a scratch) (magv bah)
buchest chubby (adj )
Bucuresti Bucharest (npr)
bud end, tip ( sb ); past tense of “beud”
buddha-dharma buddhism (sb)
buddha-dharmin buddhist (sb)
budfootballer wing, winger (soccer)
budget budget ( sb)
budmen bottom ( sb)
budmenrie bottomry
budspire grounding
bufete buffet ( sb)
buffer buffer (sb); past tense of “beuffer”
buffer solution buffer solution
bufma owl ( sb)
bug bow (of ship; sb); past tense of “buneg”
bugalak horsefly (sb)
bugh past tense of “beugh”
bugon Eurasian Eagle-owl
bugsair tug ( sb)
bugsairdunos towrope (sb)
bugsairwogh breakdown vehicle (sb)
buhar mist (on glass), steam
buhsa nature, being (sb)
buir (they) were (simple past)
buit (he/she/it) was (simple past)
buk book (sb); to book
bukantiquar seller of used books
bukat mouthful (sb)
bukawul taster (sb)
bukcha bag, saddlebag (sb)
bukhalten accountancy
bukhalter accountant (sb)
bukhamaeleon (& khamaeleon) = chameleon (sb)
Bukhoro Bukhara
bukht bay (sb) ( Geo)
bukil notebook, small book
bukin (& bukina) = wind instrument (sb)
bukmaiker bookmaker (sb)
bukmark bookmark ( sb)
Bukovina Bucovina ( npr )
buksregv book spine
buksteiv letter ( sb) ( alphabet ); spell (tell the letters, vtr)
bulanco swing; see-saw (sb)
buland tall (adj)
bulav truncheon
bulbe bulb (sb)
bulbeus bulbous (adj )
bulbotuber corm
bulbul nightingale (sb)
buletin bulletin (sb) (news )
bulgar Bulgarian (adj & sb)
Bulgaria Bulgaria (npr)
bulgur wheat groats
buliende size ( sb ) ( height, tallness)
buline bowline ( sb)
bullmastiff bullmastiff (sb)
bulumach bad stew (sb)
bund bottom; bung, plug (sb)
bunduk rifle (sb)
buneg to exercise (a function)
bunga adorned with floral patterns (adj)
bungalow bungalow (sb)
bunge grove, bunch, copse
bungion bunion (sb)
bungos function (sb)
bunker bunker (sb)
bunki proper, seemly
bunn coffie grain
bunt peasants' riot (sb)
bur (sing) = ashes (splu)
burak borax (sb)
burbule bubble ( sb)
bureau bureau, office
bureaucrat bureaucrat
bureaucratia bureaucracy
burette burette
burfi white fudge
burg fortress city ( sf )
burgese bourgeois (adj & sb)
burggraf burgrave (sb)
burgmayster mayor (sb; especially in Germany or Belgium)
burgund burgundian (Germanic people)
Burgundia Burgundy
burgundion Burgundian
burin burin (sb)
burj keep (sb; castle)
burkinabe burkinabe
burlesk burlesque (adj)
burnih Lanner falcon (sb)
buroun teapot (sb)
burs past tense of “beurs”
bursch horse mane
burtukal orange ( sm )
bus bus ( sb)
Busan Busan (city of Korea)
buscar firewood search
buschee pasty ( sb) (food )
busk bush, brush ( sb)
busprit bowsprit (sb)
bust bust (sb)
bustan inner garden (of a building)
busthalter bra
bustighe to poke up (vtr)
bustok swab, sponge (sb)
buton button (sb) ( clothing )
butour pustule (sb)
butt barrel, cask (sb)
buttakmen barrel vault
butter butter (sb)
butterandos buttercup (flower)
butterbrot slice of bread and butter
buw past tense of “beuw”
bux vent, hole (output of something)
buxianxu gloomy, sinister (adj)
buychaunk compensate (vtr; to pay a compensation to)
buychaunken compensation (sb; law)
buz lip (fig; technical; sb)
bwudschow (sing) = Martial arts (splu)
bwuki armament (sb)
byaungjan iceberg
byaungjan iceberg (sb)
byssus byssus (sb)
byzantin Byzantine (adj & sb)
Byzantium Byzantium (npr)
cab (& cabin) = driver's cab, elevator car
caban pea coat (sb)
cabarett cabaret
cabin cabin (sb) (shower, driver's cab, elevator car)
cabinett cabinet (sb)
cablelonge cable's length (navigation)
Cabo Verde Cape Verde (npr)
cabochon cabochon ( sb )
Cabot Cabot ( npr ) ( Venetian seefarer)
cabotage cabotage
cabotin ham (actor)
cabriolett convertible car
cacao cocoa
cacavan stupid ( adj)
cacavania stupidity (sb)
cache cache (stet/informatique)
cacokhym dyspeptic ( adj)
cacophonia cacophony (sb)
cactus cactus (sb)
cada each, every ( adj )
cadadien daily (adj & adv)
cadaveric deathly pale
cadeau gift wrapped parcel
cadeira bergère (chair, sb)
cadelk mercury (sb) (plant)
cadence cadence (music; sb)
cadern notebook (sb)
cadett cadet (adj. & sb; young beginner)
cadre manager (member of an enterprise staff); frame (of a picture, photo)
cadreplan framing (sb; photo, etc) (photo, film...)
caduc null and void (jur.)
caerule cerulean (adj)
Caesar ( Julius ) = Caesar (Julius) (npr)
Caesarea Philippi Caesarea Philippi
caesarsegen caesarean section (sb)
cafee (café) = café (sb)
cafee-au-lait café au lait (sb)
cafetiere cofee percolator (sb)
cafre cafre
caftan caftan ( sb)
cage cage ( sb)
cai cay/key
Cai Kay (Desk)
Cain Cain (npr)
cairn cairn
caise cheese (sb )
caise torm hole (of cheese)
cajou cashew
cakhin to snigger, to giggle
Calais Calaïs
calamar squid ( sb)
calamita touchstone (sb)
calamitat calamity
calancha watchtower
calanis brim hat (sb)
calapod shoetree (sb)
calator wayfarer (sb)
calaygi tinner (sb)
calcan skate, ray (fish)
Calchas Calchas
calchun geum (sb)
calcine to burn to ashes (vtr)
calculator calculator (sb)
calcule calculate (vtr )
caldera caldera (sb)
calemper fennel ( sb)
calendar calendar (sb)
calendarwetos calendar year
calerva clodhopper (sb)
calesche barouche (sb)
calfat caulker (sb)
caliber bore, caliber
calimavca cap ( sb ) ( of pope )
Callias Callias
calligraphia calligraphy
calliomark coltsfoot (plant, sb )
callose callosity (sb)
callosic callous (adj)
caloria calorie
calpak bearskin (headwear)
calson (sing) = underpants (splu)
calstin sock (sb)
caltak bastard, swine (!)
calumnia calumny ( sb )
calumnye slander ( vtr )
calurche paper roll (sb)
calv (& kalv) = bald ( adj)
calx the foot
camaldulense camaldolese
camat usury (sb)
cambial bill of exchange
cambrian cambrian (geologia)
cambusch eye mask (sb)
camcorder camcorder
came cam (mechanics)
came-dru camshaft
camell camel (sb)
camellia camellia (sb)
camera (TV, cinema) camera
camera obscura camera obscura
camerin dressing-room (in theatres)
Cameroun Cameroon ( npr )
Camilla Camilla
camin chimney (sb)
camincap (& camincapchen) = chimney-pot (sb)
caminer chimney sweep (sb)
camion truck ( sb)
camisole camisole (sb)
camiss shirt ( sb)
camouflage camouflage (vtr & sb )
camp field ( sb) ( fig)
campan carillon (sb)
campher camphor ( sb)
campus campus
camra pantry ( sb)
Canaan Canaan (npr)
Canaani canaanite (adj & sb)
canakeve to ramble on
canal (artificial) channel ( sb)
canalisation sanitary sewer, pipeline (sb)
canar duck meat
canari canary
Canaria Canary (insule)
canavka rivulet (sb)
cancellar chancellor ( sb)
cancer cancer (sb)
cand white glowing ( adj )
cand brightness ( sb) (white)
candela candela (sb)
candid ingenuous, guileless
candidat candidate (sb ) & to apply (vint)
candidature application (as an applicant; sb)
candor ingenuousness, guilelessness (sb)
canela cinnamon ( sb )
canep hemp (sb)
canin (& canindent) = canine (tooth)
canna walking stick, rod
cannibal cannibal
canoe canoe ( sb)
canon canon (sb)
canonic canon (church, sb)
canonic ieus canon law
canonier gunner
canoniernav gunboat
canonise canonize (vtr)
canopeia canopy ( sb)
canotier boater hat (sb)
canou boat, dinghy
cantaloupe cantaloupe (sb)
cantata cantata (sb)
canther kantharos (sb)
cantic (biblical) hymn
cantilena cantilena
cantine canteen ( sb)
canton canton ( sb)
cantoner chief of a canton
cantus-planus plainsong
cantus-planus plainsong
canut greying (hairs; adj)
canvass canvas ( sb) , canvas painting , sailing (sb)
canyon canyon (sb)
cap head; cape
Cap Horn Cape Horn ( npr )
Cap os Sell Speh Cape of Good Hope
capacitat (legal) capacity
capado capon (young cock; sb)
capak lid, cap (sb)
capchen hood (sb)
capchenmur hood wall (sb)
capelle chapel (sb)
capeungst give a noogie to (vtr., it also means give one quick beat in someone's head with the fist) (supergeneric verb quod maynt “vurnes semanghens cap med cluden hand”, to maght ses oku (tik oin kshiuu cutt) we forlonct (ghnihes id peungst))
capgvol headache
capic heady; sensous (adj)
capire to twig (understand, vtr)
capistra muzzle (sb)
capital capital (wealth, sb)
capitalgain capital gain
capitan captain (sb) (vessel)
capitel chapter (sb )
Capitolin Capitol ( npr )
capitoneit padded, quilted
capitulation surrender (sb)
capitule capitulum
capitule ( capìtule ) = to surrender
capmayl cape (sm )
caponniere caponier
capot hood (of car; sb)
cappa cape ( sf )
caprice caprice (sm )
capricieus capricious ( adj)
capricornus Capricorn (sb) ( astrology)
capscript header (sb)
capscript datia header file
capsid capsid
capstah to headstand (vint)
capstand capstan (sb)
capsule cap, capsule ( sb)
capsynt cardinal sin, capital vice
captive captive (adj & sb) ; to captivate (vtr)
capture capture (vtr., sb.)
carabine carbine (sb)
carabiner carabiner
caracole caracole
caracole caracole
caracter character (sb) (feature)
caracteristic characteristic (adj, sb)
caraghiose zany
carambolage pile-up (of cars)
caramel caramel (sb)
caramelapel candy apple, toffee apple
Caravaggio Caravaggio ( npr )
caravan caravan ( sb)
caravansaray caravanserai, caravansary
caravil caravel ( sb)
carbohydrat carbohydrate (sb)
carbon carbon ( sb)
carbonifer carboniferous (geologia)
carbuncule carbuncle (sb)
carburator carburetor (sb)
carcass carcass (sb)
carcinogen carcinogenic
cardamom cardamom (sb)
cardanic apos cardan joint
Cardano Cardano (npr)
cardiac arrest caradiac arrest (sb)
cardigan cardigan (sb)
cardinal cardinal (adj & sb)
cardinal direction cardinal direction
cardiolog cardiologist (sb)
careit chequered, checked
carence deficiency, default ( sb)
caresse caress (sb & vtr)
carestia dearth; food shortage
cargo cargo (sb)
cargonav cargo boat
caribe caribbean, carib (adj & sb)
Caribe Mar Caribbean Sea
caricature caricature
caries caries ( sb)
cariteih to mark out in squares (vtr )
carkela knocker (sb)
Carl von Linné Carl Linnaeus (npr)
Carloman Carloman
Carmel (Order of Mount) Carmel
carmin carmine
carn piece of meat
carnalag last week of Advent
carnaval carnival (sb)
carniolin carnelian (sb)
carnische rod (mechanical, windows)
carnivor carnivorous (adj & sb)
caroling carolingian
caron caron (diacritic)
carp carp (fish)
carpell carpel
carpent vehicle's framework (wooden)
carpentia wagon shed
carr (& carrett & carretta) = car (sb)
carrac carrack
Carracci Carracci (italian artistes)
carrage carriageway
carreau diamonds (card game, sb)
carric quarry (sb)
carrie to carry away (ex: river; vtr)
carriere career (sb)
carroce horse-drawn carriage (sb)
carrosserie coachwork (sb)
carrousell carrousel
carte card (sb)
cartell cartel (sb)
cartendom house of cards
carter oil sump
cartesian cartesian
Carthage Carthage (npr)
carthagi Carthaginian
cartia (computer) file
cartia file (of data ; sb)
cartilage cartilage (sb)
cartilagineus cartilaginous (adj)
cartographia cartography
carton cardboard (sb)
cartoun cartoon
cartouniste cartoonist
cartusia charterhouse (sb)
cartusian carthusian (munk)
carusch carter (sb)
caruss crucian carp (sb)
carussell caroussel
casamatta casemate
cascadeur stuntman
casein casein
caserne (sing) = barracks (military; sb)
casino casino
Caspi Mar Caspian Sea (npr)
cassa cash (place; sb)
cassadar treasurer
casse to quash (law)
cassette cassette (bike) (addeih tod maynen ad ja existent Sambahsa werd "cassette")
cassette magnetic tape ( sb)
cassier cashier ( sb)
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia (npr)
cassolette cassolette (sb)
casstete (sing.) = brass knuckles (splu.)
castagnette castanet
castan chestnut (sb & adj, for “chestnut brown”)
caste caste (sb)
castell castle (sb) (fortress)
castellan lord of the manor
Castilla Castile
castrat castrato
castrol saucepan (sb)
castrum castrum (building from the Roman Empire)
casu quo if need be
casuar cassowary
casuistic casuistic
casus fortuitus casus fortuitus, cas fortuit
cat cat (sb)
cataclysme cataclysm (sb)
catacombe catacomb (sb)
catafalk catafalque (sb)
catalan Catalan
Catalania Catalonia
Catalaunic Walu Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
catalepsie catalepsy
catalog (& catalogos) = catalog (sb)
catalogic notice catalogue record; catalogic register = collection of catalogue records
catalpa catalpa (sb)
catalyste catalyst
catalytic converter catalytic converter
catalytic reforming catalyting reforming
cataphyl cataphyll
catapult catapult (sb)
cataract cataract (disease)
catarrho catarrh
catarzo raw silk
catastrophe catastrophe
catastrophenfilm disaster film/movie
catastrophic catastrophic (adj)
catcher catcher (baseball, sb)
catechisme catechism
catecholamine catecholamine
categoria category
catenaria catenary
catenoid catenoide
cater pro to cater for
caterservice foodservice
cathar cathar
Catherine os Russia Catherine of Russia (npr)
cathode cathode
catholic catholic (adj. & sb)
catiko kitten, catkin
cation cation (sb)
catkholt head cold
catnel small chain (sb)
catpisk catfish (sb)
catur crook, prowler (thief)
caucasian caucasian
caucasoid caucasoid
cauchouk rubber (sb)
caucus caucus
caud tail (sb)
caudasch straggler (sb)
cauddwer backdoor
caudluce rear light (car; sb)
caudplab tailgate (sb)
cause cause (sb & vtr)
caust coast (sb)
causter coaster (sb)
caustguardia coast guard (institution)
caustier coastal (adj)
cauterisation cauterization
caution bail, deposit (sb)
cavalerie cavalry (sb)
cavalier-servente cavalier servente (sb)
cavall horse ( sb)
cavallett easel, rack (torture)
cavalstander horse chestnut tree
cavardisse to brown (cooking)
Cavcase Caucasus (npr)
cavcasesk caucasian
caviar caviar (sb)
cavitat cavity (sb)
cavitation cavitation
cayique caique (sb)
caymak cream (fig; sb)
Cayman Insules Cayman Islands (splu)
cazma pickaxe (sb)
cazour withdrawn (fig; adj)
Cecrops Cecrops
cedd to yield
ceder cedar (sb)
cedille cedilla
ceingrliu clear water
ceinknien juvenile (sb)
celebre to celebrate (vtr) (vtr)
celebre celebrate (vtr)
celesta celesta (sb)
celique tipcat, chopstick
cell (& cellule) = cell ( sb)
cellar storeroom (sm )
cellar cell ( adj )
cello cello ( sb)
cellular cellular (adj)
celt celt
cembalo cembalo (sb)
cement cement (sb)
cemente to cement (vtr)
cemtier cemetery ( sb)
cenacle cenacle
cengkeh banker (sm ) ( in a game)
cengki fluke
cens census (ex: for suffrage)
censsuffrage census suffrage (sb)
censure censorship
centeng henchman (sb)
centigrade centigrade
centimeter centimeter (USA), centimetre (UK)
centnar half-hundredweight
central warmen central heating (sb)
centre center (sb) & to center (vtr)
centre-avant center forward (soccer)
centreleisa median strip (sb)
centrifugal (gwis) = centrifugal (force)
centrifuge centrifuge (sb)
centriole centriole
centripetal centripetal
centromere centromere
centurion centurion
Centwetsen Weir Hundred Years War
cep pike, stake
cepel onion (sb)
cephalea cephalea
cephalopod cephalopod
Cephas Cephas
ceramique ceramics (sb)
Cercyon Cercyon
cereal cereal
ceremonia ceremony (sb)
ceremonial ceremonial (adj & sb)
cernicule withers
certain certain (pronoun)
certificat certificate
cesar emperor (sb)
cesaropappisme caesaropapism
cesium cesium (sb)
cessetpiurn ceasefire
cestus cestus
cesure caesura
cetacey cetacean (sb & adj)
ceter all the other (adj)
chabuk to spur (fig. vtr)
chacra chacra
Chad Chad ( npr )
chador headscarf (sb)
chagrin shagreen
chair (university) chair
chaiselong chaise-longue
chakan grubbing-hoe
chakmak lighter, flintlock
Chalciope Chalciope
Chalcis Chalcis
chald hot (adj) ; to warm up
chaldair ballon hot air balloon
chaldend plack hot plate (sb)
chalder radiator (sb)
chaldkattil boiler (sb)
chaldsrovgehn thermal power station
chalett chalet (sb)
challenge challenge (vtr & sb)
chalschkan hard-working (adj)
chalumeau chalumeau (sb)
Cham (& Ham) = Ham (son of Noah, npr)
cham yak tail (sb)
chamber chamber (sb)
chamberlar chamberlain (sb)
chambranle chambranle (sb)
chambuk cat- to- nine- tails
champagne champagne (sb)
champion champion
championat championship
chana mass (instrument)
chanabett grumpy ( adj )
chance chance (sb)
chancel chancel (sb) helm (in a courtroom)
chandal sandalwood ( sb)
chandrawassih bird of paradise (sb)
Chang Jiang Yangtze River (npr)
change change (vtr & sb; including money); change ratio = exchange rate
chankrama gossip ( sm )
channel channel ( sm)
chantage blackmail (sb)
chantager blackmailer (sb)
chante chant (sb & adj)
chantier building (site), roadworks
chantre cantor (kyrk)
chao Goodbye !
chaos chaos (sb)
chapachul messy (adj )
chapaka Michelia chapaka
chapchay hotchpotch (sm )
chape screed, flat coating
chaprak trim (sm )
chaptalisation chaptalization
charade charade (sb)
charagah grass (sm )
charapakh shell ( sf ) & trappings ( sm)
chardak hut ( sf ) ( dry branches )
charge charge (vtr & sb)
charge med (& encharge med) = to encharge of ( vtr ; mission )
chariot chariot, cart ( sb)
charisma charisma
charitable charitable (adj)
charlatan charlatan
Charlemagne Charlemagne (npr)
Charles Martel Charles Martel
Charles V Charles V (npr; Holy Roman Empire)
charm charm (sb) (attraction, spell)
charmen hex (sb); to charm, cast a hex on
charnire hinge (sb)
Charon Charon (satellite)
charp ore (sb)
charsaf bedsheet
charta charter ( sb)
chartapacium ring binder (holder for unbound papers)
chascha pitcher ( sb)
chasma glasses ( splu ) ( adjustable )
chasse chase
chasse to chase away
chassiss chassis (sb)
chaste chaste
chastitat chastity
chat painting (sb) (color)
chateau castle (sb) (residence)
chatte chatti (adj.)
chaurr kempy (adj)
chausse hose (clothing)
chauvinisme chauvinism
chauviniste chauvinist
chauyow soy sauce (sb)
chavi chili (sb) ( pepper)
chay tea ( sb)
chayguar teaspoon (sb)
chaykhow teapot ( sb)
chayp head of cattle
Chechen Chechen ( adj. & sm )
Chechenia Chechnya ( npr )
chef chief
chefdover masterpiece (sm )
chefquartier headquarters
Chehelom Arba'een
chehise keychain, bunch of keys (sb)
chehx check (vtr)
chehxen checking, examination
chehxleis to proofread
cheid quarrel (vint & sb)
cheinghiu essential oil
chekh Czech (adj & sb)
Chekhev Chekhov (npr)
Chekhia Bohemia
Chekhia Bohemia
chekmenye overcoat (sb)
cheld fellower (servant; sb)
cheldar retinue (sb)
chelicere chelicera
chembere cap (sf ) ( woman )
chemia chemistry (sb)
chemic chemical (adj)
chemical chemical (sb)
chemiste chemist (sb)
chemotherapia chemotherapy (sb )
Chenal Insules Channel Islands
chenchal flycatcher (bird, sb)
chenopodium goosefoot (sb)
chep flail (sb)
chepkenn mantle (sm ) ( short )
chepran animated (adj)
cheque cheque, check (sb)
cherakin box of herbs
chereme damage (paid sum; sb)
cherga drapery (sb)
cherkess Adyghe ( adj , sm)
cherkin ugly, naughty (adj)
cherub Cherub (sb)
cherusc Cheruscan
cherveni gypsywort (sb)
chesk Bohemian (ex id gaivia kalto Chekhia)
chesma tap (sb)
cheus choose (vtr) & choice (sb)
cheval-de-frise cheval de frise
chevirme turn the spindle ( vtr )
chevron chevron, rafter
chewing gum chewing gum
chiam woman hairpin
chiaujaen challenge (vtr & sb)
chiaujaenic defiantly
chiba ! word used to drive a dog
chibis lapwing ( sb)
chibuk pipe hose
chic chic
chid past tense of “cheid”
chield past tense of “chald”
chiendien precipitate (sm. chemistry )
chienjwakow cool (sf )
chifan meal ( sb)
chifit tight, close-fought
chignon bun, chignon (sb)
chihn gather (sewing; sb)
Chile [tcIle] = Chile (npr)
chilene Chilean (adj & sb)
chili chili pepper
chilman venetian blind (for windows)
chilrhosa pine nuts (sm )
chilrhosa sprocket bread ( sm )
chim square of grass
chimpanzee chimpanzee (sb)
chimpid (sing) = tweezers (splu )
chimschir box (tree or wood, sb )
China China ( npr )
China Wall (& Long China Wall) = the Great Wall of China
chinar oriental plane (tree; sb)
chinchay ! nothing!
chinchu shipowner ( sb )
chinela mule ( sb ) ( slipper )
chinese Chinese (adj. & sb)
Chinghis Khan Genghis Khan (sb)
chiong deprivation, thrift (sb)
chiowdeo exactly (adv )
chip (electronic) chip
chipag woman's garment
Chiron Chiron
chirurg surgeon (sb)
chirurgic surgical
chitay delay
chitin chitin
chitrol pumpkin
chivchiv winkle (BR), wiener (USA) (child word for "penis") (Plus un maynen pro tod werd)
chivchiv chick (of chicken, sb)
chixun a little
chlorophylle chlorophyll
chloroplast chloroplast (sb)
choban shepherd ( sb)
chocolat chocolate ( sb)
choengju rice wine ( sb)
choffeur driver ( sb)
chohx past tense of “chehx”
chol forehead
cholak maimed (adj. & sb)
cholestase cholestasis
cholesterol cholesterol
chomakasch awkward customer ( sm )
chondrite chondrite
chorap stocking (sb)
chorap-ped nest egg (savings)
chorba thick soup ( sb )
chorion chorion (fetal membrane)
chorsokak cul -de - sac ( sb)
chossee causeway, pavement (sb)
choureih steal ( vtr , fam ! )
chowkider watcher ( sb)
choyk punch (strike; sb)
Christ Christ (npr)
christian Christian (adj, sb)
christiandem Christianity, Christendom ( sb)
christianisme christianism (sb)
Christina Christine
chrome chromium ( sb)
chromosome chromosome
chronic chronicle (sb)
chronometer chronometer
chrysantheme chrysanthemum (sb)
chryselephantin chryselephantine
Chrysip Chrysippus
chubbsclud chubb lock
chuff tuft (sb)
chugun cast-iron (sb)
chul cover for a horse
chulan locker (room; sb)
chung butt, grip (sb)
chungman + acc. = to be swarming with
chunke since, as ( conj)
chunsay brasenia (sb)
chuok (+ acc.) = butt in
chupacabra chupacabra
churchour cricket (sm )
churd flock ( sm )
chureto warbler (sf )
churli slander, blackbiting
chus past tense of “cheus”
chuxwetsu haemorrhage (sb)
chwauyk banana tree
chwoy stop (vtr )
chyrlig crook, crosier, (hockey) stick
cian toothpick ( sb)
ciautaung appropriate ( adj )
cicade cicada (sb)
Cicero Cicero ( npr )
ciceronian Ciceronian ( adj )
cicisbeo cicisbeo (sb)
cicone Cicon(ian)
ciengow “mists of time”
cienryou creep into (vint)
ciferblat dial (sb)
ciffer digit, cypher
cifferblat device for measuring
cifferpult dashboard
cigan gypsy (adj, sb)
cigar cigar (sb)
cigarette cigarette (sb)
cigaya breeding of wool sheep
cilinder (hat) = top hat (sb)
cilinderpension supplemental pension plan
cilique marble game
cilium cilium
cim top, mountain ridge
cimkiri nail clippers (sm )
cimriff fringing reef
cimwad low tide elevation
cincta speck ( sf )
cinctmolw goldfinch
cinctmule mule (hybrid of goldfinch with canary)
cinema cinema ( sb) ( art )
cinematographia cinematography
cinematographic cinematographic
cing asterism ( sm)
cinghensay ipomoea aquatica
cinnaber vermilion (adj & sm )
cins interest ( sb) (rate )
cinzar cousin ( sm ) (insect)
ciong dart ( sf )
cip (& ciped) = bike (sb)
cipedpaund cycle track
cipire jailer ( sm )
circa about, approximately (adv)
circin compass (drafting; sb )
circlip circlip, C-clip, seeger ring, snap ring, Jesus clip
circuit circuit
circular circular; circulaire (bo adjective ed nomen, hatta ieus)
circular economia circular economy
circule circle (sb)
circum about, around (prep) (temporal)
circumference circumference
circumflexe circumflex
circumspection circumspection
circumstancyen minutely detailed (adj.)
circumstancyet minutely detailed (adj.)
circumven to circumvent
circus circus (sb)
cirque cirque (sb) (Geo.)
cirrhose cirrhosis (sb)
cisell to chisel (vtr)
cisellure chiselling, chasing (sb)
cisgenos gender-normative
cisterciense Cistercian (adj , sb)
cisterne tank (for liquids, sb)
cisternewogh tank truck
citad (big) city ( sb)
citadell citadel ( sb)
citadin city dweller (sb & adj)
citak fearful (adj)
cite quote, cite (vtr)
citel label (sb)
citron lemon (sb)
civ citizen (sb)
civeit jugging (sb)
civic civic
civil civil (adj.; sb); civil register = civil status (sb); civil ingenieurie = civil engineering
civisme public-spiritedness
civitat city-state
civstand citizenship (sb)
clack clack (vint)
cladode cladode
clait grid, riddle (sb)
clame claim (vtr)
clamor clamour (sb)
clan clan (sb)
clandestin clandestin ( adj , sm )
clangh to reverberate, to resound
clap to lap
clar clear (adj)
clarinette clarinet (sb)
clarobscure chiaroscuro
Claros Claros
clartat clarity
clasch collide, clash (vint)
clasch-woghs bumper cars, dodgems (Id modalitat, id attraction, ne idswo wogh)
classe class, classroom (sb)
classe classify (vtr )
classenjidal class struggle
classeur loose-leaf file (sb)
classic classic
classificator classificatory ( adj )
classifie classify (vtr)
claudication claudication (sb)
claus close to
clause clause (grammar)
clause clause (sb)
claviatolk chat (vtr; on the computer )
claviature keyboard (sb)
claw sliding bolt (sb)
clehsp clip (sb & vtr )
cleich key (sb)
cleichenring bunch of keys (sb)
cleiv cleave (vtr )
cleiver cleaver (sb)
clematis clematis (sb)
Clement Clement
clenod jewel (sb)
cler clergy (sb)
cleric clergyman, clerk (religion, law)
clever clever ( adj )
clicken knock ( sm )
clieck past tense of “clack”
client client, customer (sb)
clientele clientèle, customers
clientelisme patronage
cliep past tense of “clap”
cliesch past tense of “clasch”
clift cleavage ( sb )
clihen lower, tilt ( vtr )
climat climate ( sb)
climatchange climate change (sb)
clin hill ( sb)
clinic clinic ( sb)
clinker clinker (residue nudt pro industrie, construction)
clintor back of chair
clip paper clip
clipper clipper (sb)
clique clique (sb)
clischee cliché ( sb )
clissar sexton ( sb )
clitic clitic (adj & sb)
cliv past tense of “cleiv”
clive hillock
cloak cesspit; cloaca
cloak sewer (sb)
Cloak traitement station sewage treatment plant
cloakluk manhole
clob pod ( sf )
clobuk monk's cap
clochard hobo
cloche food dome
clock bell (sb)
clockel small bell (sb)
clockflor bellflower (sb)
clocktor church tower
clohsp past tense of “clehsp”
cloin rump, hip, buttock (sb)
cloinpodia (sing.) = hindquarters (splu)
clone (to) clone
clone clone (sb)
closter cloister (sb); to cluster
cloture closure, closing
cloture closure, closing
clud to close
cludbrakh joint lock (martial arts)
clus closed
cluster cluster (music)
clusterbombe cluster bombe (sb)
clysterium lavement
clysterium enema
coatah spider monkey (sb)
cobalt cobalt ( sb)
cobay guinea pig
cobor tumble dwon (vint)
coc to cook
coca coca (plant)
Coca-Cola Coca-Cola
cocaine cocaine
cocarde rosette
coccole pamper, cuddle ( vtr )
coccolia cuddle (sb)
cocece hen house ( sb)
coch coach (means of transport; sb)
cochan maize ear; fruit-core (sb)
cochass thistle ( sb)
cocher coachman (sb)
cockpit cockpit (sb)
cocktail cocktail (sb)
cocollia cajolery (sb)
cocon cocoon ( sb )
code code (sb)
coefficient coefficient
coenozoique cenozoic (subs.)
coexist coexist
cofeine coffeine (sb)
coffer coffer ( sb)
cofie coffee (sb)
cofiedostkan cofiedostkan (sb)
cogestion co-determination
cognat cognate
cognitive science cognitive science
coherence coherence, consistency
cohesion cohesion
cohort cohort (sb)
coincid to coincide
coincidence coincidence
cojok sheepskin (sb )
cokhliar spoonful
cokw cook (sb )
colche colchian
Colchis Colchis
colfin hop-pole
colibri hummingbird
coll neck (sb)
collab collapse (vint)
collage collage
collant tight, leotard (sb)
collband necklace (sb)
collectioniste collector (sb)
collective boidos collective agreement (orbat)
collegh colleague (sb)
collegial collegial, collegiate (adj)
collegium college, comprehensive school (sb)
colloquial colloquial
colloquium colloquium
collusion collusion
colnier collar (sb)
Cologne Cologne
Colombia Colombia (npr)
colon settler
colonat colonato (sb)
colonel colonel (sb)
colonia colony (sb)
colonial colonial
colonisation colonization (sb)
color suit (of cards)
color colour (sb)
colorant colourant
colorisation colorisation
coloss colossus (sb)
Colosseo Colosseum (npr)
colostrum colostrum (sb )
colpak cap ( sm )
colportage hawking (sb)
colporter peddler (sb)
colseup close-up
coltan coltan
columbh dove (sb)
colunn (& colunna) = column ( sf )
colunnade colonnade (sf )
colza rapeseed
com (& comsamen) = together (adv)
com(samen) together (adv)
comanche comanche
comap buckle (vtr)
comarca comarca
comat hunk (sb)
combat combat (adj. & n.)
combination combination (sb)
combinator combinatory (adj)
combustion combustion
comedia comedy (sb )
comedia-ballett comédie-ballet
comesstabule constable (sb)
comete comet (sb)
comfort comfort ( sm )
comfortable comfortable ( adj )
comglauwer to curl up
comgwiven conviviality, cohabitation
Comia im Hellens League of Corinth
comic comic (adj.)
comic-strip comic strip
comics comics
comit warder (for convicts; sb)
comitee committee (sb)
comma comma (sb)
commandant commander (sb)
commande command (sb) (institution)
commandement commandment (sb) (religious)
commander commander (sb)
commandire business trip
commandiret/commandiren orbater posted worker (Eur.)
commando commando (unit)
commando-soldat commando (soldier)
commandobrigv wheelhouse bridge (sb)
commassacia land consolidation
commejer dinner (the person, not the event), eater
commente to comment
commente comment (sb & vtr)
commerce commerce (vint & sb)
commercial bank commercial bank
commercial entrepot commercial entrepôt
commode chest of drawers (sb) (furniture)
commotion commotion
commun common (adj); commun grabh = common grave
commun denominator common denominator
commun sense common sense (sb)
commune borough, commune (sb)
communicant vase communicating vessel
communie to communicate
communion communion (sb)
communiquee (communiqué) = communiqué (sb)
communisme communism
communitarisme communitarianism
communitat community (sb)
Communitat Independent Staten Commonwealth of Independent States
Comore Comoro (npr)
compag to tense, to contract (vint); past tense of "companeg"
compagnie company (sb; commercial)
compagnie samt limitet responsibilitat limited (liability) company
compagnon companion (sb)
companeg compact (vtr)
comparaisc to mate (subject: a couple) (vint)
compare compare (vtr)
compartment compartment (sb)
comparue to appear (before a court)
compass compass ( sb)
compassion compassion (sb)
compatible compatible
compense to compensate for
competition competition (sb)
compilation compilation
compiler compiler (computer; sb)
complete complete (adj; vtr)
complete un summ to complete/make a sum
complexe complex (sb, psy.) (schamkhisses)
complexe complex (adj)
complexion complexion, constitution
complicat complicated (adj)
complication complication (incl. surgery)
complication complication (sb; including surgery)
complice accomplice (adj, sb) (criminal)
complie complicate (vtr)
compliment compliment (sb)
complot plot ( sb)
compon present tense base of “composen”
component component
composen to compose (vtr)
composit compound (adj & sb); composit prev = compound prev
composit reul os tri compound rule of three
composite composite (adj)
compositor composer (sb)
compost compost
Compostela Compostela (npr)
compote compote
compotium banquet (mainly with drinks)
comprehend to comprehend
compresse compress ( sb)
compressem to compress (vtr)
compresst air compressed air
comprined to comprise
compris past participle and past tense of “comprined”
compulsion compulsion
computer computer ( sb)
computer station computer station
computerisation computerization
computerminal computer terminal
comsperg scatter (vtr ) ( object , location)
comsteurd collapse (vint)
comstrehb se _ = to fall back on oneself
comvetat co-ownership, condominium
comweida overall culture
con with (accompanied by; prep); con sellsto namos = Best regards
concave concave
concentrational concentration (adj)
concern concern ( vtr )
concert concert (sb)
concertina viel concertina wire, dannert wire
concil council (sb) (institution; Church)
conciliant conciliatory ( adj )
conclud to conclude
concomitant concomitant
concordat concordat
concorde concord
concors bankruptcy (sb)
concrete concrete (adj)
concreteih materialize (vtr)
concretion concretion (sb)
concubin (life) partner (sb)
concubinat (legal) cohabitation ( sb)
concurrence competition ( sb)
condeht riverfork
condensator capacitor (electricity ; sb)
condescendence condescension (sb)
condiment condiment ( sb)
condire pickle ( vtr )
conditer confectioner (sb)
conditerie confectioner's shop ( sb)
condition condition (sb) & to condition (vtr )
condominium condominium (when more than one entity owns the same object)
condottiere condottiero
conduct conduct (sb)
conductance conductance (electricity, sb)
conductor conductor (electricity) (electricitat)
conduit pipe (sb)
cone cone (sm)
confect confectionery (sb)
confederat confederate (adj & sb)
confer to confer
confessionalisme confessionalism
confett confess (vtr)
confide bi = to confide in ( vpr )
confident confident ( adj)
configuration configuration
configure configure (vtr.)
confine to confine
confirmation confirmation (including religion)
confirme confirm (vtr )
confluence confluence (sb)
conform correct, true (to) (adj)
conformisme conformism
conformiste conformist
confronte confront (vtr)
confucianisme confucianism (sb)
confuned to mix up, confuse (vtr)
confuned to confuse / confound (vtr)
confus confuse (adj); past and past passive participle of “confuned”
confus-ye dimly (adv )
congener fellow creature (adj & sb)
conger conger-eel
congestion congestion
conglomerat conglomerate (company)
Congo Congo (npr)
congolese congolese (adj. & sb)
congregation congregation (sb) ( Religion)
conjug spouse (sb)
conjuge to conjugate (vtr)
conjuncture (economic) situation
connaiss to know about (a topic)
connect {konnEkt} = connect (vtr)
connectome connectome
connive to connive
connotation connotation
conosment bill of lading (sb)
conscie (+ acc.) = to be aware of
conscience conscience, consciousness (sb); conscience objection = consciencious objection
consciencieus conscientious
conscription conscription (sb)
consecre to consecrate, to dedicate
consecutive consecutive
consensus consensus
consent + acc. (consènt) = consent to (vint)
consequence consequence
conservative conservative (politics; sb & adj)
conservatorium conservatory (mathalan, pro music)
conserve tinned/canned food; to conserve
conserveghyaner opener (for tins, cans; sb )
considere consider ( vtr )
consist + acc. = consist in
consistorium consistory
console console ( sb); console (vtr )
consonn consonant (adj & sb)
consortium consortium
conspiration conspiracy (sb)
conspirator conspirator ( sb )
conspue to conspue
constant constant
constante constant (mathematics; sb) (mathematique)
Constantinople Constantinople
Constantinus Constantine (Roman Emperor)
constellation constellation
consternat dismayed ( adj )
consterne to consternate
constitution constitution (sb)
construction construction (sb)
constructive effect rule of effectiveness (law)
construg build ( vtr )
consul consul (sb)
consulat consulate (sb)
consultationsfirma consulting firm
consulte consult (vtr)
consumm (& consummation) = consumption (sb)
cont (& conto) = account (sb)
contact link, contact ( sb)
contact linses contact lenses
contag past tense of “contaneg”
contagieus contagious ( adj)
container container (sb)
containernav container ship (sb)
contaneg contact (vtr)
conte to count (incl. "to have influence")
conte count (sb, vtr)
conteit county (sb)
contemple to behold
conteste contest ( vtr )
contigu ad adjacent to
continental drift continental drift
continental schelf continental shelf
contingent contingent (sb)
continue to continue
contocorrent transactional account (sb)
contocorrentbalance current account (balance of payments)
contolker person spoken to (sb)
contor counter (sb); lawyer's office
contorsion contortion
contour outline, contour (sb)
contra-filete sirloin steak, tenderloin, upper fillet
contra-gol own goal (ex: soccer)
contrabalance to counterbalance (vtr)
contrabande contraband (sb)
contrabass bass ( sf )
contraception birth control
contraceptive contraceptive (sb)
contradic contradict
contradic ( contradìc ) = contradict (vtr)
contradictor adversarial (adj)
contrafac counterfeit ( vtr )
contrafagot contrabassoon (sb)
contrafort buttress (sb) (architecture)
contraforte contraforte
contragend magha contracting authority (public tenders)
contrakneigv to butress
contralto contralto (sb)
contramande to countermand (vtr)
contrapart counterpart (sb)
contrapoint counterpoint
contrar contrary
contrarevolution counter-revolution
contrarietat contrariety (fact of being contrary)
contrasignature countersignature
contraste contrast (vtr & sb)
contrattaque (to) counterattack
contravention contravention, fine (sb)
contre to counter
contrecoup contrecoup
contribue (+ acc. ) = to contribute to
contrition contrite ( adj)
control control (vtr & sb); control system = controls ( splu )
controleur ticket inspector, bus conductor
controlluce warning light (sb)
controvers /controverten = controverted
controverse controversy (sb)
contuned to bruise (vtr)
contus past participle and past tense of “contuned”
contusion bruise, bruising ( sb )
convall lily of the valley (sb)
convent [konvEnt] = convent (sb)
converg converge (vint)
conversation conversation (sb)
convert to convert (vtr)
convexe convex
convinec to convince
convivial user-friendly, guest-friendly
convoy convoy
convulg convulse (vtr)
convulsive convulsive
cooperative cooperative, co-operative, co-op, coop
cooptation co-option
coordinat coordinate (sb)
cop cop (sb; policeman)
copel chip (ex. of wood; sb)
Copenhaghen Copenhagen (npr)
copie copy (sb & vtr)
copierect copyright (sb)
copil scoundrel (sb)
Coppernic Copernicus (npr)
coppernican copernican
coptic Coptic (adj, sb)
corall coral (sb)
Coran Quran (sb)
corbach riding crop (sb)
corbh basket (sb)
corc cork, stopper (sb)
corcaig cork-oak
corce bark (sb)
corcscruv corkscrew (sb)
corcuk crow (sb)
corcuksnest crow's nest (sb)
cordeguardia gatehouse, guardhouse (sb)
cordial cordial (adj)
cordialitat warmth, cordiality (sb)
cordillera cordillera
cordon-sanitaire cordon sanitaire, sanitary cordon
Corfu Corfu (npr)
coriander coriander (sb)
coridion St John's wort (sb)
Corinth Corinth ( npr )
corinthi Corinthian (adj. & sb)
cormat cider (sb)
cormoran cormorant
cornea cornea
cornea cornea
corner corner kick
cornete cornet (sb)
cornice cornice (sb)
cornut chickweed (sfb)
coroll corolla ( sb )
corollar corollary (sm , adj )
corporation corporation
corpos body ( sb)
corposveurnen (sing) = assault ( splu )
corps ad corps hand-to-hand, clinch
corps-de-logiss corps de logis (sb)
corpulent stout ( adj )
Corpus Christi Corpus Christi
corpuscule corpuscle
corrasion corrasion
corrector chirurgia corrective surgery
corrector chirurgia corrective surgery
correcture proof (sheet)
correg correct (vtr)
correle to correlate (vtr)
correspond correspond (vtr)
correspondence correspondence (sb) (letters )
corridor corridor ( sb)
corrobore to corroborate
corrosion corrosion
corrumep to corrupt
corrup past tense of “corrumep”
cors Corsican ( adj , sb )
corsan rover ( sb)
corsar privateer (sb)
corselett bodice (sb)
corsett corset (sb )
Corsica [kOrsika] = Corsica ( npr )
cort short ( adj)
cortanem wheezy ( adj)
cortannem puffing (adj.)
cortege procession ( sb )
cortin curtain ( sb)
cortjamb stocky (adj )
cortmetrage short movie
cortoyer courtier ( sb)
cortschluss short circuit (sb)
corymb corymb
coryphayos coryphaeus
coschar gate
coschmar nightmare ( sb)
cosin window frame
cosinus cosine
cosmetic cosmetic (adj)
cosmetique cosmetic product (sb)
cosmic microwanden aptergrund cosmic microwave background; cosmic skapsyrat = escape velocity (sb)
cosmopolit cosmopolitan ( adj)
cost cost (sb) & cost (vtr)
costeus costly
costor tin-ore
costpris cost price
costume suit (clothing)
cot coat (sf )
coteau coteau, hillside
cothern buskin
cotlan corner (sm )
cotlett chop (meat; sb )
coton cotton ( sb )
couard coward (sm. & adj)
couardice cowardice ( sf )
couch sofa ( sm )
couchee papier coated paper
couchette couchette (sb)
cougar cougar (sb)
coukie cookie (internet)
coul cool (adj; fig. as in "keep cool" !)
coulee (mud)flow, (snow)slide
coulisse set construction (in theatres)
coup cup (sb)
coup-d'etat coup d'état
coup-de-theatre dramatic turn of events
coupee coupé
coupee (& coupé) = compartment, coupé (train)
coupel dome, cupola
couple couple
couplen clutch (on cars)
couplet song verse
coupon coupon (sb)
courage courage ( sb )
courant account, report
court-bouillon court bouillon
cousin cousin (sb)
couvrefeu curfew (sb)
covehr cover (an event) (vtr + sb)
covehr tapestry, cover (ex: book; sb); to cover
covehrbeuwen cover crop
coven coven (sb)
cox coke (sb)
coyer bloated, swollen (adj )
coyote coyote
crabe crab (sb)
crack ace, crack (like in "Brazil ace Ronaldinho believes Beckham will help AC to win trophies" or "at school she is an ace at quantum physics")
crackel crack (vtr )
cracken creak, creaking (sb)
cramp cramp ( sf )
cranium skull and crossbones
cras tomorrow (adv )
crasch crash ( vpr )
crasp + acc = to clench on ( vpr )
crastin of tomorrow ( adj )
crater crater (sb)
crauv raven (sb)
cravat tie (on neck; sb)
crawl crawl (swimming)
crayk hornet (sb)
creation creation
cred belief (sb)
credeih believe (vtr)
credie Wednesday (sb)
credit credit (sb)
creditise credit (vtr)
credits credit (creative art) (s.plu.)
credule credulous
cree to create (vtr)
crehng to list (vint ) ( vessel)
crehsc grow (vint); rise, increase (sb)
crehsp crunch, munch (vtr)
creisch to yelp, to bawl, to squeal
cremat cremate (vtr.)
cremation cremation
crematorium crematorium
creme cream-coloured
creme-de-cassis crème de cassis
cren horseradish ( sb)
creole creole
Creon Creon
creosote creosote
crepat cracked ( adj)
crepe (papier) crêpe paper
crepe bande crêpe
crepire to die (slowly; !)
crescent crescent (sb)
creschma tavern ( sf )
creschmer keeper ( sm )
cressen watercress (sb)
crest crest (sf )
cretacee cretaceous
Crete Crete ( npr )
cretic Cretan ( adj , sb)
crevasse crevice (sb)
crewent covered with blood (adj.)
cricit screamed (3° sing past tense)
crick creek, inlet
crie scream; cry (vtr & sb)
crieckel past tense of “crackel”
criesch past tense of “crasch”
criesp past tense of “criesp”
crime crime (sb); crime os/as les majestat = lese-majesty (sb); organise-n/-t crime = organised crime
criminal criminal (adj & sb)
crin horsehair
crinar mane (sb)
cripia manger (sb); Nativity scene ( sb)
criquet cricket (sb)
crisch past tense of “creisch”
crise crisis ( sb)
crisp frizzy, fuzzy (adj )
crispe to backcomb ( hair)
cristall crystal ( sb )
cristallite (gran) = crystallite (sb)
cristallreceptor crystal receiver
Cristoforo Colombo Christopher Columbus (npr)
criterium criterion (sb)
critic critical (adj)
critique criticism (sb)
critique to criticize
critiquer critic (sb)
crocus crocus (sb)
crohng past tense of “crehng”
crohsc past tense of “crehsc”
crohsp past tense of “crehsp”
cron crown ( sb)
cronapel queen of the pippins (apple)
cronschtayn cleat (sb)
croquet croquet (game)
croquette croquette (sb)
croquis croquis (sb)
crosct growth ( sb)
crossing-over chromosomal crossover (genetique)
crotal antique cymbal, crotale (sb)
croupier croupier (sb)
crovat bed ( sb )
crovatbohnden bedridden
crovatbohndt bedridden
crowding-out crowding out (sb)
cruassant croissant (sb)
cruce cross ( sb & vtr )
cruce-alamat dagger (typography)
cruceade crusade (sb)
cruceit crusader (sb)
crucen intersection (sb)
crucer cruiser (sb; warship)
crucesprehg cross-examining (adj)
crucestrehl crossfire (sb)
crucewerds crosswords (s.plu.)
crucial crucial
crucifict crucify (vtr)
crucifix crucifix (sb)
crue vineyard, wine (sb)
cruel cruel
cruise cruise (sb)
cruor gore, shed blood
cruorgheuss bloodbath, bloodshed
cruoric bloody (adj)
cruorlasni bloodthirsty (adj)
cruppel cripple
crusber redcurrant (sb)
cruste crust (sb)
crusten very cold (adj)
cruzen baptize (vtr )
cryogenique cryogenics (sb )
crypt crypt ( sb)
Cuba Cuba ( npr )
cubaba cubeb ( sb)
cuban Cuban (adj. & sb)
cubic meter cubic meter (sb)
cubil bunk (to lie down; sb)
cubtal elbow ( sb)
cuch doggie (sb)
cuchia kennel (sb)
cucin kitchen (sb)
cucin-buk cookbook, cookery book
cucuflor oxalis, sorrel (sb)
cuincule rabbit (sb)
cuirassier cuirassier
cuisine cuisine (art os cocen)
cuissot haunch (sb)
cuit skin ( sb)
cuitan cutaneous
cuitmaigher skinny ( adj )
cul-de-sac cul de sac (sb)
culasch horsgray-fawn horse (sb)
culcin cushion (sb)
culcutar colcothar (sb )
culinar culinary ( adj )
culinaria Culinary Arts (splu)
culmen escarpment, top, summit (sb)
cult cult
cultivar cultigen, cultivar (sb)
cultive to cultivate (vtr)
cultor farmer (sb)
cultural area cultural area
culture culture
cumb coomb, combe, dale
cumebh to lay down (vtr)
cumin caraway seeds, cumin (sb)
cumpater godfather (sm)
cumraeg Welsh (adj, sb)
Cumri Wales (npr)
cumulation accumulation
cumule accumulate (vtr); heap (sb)
cungeid leave (sb); to dismiss (vtr)
cuniko young male rabbit (sb)
cunupide cauliflower (sb)
cunvenn chat (sb)
cuper copper (sb)
curatele guardianship (sb)
curator curator ( museum) (sm )
curbel crank (sb)
curbeldru crankshaft
curbit cucurbita maxima (sb)
curdisse to wind up (a mechanism)
cure curing ; to cure (food preservation)
cure cure (sb) (religion); course of treatment
curieus curious
curpen gimlet, spiral (sb)
curr to run
curral pen, enclosure (sb)
current current (adj )
current balance current account (balance of payments)
currier courier
currier messenger
curs course (sb); past participle & past tense of “curr”
cursia passageway
cursive italic (writing)
curt court (sb, fig); Curt om Assises = Court of Assises
Curt-Martial Court-Martial (sb)
curtese courteous (adj)
curtesia courtesy (sb)
curtisane courtesan (sb)
curtise woo (vtr)
curve curve, bend ( sb)
cuschuta dodder (sf )
cuscuss couscous ( sm )
cuscussier couscoussier {kuskusyEr}
cuskat stock dove
custodia custody
customise customize (vtr)
cutia small box (sb)
cutt blow (sb)
cutter cutter (vessel, sb)
cuvee vintage (wine)
cuvoukel cubicle, loose-box
cyanacid cyanide
cyanobacteria cyanobacteria (sb)
Cyclades Cyclades
cyclas cyclas (sb)
cyclop cyclop ( sb)
cyclopean Cyclopean ( adj )
cylinder barrel (sm )
cylindrat engine displacement
cymbal cymbal ( sf )
cymber savory (sf )
cyme cyme
cynic cynical ( adj )
cypress cypress (sb)
cypriak Cypriot (adj. & sb)
Cypros Cyprus
Cyrene Cyrene
cyste cyst
cystic fibrose cystic fibrosis
cytoplasme cytoplasm
cytoskeletum cytoskeleton
daanistah knowingly (adv)
dabdab kettledrum (sb) (music)
daber artisan, craftsman (sb)
dabh to cut up (vtr)
dabron benevolent (adj )
dac Dacian ( adj , sb)
dach hem ( sb )
dachin (sing) = portable scales (splu)
dadayisme dadaism
dadmam father and mother
dadw provide ( vtr )
Daedel Daedalus ( npr )
dafan burial ( sb)
dafni laurel (sb) ( tree )
daftar (long) list
daftar (long) list (sb)
daftarnukta bullet (typography)
daga dagger (sb)
dagh to switch on, to light
daghcleich ignition key ( sb)
daghsysteme ignition ( sb) ( vehicle )
daguerreotype daguerreotype
dah give (vtr )
dahi ingenious (adj)
dahsit (he/she/it) gave
dais canopy (furniture; sb)
daiwer brother-in-law
dajal imposter, usurper (sb )
dak receive, get ( vtr )
dakh thatched roof
dakhdom cottage (sb )
dakhel (entrance) lobby (sb)
dakika instant ( sb; minute )
dakru tear ( sb )
dakrue to be watering (eye)
dakrugehn eye-irritating, lachrymatory (adj. & sb)
dakruwent tearful (adj)
dal (& dalin) = valley, dale ( sb)
dalg far ( adv )
dalgayu longevity ( sb)
dalgayun long-lived ( adj )
dalger farther, further (adv)
Dalgnord Far North
dalgtosneih to radio-control
dalit dalit
dallal broker (sb)
dalt chisel ( sb)
dalworts downstream (adv)
damar string (sb) ( of bow )
dame lady, ma'am (sb); queen (card games; sb)
damenleik (sing) = draughts (game)
dames draughts (game)
damika miss (sb)
damn damage ( sm )
damnation damnation ( sb)
damu World Axis
dandy dandy
dangalak booby (sm )
danger danger (sb)
dank thank (sb & vtr); dank ! = thank you (interjection); dank spollay = thank you very much !
dankali sweet potatoe (sb)
Danmark Denmark (npr)
dans dance (sb & vtr)
danser dancer (sb)
dansk Danish (adj)
dansplor dance floor
dansster female dancer
dantelle lace (sb )
dantesk Dantean (adj., daunting)
Danube Danube (npr)
danv spruce ( sb; tree )
Danwper Dnieper
Danwster Dniester
danxiow magazine (sb) (of a weapon)
dapan feast meal (sb); to have a feast meal (vint)
daper sacrificial animal
Daphne Daphne
dar to hold back, to hold steadily (vtr/vint); still (adv)
Daraa Daraa
daraja chemin de ronde
darajagwah rounds, patrol (sb) (guard)
darak carding machine
darban porter (sb)
Dardanelles Dardanelles (splu)
darm firm (adj); darm disk = hard disk drive (sb)
darman false antidote
darmeg bread of fine flour
darmen bearing, position (sb)
darmo memoria read-only memory
dars lecture (teaching; sb)
darv bitumen (sb)
darvsand oil sand (sb)
darwisch dervish (sb)
darya Inland Sea (sb; poetic)
darz vein (sb; of metal)
dasch dash (writing)
daschtban rural policeman (sb)
daskal school teacher (sb)
dastkar healer (sb)
dastur (mandatory) rule (sb)
dat as, given that (conjunction)
database to file, record (in a database) (verb)
daten beorbaten data processing ( sm )
datia file (of data; sb)
dau-hoi hook above
dau-moc horn (diacritic)
dauganeid ne'er-do-well
daugh ka to serve as (to = dative)
daugh- ka... ad to serve as a... to
daulat public power (sb; State); Daulat Islams in Irak ed Schaam = "Islamic State" (terrorist group)
daulg soot (sb)
daum to wonder
daumos marvel, wonder ( sb)
daumost wonderful (adj )
daun rope (sb)
daunbrigv rope bridge
dauner funeral (adj.)
daunet death (sb); to die (vint)
daunos funeral (sb)
daunoscampan knell, toll
daunost fatal ( adj)
daunoswogh hearse (sb)
daut dead (adj); past participle and past tense of “daunet”
dauyn cable ( sb ) ( rope )
dauynvia towing path ( sb )
davit davit
dawa litigation
dawi litigious (adj)
dawti fuel (sb)
day to divide up
daybien ( sing ) = feces ( splu )
daydey in general (adv )
dayi general idea
dayim constantly ( adv)
dayir concerning ( prep )
daykhway meeting, rally (sb)
dayluk mainland ( sb)
daymio daimyo ( sb )
dayn creditor ( adj , sb )
dayrliaung large quantity
dayschawbien faeces and urine ( splu )
de about (prep)
deambulatorium ambulatory (in church, sb)
debat debate (sb)
debil feeble, wimp
debit due ( adj ) ( money )
debitcarte debit card (sb)
debite to debit (vtr)
debos suitableness
debris (sing) = debris (splu)
debses propriety, decorum (sb)
debute debut (artistic)
dec ten (num)
decadence decadence
decalogos decalogue
decan dean (sb)
decante decant (vtr)
Decapolis Decapolis
decedd to die, to pass away
december december (sb)
decen ten (sb)
decennium decade (sb)
decent [dëtsEnt] = decent
decentralise to decentralize
decep [dëtsEp] = disappoint (vtr)
deception disappointment (sb)
dechee to demean
dechristianisation dechristianisation
decid {dëtsId} = decide (vtr)
decime decimate (vtr)
decis decided
decisionhehlp informatique business intelligence
decisive stehm casting vote
deck pillowcase (sb); deck of ship (sb)
decking decking (sb; ship)
declare declare (vtr)
decline decline (vtr & sb)
decoction decoction
decolletee low-cut, low neckline
decolonisation decolonization
decomposen to decompose (vtr) (vtr)
deconcentre to devolve (ex: administration, vtr)
deconstruction deconstruction
decontrag chill, relax
decor decor (sb)
decore decorate (vtr )
decos dignity (sb)
decouple to decouple, uncouple
decrepit decrepit (adj)
decrepitude decay (sb)
decret decree (sb & vint)
deculturation deculturization
dedh to curd, to clot
dedhen curdled milk
dedication dedication (sb)
dedie dedicate (vtr )
dedru skin disease ( sb )
dedruk spot ( sb ) (on skin)
dedrut (& dedrun) = pockmarked ( adj)
deduc deduce (like in "From the information received from the Spanish authorities, it is not possible to deduce that the same measures would have applied to other companie...")
dedwrnt clot (sm )
defalque to deduct (vtr)
defaul to catch out (vtr)
default default (sb)
defect breakdown (mechanics), in a breakdown (adj.)
defect default (sb; in a machine)
defection defection
defector renegade (sb)
defend ( defènd ) = defend (vtr)
defense defence (sb)
defensive mediocampiste defensive midfielder, holding midfielder (soccer/football)
defensor defender, fullback (sports)
defereit déféré (French law; sb)
deference deference (sb)
deferent deferential ( adj)
deficit deficit ( sb )
deficitar loss-making
defilee parade (sb ) ( review )
defineih to define
definition definition (sb )
defis hyphen -
deflagration explosion sound (sb)
deflation deflation
defleg deflect (vtr)
deflore deflower
deforce forced (adj)
deforestation deforestation (sb)
defrock to defrock (vtr)
defunct deceased (adj)
degasification degassing (sb)
degener degenerate (adj)
degenere degenerate (vintr.)
deglobalisation deglobalization
degrade degrade (vtr)
degram molar ( tooth ) ( sb)
degree degree (sb)
degveih wither (vint)
degvihen wither (vtr)
deh to put
dehbh (vtr ) = ought to
dehbhen assent (sb)
dehesa dehesa
dehk to fit (something into)
dehk to fit together
dehl delude, deceive ( vtr )
dehlft delving (sb)
dehlg must (vtr)
dehlv to delve
dehlwrnt snare ( sm )
dehm to put ub, to train
dehmber framing (sf)
dehn to flow, to pass by (vint)
dehnend fluid (adj) (traffic)
dehnk to bite (vtr)
dehnkel to nibble at
dehnksrig very cold
dehnquote stream flow
dehnu riverstream
dehr to tear
dehrbh spoil ( vpr )
dehrj to hold
Deianeira Deianira
deidel teat
deidikie display ( sm )
deigh dam ( sf )
deighmen modelling (sb, relief of forms)
deighos rampart of mud ( sm )
deih suck (vtr )
deihbotel baby's bottle (sb)
deihnu dairy animal
deik signpost (sb)
deik to show, to indicate
deil share (vtr); deil con = to deal with
deilule small machete (sb)
deimen nurse (who gives milk)
deisme deism
dejour to be on duty
dekhschat frighten (vtr )
dekhschat terror (sb)
dekhschatic horrifying, appalling (adj)
delator delator
delband turban ( sb )
delectation delight ( sb )
delegation delegation (sb)
deleteri deleterious ( adj )
deliberation deliberation (sb )
delicate delicate (adj )
delicieus delicious (adj )
Delilah Delilah
delinquent delinquent
delirant delirious (adj )
delirium delirium (sb)
dellal town, public crier ( sb)
delphin dolphin ( sb)
Delphoi Delphi ( npr )
delt tent (sb)
delta delta (sb)
deltaplan hang glider (sb)
deluge deluge (sb)
deluxe luxurious (adj)
dem district, territorial unit, division of a territory
demagog demagogue (sb)
demande demand (sb & vtr)
demarcation demarcation
dematesia structural system (building; sb)
dement ({dëmEnt} & demential) = insane, mad (adj)
dementia dementia
demerit shortcoming
Demeter Demeter
demikat (sing) = croutons (splu)
deminen demining (sb)
demiurg demiurge
demneh tame (vtr)
democrat democrat
Democratic Respublic ios Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
demographia demographics
demographic projection population projection
Demokrit Democritus (npr)
demon demon (sb)
demoniak demoniac (adj)
demonstrant demonstrant
demonstration demonstration (sb)
demontage dismantling (sb)
demonte to take apart, to dismantle, to dismount (vtr)
demos people (sb) (in a district)
demosia rental charge (sb)
demotic demotic (adj)
demped house floor
demsadpeurten filiation (including adoption)
demseconomia consumer/home economics
demspoti house master (sb)
demspotnia housewife (sb)
demystifie to demystify
Den Haag The Hague (npr)
denars (splu) = money (sing)
denartransport cash-tansport(ation) (sb)
denatalitat sub-replacement fertility
denaturation denaturation
denda (punishment) = penalty, sanction (sb)
denegen service denial of service (computer)
dener depression (of terrain)
dengji see-saw, weighing scale (sb)
dengji bark pirate ship (amusement ride)
dengjiekwo rocking horse
dengu cloudy (sky, adj)
denigre denigrate
Denis Dennis
denote denote (vtr)
denou to unravel (situation) (vtr/vint; fig. ex. storia)
denoument dénouement, outcome
dens (& densu) = dense ( adj)
densat densely packed ( adj )
dent tooth ( sb)
dentar arcade dental arch
dentemayl tooth enamel
dentia denture (sb)
dentiste dentist (sb)
dentition dentition (sb)
dentpaste tooth-paste (sb)
denunce to denounce (vtr)
denwrnt back of hand, flat side of a blade, blade (of propeller)
deodorant deodorant
department department
depend (depènd) = to depend on
depesche dispatch, news (sb)
dephase dephase (vtr.) ; to be out of phase (Bo phisic ed figurative maynen)
depineg to depict (vtr)
deplore deplore (vtr)
depon present tense base of “deposen”
deponia (garbage) dump (sb)
depopule to depopulate (vtr)
deporte deport (vtr.)
deposeih deposit ( vtr ) ( trade)
deposen to depose (a sovereign)
deposen to depose (vtr)
deposit handling ( sb) (activity)
deposit deposit ( sb) (bank)
deprave deprave (vtr)
depression depression (sb)
depulg to drive out (from cover)
derailer derailleur gears
derailment derailment
deranget (& derangen) = disturbed ( adj ) (mentally )
derbeder slapdash ( adj )
derder to grumble
dered tordylium (sb)
derghen male dogwood
derid to ridicule (vtr)
derision derision
derisor derisory (adj)
derivat derivative (sb; including finance)
derive to derive
deroge (+ acc.) = to depart from
derrick derrick (sb)
derv faithful (adj)
dervente narrow gorge or pass
desaddic (ud) to dry out (vtr, addiction)
desaffectet disused ( adj )
desamat unpleasant (adj)
desarmament disarmament (sb)
desaster disaster ( sb)
desburs disbursement (sing.)
descend to descend
descendant descendant
descharge discharge (finances) (bukhalten, finances)
desconcerte disconcert (vtr)
descrehsc decrease
describ describe (vtr)
desenchantement disenchantment
desert desert (adj & sb)
deserteur deserter ( sb)
desertire to desert (as a soldier, vint)
desfigure disfigure (vtr)
desguise disguise (vtr / vint)
deshonor disgrace, dishonour (sb)
deshumanise dehumanize
deshydrate dehydrate (vtr)
desinfectant desinfectant (adj & sb)
desinstalle uninstall (vtr)
desinteresse disinterest
desinvolture casualness (sb)
desire desire (sb & vtr)
desk round table
desktop desktop (the main graphical user interface of an operating system) ; — computer = desktop computer
desktop-publication desktop publishing
deskwide (!) = lose (vtr)
desloge dislodge (vtr)
desmantel dismantle (vtr)
desmemberment dismemberment
desno fane (sb)
desolation distress, grief, desolation
desoriente disorientate
desperat desperate (adj)
desperation desperation (sb)
despere to despair
desplace displace (vtr)
desploy unfold, display (vtr/vpr)
desployment deployment
despot despot
dessacralise desecrate
dessert dessert (sb)
dessous ( splu) = (woman's) underwear (sing)
dessteiv lodge (vtr, agriculture)
dessteiven lodging (agriculture)
destination destination (sb)
destine destine (vtr)
destroyer destroyer (vessel; sb)
destrug destroy (vtr)
destull quite (adv)
desvantage disadvantage
detachable colnier detachable collar (sb)
detache detach (vtr)
detayl detail (sb & vtr)
detective detective
detectiven roman crime fiction novel
deteg detect (vtr)
deten ( detèn ) = to detain
detente détente (sb ) ( political relations )
detergent detergent (adj & sb)
deterioration deterioration (sb)
determination determination (sb)
determine to determine (vtr)
deteste dislike (vtr)
dethron dethrone (vtr)
detour detour (sb)
detractor critic, detractor
detriment detriment (sb)
deub deep (adj)
deub kuss deep kiss
deubdruck intaglio (printmaking)
deubfrehser freezer (sb)
deugh to make come, to make happen, to get (vtr)
deughos batch (quantity of things produced) (= Eng. "batch")
deughos (publication) issue
deughos beorbaten batch process
deughos beorbaten batch process(ing) (industry)
deulg to owe
deulgen financial claim ( sb )
deum to smoke (to emit smoke, vtr & vint)
deumkyal smoking room (sb)
deurgh maim ( vtr )
deurs to dare
deurseck cheeky (adj )
deurseckia insolence
deursia audacity; venture ( sb)
deursic daring, bold
deursic daring, audacious
deusel dazzle (vtr )
deusk dark (adj) ; to darken, grow sombre (vint)
deusk materia dark matter (sb)
deuspont rainbow (sb)
deutsch German (adj. & sb); Deutsch Confederation = German Confederation
Deutschland Germany (npr)
deuyker culvert ( sm )
deuys to fail (vint)
deuyseih counter (vtr)
devalue to devaluate (vtr; finance)
deviant deviant
devolv to devolve (vtr)
devotion devotion (sb)
dewer whirl (sb)
dexel helm (sb)
dexghend right-handed (adj & sb)
dexia skill (sf )
dexios briskly ( adv)
dexter right (direction)
dexteritat dexterity ( sb)
dextro to the right
Dhaka Dhaka
dia towards (moral meaning; prep)
diabel devil ( sb)
diabetes diabetes (sb)
diabetic diabetic (adj)
diablo imp, little devil (sb)
diabrehgh saturate (vtr)
diacritic (alamat) diacritic (sb)
diadehtor certifying officer (sb; accountancy)
diademe diadem (sb)
diafa welcoming present, gift (sb)
diagnose diagnosis (sb) & diagnose (vtr)
diaken deacon (sb)
dialehg to have a conversation
dialogos dialogue (sb)
diamant diamond
diameter diameter
diaphen diaphanous (adj)
diaphragma diaphragm (mems)
diapo slide (photo; sb)
diapositive slide (photo; sb)
diar diary (sb)
diarrhea diarrhea ( sf )
diaspehr scatter (vtr )
diatribe rant ( sb)
diayn indigo dye
dibaj brocade ( sb)
dicotomia dichotomy (sf )
dictator dictator ( sm )
dictature dictatorship (sb)
dicte to dictate (a condition)
diction diction
dictionar dictionary (sb)
didbani lookout (ex: tower; sb)
Dido Dido (npr)
diedel fibula
diedw past tense of “dadw”
diehen attach ( vtr )
dieji saucer ( sb)
diek big box (for storage); got, received (past tense)
diemen link (sb)
diemmen to bondage (sb)
dien day (sb)
dienaurdhen order of the day, agenda
dienchi (removable) electric battery (sb)
dienghia refined (adj)
dienk past tense of “dank”
dienkia domestic electric appliances (adj , sm)
diens past tense of “dans”
dientow to bow ( vint)
dienxia square (before a church, a temple...) ( sm )
dier past tense of “dar”
diesel diesel
diete diet (sb) (weight loss)
dieugh past tense of “daugh”
dieum past tense of “daum”
dieupter Supreme God
Dieuspater Supreme God
diewo daylight ( sf )
diey past tense of “day”
differ to postpone, to put off
difference difference (sb)
differencye differentiate ( vtr )
differendum dispute ( sm )
different different
different different
differential differential (sb, math.)
difficil difficult
difficil difficult (adj)
difficultat difficulty (sb)
digest digest (vtr)
digestive digestive (adj)
digestive tract digestive tract (sb)
digh past tense of « dinegh »
dighme to turn off
dighmo oblique (adj)
dighom earth (sb)
digit rakem
digital digital (adj)
dignitar dignitary (sb)
digraph digraph, digram
dih past tense of “dih”; -dih = locative suffix
DIISCH ISIS (terrorist group)
dik showed (past tense)
dik-ye legally (tayt rhalt in dictionar !)
dik-ye rightly (adv)
dikat refinement (sm )
dikhliz corridor, gang (sb)
diks- legal (adj)
dikscapacitat legal capacity
dil past tense of “deil”
dila feeding breast (sb)
dilemma dilemma (sb)
diler (drug) dealer
dilglonc longbow (sb)
diligence diligence (sb) (quality)
dilim clove (sf)
dill dill
diluv to dilute (vtr)
dima prop (carpentry) (sb)
dimaar self-importance, bumptiousness
Dimaschk Damascus (npr)
dimension dimension (sb)
dimsum dim sum (sb)
dind then, after that (adv)
dinegh shape, fashion, mould (vtr)
dinga dengue fever (sb)
dingkwehl potter's wheel
dingv tongue (sb) (body)
dingvreink tongue-twister
dinner dinner (sb & vint)
dinosaur dinosaur (sb)
diocese diocese (sb)
Diocletianus Diocletian
Dioder Diodorus (npr)
Diogenes Diogenes (npr)
Diomedes Diomedes
Dionys Dionysus (npr)
Dionysia Dionysia (plu. in Sambahsa) (n. plu. in Sambahsa)
dionysic Dionysian (adj)
Diophent Diophantus (npr)
diora ( ! ) = sperma (sb)
diorama diorama
diorite diorite ( sm)
diork roe-deer ( sb)
dioxide dioxide (sb)
dioxin dioxin
diphtherie diphtheria (sb)
diphthong diphthong
dipla pleat, crease (sb) (clothing)
diplise crease, pleat (vtr)
diploblast diploblast
diplomat diplomat
diplome diploma (sb)
diptykh diptych
dirab to wreck, ransack (vtr)
direct direct (adj)
direction direction (sb)
director director (sb)
directoren radh board of directors
directorium (service) = directory (sb) (ex: telephone)
direg [dirEg] = run, manage, lead (vtr)
dirigent conductor (orchestra)
dirigisme dirigisme (sb)
dirpan scythe (sb)
disap disconnect, dislocate (vtr)
disappoint disappoint (vtr )
disarroy helplessness, disarray ( sb)
disaurdhen disorder
disayner designer
disbande to disband (vtr/vint)
disbark to disembark
disbayaldisse to regain consciousness
disbih to get undone
discarte discard (vtr.)
discern ( discèrn ) = discern (vtr)
dischteukel shred (vtr )
disciple disciple (sb)
discipline discipline (sb)
discont (& disconto) = discount (sb )
discordant discordant (adj)
discouple to disengage the clutch
discredit discredit
discreditise to discredit (vtr)
discret discrete (adj)
discretionar discretionary
discrosct degrowth
discutt to discuss (vtr)
disfalg clearing the land (vtr)
disfangheih to dispossess (vtr; double accusative)
disfeurl unfurl (vtr)
disfiber fray (vtr)
disgrace disgrace (sb)
disgust disgust (sb)
disinflation disinflation
disk disk (sb)
diskaurt (& diskaurn) = abandoned (adj)
diskbraik brake disk
diskenise to reduce to ashes (a corpse)
diskentolker record player
diskette diskette
diskurakh to restore the circulation to (a limb)
diskwehr undo (vtr)
disleu disintegrate, weather (vtr)
disleuren release (sb)
disloque dislocate (vtr )
dismask unmask ( vtr )
disnauk to disembark
disnia sand hill (sb)
dispareih to disappear
disparitat disparity (sb)
dispars scattered (adj)
disparsendisk scattered disk
dispensarium free clinic
dispeulver pulverize (vtr)
displaise unplease
displehc unwind, unroll (vtr)
disponibilitat availability
disposable disposable (ex: product)
disposen arrange, lay out (vtr)
dispositif dispositif (sb) (judgement)
disprehp to disappear (to go away, to get off sight)
dispute dispute (sb & vint)
disqualifie to disqualify (vtr)
disradh X ad Y = to advise Y against X
disseddel throw out of saddle ( vtr )
disseg to dissect
dissension dissension (sb)
dissociative identitatsdisaurdhen dissociative identity disorder
dissolut dissolute (adj)
dissonance dissonance
dissquam to peel (vint; ex: paint)
dissuad to dissuade
disswohd obsolescence (sb)
distance distance
distance se ud to distance oneself/break away from
distance-control remote-control
distar to stare wide-eyed
distaragh to elude, to disconcert
distehng fade (vtr)
distille distillate (vtr)
distinction distinction (sb)
distord distort (vtr)
distord (concurrence) to distort (competition)
distrans distrans (sb)
distreus distrust (vtr)
district district (sb)
distrust motion motion of no-confidence
distule unbalance (vtr)
disvolg to turn away (vint)
disvolv unfold (vint)
disvolveih unfold (vtr)
disvragh to clear (vegetation)
diswarp vacate (vtr)
diswaurg scatter (vint)
diswayzd to unweed (vtr)
diswehrt divert (vtr)
diswein ud = to fall out with (someone)
disxubh scrap (sb)
dithyramb dithyramb
ditil infant (baby, sb)
ditilcorbh Moses basket (sb)
dito ditto, do
diu long time (adv)
diumenn rudder, tiller ( sb)
diuper long ago
diuretic diuretic
diuspehc hatching the eye (vtr )
diutis glow (sb)
diuturn long-lasting
div god (sb)
Div act via mysteirs God works in mysterious ways
divers diverse ( adj )
divgven deicide (the person)
divgvon deicide (the action)
divid ( divìd ) = divide (vtr)
dividende dividende
divin divine (adj)
divination divination (sb)
divitat divinity (sb)
divite inkpot (sb)
divorce divorce (sb & vint)
divulgation divulgation (sb)
diwan Meeting Room, Council Chamber
Diwbat Highness (sb) (honorific address)
diweid + acc = oppose (vtr)
diya ransom (sb)
Djibouti Djibouti
djogan flag-bearer (sb)
dlas to crumple ub, to crease
dleh to be flourishing
DNA DNA (sb )
Dniepr Dnepr ( npr )
do (in)to
do aykw level with
do reviden Goodbye!
doan Customs ( splu)
dobi launderer (sb)
doc teach ( vtr )
docent docent (sb)
docil docile
dock dock ( sb)
docker stevedore, longshoreman, dockworker
doctor doctor (sb)
doctrine doctrine (sb)
document document (sb)
documentar film documentary movie (sb)
dogan sparrow hawk (sb )
doge doge
dogh mastiff
dogma dogma
dohbh past tense of “dehbh”
dohbrest best, most convenient (adj)
dohbro good, convenient (adj)
dohbro vehsmen naudhen appropriate clothing must be worn
dohk past tense of “dehk”
dohl past tense of “dehl”
dohlg duty (sb); past tense of “dehlg”
dohlv past tense of “dehlv”
dohm past tense of “dehm”
dohn past tense of “dehn”
dohnk past tense of “dehnk”
dohnkel past tense of “dehnkel”
dohr past tense of “dehr”
dohrbh past tense of “dehrbh”
dohrj past tense of “dehrj”
doigh dough ( sb)
doighen figurine (sf )
doighmudra rolling pin
doighos laterie mud wall ( sb)
doighya kneading-trough
doighya mess (sm )
doik toe ( sm )
doina ballad ( sf ) (song )
dol willful misrepresentation (sb)
doler cunning ( adj ) ( pejorative)
dolina doline (sinkhole)
dollar dollar (sb)
dolman dolman (sb)
dom house (sb)
dombehnd house arrest
domeih tame (vtr )
Domenica Dominica (Commonwealth in the West Indies, npr)
domestia household (sb) (husband and wife)
domestic domestic ( when referring to animals, plants; adj)
domestique domesticate (vtr )
domicile domicile ( sb )
domin field, domain (sb)
dominant position dominant position
dominant xeimen dominant estate
domination domination (sb)
domine dominate (vtr)
Dominican Respublic Dominican Republic (npr)
domino domino
Domitian Domitian
domkrakht lifting jack (sb)
don gift, act of giving
Don Quijote Don Quixote (npr)
donation donation (sb)
dong stormy, turbulent (adj)
dongwa fairy tale (sb)
donk bits ( sm )
dopamine dopamine
dope to dope (vtr)
doppelganger look-alike
dorak cuirass (sb)
dord dregs (fig., sb)
dorev farm buildings (splu)
dorevia cultivated fields ( splu)
dorghi county town (sb)
dorgv dear, expensive (adj)
doric Doric
dorkw dinner; id Senst Dorkwo = the Last Supper
dormant dormant (adj)
dormitorium dormitory (sb)
doronic doronicum (sb)
doru bear spear (sb)
dorver farmer, peasant (sb)
dorwey Dorian
dos two (cards)
dosage dosage
dospeic to thin, to taper (vtr)
dospeicer pencil-sharpener
dossier file (sb) (collection)
dosteigh to reach (by climbing)
dostkan tankard ( sb)
Dostoyevskiy Dostoyevsky (npr)
dostrig past tense of “dostrineg”
dostrineg execute (vtr; a penalty, a subpoena)
Dottor Balanzone il Dottore
doublage dubbing (sb)
doublager voice actor
double double (adj)
double mant double chin
doublet doublet
doula doula, birth companion, birth coach, post-birth supporter
dout mulberry (sb; precious wood)
douzen dozen (sb)
dow smallpox ( sf )
downgji mutual aid
Downgjien Far East ( npr )
downgmayk artery (sf )
drab (sing) = stairs ( splu)
drabplor level, landing of stairs ( sb)
drabzan banister (sb)
drachme drachma (sb)
drafsu brave, bold (adj )
draft draft ( sb)
dragant tragacanth astragalus (sb)
dragee sugared almond
dragon dragon (sb)
dragonmuk common snapdragon (sb)
drags (splu) = grape marc (sing)
drah run (vint)
drahsa running, current (sb)
drahski cross-country skiing (sb)
drain drain (sb & vtr)
drainage drainage
drakhst yeast (sb)
dramaturg playwright
drame drama (sb)
drangcarr wheelbarrow (sb)
drangh lever (sb)
drap wrap (vtr); drape (sb)
drap to drape (ka verb)
draperie drapery
drastic drastic
draubh to crush into ruin (vtr)
draug brawl (sb)
draukht to be on (military) duty
drauting warlord, warchief (sb)
dravida Dravidian
drayl trail (sb)
dreb past tense of “dremeb”
dredlock dreadlock, loc, dread
dregh tenacious (adj)
drehb to feed, fuel (vtr)
drehd confront (vtr)
drehm dream (sb & vtr) (while sleeping)
drehn to drone
drehnk to drink (alcohol); alcoholic beverage
drehnkeina drinking establishment
drehnknik drunkard (sb)
dreibh to carry along
dreibh drive (psycho)
dreiv to drift (by the stream)
dremeb broaden out (vint)
dresk fragment ( sb)
dressuar (old) credence (sb)
dreu wood (sb) (matter)
dreubukin woodwind (music)
dreugh deceive (vtr)
dreughkassam perjury (sb)
dreughlogos patter (sb)
dreunol vegetable oil ( sb)
dreup crumble ( vpr / vtr )
dreupel to be dripping
dreupelirrigation drip irrigation
dreupic crumbly (adj)
dreuvehrm woodworm
dreydel teetotum (sb)
dribble dribble
driep past tense of “drap”
drieubh past tense of “draubh”
drieukht past tense of “draukht”
drigh hair (a single one; sb )
drill drill (military; sb )
drip painting drip painting (sb)
driug comrade (sb) (brother of arms)
driv past tense of “dreiv”
drivdreu driftwood
droben pond of pigs
drogh drug (sb)
droghentrafiquer drug-trafficker
droghenveneg illegal drug trader
drohb past tense of “drehb”
drohd past tense of “drehd”
drohm past tense of “drehm”
drohn drone (sb ) ( sound); past tense of “drehn”
drohnk past tense of "drehnk"
droid (an)droid (sb)
drom track, runway
drone artificial drone
drossat cold and dry (adj)
drouse Druze (sb, adj)
dru tree (sb)
druck print (vtr)
druckerie printing (sb)
drucktype movable type (printing)
drucron crown (botany)
drud (adj) = trusted
druet stump (sb) (of tree )
drufarn tree fern (sb)
drug tub, bucket (sb)
drugh past tense of “dreugh”
drughav deceitful ( adj )
drugrance treeline (sf)
druh to jump (copulate, vtr !)
druid druid (sb)
drukh spirit ( sb) ( ghost )
druligne treeline (sf)
druna current, stream, course (sb); in id druna os = in the course of
drungin detachment (military; sb)
drup past tense of “dreup”
drupel past tense of “drupel”
druseg logger ( sm )
druv true (adj)
druve truth, reality (sb)
druve-ye really (adv)
Dryade Dryad (sb)
dschitiam venue (for shows; sb)
du to dress
Dubay Dubai (npr)
dubel lug stud (sb)
dubieus doubtful (adj)
dubil wedge (sb)
dubro cesspool (sb)
duc lead (vtr); leader, guide (sb)
ducat ducat (sb)
duccins official cash rate
ducer device driver
dudka trachea (sb)
due due to (prep)
duel duel (sb)
dugter daughter (sb)
Dugter Deiwios Daughter of Heaven
duil dust (sb)
duilseug vacuum cleaner, sweeper, hoover
duivar defensive wall
dukan shop, business (sb)
dukanamlak commercial assets
dukandar shopkeeper (sb)
dulal commission (sb) (purchase , percentage )
dulap cupboard (sb)
dulcimer (hammered) dulcimer (sb)
dulg debt ( sb); past tense of “deulg”
dum smoke
dum smoke (sb); past tense of “deum”
duman peasouper ( sb) (fig )
dumos mood ( sb ) ( spirit )
dun fortified enclosure (sb )
dune dune (sb)
Dunekyrk Dunkirk
Dunia the World (npr)
dunjon dungeon (sb)
dunos rope, tether (sb)
duo duo, duet (ex: …sehngve in duo = …sing in duo)
duodemimami Twelver (Islam Shia)
dupe dupe (vtr)
duplicat duplicate (sb)
duplicitat duplicity
durable lasting (adj)
durbin (sing) = binoculars (splu)
dure last (vint)
duren duration (sb)
durgh past tense of « deurgh »
durmesgos open mesh
durra sorghum bicolor (sb)
durs past tense of « deurs »
dusag mislead ( vtr )
dusasc to be giddy
dusbohr insufferable (adj )
dusch shower (in bathroom; sb )
duschman foe ( sb)
dusdaunteihsa dysthanasia
dusdecos disgrace, opprobrium (sb)
dusdehn deprived, underprivileged (poor)
dusdin bad weather (sb)
dusdrehbia dystrophy
dusdreibh to spin (car; vint)
duse nozzle (sb)
duseih to make dizzy
dusel past tense of “deusel”
dusfider unfaithful, infidel (adj., sb) (religion)
dusformen /dusformet = deformed
dusic dizzy
duskweiter filthy (adj)
duskwol whimsical, weird
dusmenos ill-disposed
dusmuamale abuse ( splu )
dusodor smelly ( adj)
dusokw bad faced, sour faced grump
duspineg scribble ( vtr )
dusprabh insensitive (adj )
dusprimav inhospitable ( adj )
dusrig chilly ( adj)
dussaun unhealthy (adj )
dust comrade (sb )
dustraite abuse ( vtr )
dusyo outcast (adj , sb)
duxit (he/she/it) led
duys past tense of “deuys”
dvan bread ( sb)
dvancaise weasel (sb) ( kenning )
dvehn to clap (vint; noise)
dverap stem (vtr )
dverwen harness (vtr )
dvestu pulicaria vulgaris (sb)
dvestura datura (sb)
dvohn past tense of « dvohn »
dvon clap (big noise ; sb)
dwaj flutter (vint)
dwal in panic (adj )
dwaschaw many ( sf )
dwaykhau conflagration (sm)
dweitsker chirp, twitter (vint)
dwer door ( sb )
dwerbehnd to shut in, to lock up
dwergh dwarf (adj. & sb)
dwicap twi-headed
dwidel half (sb)
dwident hoe (for garden; sb)
dwidromstrad dual carriageway (sb)
dwiej past tense of “dwaj”
dwigh past tense of "dwinegh"
dwigham polygamic (adj & sb)
dwighamia polygamy
dwighesoreins two-handed sword (sb)
dwight (& dwighen) = pinched (adj) (air); past tense of “dwinegh”
dwilict bunk bed (two beds)
dwin twin ( sb , adj) ( 2 )
dwinaygw to own in common with one's neighbour
dwinegh ( semject ad semanghen ) = force (vtr), force open (vtr); dwinegh se = to break through
dwinegh se to impose upon (ex: obligation)
dwineghjaquet straitjacket
dwinghyehbh rape (sb & vtr)
dwipod biped (sb, adj)
dwisdasch en (typography)
dwitsker twitter (sb); past tense of “dweitsker”
dwo two ( pronoun )
dwodemton technique twelve-ton technique
dwogimtia a score (20; sb)
dwoi doubt (sb & vint)
dwokjwen whip-poor-will (sb )
dwomotor twin-engine aircraft (adj , sb)
dwor gate (sb)
dworis outdoors (adv)
dworis-alen kierk free-range chicken
dworishoge air draft (vessel)
dworisraudh aerial root
dwot second (adj)
dwoter second (adj) (of 2)
Dwoternomos Deuteronomy (npr)
dyehg + acc. = ignite
dyehgw stab (vtr)
dyehrc glimpse, see (vtr)
dyei to behold, worship (vtr)
dyeia beholding, contemplation
dyein worship (vtr)
Dyew Zeus (Kay addihes tod maynen do "Dyew")
Dyew Supreme God, Skygod
dyi past tense of "dyei"
dyin religious practice, faith (sb); past tense of “dyein”, past participle of "dyei"
dyindar worshiper (sb)
dyinst (religious) service (sb)
dynamic dynamic (adj)
dynamite dynamite (sb)
dynamo dynamo (sb)
dyohg past tense of “dyehg”
dyohgw past tense of “dyehgw”
dyohrc past tense of “dyehrc”
dysenterie dysentery (sb)
dysphoria dysphoria
dyuv trip
eak vicious ( adj )
eakia vice (vicious; adj)
eau de vie eau de vie (sb)
eau-de-cologne eau de Cologne
ebb ebb, low tide
ebbschiau ebb tide
ebi (sing) = dried shrimps
ebon ebony (sb)
eboniste cabinetmaker (sb)
ebonisterie woodworking, cabinet-making
echee to fall to (law)
echelon echelon (sb)
Echidna Echinda
echo echo (sb)
eclat commotion (ex
eclectisme eclectism (sb)
eclipse eclipse
ecologia ecology
ecologic niche ecological niche
economaniak skimping on everything (adj)
economia economics
economic cycle business cycle
economiste economist (sb)
ecosysteme ecosystem (sb)
ecran screen (sb)
ecrandecor wallpaper (computer)
ecransparer screensaver
ectoplasma ectoplasm (sb)
Ecuador Ecuador (npr)
ecuadoran ecuadorian (adj & sb)
ecumenisme Ecumenism (sb )
ed and
ed-alamat ampersand
edam edam (cheese; sb)
edd eat ( vtr )
eddiun half-starved (adj)
eddmen meal ( sb)
eddtid meal-time (sb)
edeih to publish (as a publisher, vtr)
edel nagging (adj)
edifice building, edifice (sb)
edifie build, edify (vtr)
Edinburg Edinburgh (npr)
edont fang ( sb)
education education (sb)
edwoln pain (disease)
eent (they) were (durative past tense)
eet (he/she/it) was (durative past tense)
effec to result in
effect effect (sb)
effective effective (adj)
effeminat effeminate (adj)
effervescence excitement (sb)
efficace efficace
efficacia efficacy
efficient efficient
efficient efficient
effigie effigy (sb)
effort effort
effrenat frenetic, unchained (adj)
effronterie insolence
effusion effusion (sb)
eflatun magenta (adj)
egal equal
egalasc + dative = match (vtr)
egalisation payghen equalization payment
egalt rattle (toy; sb)
eger assuming that
eghel fir ( sm )
egher inland sea ( sb)
eghi hedgehog ( sm )
eghin mongoose (sf )
ego I (stressed personal pronoun; nominative)
egocentric egocentric, self-centred
egoiste selfish ( adj , sb)
egreck sheep pen (sm)
egregore egregore, egregor
egris gooseberry
egyptologia egyptology
ehgv get drunk (vint)
ehngw anoint (vtr)
ei to him, to it; to the (dative singular masculine & neutral)
eiber tusk (sb)
eid provided that
eiderdaun eiderdown (of eider feathers)
eih go (vint)
eins sword ( sb)
eins-ed-cappa swashbuckling (jor)
einsfassol gotani bean, jack bean, jackbean, swordbean
Eirean Irish ( sb, adj)
eiskw to seek, to intend, to want (vtr)
eiskwmen deliberate (adj )
eiv yew (sb)
ejacule to ejaculate
ek harrow (sf )
ekara glide (sb)
ekw horse ( sb)
ekwenagen horserace (sb)
ekwenerce horsepower (750 watt)
ekwin equine
ekwo male horse
ekwomandu horse breeder ( sb )
ekwot mounted (on horse) (adj)
el he/she/it; the (personal pronoun & definite article undetermined singular nominative & accusative)
El Gisa Giza ( npr )
El Kahira Cairo ( npr )
El Kayda Al- Qaeda
El Salvador El Salvador
ela darning needle (sb)
elaborationsbureau design office
elabore elaborate (vtr.)
elan run-up, momentum, surge (sb)
elangver alert, brisk, lively (adj)
elastomer elastomer
Elbrus Elbrus (npr)
Elea Velia
eleate eleatic
elect elected (politics); the One (Matrix)
electorat voters (splu)
electric arc electric arc
electric capacitat electric capacity (sb)
electric kwisk mixer (cooking)
electric lantern flashlight (sb )
electric nibrehg electrical breakdown
electrician electrician
electricitat electricity (sb)
electrise to electrify (vtr; incl. "to excite")
electrocardiogramme electrocardiogram
electrode electrode
electroencephalographia electroencephalogram (sb)
electromaut electronic toll collection
electromot force electromotive force (sb)
electronentube vacuum tube, electron tube (USA), thermionic valve (BR)
electronic monete electronic cash
electronique electronics (sb)
electrostatique electrostatics
eleg [elEg] = elect (vtr)
elegia elegy (sb)
eleih bend ( vtr )
elein elk, moose (sb)
eleinwobhel stag beetle
Elektra Electra (npr)
elembh fawn (animal, sb)
element element (sb)
elephant elephant (sb)
eleun juniper (sb)
Eleusis Eleusis (npr)
Elias Elijah
elimine to eliminate
Elisabeth os England Elizabeth of England (npr)
elkos ulcer (sb)
ellipse ellipsis
elliptic elliptic (adj)
eln (animal's) child (sb)
Elsaisser Alsatian (sb)
elsaissisch Alsatian (adj.)
Elsas Alsace
elu dull red (adj)
elucide elucidate (vtr)
em take (vtr; fig. ex: the train, a pill...); of (before undetermined plural noun; prep)
emaciat emaciated (adj)
emancipation emancipation
Emanuel Emanuel
emascule emasculate
emayl enamel (glass)
emballage packaging (sb)
embalsem embalm (vtr)
embarasse embarrassment ( sb)
embarasse ob alyanghen secondhand embarrassment, vicarious embarrassment, empathetic embarrassment
embaudh to embed
embeusk + acc. = to ambush
emblematic emblematic (adj)
embleme emblem ( sb)
embonpoint embonpoint (sb)
emborb to stick in the mud
embraned to set ablaze (vtr)
embras past participle and past tense of “embraned”
embryo embryo (sb)
embryonal stammcell embryonic stem cell
embryonal stammcell embryonic stem cell
embusk ambush (sb)
emel (clothes) moth (sb)
emerg to emerge
emergencia (sing) = emergencies (medical, splu)
emergent mercats emerging markets
emigrant emigrant (sb)
eminence knoll (sb)
eminent eminent (adj)
emitt to emit (vtr)
emolument emolument
emov to make one moved, thrill (! vtr., it's related to "emotion")
empat tie, draw (vtr., vintr., like in "Neither team scored and the match ended in a draw")
empathia empathy
empedise clutter, hamper (vtr)
Empedokles Empedocles
empel strand (sb) (of thread)
emphyteuse emphyteutic lease (sb)
emphyteutic emphyteutic (adj )
empi stinging insect (sb)
empirisme empiricism (sb)
employ employment ( sb) (work )
empor warehouse ( sb; to store goods)
emporbater packer (sb)
emporion wabig store (sb)
empraxise to put into practice ( vtr )
empug past tense of “empuneg”
empuneg grab (vtr )
empusa conehead mantis (sb)
empyr empyrean (sb)
emsit (he/she/it) took (fig; past tense)
emu emu
emulator emulator
emule emulate
en + acc. = here is/are
en route en route (adv)
enbrehgen burglary (sb )
encasse collect, cash (vtr )
encephalitis encephalitis (sb)
enchante enchant, spellbind (vtr) (magic)
enclave enclave
encontaneg to bring into contact
encouragement encouragement
encramp to cramp, restrict ( vtr )
encyclic encyclical
encyclopedia encyclopaedia
encyclopedia encyclopedia
end end (sb & vtr/int )
endeigh dyke up (vtr)
endem worst (adv.) (superlative os dus-; adv.)
endemeur to enjoin, order (someone) ( vtr )
endemic endemic
ender beneath, underneath
enderbosc underbrush (sb)
enderbrinegh to give shelter to
Enderbund Kingdom of he Dead
enderdasch underscore, underline, underbar, low line, low dash
enderdeh subordinate (vtr) (someone)
enderdeil spare part (sb); to compartmentalize (vtr)
enderdien at the bottom (adv. ex . mine )
enderghend to undertake
enderghom subsoil (sb) (geology )
enderghombehnden geological sequestration (carbondioxide)
enderghomwedernt phreatic water table (sb)
endergrund underground (adj); basement ( sb ) (building)
endergumt refuge, lodging ( sb )
endergwehm to take refuge (vint)
enderkeih to underpin/underlie (be the basis of)
enderkeih underlie (vtr)
enderkweit distinguish, make out (vtr)
enderlyehgend underlying
endermerg [endërmErg] = disappear (vtr) (Fig. into the crowd)
endermine undermine (vtr)
endermund underworld (sb)
enderplan to calculate (to plan)
enderplanisk calculating (not sincere)
enderrissem (drawing) sketch (sb)
endersedd ghom = to huddle up (vint)
endersigne undersign (vtr)
endersok auscultate (vtr)
endertrehm to tremble, to shake slightly
enderwander to infiltrate (as a spy) (vtr)
endighom to inter (vtr)
endo towards to the interior of (prep)
endocrin disruptor endocrine disruptor
endocrin systeme endocrine system (sb)
endogham endogamous
endoscopia endoscopy
endra (splu) = Netherworld (sing)
endu (endù) = to dress, to wear on, to take on, to endow (vtr)
endurance endurance (adj)
endure endure, bear (vtr)
eneb hub (sb)
enebghir hub gear
ener (t)here it is that...
energetic energy, energy-giving (adj.)
energic spirited, forceful, energetic
enfall to come to mind (idea = nom.; person = dative)
enfeurn to put into an oven
enflamme set fire to
engage to engage
engagement engagement, committment
engarde ! on guard !
engarg frighten (vtr )
engharth enshrine ( vtr )
engheulf rush ( vint )
enghistra fishing line (sb)
England England ( npr )
englisch English (sb & adj )
englisch horn english horn (sb)
engrenage chain (fig., involvement; sb)
engu swelling (sb )
engwen groin ( sb )
engweu to puff up (vint)
engwn along (prep)
engwuhen to bloat (vtr)
enhang hang up ( vtr ) (phone )
eni within
eni within (adv & prep)
eniaserng consanguine
enigma enigma (sb)
enigmatica puzzle, brain teaser (sb)
enkorm to torture (to death)
enkrew ingrow (vintr., ex: nail)
enleuc to shed light on
enleur to engage a mechanism (vtr)
enliste in = enlist in (vint)
enmagh empower
enmercatnotes release notes (computing)
Enoch Enoch (npr)
enod here is that + sentence
enokw face (sb)
enorm enormous, huge (adj)
Enosh Enosh (npr)
enover to implement
enpace peaceful, quiet (adj )
enpairasc con to mate (a partner)
enquete survey, inquiry (sb)
ensan human being, human person (sb)
ensand silt up (vtr.)
ensanden silting up (sb.)
enschalt to switch on (vtr)
enscol to provide with schooling (vtr)
ensein war cry (sb)
ensemble ensemble (sb)
ensilage ensilage
ensmed this/that is how...
ensorb sniff (vtr )
ensrov plug in (vtr)
enstichen versification
ensuite en suite
entablement entablature (sb)
entente entente
enthusiast enthusiastic (adj)
enthusiaste enthusiastic
entitat entity ( sb)
entonar strike up ( vtr ) (song )
entorgue market (vtr)
entourage entourage (ex: noble)
entracte intervall (during a show; sb)
entrat entrance (sb)
entre to enter
entrecote entrecôte
entree first course, starter (meal)
entrepreneur entrepreneur
entrepreneurial entrepreneurial
entreprined undertake (vtr)
entreprise enterprise (sb)
entresol cupboard under the stairs (sb)
entretein to entertain (vtr)
entrim in the meantime (adv); I entered
entropia entropy
enunce to express (ex: an idea; vtr)
enviable enviable
envie envy (sb)
envoyeit envoyee
enwehrg to enable (a system)
enwoghle annoy, pester (vtr)
enzyme enzyme (sb)
eolipile aeolipile, aeolipyle, eolipile
ep on (can turn to “ef” before “h')
ep id grem on one's knees
ep sien roig in one's turn
ep un (argwrnten) tepji serve … on a plate, be handed … on a silver platter (fig.)
epagneul spaniel (sb)
epaulette epaulette ( sb)
epbenknerce bench press (weight training)
epheb ephebos (sb)
ephemer ephemeral (adj)
Ephesos Ephesus
ephor ephor
Ephraym Ephraim (npr)
epic epic ( adj)
Epidavros Epidaurus ( npr )
epidemia epidemic (sb)
epidermis epidermis
epigenese epigenesis
epigramme epigram
epigramme epigram (sb)
Epiktet Epictetus
epikwrey epicurean
Epikwros Epicurus (npr)
epilation depilation (sb)
epilepsie epilepsy
epilogos epilogue
epiphania epiphany
Epirus Epirus
Episcopat bishopric (sb)
episkep bishop ( sb)
epistel epistle (sb)
epistemologia epistemology
epitaph epitaph (sb)
epithete epithet
epitrakhile stole ( sb)
epizootia epizootic (sb)
epkeih to surmount, to top
epoin evening (gathering; sb)
eponym eponym
epop hoopoe (sb)
epos epic ( sb )
eptemmen start ( vtr )
epter just over (ex: clothes; prep )
eptercuit foreskin, prepuce
epterroll to run over (with a vehicle, vtr)
epterwehgh to run over (with a vehicle, vtr)
equation equation
equator equator (sb)
equiliber balance (sb); to equilibrate (vtr)
equilibristique equilibristics
equinoxe equinox; equinoxen precession = axial precession
equipement equipment (sb)
equivalent equivalent, tantamount (adj & sb)
er past tense of “erem”
Er is Pamphyl Er of Pamphylia
Era iom Aunstehgens Age of Discovery
Erasmus Erasmus (npr)
Eratosthenes Eratosthenes
Ercolano Ercalano, Herculaneum
ereb deer (in general; sb)
erem to row
ereudh blush, turn red (vtr/vint) (subject = person)
ereudhmen acne rosacea (sb) (on skin)
ereug belch (vtr)
ereup erupt (vint)
ergh to get (someone) wound up
ergv pea (sb)
eribh kid (goat, sb)
Erik is Rudh Erik the Red (npr)
Erin Ireland (npr)
Eris Eris (mythology)
eristique eristic (sb)
erk tick (acarian, sb)
erkw to be radiant
erm oar (sb)
ermitage hermitage (sb)
ermite hermit (sb)
ernu tournament, competition (sb)
erod to erode (vtr)
eroud colored (adj) (face)
eroudh ruddy (adj)
erre err; deviate, wander (vint)
error error (sb)
ersen male (adj, sb; especially when referring to animals)
erter rower (sb)
erudition erudition (sb)
erule hérulo
ervisk ervian (Dragon Warrriors; adj)
erysipel erysipelas (sb)
erythrocyte red blood cell (sb)
es (thou) art, (you) are; of (undetermined singular genitif)
esber by heart
escalade climb (fig. vint)
escalation escalation
escapade escapade, lark (sb)
eschatologia eschatology
escorte escort (sb)
escorte pieg call girl, female escort
escorte pwarn call boy, male escort
esdi even if
esen been
esiet (he/she/it) would be
esmer olive greenish, sallow
esnaf corporate ( adj ), member of a corporation (sb)
esont past (adj; = not to happen again)
esor wife (sb)
esorgven uxoricide (the person)
esorgvon uxoricide (the action)
esoteric esoteric
esoterisme esoterism
espalier espalier (sb)
Espania Spain (npr)
espaniol Spanish, Spaniard; espaniol baut = half-boot
esplanade esplanade (sb)
essai essay (sb)
essaiyiste essayist
essence essence (merit)
essential essential (adj)
est is; been
esta until
establishment establishment (pej.)
ester sturgeon (sb)
esthetic aesthetical (adj)
estime estimate ( vtr )
estocade mortal impalement (with a weapon; sb)
etage storey, floor
etage floor (of building; sb)
etape stage, stopover point (sb)
etat budget ( sb)
etatisme state control, statism
eten kernel (sb)
etenfamilia nuclear family
Eteocles Eteocles (npr)
ethanol ethanol
ether ether (sb)
etheric ethereal (adj)
ethique ethics
ethnic puwen ethnic cleansing (fig.)
ethnocentric ethnocentric
ethologia ethology
eti moreover (adv)
etiandem embellishment (sb)
etibehd to go up (bid)
eticrehsc to increase further (a price)
etikmehen burnout (n. & vtr)
etileikw to be left (rest; vint)
etilogia etiology
etiloikwa (plu.) = remains, relics, remnants
etimleu to go further (in a dialogue)
etiquette etiquette (protocol; sb)
etiquettire to label (people)
etiwastue to overurbanize
etiweiken overpopulation (sb)
etiwirt surplus value
Etruria Etruria (npr)
Etrusk Etruscan (adj , sb )
etster ester (sb)
etude étude (art; sb)
euanghelio Gospel ( sb)
euc learn (vtr )
eucalyptus eucalyptus (sb)
eucharistie eucharist
Euclid Euclid (npr)
euclidei Euclidean
Eudoxos Eudox
Euhemer Evhemerus ( npr )
eul hoot, ululate (vint)
eulg fade, wilt (vint)
Eumayos Eumaeus
eunuch eunuch (sb)
euphemisme euphemism
euphonium euphonium
euphoria euphoria
eurehp set ( vint) (celestial bodies)
Euripides Euripides ( npr )
eurng grumble ( vtr )
Europa Europa (mythology ; sb)
europay European (adj & sb)
Europay integration European integration
Europe Europe (continent, npr)
eurp to mend (vtr)
Eurydike Eurydice ( npr )
Eurystheus Eurystheus
Eusebius os Caesarea Eusebius
Euskadi Pays Basque
euskal Basque
eust East
eust east (sb)
evacuation evacuation ( sb)
evacue to evacuate (vtr)
evangelical evangelical ( Christian movement ) (adj )
Eve Eve ( npr )
eventual possible (adj)
evidence evidence (sb)
evident obvious, evident
evolv evolve
evoque evoke (vtr)
Evvia Euboea
ewo grandfather (sb)
ex out of (prep)
exacerbe exacerbate (vtr)
exact exact (adj)
exactitude exactness
exagere exaggerate (vtr)
exaltation exaltation (sb)
exalte exalte (vtr)
examen review, examination (sb)
examine examinate (vtr)
exasperat exasperated (adj)
exaulice motorway exit (sb)
exbehr utter (vtr)
excavation excavation (sb)
excedd exceed (vtr.)
exceddent surplus (adj. & sb)
excellent (adj) excellent
excentric fanciful, eccentric (adj )
exchange exchange (sb & vtr)
excitation excitation
excite excite (vtr)
exclame to exclaim
exclarat enlightened (adj. fig., mind)
exclihen dodge (vtr)
exclusive exclusive
excommunie excommunicate (vtr)
excrehscence outgrowth (sb)
excursion tour (visit; sb)
excuse excuse (sb & vtr)
exdehsa exposure (ritual abandonment of a child; sb)
exdighom to unearth (vtr)
execrable execrable (adj)
execut to execute
exempel example (sb)
exemplar exemplary (adj); copy, example (sb)
exerce to exercise (vtr)
exercice exercise (sb)
exgheu to give vent to
exgleih to laugh in the face of (+ acc.)
exgventer rip (vtr)
exhalation exhalation (sb)
exhale exhale (vtr)
exhaus to dry up (vtr)
exhaust (& exhausen) = exhausted ( adj)
exhaustive exhaustive (adj)
exherede disinherit (vtr.)
exhorte urge (vtr)
exile to exile (vtr)
exile exile (sb)
exist exist
existence existence (sb)
existencialisme existentialism
existential existential
exit exit (sb)
exmehn to invent (by thinking)
exo outside (adv)
exobeid to subcontract
exobeidmen subcontractor (sb)
exoboidos outsourcing, subcontracting (sb)
exodus exodus (sb)
exomide exomis (sb)
exorbitant extravagant (adj)
exorcisme exorcism (sb)
exoteric exoteric
expatriat expatriat (sb; adj.)
expedient expedient (sb)
expedise to clear, unclog, unblock (vtr)
experience experience (sb)
experiment experiment (sb)
experimente to experiment (vtr)
expert expert (adj. & sb)
expertise survey (vtr )
expire expire (vtr )
explicit explicit (adj)
explie explain (vtr)
exploit exploit, feat (sb)
explorator explorer (sb)
expo (exposition) = exhibition (ex: art)
expon present tense base of « exposen »
exponent exponent ( sb , mathematics )
exposen expose (vtr.) (druve-ye tod werd ja exist in sambahsa, bet tik eet in id englisch dictionar)
exposen expose ( vtr )
exposit exhibit ( sb )
exposition exposition
express express (expressly; adj)
express train express train
expressem to express (vtr)
expression expression (sb )
exproprye to expropriate (vtr)
exraudh uproot, eradicate (vtr)
exsehgn to conceive in a daydream
exsiccata exsiccate (sb, plant)
exspand rapid expansion (sb)
exspecte expect (vtr)
exspectet jumiung life expectancy (sb)
exsteigh to disembark (vint)
exstirpe remove (vtr )
extase ecstasy ( sb)
extatic ecstatic (adj )
extend extend (vtr)
extense extense
exter outside (of)
exteradet unusual (adj)
exterdeil decompartmentalize
exterdohbro incongruous (adj)
exterhonn deign (vtr)
extermeid excessively (adv)
exterpapiereih to make paperless (an office) (informatique)
exterpardon unforgivable ( adj )
exterseink to bail out
extinctor fire extinguisher
exting to extinguish
extos from outside
extract extract (sb)
extraordinar extraordinary (adj)
extraterran extraterrestrial
extravagant extravagant (adj)
extraversion extraversion
extrehp divert (vtr)
extreme extreme
extreme sport radical sport
extremiste extremist
extro to outside
extrodeik to dismiss (a claim) (diksproceddure)
extuned to knock out (vtr)
extuned to knock out
exuberant exuberant (adj)
exude exude ( vtr )
exultation exultation (sb)
eyasch offhand (adj , fig )
eyg ice needle
eys his
eyso his (before masculine or neutral singular noun in nominative or accusative)
eyvan iwan (sb)
Ezechiel Ezechiel (npr)
fablieau fabliau
fabric factory (sb)
fabricant industrialist
fabricat make, product (sb)
fabricature manufacturing industry
fabule fable (sb)
fabuleus fabulous (adj)
face to face (vtr), facing (prep.)
facet bevel ( sb)
facette facet ( sb )
facil easy
facil easy (adj)
facit outcome, toll (sb)
facsimile facsimile
fact fact (sb)
factieus factious
faction faction
factor factor (condition)
factorie trading post (sb)
facture invoice ( sb)
facultat faculty (university; sb)
facultative optional (adj)
fade insipid, tasteless, dull (adj)
fagot bassoon (sb)
faham understand (vtr)
fait-divers (sing) = news stories (splu)
fajer daybreak (sb)
fajita fajita (sb)
fakel (flaming) torch (sb)
fakhwehrg timber framing (sb)
falakhwn sling (weapon, sb)
falakhwner slinger (El soldat)
falbala furbelow
falg (lying) fallow (sb)
falk falcon ( sb)
fall to fall; case (situation); judgment (of a major court)
fallacia fallacy
fallacieus fallacious (adj)
falldaun halyard
fallsater guillotine's blade (sb)
fals false ( adj )
fals cognat false cognate
fals prophet false prophet
falsetto falsetto ( sb)
falsgleih to laugh on the other side of one's face
falsibilitat falsifiability
falskast to money-launder
falsmonetar (money) forger
faltern nettle (sb)
falv fawn (adj)
fameus famous ( adj)
familia family (sb)
familia planning family planning
familial koimdeughen family reunification
familiar familiar (adj)
famine famine (sb)
fanar street lamp/light (sb)
fanatic fanatical
fanatisme fanaticism
fanera plywood
fanfare brass band, fanfare
fangh sway (control) (ka verb : habe un fangh ep)
fania pennant (sb)
fanica fanega (sb)
fantasia fantasy
fantasmagoria phantasmagoria (sb)
fantasme fantasy (sb)
fantastic fantastic
fanti jack, knave ( sb) ( card game)
fanus luminous commercial sign
fanzow navigate (vint)
FAQ (frequent-ye anacta questions) = FAQ
farad farad (sb)
faragi full body veil (sb)
farakhat leisure (sb)
farasch sweeping shovel (sb)
farce prank, practical joke Addihes tod maynen ei inpiut "farce"
farce prank (Kay addihes tod maynen. Kad tod ne est util pro maung bahsas, bet est important skaue quod werd neudmos kay refer ad farces qua vidmos in TV au YouTube)
farce farce, joke (sb)
fareb deceit ( sb)
farebdar cheater (sb)
farebie to cheat
farfadet farfadet (sb)
farfalak chatterbox (fig) (sb)
farfar gossipy, talkative (adj)
farj ravine ( sb )
fark offset (difference)
farm farm (sb)
farman order (in council; sb)
farmpact farm (revenue leasing), tenant farming (sb)
farn fern (sb)
farou exercise-book cover (sb)
Fas Fes (city of Morocco; npr); auspicious (adj)
fasc beam, bundle (sb)
fascicule fascicle
fascine fascinate (vtr)
fasciste fasciste
fasd bleeding (sb)
fassade façade ( sb)
fassic wanton ( adj )
fassih current ( adj) ( language )
fassol bean ( sb )
fast fast ( sb )
fastidieus tedious ( adj)
fat fatal destiny (sb)
fatal fatal (adj)
fataliste fatalistic (adj , sb)
fatidic fatal ( adj )
faukh to growl (vint)
faul cowardly ( adj )
fault foul (ex: soccer) . forfac un — = to commit a foul
fault fault ( sb) ( failure)
faultic at fault ( adj )
faun faun ( sb)
fauna wildlife (sb)
faungmoen + acc. = to pay a visit to
fauran immediately ( adv )
fauric immediate ( adj )
favor favour (sb)
favorise to favour
favorite favorite (adj )
fawngdiaschan real property ( adj , sb)
fawngdien (electrical) discharge (sb)
fawngtawng debauchery (sb)
fax fax
fayance faience (sb)
faydh quarrel ( sb & vint)
fayer to fire
fayl to fell (a tree) (nov maynen)
fayl mislead (vtr )
fayn fine (adj ) ( elegant)
fayront end of working day
fayssal decision, adjudication; to rule (take a decision)
fazaa dismay (sb)
feber fever (sb)
febreus feverish ( adj )
febrile febrile ( adj)
februar February (sb)
fecunditat fertility (sb)
fedora fedora hat (sb)
fee fairy (sb)
feerie enchantment, extravanganza
fehkht to fence (swords)
feig cowardly (adj)
fel foil; slice (sb)
feldmarschal Field-Marshal ( sb)
felicitat bliss ( sb )
felid felid (adj , sb )
Felikismos Annos ! Happy New Year !
feline feline ( adj , sb )
felna (wheel) rim ( sb )
felon traitor (in feodality, sb)
felonia treason (in feodality, sb)
felter felt (sb )
feminin feminine, female (adj)
feminisme feminism
femisme femism
fenn heath (terrain; sb)
fenster window (sb)
Ferdowsi Ferdowsi
ferfac to commit (a delict)
Fergana Fergana
ferian holiday-maker (sb)
ferias holidays
feriassalair paid holiday
fermata fermata (music; sb)
ferment ferment (sb)
fermente to ferment
ferquid double penalty
ferromanganese ferromanganese
ferrule ferrule
ferry ferry (sb)
ferschluss shutter (sb) (optics)
fertigation fertigation
fertile fertile (adj)
fertilisant fertilizer (adj. & sb)
fertilitatsratio fertility rate
ferume crumb (sb)
fervent fervent (adj)
ferye to have holidays (vint)
ferz queen (chess game; sb)
fest fest (sb)
festard party animal
festdien holiday ( sb)
festin feast, banquet (sb)
feston scallop, festoon (vtr); festoon (sb)
feta feta (sb)
fetiche fetish
fetid stinking (adj )
feudalisme feudalism
feug flee (vtr)
feugnic runaway (adj & sb; “somebody who flees”)
feurl furl ( vtr )
Feuroya ( splu ) = Faroe Islands ( splu )
feuylton (literature) serial (sb)
fez fez (sb)
fiaker (horse-drawn) cab
fiancee fiancee (sb); to betroth (sb)
fiatdenars (splu.) = fiat money
fiber fiber (sb)
fict to clot, to make stiff (vtr)
fictice ficticious (adj)
fid faith ( sb )
fidayi devoted (adj)
fider believer (sb)
fidess (sing ) = vermicelli ( splu )
fidren farthing (sb) ( Hobbits)
fief fief ( sb)
fiell past tense of “fall”
fieull to fuel (vtr)
fieydh past tense of “faydh”
fieyer past tense of “fayer”
fieyl past tense of “fayl”
fig present tense base of “fineg”
figurant extra (actor; subs.)
figurat figurative (adj)
figure figure (sb)
fiker figure (vint)
fikrav imaginative (adj)
fil ivory item (sb); [el fil] bishop (chess; sb)
filament filament
filan so & so
fildische elephant tusk
filete fillet (food)
filiale subsidiary company
filibustier filibuster (adj & sb)
Filippo de Neri Philip Neri ( npr )
filise vine shoot
fillon cork (wood; sb)
film film, movie (sb)
filmcamera movie camera
filmclap clapperboard
filter (to) filter
filtrakh stillsuit (sb) (Dune)
fin end (sb) (something final, definitive )
finance finance
financial financial (adj)
financier financier (sb)
finct dummy (sport)
find present tense base of “finesd”
fineg pretend ( vtr )
fineih to finish
finesd split ( vtr )
fingher to fiddle with
fingher finger (sb)
fingherprint fingerprint
fingherstuned finger flick (vtr., like in "He finger-flicked me hard on the ear")
finnugher finno-ugric (adj. & sb)
firasat face, general outlook (sb)
firida niche (sb)
firma firm (enterprise, includiinf "law firm"; sb)
firmament firmament (sb)
firmware firmware (sb)
firscha brush (for sweeping; sb)
firsche to sweep
firtina gust (of wind); burst (of gunfire)
fiscal Attorney-General, Prosecutor-General (sb); fiscal (adj); fiscal evasion = tax evasion; fiscal multiplicator = fiscal multiplier; fiscal paradays = tax haven
fiss past participle and past tense of “finesd”
fissih running ( adj ) (fig )
fistic pistacia (sb)
fit fit (adj)
fitil wick, fuse
fitness fitness ( sb)
fitness-club fitness club
fitnessfunction fitness function
fiull heating oil ( sb)
fiulltank fuel tank ( sb )
fix fixed, set
fixe to fix (steadily) (vtr)
fixo capital fixed capital
fiz viez (sb)
flag flag (sb)
flagnav flagship (sb)
flagrant blatant (adj )
flamboyment blaze (sb)
Flaming Fleming
flaming Fleming (sb)
flamingo flamingo (sb)
flamme flame (sb)
flammenlehncer flamethrower
Flandren Flanders (sb )
flanela flannel (sb)
flank flank
flask flask ( sb)
flasken flagon ( sb)
flatter flatter (vtr )
flatterant flattering (adj.)
flatterie flattery (sb)
flau blurred (adj)
flaydor mottling, combing (sb)
flayer flyer (document; sb)
flect bend (vtr )
flehen whine (vint)
flemisch flemish (adj)
fleurt flirt
fleurtplohpt pick-up line, chat-up line
flibustier filibuster
flicker flicker (vint)
flietter past tense of “flatter”
flint flint (sb )
flip-flop flip-flop (shoe)
flise paving stone
flisenplor paving (sb)
flitter speck, fleck, spangle (sb)
flocken flake ( sb )
flor flower (sb )
Florence Florence ( npr )
florentin Florentine ( adj , sb)
florette floweret (sb)
florin guilder ( currency ) ( sb)
floriste florist (sb)
flotille flotilla
flott float (vint)
flotte fleet
flottluce (stage) lighting instrument (sb)
flu flu (sb)
fluctuation fluctuation
fluid fluid (adj , sb)
fluid catalytic cracking fluid catalytic cracking
fluor fluorine (sb)
flurt past tense of "fleurt"
flute flute (sb)
flutelik fluty (adj)
flutmot tidal (moved by the tide)
flutt flood, high tide (sb)
fluttschiau flood tide
fluv river (that goes to the sea)
fluvial fluvial
fluvial marine brown-water Navy
flux flux (sb)
fluyer reed-pipe (sb)
flyghel wing ( sb) (of a building )
flyghelhorn flugelhorn (sb)
focus focus ( sb) (optical )
fodd dig (vtr )
fodder food ( for animals ) ( sb)
fogel fowl ( sb)
foh pitch up ( vpr )
foie-gras foie gras (sb)
foliole leaflet (botany)
folk people, folk (sb) (ethnicity)
Folkenmigrations Migrations Period (History)
folklore folklore
foll mad, crazy, insane (adj)
follach cracked, nuts, barmy (it's kinda a childish and "neat" name)
follia madness (sb); Follia Lauden = "The Praise of Folly" (Erasmus)
follmat fool's mate (chess; sb)
folltasses teacups (spinning tea cup ride of an amusement park) (Id modalitat, id attraction, ne idswo tasse)
folossie to use
fondant fondant ( pastry ) ( sb)
fontan fountain (sb)
fontanelle fontanelle
football football (sb, soccer)
fop fop (a person who is extremely interested in his appearance and who wears very decorative clothes)
for by far (meaning "too much, very")
forbann banish (vtr)
forbehd to forbid, ban (vtr)
force force (sb); force demonstration = show of force
force-majeure force majeure
forcen marche forced march
forduil turn to dust (vint)
forel trout ( sb)
forensic medicin forensic medicine
forest forest (sb)
forestal forest (adj)
forfac to commit (a mischief)
forfact mischief, delict (sb)
forge forge ( vtr )
forgeir se to go around in circles, to go back to one's starting point (rikes sien start)
forglehmer to get stuck (in mud; vint)
forgleimer to stick (in mud; vtr)
forhonn to ridicule (vtr)
fork fork (software development)
forlav fade (through washing) ( vtr )
forlegver to water down (vtr) (vtr; hatta figurat)
forleus to lose (one's pursuers; vtr)
forlinekw to forsake, abandon (mathalan, un purt)
forlonct lenghty (adj)
forlyehg to mislay (vtr)
format format (vtr., a text, like in a word processor) unstiumpes id ja existent werd
format format (sb)
forme form (sb & vtr) & train (vtr)
formell formal, positive (adj)
formica laminate (sb)
Formule Oin Formula One
formulire form (paper; sb)
fornique fornicate
forpall (& forpallid) = shop-soiled (adj)
forscinesd to make low-necked, indented
forskehpt become foreclosed (vint)
forslug past tense of “forsluneg”
forsluneg hiccup (vint)
forslung hiccup ( sb)
forstehlb to protrude
forswehnd to fade away
forsyrat thrashing, racing (sb)
fort fort (military; sb)
fortaste to fumble
fortrag to extricate
fortrehc to depart, to go off
fortuitous accidental (adj )
Fortunat Insules Islands of the Blest
fortune fortune (sb)
forwehgh carry off course (vtr) (vehicle)
forwehn to spoil (a child)
forwehs to mislay (vtr)
fossil fossil (adj. & sb)
fossil wed fosssil water (sb)
foster foster, boost ( vtr )
foteuyl armchair (sb)
fourrage forage (sb ; plant )
fovea fovea centralis
foyeir foyer, club house (sb)
fra (& frater) = brother (sb) ( monk )
fraction fraction
fractionreserven systeme fractional-reserve banking
fracture fracture (sb)
frad grimace (sb) & grin (vint)
fragil fragile (adj)
fragmente fragment (vtr.)
frain brake (other than automobiles)
fraindrangh brake lever
fraise to countersink; milling cutter
France France (npr)
franceois French (adj & sb)
franceois dvan marraqueta
Franceois kuss French kiss
Francesco os Assisi Francis of Assisi (npr)
franchiseit franchise-holder
Franciscos Francis
francolin francolin (sb )
francophonia francophonie
frange fringe ( sb)
frank frank ( adj)
frankeih to frank, to enfranchise, to free
Frankenrig Francia
Frankfurt Frankfurt (npr)
frankisch Frankish, Franconian (when refering to languages)
frankmasson freemason
frankmassonrie freemasonry
frankrisk excess (in insurances; sb)
franquisme Francoist dictatorship
frap to treat violently
fratrigven fratricide (the person)
fratrigvon fratricide (the action)
fraud fraud (sb)
fraudulent fraudulent
fraum bicycle frame (addeih tod maynen ad ja existent Sambahsa werd "fraum")
fraum frame (sb)
fraumbar scrollbar
frect freight (sb)
fregate frigate (sb)
frehs freeze (vint & vtr)
freih to fry
frenitic frenetic (adj)
frenitis frenzy ( sb)
frequent frequent ( adj )
fresch fresh ( adj ) ( recent )
freschia freshness (sb)
frette fret (of a guitar)
frette fret
frettemark fret marker, inlay marker (of a guitar)
fricassee fricassee
friction friction
friction apply friction to (Kay addihes id verbal forme)
frid ringtone (sb)
fried past tense of “frad”
Friedrich os Preussen Frederick of Prussia (npr)
frih past tense of “freih”
Frilance (& frilancer) = freelance (adj. & sb )
fringant dashing ( adj )
frinolt big feed, blowout (sb)
frise frieze (sb)
friseur hairdresser
frisure hairdress (sb)
frites chips (French fries; splu )
friture frying (sb)
Friul Friuli (npr)
friulan friulian (adj & sb)
frock frock (church garment)
frohs past tense of “frehs”
frolic playful (adj)
fronde frond (sb) (plant)
frondeur frondeur
front front (sb)
frontasch ringleader (sb)
frontdeck foredeck (sb)
frontispice frontispiece, title page
fronton pediment
frontpage frontpage (sb)
frontstieupens ( splu ) = steps (to the entrance of a building; splu )
fructueus fruitful, profitable ( adj)
frugal frugal (adj)
fruit fruit ( sb)
frustration frustration
fsu pawn ( sb)
ftas to rise (ex
fudulluk conceitedness, smugness ( sb )
fug flight (escape; sb); past tense of “feug”
fuga fugue (music)
fugace fleeting ( adj)
fugade stampede ( sb)
fughian pumice stone ( sb)
fugitive fugitive ( adj , sb)
fujat sudden ( adj)
fujatan suddenly (adv)
fulan soandso
fulk felucca (sb)
fullback fullback (football; sb)
funambule tightrope walker (sb & adj)
function to function, work
function function (sb)
functional functional (adj)
functionment functioning ( sb)
fund funds ( sb)
fundal real estate (adj )
fundamentalisme fundamentalism
fundar to cast anchor
fundwk accommodation (sb; lodging)
funed to merge (vint, to bring together)
fungible fungible
fungjin rubella, German measles (sb)
fungus fungus
fur thief (sb)
furett ferret (sb)
Furieus Penkgimtias Furious Fifties
furkan salvation (sb)
furketa (hair) slide (sb)
furl past tense of “feurl”
furn oven (sb)
furnace furnace ( sb)
furniture supply (sb)
furor fury ( sb)
furuncule boil, furuncle ( sb )
fuschiou to submit to (surrender)
fuschwian accessories (adj, splu)
fuselage fuselage (sb)
fusion fusion, merger (sb)
fusional inflectional (adj; language)
fusnote footnote
fussuma sliding panel (in houses)
fustan skirt (sb)
futil frivolous ( adj)
futliar box, case (sb)
futra jamb, chimb (sb)
futro fur coat
futur future (adj)
future future (sb)
fwenghyu wind and rain
fwenschaw to arson
fwenyun jumble, muddle (sb)
fysain charcoal (art) (art)
gaban overcoat (sb) (mantle)
gabarit envelope (architecture, sb)
gabion gabion
gablak forked (adj)
gada mace (weapon, sb)
gadab convenient, handy (adj)
gadabeih to fit out/ub (vtr)
gadarene Gadarene (adj & sb)
gaddar treacherous
gaddaria treachery ( sb)
gadget gadget (sb)
Gadir Gades (npr)
gadrab rubble (sb); crumble
gadraukhtos soldiery (sb)
gaelic gaelic (adj. & sb)
gafrot burdock's burr
gagauz gagauz
gage token (sb) (guarantee)
gagnwan to bear a grudge on
gahab spare ( vtr ) (an enemy )
gahack mince (sb )
gahag bocage (sb)
gahang (sing) = gallows ( splu)
gaharu fragrant wood (sb)
gai gay (homosexual; adj & sb)
gain present tense base of “gaissen”
gairb display , composition ( sb) ; arms ( splu )
gairn of goodwill ( adv )
gaissen win, gain ( vtr ) ( win, harvest )
gaivia region, land ( sb)
gaiviaspoti mayor ( sb ) (in the Shire of Hobbits)
gajka nut (for screws; sb)
gakowpos jumble, bunch (sb)
gakwi glutton ( sb ) (fig )
gakwia gluttony
gala gala (sb)
galactic galactic ( adj )
Galahad Galahad (Desk)
galakt milk (all kinds of white liquid, sb)
galant gallant (adj)
galanterie courtsey (sb)
galat Galatian
Galatea Galatea (Bo id statue ed ia nereide)
galaxia galaxy (sb)
galeassa galeas (sb)
galecker good food ( sb )
galego Galician (of Spanish Galicia)
galender railing ( sb )
Galenos Galen ( npr )
galeon galeon (sb )
galeot galley slave (sb)
galera galley (sb)
galerie gallery (sb)
galeriegrabh passage grave (sb)
galge gauge (sb)
galgon piles (sb; sing. in Sambahsa)
Galicia Galicia (province of Spain)
galilay Galilean
Galilee Galilee (npr, Region of Palestine)
Galileo Galileo
Galileo Galileo (Italian scientist)
galionsfigure figurehead
gall rooster, cock (sb)
Gallia Gaul (npr; country)
gallic Gaulish (adj); Gaul (sb; inhabitant of Gaul)
gallmiliu Japanese barnyard millet
gallon gallon (unity of measure)
galvanise galvanize ( vtr )
gama toad ( sb)
gaman greedy ( adj)
gamasch gaiter ( sb )
gamayd boor (sb)
gambit trip, leg lock; gambit (sb)
gamejos grub (eating; sb)
gamelan gamelan (sb)
gamelle cookset (sb)
gamete gamete (sb)
gamma-GT gamma-GT
Gamorah Gomorrah (npr)
ganab turmoil (sb)
gandhivadi gandhian (adj & sb)
gandighi mess (disorder)
gandighi mess ( sb ) (fig)
gandoum wheat flour (sb)
gandul lazy ( sb; adj )
ganeis to recover (one's health)
gang (criminal) gang
ganga gangue (sb)
gangal roll of wire (sb)
Ganges Ganges (sb)
gangrene gangrene ( sb)
gangrenise to gangrene
gankji dry season
Ganymede Ganymede (npr)
gao ladle ( sb)
gapack luggage (sb)
gaplagel thrashing (batter)
garabat scribble, scrawl (vtr)
garage garage
garagenpasar garage sale (fig., sb)
garait plight, pickle (sb)
garantie guarantee (sb & vtr)
garb spray, sheaf (sb)
garbi drizzle ( sb)
garcioniere bachelor flat ( sb)
garden garden ( sb)
gardenreuyd market gardening (sb)
gardisch vagrancy (sb)
gardrobe wardrobe (sb)
garey dog's tooth grass (sb)
garg terror, scariness (sb)
garguyl gargoyle (sb)
garid shrimp ( sb)
garite sentry box
garnie to decorate, to fill
garnison garrison (sb)
garniture (sing) = trimmings (splu)
garrot garrote; (medical) tourniquet
garson waiter ( sb )
garuy maize stem (sb)
garwi preparation (sb)
garwie furbish (vtr)
gas gas (sb)
gasall companion (sb; apprentice)
gasbotel gaz cylinder
gasic gaseous (adj)
gaslimos (sing) = fillings (splu)
gasmehrkos foul smell
gasoduct gas pipeline
gason lawn turf (sb)
gaspedal gas pedal
gaspistonmotor internal combustion engine
gastall to employ, to hire
gastalt silhouette (sb)
gastangh framework (sb)
gastanker LNG carrier (sb)
gastieup flight of steps (stairs, sb)
gastrados maze of streets
gastrehlos shooting battle (sb)
gastrohl volley of shots
gastronom gastronome
Gatar Qatar (npr)
gateau big cake
gatolkos confab (sb)
gatov rigged (adj)
Gatschmanei Gethsemane ( npr )
gatva narrow street, alley
gatye dam ( sb)
gauta runny (adj ) ( non-viscous)
gavaz (sing) = antlers ( splu)
Gawain Gawain
gawoun recipient (sb)
Gaya Gaia ( npr )
gaydh goat (sb , adj )
gaydhped crowbar (tool)
gays halberd (sb)
gayta bagpipe ( sb)
gaytan braid on dress
Gaza Gaza; Gaza strei = Gaza strip
gazd stick, staff (sb)
gazelle gazelle (sb)
gazette gazette (sb)
ge then (after personal pronoun; enclitic)
gecko gecko
gehlb yellow (adj)
gehlbfeber yellow fever ( sb)
gehmbh to show one's teeth
gehn to father, create (vtr)
gehn- un oiv to lay an egg
gehnghian bedrock
gehr to awake, wake up (vint)
geibh bandy, arched (adj)
geih to vainquish, to be victorious
geihdharma jainism (sb)
geir to bypass, to go around
geirwehnd make a face- to - tail (vtr )
gelatine gelatin
gelee jelly (sb) (cooking)
gelepp drover
gelou sister-in-law
gelu freezing cold (sb)
Gemara Gemara
gemer sister's husband (sb)
gemme gem ( sb)
gen gene (sb )
gena Nature ( sb)
gencian gentian (sb)
gendarme gendarme ( sb)
gendel related (kin, category)
genealogic dru family tree (sb)
general general (adj, sb)
general-major major(-)general
generalissim generalissimo
generation generation (like in “baby-boom generation”)
generator generator (electric, sb)
genereus generous (adj)
Genesis Genesis (sb)
genetic ingenieurie genetic engineering
genial great, of genius (adj)
genie (sing) = genius (sb, person); the Engineers (splu; military corps)
genis of sorts (adj)
geniste broom shrub (sb)
genital genital (adj.)
Gennesar Gennesaret
genocide genocide
genos type, kind (sb)
genotype genotype
genpian piece of paper
gensadpeurten (blood) filiation
genti line (family, sb)
gentile gentle, gentile (adj & sb)
gentleman gentleman (in modern times; sb)
gentor generator, parent
gentorskaut breeding stock
genu knee (sb)
Genua Genoa (npr)
genuan Genoese (sb, adj)
genue to kneel down
genuin genuine (adj)
geodesic geodesic (adj.) (adj.)
geodesique geodesic (sb.) (sb.)
geoglyph geoglyph
geolocalisation geolocation (sb)
geometer geometer
geometer geometer, surveyor
geometria geometry
geong palace-fortress (sb)
Georgos George (npr)
geothermia geothermal energy (sb)
gep pocket ( sb )
gepdenars (plu) = pocket money
gepknif pocketknife
geplampe flashlight (sb)
gepsaat pocket watch
geranium geranium (sb)
gerasc to get old
gerbill gerbil
gerger dilapidated, decayed (adj)
germen germ (sb)
geront old man
geront old man (sb)
geros old age (sb)
gerosdom retirement home
gerrimander gerrymandering/to gerrymander (bo nomen & verb)
gesta chanson de geste
geste gesture ( sf)
gesticule gesticulate (vint)
gestique body language
geul ember ( sb)
geumper sweater (sb)
geus to taste (vtr)
geusmen palate ( sb ) ( anatomy)
gevat retort (sb )
geyser geyser ( sb)
ghab to understand (a fact, a situation)
ghabel (pitch)fork (sb )
ghaben gifted (adj )
ghaghel wild goose (sb)
ghalg wand ( sf )
ghalv skull (sm )
gham marriage (sb); to marry
ghang walk (vint & sb)
ghans goose ( sb)
ghansstieup goose step (marche)
ghansstieup goose step
ghapt gifted (adj )
gharn (& gharna) = gut ( sb)
ghat meet (vtr/vint )
ghatet skein, hank (sb)
ghaw wrong (adj )
ghawd to be delighted about, to rejoice (vtr; + acc.)
ghawl tub (old ship !, sb)
ghawsam the wrong way round
ghayt curl (sb)
ghebel gable, tree-top (sb)
ghebelslatte top purlin (sb)
ghedip ivy ( sb)
ghehd to be able to, can (vtr)
ghehld to be worth, to apply
ghehld tribute ( sb)
ghehldschtraf fine (penalty; sb)
ghehng to spread, to open (one's legs)
ghehrd court, yard ( sb)
ghehrs bristle ( vpr )
ghei draft horse (sm )
gheid be thirsty of (vint) ( fig. )
gheigtel pledge ( sm ) ( guarantee )
gheih yawn (vint)
gheil chops (sf )
gheirs ruffle ( vtr )
gheischa geisha ( sf )
gheisd be speechless
ghel gall ( sb)
Gheldern Guelders
gheldschtraf fine ( sb )
gheleta pot, bucket ( sb)
ghelgh gland (sb)
ghelgh gland ( sb )
ghelon turtle ( sb)
gheloun gill (sb )
ghem low ( adj)
ghem pressem low pressure
ghemia launch, lifeboat
ghemtos keipen low angle shot (photo, film, etc)
ghemwand filter low-pass filter (LPF)
ghend take ( vtr ); grip, hold (sports, sb)
ghengher bran ( sb) ( cereal )
Ghenji Monogatari tale of Genji (sb)
ghens past participle & past tense of “ghend”
ghenstor trunk (sb) ( elephant)
gheram mad ( adj)
gherb notch (sb)
ghergheff tambourine sewing (sm )
gheridon pedestal table ( sb)
gherrilia guerrilla ( sb)
ghers worse (adv.) (comparative os dus-; adv.)
Gherschom Gershom (npr)
ghert dairy produce (sb)
gherzd barley (sb)
gherzdsuker barleysugar (sb)
ghes yesterday (adv)
gheslo thousand (vx.)
Gheslum Oina Nocts the Arabian Nights
ghesor handle (vtr) ; hand (sb; vx.)
ghestern of yesterday (adj)
ghetto ghetto
gheu offer a sacrifice
gheumen libation ( sf )
gheus beggar, rogue ( sb)
gheuss to belch out (vtr)
gheutt to drip
gheutter dropper
ghevghir skimmer (sb)
ghevreck ring-shaped cake (sb)
ghi has no definite meaning, it often appears in second position in a clause and serves to emphasize the preceding word. It is sometimes suffixed to the preceding adverb or pronoun. It can be translated as “then”, or as “for”, f.e.: “Is ne kieup id wogh, isghi ne hieb denars" = “He didn't buy the car for he had no money”.
ghianien rock salt ( sf )
ghianshiek rock ( sf )
ghid past tense of “gheid”
ghie ghee ( sb)
ghieb past tense of “ghab”
ghieng walked (past tense)
ghienzrien hieratic ( adj)
ghiesen harvest ( sb)
ghiet past tense of “ghiet”
ghieter enemy (adj.& sm )
ghieul carbonize (vint / tr )
ghiewd past tense of “ghawd”
ghigda thirst ( figuratively )
ghigilik nightcap (sb)
ghignon rotten luck (sb)
ghih past tense of “gheih”
ghilde guild ( sb)
ghim winter
ghim winter (sb)
ghimer young animal ( sb) (one winter-old)
ghiobeck belly dance (sf )
ghionkawn rape ( sb & vtr )
ghioulee ball ( sm ) ( gun)
ghir gear (sb), speed ( sb)
ghirbox gearbox
ghirdrangh gearshift, shifter (USA), gear stick, gearstick, gear lever (UK)
ghiri mountain forest
ghirratio gear ratio
ghirs past tense of “gheirs”
ghirseleger gear selector
ghirshajamat crewcut
ghisal hostage (sb)
ghisalkapen hostage-taking
ghisd past tense of “gheisd”
ghitarr (& ghitarra) = guitar (sb)
ghitarrtakoun heel (of a guitar)
ghiton tunic, robe (sb)
ghiubeck ratatouille (sb)
ghiul coal (sb); past tense of “ghieul”
ghiulbronn charcoal kiln
ghiulbunker hold, bunker (containing coal, on ships)
ghiulsitla coal pail
ghium can, flask, churn (sb)
ghiuruk hood, top (sb, for vehicle)
ghmiya terrestrial monster (sb)
ghnad nit (sb)
ghneih rub (vtr)
ghnu wildebeest (sb)
ghohd was/were able to
ghohld past tense of “ghehld”
ghohng past tense of “ghehng”
ghohrs past tense of “ghehrs”
ghom earth ( sb ); down; (adv; irregular comparative : niter)
ghomen earthy (adj , sm ) ( human inhabitant of the Earth )
ghomtro + accusative = down with... !
ghu past tense of “gheu”
ghutorium smelter (workplace, sb)
ghutt drop (sb); past tense of “gheutt”; "id ghutt, quod upertrahnt id wedsaat" = "the straw, that broke the camel's back"
ghyah to gape
ghyahsa gap ( sb)
ghyalir unfortunate (adj)
ghyamen pit (sb)
ghyamenviper pit-viper (sb)
ghyan open (vtr)
ghyanen code open source
ghyanendwer (dien) = "Open House (day)"
ghyanu jaw (sb)
ghyanue biting (vtr )
ghyehl yell (vint)
ghyeir to be fond of/keen on
ghyien opened (past tense)
ghyohl past tense of “ghyehl”
ghyor (& ghyora) = mountain (sb); Ghyor ios Baytel = Temple Mount (Jerusalem)
ghyorglaugh orichalcum
ghyorpasse mountain pass
ghyorworts upstream (adv)
giaga heartburn (sb)
giam (window)pane (sb)
giambase horse dealer ( sb)
gian cheek ( sb )
gianost cheekbone ( sf )
gianter son in-law (sb)
gib hunchback ( adj )
gibaku suicide attack
gibbon gibbon
gielwk (blood)leech (sb)
gienxin cash (money, adj)
gieu chew (vtr)
gieumen (chewing) quid
gieuter champ (vtr)
gigant giant ( sb )
gigantesk gigantic ( adj )
gigantkwekwl Ferris wheel (sb)
gigar arum ( sb)
gigh gig (short term job, side job), slash — (like in “I'm a slash writter, slash food-runner, slash salesperson…”), moonlight (informal job)
gigh jig ( sb)
gigolo gigolo
gih past tense of “geih”
Gihon Gihon (Eden, npr)
gikht gout
giki china ware ( sb )
Gilead Gilead (npr)
Gilgamesh Gilgamesh (npr)
gill gill, teacup (unit of volume)
ginchu lipstick (sb)
ginkgo fginkgo (sb)
ginseng ginseng ( sb)
ginter yellow amber
gintou flooded, inundated (adj )
giokien (sing ) = terms (conditions )
giow remove (vtr )
gir past tense of “geir”
giraf giraffe ( sf )
girotransfer transfer (bank; sm)
gisant tomb effigy
gischien earthquake (sb)
giu past tense of “gieu”
giughin delight ( vtr )
giumbusch joy (sb)
giung junk (sb)
giungdok poisoning
Giungkwok The Middle Kingdom (alternative name of China)
giutan rug (sb)
giutayo hitch, snag (sb)
gixia underground (adj)
gixia (& gixiadau) = underground (sb)
gjankiau gateway (sf )
gjashels hypothesis, eventuality
gjia shelf, rack (sb)
gjian distress (sf )
gjiaungsian inlay (vtr )
gjuchien describe in detail ( vtr )
gjugni military physician
gjunki (kind of Eastern) flag (sb)
gjunrjien serviceman ( sb )
glab to embrace (vtr)
glaber glabrous
gladiator gladiator
gladiol gladiolus (sb)
glah acorn (sb)
glamour glamour
glan glean (vtr)
glanez glance (sb. & vint)
glas glass (sb)
glasacryl plexiglas (sb)
glaser glazier
glasic vitreous (adj)
glaslik gumos vitreous humour, vitreous body
glast pastel (sb)
glastra flowerpot
glaswuln (glaswulna) = glass wool
glat to iron (vtr; linen); smooth (adj )
glau full moon
Glauce Glauce
glaugh copper (sb)
glaughbukin (glaughbukina) = brass (music instrument)
glauwer lump (in sauce, flour)
glawgv blue-green
glaz past tense of “glanez”
glebe glebe (sf )
gleg ogle (vtr ) (! )
glegules goggles (splu.)
glehdj ice (sb)
glehdjaiwo Ice Age (sb)
glehdjbenk pack-ice (sb)
glehdjbrehg ice-breaker (vessel)
glehdjer glacier (sb)
glehdjic icy, chilly (adj)
glehdjice (black) ice (sb)
glehdjiko freezie, freeze pop (USA), freezer pop, ice-pole, ice lolly (Scotland), pop stick, icy-pole, ice pop, tip top, chihiro (Cayman Islands), ice candy (Philippines), aiskrim, potong (Malaysia)
glehdjpickel ice-axe ( sb)
glehdjschelf ice shelf
glehdjvafel ice cream cone
glehm to climb (vtr )
glehmb do to cling to ( vpr )
glehmber to haul oneself, to clamber
glehmer to stick together (vint)
gleibh to be stuck
gleih to laugh
gleim glue (sb) & stick (vtr)
gleimbande adhesive tape
gleimen laughter (sb)
gleitue ridicule (vtr)
glend green (adj)
glend piwernt green fertilizer
glendcepel welsh onion (sb)
glendia greenery, verdure (sb)
glendrewos open space, green area (sb)
glesen ankle (sb)
glest blaze, blazing inferno (sb)
gleub cut out, prune (vtr)
glewos (& gleus) = fun (sb)
gli dormouse (sb)
glieb past tense of "glab"
glien past tense of “glan”
gliet past tense of “glat”
glih past tense of “gleih”
glim past tense of “gleim”
glisomarga white clay (sb)
global village global village; global warmen = global warming (sb)
globalisation globalization (sb)
globe globe (sb)
globular globular
glogh thorn (sb)
glohm past tense of “glehm”
glohmb past tense of “glehmb”
glohmber past tense of “glehmber”
glohmer past tense of “glehmer”
gloi stain, spot (sb)
gloistrager stain-remover (sb)
gloiwos glair
glomerule glomerulus
glonce bullet (sb; of a gun))
gloncekyehm bulletproof (adj & sb)
gloria glory (sb)
glossar glossary
gloux to cluck, chuckle (animal)
glub past tense of “gleub”
glucose glucose
glue glue (sb)
gluh to smoulder (fire)
glycol glycol (sb)
glycoriza liquorice (sb)
glyph glyph (sb)
gnah to be born
gnahdien birthday
gnahratio birth rate
gnahsa birth (sb); gnahsa certificat = birth certificate
gnaht-ye by birth (adv)
gnahtarikhe date of birth (sb)
gnater backfire (vint)
gnebh by a narrow margin (adj, adv)
gneibh pinch (vtr)
gneiter crumple (vtr)
gneubh knot (sb) (wood); to get gnarled
gneubhic gnarled (adj)
gneur gurgle (vint , ex: stomach)
gnibh past tense of « gneibh »
gnieter past tense of « gnater »
gnirsk crunch, rustle, screech (vint )
gniter past tense of “gneiter”
gnoh to know
gnohmen emblem ( sb), badge ( sb)
gnohsa knowledge (sb)
gnohsit (he/she/it) knew
gnosticism gnosticism
gnosticisme gnosticism
gnubehd genuflection (sb)
gnur past tense of “gneur”
GO “gwaur - opos " = H.D. (" heavy -duty ")
gobelin tapestry (sb)
goblin goblin (sb)
Godfred Godfrey
godwehb valuable fabric (cloth; sb)
gofrette waffle ( sb)
gogv fledgeling (sb)
gohd good,, successful (adj)
gohmbh past tense of “gehmbh”
gohnos creature, creation
gohr past tense of “gehr”
goil funny ( adj)
goil + acc . = to make fun of
gol goal (football, sb)
golar wild/creeping thyme (sb)
gold gold (sb); gold standard = gold standard
Goldbergmachine Goldberg machine
golden golden (adj); golden hello = golden hello; golden parachute = golden parachute
golem golem
golf golf (sb)
golf plor golf course (sb)
Golgotha Golgotha
gomber bison (sb)
gombh edge (sb )
gomra grief (sb)
gomre to distress, worry (vtr)
gomric sulky (adj.)
gon side (sb)
gondel basket, gondola (sb)
gongu ball, bowl (sb)
gonorrhoea gonorrhea (sb)
gonozdos side junction
gontapwl side (of a guitar)
gontro aside (adv. of movement)
gordebh onager (wild ass; sb )
Gordias Gordias
gordiasnode Gordian knot
gordos enclosure (sb)
gordoskoim gated community, walled community
gordosweik gated community, walled community (this one is greater than "gordoskoim")
gorge gorge (sb); to fill (with liquid; vtr)
gorget gorget {gOrdjët}
gorgon gorgon (sb)
gorilla gorilla (sb)
Gortyn Gortyn (npr)
gospoti foreign(er) (adj. & sb)
gossip gossip (sm)
gost guest (sb)
gostenhall hostelry (sb)
gostpreim + acc. = to give hospitality to
gouache gouache
gouda gouda (sb)
gouge gouge
gougle google (vtr)
goul ghoul (sb)
goun foaminess (“white horses”; sb)
gourde flask (sb)
gourmete gourmet
gourr coo (vint)
gouvernante governess (sb)
gouverne to govern
gouvernement government (sb)
gouverneur governor (sb)
gowlsban pelvis bone
goyava guava (sb)
Graal Grail
grabh dig (vtr )
grabh grave ( sb) ( receptacle )
grabhar gravedigger ( sm )
grabistan burial site
grace grace (sb)
gracieus gracious
graciu graceful (adj)
grade degree (sb, ex: temperature); rank (sb)
gradencollation convocation ceremony
gradient gradient
gradient gradient
gradin terracing (sb)
gradischte castle in ruins
graduation graduation (ceremony)
graduation graduation (generic word, division in degrees and other concepts)
graf count ( sb)
graffiti graffiti
Grafia Shire (Hobbits)
grajd stable (sb)
grak to caw
gramat literate (adj)
gramatia literacy (sb)
grammatic grammar (sb)
gramme gramme (sb)
gramophone gramophone
gramur misted up with tiredness (eyes; sb)
gran grain ( sb)
Granada Granada ( npr ; city of Spain)
granar attic ( sb)
granate shell (cannon; sm )
granatenlehnc grenade launcher (sb)
grance boundary, limit (sb)
grand great, grand ( adj ) (fig)
Grand Barrier Riff Great Barrier Reef (Australia; sb)
Grand Britain Great Britain ( npr )
Grand Depression Great Depression
Grand Lacs Great Lakes (splu)
grandiose grandiose (adj)
grandmast mainmast, big mast
grandmater grandmother ( sb)
grandpater grandfather (sb)
grandwn hail ( sf )
granite granite ( sb)
graph graph (sb)
graphene graphene
graphic (neuder)interface graphical user interface
graphic novella graphic novella
graphic pianji graphics tablet, digitizer, drawing tablet, drawing pad, digital drawing tablet, pen tablet, digital art board)
graphic roman graphic novel
graphion registrar (sb)
graphionia registry (sb)
graphique graph (sb)
graphite graphite (sb)
graps fish basket
gras to graze ("edde gras")
gras grass (sb); to graze
grasban angry ( adj )
grassab anger (sb)
gratin gratin (sb)
gratis (cost)free (adj & adv)
gratistat absence of cost (sb)
gratule to congratulate
grave grave (adj.)
gravitat gravity
gravitat gravity
gravitation gravitation
gravitation gravitation
Graya Graea (npr)
graz scratch (vtr; itching)
grebe grebe (sb)
gredd stride ( vtr )
gredin rogue (sb)
greg mob (sb)
Gregor Gregory
Gregorian calendar Gregorian calendar
grehd + acc. = to be greedy for
grehdia greed (sb)
grehdic greedy (adj)
grehm growl (vint)
grehnd grind ( vtr )
grehv engrave ( vtr )
grehven print, engraving ( sb)
greih coat ( vtr )
greip to grab
greipank grapnel, grappling hook ( sb)
greis gray (adj)
greiso substance gray matter (sb; fig)
greiszone grey area
gremio lap, bosom (fig.)
greumel mumble (vtr)
greve greave (sb) (leg armor)
gribel tingling, stinging (sb)
griblic urticating (adj)
grichek buckwheat (sb)
gridel grid (sb) ( fig )
griebh past tense of “grabh”
grief grievance (sb)
griek past tense of "grak"
gries past tense of “gras”
griez past tense of “graz”
grih past tense of “greih”
grille grill (vtr )
grind locker ( sb )
grindei frame, pole of plough/plow
grint scold (vtr )
griot griot (sb)
grip past tense of “greip”
grippe flu (sb)
grisou firedamp (sb)
griva mane (sb) (of wildcat)
grizzly grizzly
grobian impolite (adj)
grobos scratch (wound; sb)
grog grog
groghy groggy (adj)
grohd past tense of "grehd"
grohm thunder rumble (sb), past tense of “grehm”
grohng past tense of “grehnd”
grohv past tense of “grehv”
groimen coating ( sb)
grok caw (vint)
gron verdant (adj)
Gronland Greenland (npr)
grosch shilling (sb)
gross gross (adj) (not fine); gross operationsurplus = gross operating surplus
grossbukh general ledger
grosse gross (sb)
grotesk grotesque (adj)
grotte cave, grotto (sb)
groub big ( adj ) ( coarse)
grov ditch (sb)
grovice dimple
grud groats, gruel ( sb )
grumb bump ( sb)
grumel past tense of “greumel”
grund ground (sb)
grundetage ground floor (sb)
grundsalgos ground swell (wave; sb)
grundye to growl (like a pig, sb)
grunz clod (sb)
grupp group ( sb)
gruppuscule groupuscule
gruppuscule groupuscule
gruyere gruyère (sb)
grwozdu cluster (sb)
grwozdue to flowchart (vtr)
gryllotalpa mole cricket
gryp griffin (sb)
gsieji Summer Solstice
gsienchi incumbent (adj)
gsieschui be tired out ( fam )
gsietau clog (sb)
guangdungwa Yue Chinese language
guano guano
guant glove (sb)
guantiek glove compartment, glovebox, glovie
guantlete gauntlet (sb)
guar spoon (sb)
guarani guarani
guarde guard (a soldier, sb)
guarde to guard
guardia guard ( military unit, sb)
guardrail guardrail ( sf )
Guatemala Guatemala ( npr )
guatemalteck Guatemalan (adj. & n. )
gubh cove (sb) (bay)
gud colon (anatomy, sb)
gudang depot ( sb) (building )
gughehr to come off, get lost (vint)
gugheir to mess up, to spoil something
gugor damned, rooten (!; when referring to something that doesn't work properly)
guide guide (vtr & sb; ex : tourism)
guidon handlebars (sb)
guiliotine guillotine (sb)
Guinea Guinea (npr)
guinee guinea (sb; currency)
Guinevere Guinevere
gulap julep (sb)
gulf gulf (sb); Gulf os Pars = Parsian Gulf
gulule marble (game, sb)
gumb washer, slice (sb)
gumma rubber, eraser (sb)
gumme to erase (vtr)
gummi rubber (matter; sb)
gumminauk inflatable boat, rubber dinghy (sb)
gumos body secretion (sb)
gumt coming (sb)
gunnel gunnel (sb)
gur(an) crane (sb)
guragh to swallow up (vtr); big throat (sb)
gurdu half-wit (adj)
gurgule throat (sb); gargle (vtr)
gurk cucumber (sb)
gurobel sparrow (sb)
guros curly hair
guru guru
gurur (exagerated) pride (sb)
gus past tense of "geus"
gussen caterpillar (sb)
gussett fob ( sb)
gust taste ( sm )
gutor priest (who makes sacrifices) ( sb)
guttural guttural (adj)
gutule small intestine (sb)
guway eerie (adj)
gvaedd soothsayer (sb) , guess ( vtr )
gvaltic violent ( adj)
gvaskayn decry (vtr )
gvehd (semject ud semanghen) = to pray to someone (a God) for something
gvehmb skip, hop (vint)
gvehn to slay, shoot off, fell; "gvehne dwo musch med oin cutt" = "to kill two birds with one stone"
gvehntel swordfighter, swordsman (sb)
gveih wither (vint)
gventer belly (sb)
gver fierce, wild (adj), wild animal (sb)
gvereh to be warm
gverehtor space heater
gveria hunting (sb)
gverpter fell beast (pleukend reidbiest im Nazgûl)
gvertat savagery (sb)
gverue to hunt
gvibh wife ( sb)
gviht withering (sb)
gvir gravel ( sb)
gvirkaghel piece of gravel ( sb)
gvohmb past tense of “gvehmb”
gvohn past tense of "gvehn"
gvol pain (sb); to hurt (vtr)
gvolic painful ( adj)
gvond firearm, gun (sb)
gvonderv centaur ( sb )
gvonia killing, slaughter ( sb )
gvonic bloody ( adj )
gvrendue to boast
gvrens hot weather, heat (sb)
gvrensvoln heat wave
gvrin rocky terrain (sb)
gvud vermin (sb)
gwah to go to (vtr)
gwahmen trestle (stage, sb)
gwahsa outward journey
gwahsa-reiken round-trip
gwahsit (he/she/it) went
gwaru seriously (when referring to a wound; adv)
gwarutat gravity ( sb)
gwaukan resolute, determined (adj)
gwaur (& gwaru ) = heavy ( adj)
gwaurach doltish (adj & sb)
gwaureg oafish (adj)
gwaurod heavy ( adj )
gwayder to expose to light (verb)
gwayder light ( adj)
Gwaydra Phaedra
gwayrjien outsider ( sb)
gwayt gait, process ( sb)
gwehl spring, spurt out (vint)
gwehlbh to calve
gwehm to come; gwehm ender = to come under (fig.)
gwehrd sing (in praise) (vtr)
gwehzd nail (vtr)
gweitsk squeal (vint)
gwelbh uterus (sb)
gwelon sting of an insect
gwelos shaft (missile; sb)
gwen present tense base of “gwesen”; gwen(a) = woman (sb)
gwenak young woman
gwenakia boudoir ( sm )
gwenen dessous ( splu ) women underwear (sing)
gwenman consume ( vtr )
gwern millstone (sb)
gwerwr watercress ( sb)
gwesen to go out (light), to switch off
gwesen to switch off, to go out
gwetarm round dance (sb)
gwetu resin (sb)
gweup keep (vtr)
gwinew quicken, revive, renew (vtr)
gwirlay go/come back home (vint)
gwis force, vigour (sb)
gwispituv bracing, invigorating (adj)
gwisti finger (sb; vx)
gwisticuit fin (of animals, like ducks; sb)
gwistikerdos fingering, fingerpicking ; kwehr- — = fingerpick (vtr., musical instrument)
gwit life ( sb)
gwitsicurance life insurance ( sb )
gwitsk past tense of “gweitsk”
gwitstandard standard of living (sb)
gwitstyle lifestyle (sb)
gwitu world of humans/of the living
gwiv live (vtr )
gwiv alive, living ( adj)
gwivav hardy (adj; ex: tree)
gwiveina fishpond, fish-tank (sb)
gwiw past tense of “gwinew”
gwiwot belly, paunch (sb)
gwiwotic corpulent, potbellied, paunchy (adj )
gwiya ox nerve, bow-string (sb)
gwodingva ox-tongue (fungus, sb )
gwoflor colchicum ( sb)
gwohl past tense of “gwehl”
gwohm came
gwohrd past tense of “gwehrd”
gwohzd past tense of “gwehzd”
gwokol ox-herd (sb)
gwokolic bucolic
gwopah ox-herd
gworgwor manure
gwosta stable (for cows)
gwow cow, bovine animal (sb)
gwozd nail (of metall)
gwozs studded (adj)
gwultur vulture
gwunet to place side by side, to add (material ed figurat)
gwup past tense of “gweup”
gwutyen buzzard hawk
gyap groan, yap, yelp (vint)
gymnasiaste pupill in a "gymnasium"
gymnasium (comprehensive school in Central European countries)
gymnaste gymnast
gymnastique gymnastics (splu)
gymnosperm gymnosperm
gynandromorphisme gynandromorphism
gyps plaster (sb) (matter)
gyroscope gyroscope
habak basil (sb) (plant)
Habana Havana (npb)
habar bustard (sb)
habbarays stavesacre (sb)
habbelmosk abelmosk (sb)
habe to have (irregular verb)
habe semject samlik ad to take after (resemblance)
haben had (past participle); holding (thing possessed; sb)
habent (they) have
habib beloved (adj)
habiet (he/she/it) would have
habilite empower ( vtr )
habit growth habit
habitat habitat (sb)
hablar bragging ( sb)
habskw to covet (vtr)
habte (you) have
Hachepsut Hatshepsut (npr)
hachure hatching (strips)
haddock haddock (sb)
Hades Hades (Is div)
hadh border (sb)
hadhban border patrol serviceman (sb)
hadia gift, present (sb)
hadith hadith
Hadrian Hadrian
hadtha episode, misadventure (sb)
Hafez Hafez (Persian poet; sb)
hag hedge ( sb)
Haghia Sophia Hagia Sophia (npr)
hagi Muslim pilgrim (sb)
hagilic Muslim pilgrimage
hagye to do the Muslim pilgrimage
hail hail (to call; vtr )
haines hatred ( sb)
haissen hate (vtr )
haja query (sf )
hajam barber (sb)
hajamat haircut ( sb)
hajib maid, lady-in waiting ( sb)
hajin camel (racing; sb)
hajou pamphlet (sb )
hajoum assault (vtr & sb )
hajoumer forward (soccer)
hakan really (adv )
hakara insult ( sb)
hakare insult (vtr)
hakhamanisch achaemenid
hakhna whore (sf )
hakike truthful, veracious (adj )
hakime wise ( adj)
hakir contemptible (adj)
halak carnage ( sb)
halde slag heap ( sb)
halfback halfback (football; sb)
halk gum (tooth; sb)
halka ring ( sb)
hall (big) hall
hall hall (sb)
hallo ! hello ! ( interj. )
hallucination hallucination (sb)
hallucinogen hallucinogen
halo halo (sb)
halogen haologenous (adj), halogen (sb)
halsbehrg hauberk (sb)
halsbehrgion A short hauberk with short or no sleeves.
halsbehrgion haubergeon
halstuk foulard, scarf (sb)
halt stop ( sb & vint/vtr )
halva turròn (sb)
halwa fruit in syrup
halwghen hooligan, thug (sb)
hamal carrier (sm )
hamam hamam ( sm )
hamand handle (sb) ( to take )
hamburger hamburger (sb)
hamel ram ( sb)
hamil pregnant ( adj )
hammer hammer (sm )
hamrah accompany ( vtr )
hams (we) have
hanafi hanafi
hand hand (sb); hands hog ! = hands up !
handam scaffolding (sb)
handbraik hand brake
handbuk handbook ( sb)
handchirk handkerchief ( sb)
handdesinfector hand sanitizer
handdrangh handle ( sf )
handduk towel (sb)
Handel Handel (composer; npr)
handgranate handgrenade (sb) (weapon)
handicap handicap
handsack handbag (sb)
handug dexterous, skillful ( adj)
hang hang (vtr/vint)
hangamah riot (sb)
hangar shed (sb)
hangbrigv suspended bridge
hangdauyn zip-line, zip line, zipline, Sypline, zip wire, aerial runway, aerial ropeslide, death slide, flying fox, foefie slide
hangdauynlift aerial tramway (sb)
hangel hang, swing, dangle (vint)
hangend garden hanging garden (sb)
hangher hanger ( sb)
hangjow order ( vtr & sb ) (commerce)
hangmat hammock ( sb)
hangpao red envelope (Chinese tradition) ( sb)
hank hip (sb)
Hanse Hanseatic League
hant (they) have
hante haunt (vtr )
haps jail, gaol (kay taye "rlau")
haraf malignant (adj )
haraj land value tax (sb)
haram illegal ( adj)
harar rapatel ( sb )
harara ardour, spirit (sb)
harass exhaust, harass (vtr)
harb destroy (vtr )
harbi ramrod (sb) (guns)
haredi hardei
harf harp (sb)
haridra turmeric (sb)
harif character(letter)
harihr silkware
Harimathaya Arimathée
Harlequin Harlequin (npr)
harm + acc. = harm (vtr)
harmonia harmony (sb)
harmonica harmonica (sb)
harmonieus harmonious
harmonise harmonize (vtr)
haroub carob (sb)
harpia harpy ( sb )
harpoun harpoon ( sb)
has (thou) hast, (you) have
hasard chance, coincidence (sb)
hasardeus hazardous ( adj )
hashtag number sign #
hasin desolating (adj )
haspel reel ( sb )
hassa ( & bilhassa) = mostly ( adv )
hassad envious (adj)
hassadia envy ( sf )
hassidi hassidic (adj. & sb)
hassidut hassidic judaism
hassile acquire, get (vtr); way out, outcome (sb)
hassir doormat ( sb)
hasswra littered (sf )
hast speed ( vtr )
hast haste (sb)
hastic precipitate, hasty (adj)
hat has; hat (sb)
hatar hatter
hathkari (sing.) = handcuffs (splu)
hatschback hatchback (car)
hatta even (adv)
haubiza howitzer
hauki swordfish ( sb)
haul haul (vtr )
hauptwakht guard corps (sb)
haus draw (from a well; vtr)
hausa hausa
haussal crop, jabot (sb)
hava air (sb) (atmosphere); airs (splu)
haven haven (sb)
havenback jetty, pier (sb)
haver doe (sb)
Havila Havilah (npr)
Haway Hawaii
hawz artificial pool (sb)
hay go! ( to one person)
haya sense of modesty (sb)
hayd hell ( sb) ( religion )
Hayderabad Hyderabad (npr)
hayduc goon (sb)
hayp hype (vtr + sb)
hayran amazed (adj)
hayriene amazement (sb)
haysa infectious disease, plague (sb)
hayte let's go ! (to several persons)
haythiya recital (law)
Hayti Haiti (npr)
hayvan tiny creature (sb)
hayz periods (woman)
hazara hazara (adj. & sb)
hazrat Highness (sb)
Hebron Hebron
Hecate Hecate (npr)
heck stern ( sb )
heckel heckle (vtr)
heckelphone heckelphone (sb)
hectare hectare (sb)
hectic hectic (adj)
Hector Hector
hedge fund hedge fund
hedonisme hedonism
hedonisme hedonism
Hedwig Hedwig
heft booklet (sb)
hegemon hegemon
hehlp help (vint/vtr & sb)
heih to hit
heir army (as opposed to navy and air force)
Heisenbergsk nebestohmenkweitsrelation Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Helene Helen (npr)
Heliaya Heliaia
helicoidal helical
helicopter helicopter (sb)
heliocentrisme heliocentrism
heliocentrisme heliocentrism
helipad helipad (sb)
helix helix (sb)
Hellad Greece (npr)
Helle Helle (npr)
hellen Greek (adj. & sb)
hellenistic hellenistic
helm helmet (sb)
helmbrekht high-liver, pleasure seeker (sb)
helot helot (sb)
helt barrel, stock, trunk, shaft (sb)
hem home ( sb )
hemchange move (change of home; sb)
hemisphere hemisphere
hemoglobin hemoglobin (sb)
hempedaler exercise bicycle
hemphel rosa arvensis ( sb)
hemport port of call
hen hen ( sb)
henghehrd farmyard ( sb)
Henoch Enoch (npr)
Henric Henry, Harry (npr)
hensel harass (vtr)
hepatitis hepatitis (sb)
Hephaystos Hephaestus
her here (adv)
Hera era
heraklei Herculean (ex: task, effort, ect)
herakleitei heraclitean
herakleitei Heraclitean
Herakleitos Heraclitus
Herakleitos Heraclitus
Herakleus Heracles (npr)
Herakleusios Colunns Pillars of Hercules (splu)
herald herald (sb)
herb herb (sb)
herbat herbal tea (sb)
herbehrg inn
herbehrg to harbour (vtr)
herbehrg inn (for overnight; sb); harbour (vtr)
herbicide herbicide
herbivore herbivorous
herboriste herbalist (sb)
Herceg os Alba Duke of Alba (npr)
herd stove (sb)
hered heir (sb)
heredat legacy (sb) (what we have inherited)
hereditar hereditary (adj)
heresie heresy (sb)
heretic heretic
hering herring (sb)
heritage heritage (sb)
herite inherit (a thing; vtr)
hermelin ermine ( sb)
hermeneutique hermeneutics
Hermes Hermes
hermetic hermetic (adj)
herodian herodian (adj. & sb)
Herodias Herodias
Herodos Herod (npr)
Herodotos Herodotus (npr)
heron heron ( sb)
heroy hero ( sb )
heroyic heroic (adj)
heroyine heroin (drug; sb)
hertz hertz (sb)
Hesiod Hesiod ( npr )
hesitation hesitation (sb)
hesite hesitate
Hesperides Hesperides (splu)
Hesse Hesse (npr)
hessian hessian (cloth; sb)
Hestia Hestia
hetero straight (heterosexual)
heterogene heterogeneous (adj)
heterogeneitat heterogeneity
heterotroph heterotroph
hetman captain (in the army; sb)
hetro hither (adv)
heudel snuggle ( vpr )
heul yell, howl ( vtr )
heumpouce skunk (sb)
heungher hunger ( sb & vint )
heunghernd hungry, starving (adj )
heupon rose hip (sb)
heurt hit, hurt (vtr )
heurv to act like a whore
heut boo (vtr )
hevd week (sb )
hevdend weekend
heyba imposing bearing
hezdion tow, oakum (sb)
hiatus hiatus
hidaya righteousness ( sb)
hideus hideous ( adj )
hieb had
hiebit (he/she/it) had
hielt past tense of “halt”
hieng past tense of “hang”
hiengel past tense of hangel”
hierarchia hierarchy ( sb)
hierarchic hierarchical ( adj )
hierarchise to organize into a hierarchy ( vtr )
hierb past tense of “harb”
hierm past tense of “harm”
hieroglyph hieroglyph ( sb)
Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus Bosch (npr)
Hierophant Hierophant ( tarot)
hiest past tense of “hast”
hieul past tense of “haul”
hieus past tense of “haus”
hiey tonka bean
hih past tense of “heih”
Hijase Hejaz
hijra hijra (sb)
hila cunning ( sb) ( special trick )
hilal moon crescent ( sb)
Hildegarde os Bingen Hildegarde os Bingen (npr)
hin (& hina) = until
Hind India ( npr )
hinder ud = to hinder from
hindi Indian (adj. & sb); Hindi Ocean = Indian Ocean
Hinduism Hinduism (sb)
hingol neigh (vint)
Hipparkhos Hipparchus
Hipparkhos Hipparchus
hippie hippie
hippocampus hippocampus (kers)
Hippocrates Hippocrates (npr)
hippogriff hippogriff (sb)
Hippolyte Hippolyta (ster)
Hippolytos Hippolytus (ner nam)
Hippomenes Hipomenes (npr)
hippopotam hippopotamus (sb)
hirassat custody of a child ( sb )
hirotonia ordination ( sb )
hirotonise order ( vtr ) (a priest )
hirs readiness (sb)
hirsic eager ( adj )
Hiskiyah Hezekiah (npr)
hissab calculate (vtr )
hissabpianji spreadsheet (sb)
hissabschiber slide rule
hissan thoroughbred (sb; horse)
hisse to hoist
histologic histologic
historia history (sb)
historian historian (sb)
historic historic (adj)
histrionic histrionic
hit hit (music, base-ball; sb)
Hittite Hittite (adj , sb)
HIV (Human Immunodeficience Virus) = HIV (sb)
HIV-positive HIV-positive
ho I have
hoan defer, adjourn, postpone (vtr)
hoax hoax (sb)
hoay Japanese pagoda tree (sb)
hobbit hobbit (adj & sb)
hock crouch (vpr)
hockment squat (exercise)
hocus-pocus hocus-pocus (https://www.academia.edu/23324580/Grammaire_de_Proto-Indo-Europ%C3%A9en_PIE_sb)
hofarta (female) matchmaker (sb)
hofdame lady-in-waiting (court)
hofmayster tutor, hofmeister (sb)
hog high (adj)
hoge height (sb)
hogtos keipen high-angle shot (photo, film)
hohlp past tense of “hehlp”
hoien past tense of “hoan”
hois (.... ciois) = on the one hand .... on the other one
hol whole, integer ( adj )
hol plang to cry all the time
hold-up robbery (sb)
holding holding company
holk saddle-bag
Holland Holland (npr)
hollandish hollands (adj)
holm reef ( sb )
holocaust holocaust ( sb)
Holofernes Holofernes
hologramme hologram (sb)
holost holosteum
holster holster (sb., vtr.)
holter-monitor Holter monitor
homage tribute, homage (sb)
homeostase homeostasis (sb)
Homer Homer (npr)
homilia homily
hominida hominid
homogenisation homogenisation
homologh homologous
homologh to commit oneself to; homologous (adj.); counterpart, opposite number (sb)
homophobia homophobia
homosexual homosexual (adj & sb)
honar noisy (adj)
honeste honest (adj)
honestia honesty (sb)
honn disdain, contempt (sb)
honnic dismissive, disdainful
honnise disgrace (vtr)
honor honor ( sb)
honorable honorable (adj)
honorar honorary (adj); honorars = fees (ex: for a lawyer)
honore honor ( vtr )
hor hour ( sb ) ( duration)
Horace Horace (Roman writer; npr)
horde horde ( sb)
hordover hors d'oeuvre (sb)
horgn barn ( sb )
horizont horizon ( sb )
horloge clock ( sb)
horlong hourly (adj & adv)
hormone hormone (sb)
Hormose Hormuz
horn horn (sb)
hornwehrg hornwork (fortification)
horoscope horoscope (sb)
horror horror ( sb)
horrorsroman horror novel (sb)
hortensia hydrangea
hortghehrd orchard (sb)
horvat Croatian (n. & adj)
hosanna hosanna
hospital hospital (sb)
Hospitaliar Hospitaller (adj, sb) (Templar Order)
host host (internet, nomen & verb)
host lyegher host layer (internet)
hostile hostile (adj)
hostilitat hostility (sb)
hotdog hot dog
hotel hotel (sb )
hotelier hotelier (sb)
hotellerie hospitality industry
hotspot hotspot (geology, sb)
houthi houthi
hovercraft hovercraft ( sb)
howkschece pothole ( fig )
hoybel plane (sb; tool )
hoyd today (adv)
hoyer pay (in the Navy, on ships; sb)
Hrvatska Croatia ( npr )
huckem judgement, conviction ( sb)
hudel past tense of “heudel”
hue ! Gee up !
Hugo Hugh (npr)
hukah hookah (sb)
hul past tense of “hul”
hulkum adam 's apple
human humane (adj.)
human sciences human sciences
humanisme humanism (sb)
humanitar humanitarian (adj); humanitar intervention = humanitarian intervention
humanoid humanoid (adj & sb)
humil humble ( adj)
humilye to humiliate (vtr)
humor humo(u)r
humoristic humorous (adj)
humour humo(u)r
humus humus (sb)
hungher hunger (sb)
hungher hunger (sb)
hungric hungry
hungric hungry (adj)
hurcan hurricane (sb)
hurr free (when refering to an untethered animal)
Hurrah ! Hooray ! (interj)
hurt past tense of “heurt”
hurv past tense of “heurv”
hurva whore
hurva whore ( sb) (!)
Husayn Hussein ( npr )
hushyar aware ( adj )
hussar hussar ( sb)
husur comfort (vtr )
hut past tense of “heut”
hyacinth hyacinth (npr & sb mineral)
hyaukwsia gossamer (sb)
hybride hybrid (adj & sb)
hydra hydra (sb)
hydrant fire hydrant
hydrargwrnt mercury (sb) (element)
hydraulic hydraulic (adj); hydraulic fracturation = hydraulic fracturing
hydraulic kyenk hydraulic tappet
hydraulic vren hydraulic ram
hydrocarbon hydrocarbon
hydrocephalus hydrocephalus sick (adj & sb)
hydrocracking hydrocracking
hydrodesulphuration hydrodesulfurization
hydroelectric hydroelectric (adj)
hydrogen hydrogen (sb)
hyena hyena (sb)
hygiene hygiene
hygienic tampon tampon (mass of absorbent material)
hygnot huguenot
hygnot huguenot
hyls (cartridge) case
hymne hymn (sb)
hyperbole hyperbola, hyperbole
hyperborean Hyperborean (adj , sb)
Hypereides Hypereides (npr)
hypertension hypertension, high blood pressure
hypnose hypnosis (sb)
hypnotic hypnotic, soporific ( adj )
hypnotise hypnotize (vtr)
hypocrisis hypocrisy
hypocrite hypocrite (sb); hypocritical (adj)
hypophyse pituitary gland ( sb)
hypotension hypotension, low blood pressure
hypotheque hypothec ( sb)
hypothese hypothesis ( sb)
hyrkani Hyrcanian (adj , sb)
hysteria hysteria
hysteric hysteric(al)
i they, them (undetermined plural) ; the (undetermined plural nominative & accusative)
ia she ; they, them (neutral) ; the (feminine singular nominative ; neutral plural nominative and accusative)
ia Anthesteria Anthesteria
ia Bell Aiwoswohpa the Sleeping Beauty
ia Gionconda Mona Lisa ( npr )
ia Indias the Indies (splu)
ia Lenaya the Lenaia (plu. in Sambahsa) (plural nomen in Sambahsa)
ia Lumens the Enlightenment (History )
ia Panathenaya Panathenaic Games (n.plu.)
iad venom ( sb )
iadic poisonous (adj )
iam her (personal pronoun feminine singular accusative); the (feminine singular accusative); of the (feminine plural genitive)
Iamblikh Iamblichus
Iamblikh Iamblichus
ianschi long-sighted (adj & sb)
ias they; the (feminine plural nominative); of the (genitive feminine singular)
iawod let's hope that (conj)
ib lest (conj)
ibam hallux, big toe
Iberic peninsule Iberian peninsula
ibis ibis
iblis ! deuce ! devil ! (interj)
Ibn Khaldoun Ibn Khaldun
ibo lest (conj.)
ibo lest (conj.)
ibo lest (conj)
ibrat admonition (sb)
ibri Hebrew (adj. & n.)
ibrick ewer (sb)
ibs to them; to the (mas. and neut. plural)
icon icon (sb)
iconoclaste iconoclast(ic)
Iconomachie Byzantine Iconoclasm
id it; the (neutral singular nominative & accusative)
id Areios Pagos Areos Pagos (npr)
id ghutt, quod upertrahnt id wedsaat the straw that breaks the camel's back
Id Mier Antsalg the Great Escape (movie)
id predien the eve
id-on id (psychologia)
idafa supplement ( sb)
idafi additional ( adj)
idee idea (sb)
identic identical (adj)
identificator identifier (internet) (internet)
identitat identity (sb)
ideogramme ideogram (sb)
idiome idiom (sb)
idiosyncrasia idiosyncrasy (sb)
idiot idiot (adj & sb)
IDM (Ion Dwin-Motor) = TIE (Star Wars; sb)
idol idol (sb)
idolater idolize (vtr); idolater, idolatrous
idolatrie idolatry
ids its
idyll idyll
ieftin cheap (adj)
ieg past tense of “ag”
iel past tense of “al”
ielbhe whiteness (sb)
Ielcin Yeltsin (npr)
ielg each (adj) (for more than 2)
ielgv past tense of “algv”
ielm elm (sb )
iemer past tense of “amer”
iendh past tense of “andh”
iens them / the (masculine plural accusative)
ienswan hydrochloric acid (sb)
ienter husband's brother's wife (sb)
ienzui bulb (sb ) ( anatomy)
ienzwa relaxation ( sb )
iep past tense of “ap”
ier past tense of “ar”
Ierevan Yerevan (npr)
ierk past tense of “ark”
ies they & the (masculine plural nominative)
Ieschaya Isaiah
ieschke tinder, touchwood (sb)
ieter either, each (adj) (of 2)
ieu past tense of “au”
ieug past tense of “aug”
ieum past tense of “aum”
ieun “good path”
ieur heard (past tense); they lacked
ieurgh past tense of "aurgh"
ieusdeh to perfect (legal proceedings)
ieusk past tense of “ausk”
ieust just, fair (adj)
ieustet fairness
ieustet fairness
iev cereal, fruit, berry (sb)
iey past tense of “ay” : said, did say (in dialogues), considered as
ieydh past tense of “aydh”
ieygw past tense of “aygw”
ieyr past tense of “ayr”
ieysgwn past tense of “aysgwn”
iezwl past tense of “azwl”
ifrat damned, hellishly (adv) (!)
iftara defamation (sb)
iftare to libel, slender (vtr)
ighdu catch (sb; hunting, fishing)
ighnos track, trail, lead, traces
ighnue to track (vtr)
Ignatius os Loyola Ignatius of Loyola ( npr )
ignimbrit ignimbrite (sb)
ignition-kier spark plug
ignoble vile ( adj)
ignominie ignominy
ignominieus appalling (adj)
ignorant ignorant (adj)
ignore ignore (vtr)
iguana iguana
iguanodon iguanodon (sb)
igumen Prior ( sb; Church)
igumena mother superior (convent)
ih past tense of “eih”
ihatta (sing) = surroundings (splu)
ijab grant (vtr )
ijadh device ( sb)
ijar renting, hiring (sb)
ijbaric compulsory (adj )
ijmal overview (sb)
Iker Icarus ( npr )
ikhlas natural, genuine ( adj )
ikhsan good deed
ikhtar notice, warning (sb)
ikhtiaj need, want (poverty; sb)
ikhtiar voluntary, unpaid ( adj , sb)
ikhtilaf disagreement (sb)
ikhtiram bow, curtey (sb)
ikhtissar summary ( sb)
iklime climate (sb) ( region )
ikrar acknowledgment of receipt (sb)
ikri fish egg (sb)
iktissad (sing) = savings (splu)
iktissadic thrifty (adj)
il muddy (adj); silt (sb)
il Capitano il Capitano
ilahi ! divine goodness !
ilaj medical treatment ( sb)
ilay to burst out laughing
ilhali whereas (conj)
Iliad Iliad (npr)
ilkhani ilkhanate (adj.)
ill slime, slimy
illat ailment (sb) (slight illness)
illicit illegal (adj)
illuminat illuminate, crank (adj & sb)
illumine illuminate (vtr)
illusor illusory
illustre illustrate (vtr)
ilm skill (sb)
iltija supplication (sb)
im to them/of them (undetermined plural dative & genitive); to the/of the (undetermined plural dative & genitive)
image image (sb) (fig)
imaginar imaginary (adj.)
imaginar imaginary
imaginarium imagination (way to figure out)
imagine imagine (vtr)
imara building, construction (sb) (result)
imbecile fool ( adj , sb)
imdadh aid (sb & vtr)
imite imitate (vtr)
imkan capacity (sb)
imla dictation (sb) (school)
imle to dictate (a text)
immaculat immaculat (adj); Immaculat Conception = Immaculate Conception
immanent immanent
immatriculation registration (at the university)
immediat immediate
immediatia immediateness
immemorial timeless ( adj )
immense immense (adj)
immigrant immigrant (adj & sb)
imminence imminence
imminent imminent (adj)
immix (se -) = to interfere (vint)
immobilise immobilize, stop (vtr)
immoral immoral
immuable immutable (adj)
immunologia immunology
immunologia immunology
immunresponse immune response
immunsysteme immune system (sb)
impactvehrten impact assessment
impasse impasse (fig., sb)
impassive impassive (adj )
impatience impatience (sb)
impatient impatient
impedeih embarrass, bother ( vtr )
impediment hitch ( sb) ( obstacle )
impehl to seal off, fill in (vtr)
imperator Emperor (sb); Is Imperator = The Emperor (tarot)
imperatrice Empress (sb); ia Imperatrice = The Empress (tarot)
imperieus imperious
imperieus imperious
impersonal impersonal
implacable relentless ( adj)
implant implant (sb)
implante implant (vtr.)
impleh assuage, satisfy (vtr)
implehc entangle, twist (vtr)
implicit implicit (adj)
implie imply (vtr)
implohca imbrication, interweaving
implohca imbrication
implore implore (vtr)
import (& importation) = import (sb )
important important ( adj)
importe to matter (+ dat.) ; to import
imposant large, impressive ( adj )
imposen impose (vtr)
impost tax (sb); past participle of "imposen"
impressem impress ( vtr )
impression impression (sb)
imprisible impregnable
imprisible impregnable (adj)
impromptu impromptu, sudden (adj)
improvis (& improviden) = unexpectedly, without warning (adv)
improvise (vtr) = improvise
improviset explosive jihase improvised explosive device
impudent brazen (adj )
impulse impulse
imputable imputable ( adj)
imtihan exam (sb)
imtihansuwal examination question (sb)
in in (prep)
in absentia in absentia
in avance in advance
in civil in civilian clothes
in direct (& layv) = live (adj)
in flagranti delicto in flagrante delicto
in regard + genitive = in comparison to
in unisson in unison ( adv )
inab bunch of grapes (sb)
inaccessible inaccessible (adj)
inadvertentce-ye inadvertently (adv)
inalienable inalienable (adj)
inanition inanition
inappettitant unappetising (adj)
inat stubborn (sb)
incandescent incandescent (adj)
incantation incantation (sb)
incarnat (incarnatpemb) = incarnato (colour)
incarne incarnate (vtr)
incest incest (sb & adj)
inch inch (sb) (measure)
incid [intsId] = to notch, to cut (vtr)
incident incident (adj & sb)
incinerator incinerator
incinere incinerate
incisive incisive (adj)
incivilitat incivility
incivilitat incivility
includ include (vtr); incl.(udend) VAT = all taxes included
incognito incognito (adj/adv)
incommensurable incalculable (adj)
incommunicado incommunicado (adj & adv)
inconscient inconscient (adj)
inconsiderat inconsiderate ( adj )
incontienence incontinence (urinar)
incontre to encounter
inconvenient disadvantage (sb)
incredule incredulous ( adj )
incube incubate
inculque inculcate (vtr )
incumebh (+ acc.) = fall to (as a responsibility)
incurr to run (a risk)
incutt anvil (sb)
indenegable undeniable (adj)
indentation indentation (style)
indentation indent style
independent independent (adj)
inder invigorating (adj) (fig.)
indeulg (semject ad semanghen) = forgive (vtr)
index (book or Censorship) = index (sb)
indexe index (vtr)
indian Indian (adj & sb; native American)
Indian lient Indian summer
indibitable indubitable
indice index; clue (sb)
indienne indienne (woibh)
indifferent indifferent (adj)
indigestion indigestion
indignat indignant (adj)
indignation indignation (sb)
indigo indigo
indigo magv indigo child
indiscret indiscreet
individu individual (sb)
indivision indivision
indo-gangetic plain indo-gangetic plain
indoctrination indoctrination
indolent indolent (adj)
Indonesia Indonesia (npr)
indonesian indonesian (adj. & sb)
indubitable indubitable
induc induce
inductance inductance (sb)
induction induction (sb)
indulgence gentleness, leniency (sb)
Indus Indus (npr)
industrial industrial (adj)
industrial proprietat industrial property
industrie industry (sb)
industrieus industrious (adj)
inediht unprecedented, original (for book, TV shows, etc, like in "The author is working on new original stories") (pro buks, TV skaus, etc)
ineluctable ineluctable (adj)
inept inept (adj)
inert inert (adj)
inexorable inexorable (adj)
inextricable inextricable (adj)
infallible infallible (adj)
infam infamous (adj)
infanticide infanticide (the action)
infanticider infanticide (the person)
infantile infantile, childish (adj)
infarct coronary (sb; illness)
infec to infect (vtr)
infectieus infectious (adj)
infernise make one's life hell
inferno inferno (sb)
infeste infest (vtr )
infiltration infiltration (sb)
infim tiny (adj )
infinitesimal infinitesimal
infinitive infinitive
infirmerie infirmary (sb)
inflammable flammable (adj)
inflammation inflammation (sb)
inflation inflation
inflation inflation
inflig to inflict
inflorescence inflorescence
influe to influence
influence influence (sb & vtr)
influenza flu (sb)
informal informal
information information (sb)
informationsloquet information desk
informatique computer science ( sb)
informatiquer Computer Systems Officer (sb)
informe inform (vtr; + acc. of the person)
infraction infraction
infrarudh infrared
infrarudh infra-red
infreg offender, trespasser (sb)
infrutescence infrutescence
infuned brew, infuse (vtr)
infusion infusion (sb)
ingan to strive to (+ acc.)
ingenieur engineer (sb)
ingenieurie engineering ( sb)
ingenue naïve (adj & sb)
ingnaht (& ingnahn) = innate ( adj )
ingot ingot ( sb)
ingredient ingredient
ingredient ingredient (sb)
inhalt contain (vtr & sb)
inherent inherent (adj )
inikas sheen, glint (sb)
initieit insider; initiate (sb)
injec to inject (vtr)
injection injection (sb)
injection pumpe injection pump
injector injector
injustice injustice (sb)
inkap to begin
inkap (& inkapem) = beginning (sb)
inkapem beginning (sb.)
inkapia ( sing. ) = beginnings ( splu )
inkaptos immediately ( adv)
inkaptos footballer starter, starting player, first-choice player, first teamer (soccer)
inkar + acc. = to refuse to, disobedient
inkiep began
inkoim to move (into a new home)
inlandsis ice sheet (sb)
inlyeig to invest (some money), to place
inlyoiga money investment, placing (sb)
inner interior, inner (adj)
innocent innocent (adj & sb)
innove innovate (vtr)
inocule to inoculate (vtr)
inpiut input (sb)
Inquisition Inquisition (sb)
inreid chariot-fighter
insaf awareness (sb)
insafeih to make (someone) aware
insaluber insalubrious (adj)
inschallah Allah willing !
inscrib ( inscrìb ) = inscribe (vtr)
insect insect (sb)
insemination insemination (sb)
inser to insert (vtr)
inside job inside job (crime)
insidieus insidious (adj)
insignificant insignificant (adj)
insinue insinuate (vtr)
insist + acc. = to insist on
inslah fall back ( vpr ) (vehicle)
insodd passenger (of an aircraft; sb)
insolent insolent, cheeky (adj)
insolvence proceddure (sing.) = insolvency proceedings
insomnia insomnia (disease; sb)
inspection inspection (sb)
inspire inspire (vtr)
instable unstable (adj)
installateur plumber (sb)
installe to install (vtr)
instant moment, instant (sb)
instantan instant (adj)
instar following the example of
instaure institute (vtr)
instehl to set up (vtr)
inster (sing) = entrails, bowels (splu)
instet instead (of) (prep)
instinct instinct (sb)
instruction instruction (guideline; sb)
instrument instrument (sb)
instrumentalise to make a tool of
instuned smash (vtr)
instus past participle & past tense of “instuned”
insular island (adj); islander (sb)
insule island (sb)
insulin insulin
insulin insulin
insult cerebrovascular accident
insurgent insurgent
insurrection insurrection, insurgency
insurreg to rebel (vint)
intact intact
intangible intangible (adj.)
intant in the meantime (adv)
integher integer (adj) (number)
integral integral; full
integrisme integrism
integumentar systeme integumentary systeme (sb)
intellect intellect (sb)
intellectual intellectual (adj & sb); intellectual vetat = intellectual property
Intelligence Service Intelligence Service
intelligentsia intelligentsia
intemperance intemperance
intendance supply corps, supplies office (sb)
intendant steward (sb)
intense intense (adj)
intensive agriculture intensive agriculture
inter between (prep)
interag interact (vtr.)
interdeck steerage (sb)
interdeh forbid, prevent (vtr)
interessant interesting (adj)
interesse interest (sb & vtr)
interessen conflict conflict of interests (sb)
interface interface
interference interference (ex. on radio; sb)
interfrette the space between frets (of a guitar)
interieur interior (home, sb) (uns hem)
interior interior (adj)
interjection interjection
interlatte side purlin (sb)
interlocue to take aback (vtr)
interlocutor talker (sb)
intermedyo intermediary (adj)
interminable interminable (adj)
intermittent intermittent ( adj)
international international (sb)
International Monetar Fund International Monetary Fund
interne to confine (ex: a disabled person, a prisoner)
Internet Internet ( sb)
interplehc intertwine (vtr)
interprete interpret (vtr.)
interpreter interpreter (computing)
interpreter interpreter (computing)
interreup to break off (vint)
interrobang interrobang
interrogation questioning (sb)
interrumep to interrupt (vtr)
interrup past tense of “interrumep”
intersehr intertwine (vtr)
interspecific interspecific
interstice crack, chink (sb)
interstitial interstitial
intertehm to decide between
intertolk interview (talk) (tayt "khwaytanshienciu")
intervall intervall (sb)
interventionisme interventionism (sb)
interview interview (journalism) (journalisme)
inthronisation enthronement
intikal translation (sb) (of a corpse)
intim intimate (adj)
intimide intimidate (vtr )
intizam riot control ( sb)
intizar expectation (sb)
intraspecific intraspecific
intriga intrigue, conspiracy (sb)
intrigo plot (of a story)
intrinsec intrinsic
introduc introduce (vtr)
intrud intrude (vtr)
intrus intruder (sb)
intuition intuition (sb)
inutil useless
invad invade (vtr)
invalid diabled (adj & sb)
invective invective (sb)
invent to invent (vtr)
inventar inventory, stocktaking (sb)
invers inverse, reverse (adj)
investigation investigation (sb)
investion investment (sb)
investiture nomination, appointment
investiture investiture
invincible invincible
invincible invincible
invite invite (vtr)
involv involve (vtr)
invoque call forth, invoke (vtr)
inzir dried fig (sb)
io I (unstressed pronoun)
iod iodine (sb)
iodoform iodoform
Iohannes John (sb)
Iohannes is Dimaschki John of Damascus
iom him; the (masculine accusative singular); of the (masculine & neutral genitive plural)
ion oin (sb)
ionan Ionian ( sb , adj )
ios of the (nominative & neutral singular)
Iphicles Iphicles
Iphigenie Iphigenia
ir their
irasc get angry (vpr) (person)
irascible irascible
irat angry ( adj)
iris iris (sb)
irisat iridescent (adj)
Iristan Ossetia (npr)
irk tribe, people (sb)
iron Ossetian, Alan (adj & sb)
ironia irony
ironia irony
irracund irritable (adj)
irradye irradiate (vtr)
irreup to burst in (vint)
irreversible irreversible (adj)
irrevocable irrevocable (adj)
irrigation irrigation (sb)
irritable irritable ( adj )
irritat annoyed ( adj )
irrite to irritate
irsal to broadcast
irsh chamois leather, shammy
is he; the (masculine singular nominative)
Is Baygat The Magician ( sb ) ( Tarot )
is Cid el Cid
ischbat assert ( vtr )
ischtihar notice, circular letter (sb)
iser sacred (adj); Iser Ansu = Holy Ghost; iser gordos = sacred place (sb); Iser Seddos = Holy See
isern (of) iron (adj); isern virgen = iron maiden (torture)
Isfahan Isfahan (npr)
isghen rawboned, bony (adj)
isgur fierce, relentless, unremitting
Isidore Isidore ( npr )
iskw past tense of “eiskw”
iskwehr ensure ( vpr )
Islam Islam (npr)
Islami Islamic (adj)
islamiste islamist
Islending Icelander (weiker, nomen)
islensk Icelandic (adjective)
Ismayil Ismael, Ismail
isnah exalt, excite, arouse (vtr)
isog pike (fish; sb)
isoglosse isogloss (sb)
isolant isolating (adj) (language)
isolantbande insulating tape
isolationisme isolationism
isolator insulator (electricitat)
Isolda Iseult
isole isolate (vtr )
isoleglas schibpaquet insulated glazing ( sb)
isorn kingfisher ( sb)
isoscel isosceles ( adj )
issehal diarrhea ( sb )
Istanbul Istanbul (npr)
istar star (sb)
istia (old) brick (wall; sb)
istifa resignation (sf )
istifsar to ask for information
istikamat integrity ( sf ) ( honesty)
istikhath seek help
istikhbara piece of information
istilah (poitt ghehlde pro lurhats)
istilah term (sb) (speech)
istirahat relaxation (sb) (rest)
isu arrow (sb)
isue to arrow (vtr)
iswehr well up (vint)
iswor spring, source (sb)
it (& ithan) = so, this way (adv)
itab discontent (sb)
itabic dissatisfied
itabise to dissatisfy, annoy
itak that's why
item item (sb)
iter once again, anew (adv)
Ithake Ithaca (npr)
Ithakessi Ithacan (adj)
ithan so, this way
iti thus (replaces punctuation, separates verbs, etc...)
itikaf retreat (religion) (religion !)
itiraf confession, to confess
itnamt (& itnamen) = so- called ( adj)
itner itinerary, route (sb)
itnermap roadmap
ittifak blunder ( sb)
ittifak-ye by mistake (adv)
Iudaya Judea ( npr )
ivor ivory
izhar display (vtr , fig )
izmar sea bream (sb)
ja already (adv)
jaal plagiarism (sb )
jaalise to plagiarize
jabak colt ( sb)
Jabal Jabal (npr)
jabba gown, robe (sb)
jabbar powerful ( adj )
jabran forcibly (adv)
Jacob Jacob, Jacques ( npr )
Jacobite Jacobite (sb, adj )
jade jade (sb)
jadide new, not worn out (adj)
jadwal scale, schedule ( sb)
jaguar jaguar
jahannam Gehenna ( sf )
jahar aloud
jahil ignorant (adj)
Jakarta Jakarta (npr)
jakhd toil, toiling (sb)
jaldi fast, quickly (adv)
jalnic pathetic, pitiful (adj)
jalous jealous (adj)
jalouse to envy (vtr)
jalousie jalousie window (fenster)
Jamayca Jamaica (npr)
jamb leg (sb); to stride over (vtr)
jamel bell-wether (sb)
jamile nice, pretty (adj)
jamiya grouping (sb); Jamiya im Arabs (Jamiya iom Daulats im Arabs) = Arab League
jamiye to bring together
jamus buffalo (sb)
janiba spare mount (riding; sb)
janter magic spell (sb )
januar January (sb)
Janus Janus
Japan Japan (npr)
japanese japanese (adj & adv)
jaquet jacket ( sb)
jaquetwehrter turncoat (sb.) . Wehrt- sien jaquet = Become a turncoat (vintr., fig.)
jar burning (sb) (fig )
jardiniere window box (sb) ( flower pot )
jargon jargon
jarim guilt ( sb)
jarnayt genet (sb )
jartier garter (sb)
jasayrih jaseran (sm )
jasib engaging, enticing (adj)
Jason Jason
jaunghay unexspected obstacle (sb)
jauz walnut (sb) (tree)
jauzaek swamp (sm )
javahir ( sing) = gems, precious stones ( splu )
javelin javelin (sb)
jawab reply ( vtr & sb )
jawar neighborhood ( sb )
jawieb past tense of “jawab”
Jaypur Jaipur (npr)
Jeanne d'Arc Joan of Arc (sb)
ject thing (sb)
jectpospolita (Polish) Republic
Jeday Jedi (Star Wars)
jelier boor, churl ( sb)
jellad torturer ( sm )
jemmel bun
jenasa bier (sb )
jenchi warrior (sb)
Jenin Jenin
jenter spinning wheel ( sb )
Jeremia Jeremiah (npr)
jeremiade moaning, whinning (sb)
jerrican jerrycan
jerst tin
Jesse Jesse (npr)
Jesuit Jesuit (adj, sb)
Jesus Jesus
jet jet (sb); jetplav = jetplane
jeton chip, token (sb)
jeu de paume jeu de paume
Jeune-Tyrk Young Turk
ji (sing) = hemorrhoids (splu)
jiauschou surrender (sb & vint)
jib jib (sb)
jidal fight (vtr; fig)
jidallasni quibbling (adj)
Jidda Djeddah
jien hand (indicator, as in a watch; sb)
jiengjway pilgrimage site (sb)
Jihad Holy War (sb)
jihadia jihadism
jihase machine, device (sb)
jilid binding (of book; sb)
jima sexual intercourse
jiman boast (vint)
Jimena Jimena Díaz
jims picture rail (sb)
jinas pun (sb)
jincien confidential (adj)
jindwanschu medical certificate (sb)
jingju Beijing opera (type of Chinese theatre; sb)
jinkdou to take place, to go on
jinn jinn, genie (sb )
jiowschay stronghold (sf )
jirwa castor oil plant ( sb)
jischin self-confidence (sb)
jishace suicidal ( adj )
jisown self-esteem ( sm )
jissow perilla, Japanese basil ( sb)
jiwey bodyguard ( sm )
jixay detailed ( adj)
jlampoh to drink water
jlampohn drinking water ( sb)
Joab Joab (npr)
Joachim os Fiore Joachim of Fiore
Joachim os Fiore Joachim of Fiore ( npr )
job job (sb)
joc joke (sb)
joghing jogging (sb)
join to join
joint joint (mechanics)
joint joint (adj)
joking ridiculous (adj )
jolida disheveled (adj )
jonglire juggler ( sm )
jor genre ( sb)
Jordan Jordan ( npr )
Jordania Jordan ( npr )
journal newspaper ( sb )
journaliste journalist (sb)
jovial merry, jolly (adj)
joy joy (sb)
joyel jewel (sb)
joyelar jeweller (sb)
joyelarie jewellery
joystick joystick
joystick joystick (computing)
Jubal Jubal (npr)
juce juice ( sb)
juceus juicy (adj)
Juda Judah
Judas Iscariotes Judas Iscariot
judce judge (vtr & sb)
judcement judgement (sb)
Jude Jude (npr)
judicial judicial
judicieus judicious (adj)
jufen broth (sb)
jufu housewife
jul July (sb)
Julian calendar Julian calendar
juma Friday (sb)
jumhuriat commonwealth (sb) (republic)
jumiung lifetime (sb)
jumla sentence; conviction (sb) (Justice )
jun June (sb)
jund armed group
jungkhiung revival (sb)
junmajin urticaria (sb)
Juno Juno (sb)
junta junta (sb)
Jupiter Jupiter (npr) (planet)
jupon waist slip; petticoat
jurassique jurassic (sb)
juravin cranberry (sb)
juridic legal (adj)
jurisconsult jurisconsult, legal adviser
jurisprudence jurisprudence (sb)
jusay management (sb)
juscha injection (sb ) (medicine )
jusdan purse ( sf )
just just (adv)
just-barwakt just in time (manufacturing)
justice justice (institution)
justice justice (institution)
justice-ritter moral whithe knight
justicear justiciar
justiciable justiciable
justiciable justiciable (adj & sb)
justifie justify (vtr )
Justinian Justinian
Jutland Jutland
juxt jousting (sb)
juxtaposen to juxtapose (vtr)
jvayer to eye, to have one's eye on
jweteng gambling (sb)
jynx wryneck (bird, sb)
ka as a
kaaba Kaaba
kaaba kaaba
Kaapstad Cape Town (npr)
kaba bog (sb)
kabahat pettiness (sb )
kabbala kabbalah (Jewish science)
kabee kabe (verb., to apostatize) (Werd ex Esperanto contexte! To maynt age ka Kabe)
kabel cable ( sb) (for communication )
kaber caper ( sm )
kabil able ( adj )
kabuki kabuki (sb)
Kabul Kabul (npr)
kabus phantom, ghost (sb)
kabuslik ghostly (adj)
kabusnav ghost ship
kachaba (& kachabayka) = smock top (sb)
kachamak polenta (sb)
kad maybe/perhaps that
kadam pace, speed (sb)
kadi qadi (sb)
kados distress (pain) (sb); “mi est kados” = “it is repugnant to me”
kadru red-brown (adj)
kaegi plain (adj)
kafan shroud
kafan shroud (sb)
kafi sufficient, enough ( adj )
kafir impious, miscreant ( adj & sb)
kagh enclosure, fence (sb)
kaghel pebble, stone (sb)
kaghen (sing) = pudenda ( splu )
kahisch decay ( sb )
kaka poop (stool)
kakhel tile (sb ) ( on wall)
kakhkakh to guffaw
kaki khaki (sb , adj )
kaki khaki persimmon ( sb)
kakwrnt (sing) = feces ( splu)
kal call ( sb & vtr )
kala bastion ( sb ) ( stronghold )
kalab mould (sb )
kalak lame (adj)
kalamkar percaline (sb)
kalay to solder, to weld
kalaychi tinker (sb)
kalc kick (sb & vtr)
kalc ex gol goal kick, goalie kick (soccer)
kalc- id ball kye / pro pass the ball ((ex: soccer)to player from the same team)
kalch lime (sb)
kalch-wed lime water (sb)
kalchang peanut ( sb )
kalctrap caltrop (sb)
kalding fountain (sb ) (of cold water)
kalem pen (for writing; sb ); calamus, hollow shaft (feather) Ubnuwen id ja existent inpiut
kalem pen (for writing; sb )
kalenda calend
kalina viburnum ( sb)
kalive hut ( sb)
kalkoun turkey (sb)
kalm straw, stubble ( sb)
kalma bare height
kalmos mulch, mulching
kalpazan copier (adj )
kalugher (old) hermit (sb)
kam like (prep; identity); how ? (manner)
kam to like
kam adet as usual (adv)
kaman drone (sb)
kamatih valuable (adj)
kambel turbot ( sb )
kambur hunchback (sm )
kamchik whip (sf )
kamer bedroom
kamer + acc. = jump over
kames spell (sb); to cast (a spell) (vtr)
kamflor daisy (flower)
kamgarn worsted (sb)
kammer to jump over (smth) (tayt *kamer)
Kampuchea Cambodia (npr)
kampuchean Cambodian
kamsei as if
kamus directory ( sb) (of words , dictionary)
kamwns chamois (sb)
kamyab to succeed in ( vtr )
kan cock (firearms)
kan to sing (cock); + accusative = to play (an instrument)
kanaat quarrel, problem, issue (sb)
kand to incandesce ( white )
kandel candle (sb)
kandelaber candelabra (sb)
kanga guineafowl
kanguru kangaroo (sb)
kank hook ( sb)
kankel railings, bars ( sb) ( prison ); to cross out (vtr)
kankia “elder brother” (sociology; sb)
kanrien tolerable ( adj )
kanrin hold on
kant can (container, sb)
kantun corner (sb) (of the house, the hearth)
kantunspetra cornerstone (sb)
kap to catch (vtr)
kap to catch (vtr)
kapan trap (sb); deh- un kapan protie = to set a trap for
kaph hoof (sb)
kaphkalc bucking
kapos small garden (smulk garen)
kappadok Cappadocian
Kappadokia Cappadocia
kaput knackered (adj)
Karabakh Karabakh
karag dark brown (adj)
karakh numb (vtr/vint)
Karakum Karakum
karam goodness (sb)
Karamenderes Scamander
karanfel carnation (botany; sb)
karatedo karate (sb)
karaviz celery (sb) (in branches)
Karbala Karbala
karbouz watermelon (sb)
karcer jail; shackles
kard to card
kardeh to surmount (vtr)
kardi cutlass (sb)
kardkasch sheath (sb)
kardwn reinforce (vtr )
kariban soon, shortly (adv)
karibe akin ( adj )
karih odious (adj )
karime beneficial (adj)
karkadan rhinoceros (sb)
karl guy, fellow ( sb)
Karoun Korah (npr)
karp pick (vtr )
Karpats Carpathian Mountains ( splu )
karpst picking, harvest (fruit; sb)
karrar + acc. = to decide to, to make up one's mind to ( vpr )
karschuf artichoke ( sb)
karteche grapeshot, hail of bullets
kartem safflower (sb )
kartep guelder rose (sb)
kartoffel potato
kartvel Georgian (adj & sb)
Kartvelia Georgia (npr ; Caucasian state)
karug spokesman (sb); declaim (vtr)
karwent rocky
Karyala Carelia
karyotype cariotipo
kas past tense of “kames”
kaschaf headline (newspaper; sb)
kaschasch bait (sb)
Kashmir Kashmir, cashmere
kasra rout, total collapse (sb)
kassab butcher (sb)
kassala idleness ( sb)
kassam swear ( vtr )
kasseb job, profession (sb)
Kastalia Iswor Castalia Spring ( npr )
kaster fortified camp (sb); to substract, take out (vtr)
kata from the top of (prep)
kataedd to ingurgitate (food)
katan underwear (sb)
katapoh to ingurgitate (a liquid)
katathematise to utter imprecations
katel murderous (adj)
katelsqual killer whale
katha so, thus (adv )
kathalika likewise (adv)
kathire numerous, many ( adj )
Kathmandu Kathmandu (npr)
katib office clerk (sb)
katife bath towel
katoru coil (of animal; sb)
katran tar ( sb)
kattil cauldron, kettle (sb )
kattildal steep-sided valley (sb)
kattildom boiler room
katu fight (sb)
katue to fight (vint)
kau to notice, to take note of
kaug puff (sb); to puff (vint; ex = at)
kaukhkwl snail (sb)
kaul hollow (adj); to scoop out (vtr)
kaul grehven intaglio engraving
kaup buy (vtr); purchase (sb)
kauping stage place (vx; sb); shopping centre (sb)
kaupmagh purchasing power
kaupust cabbage (sb)
kaur care (sb & vint)
kaur-ye with care, carefully (adv)
kaurd (kardu) = hard (adj)
kaurdraudh hardcore
kaurdyohsen oiv hard-boiled egg
kaurdyohst oiv hard-boiled egg
kaurer guardian (of infant, etc. jur.)
kauric careful (adj)
kaurie cowry, cowrie
kav dig (vtr)
kavga clash, brawl (sb)
kawayi cute
kawernt (dug) passageway, narrow gallery (sb)
kawi look-out (ex: on a vessel) (sb)
kawu manuscript (sb)
kawwad pimp (sb)
kay (in order) to (conj); kay ? = for which purpose ? why ?
kayak kayak
Kayaphas Cayaphas
kaychien to give one's opinion
kayd to cut to pieces (vtr)
kaydani (sing) = bilboes (splu)
kaygana scrambled egg
kayid big chief, boss (sb)
kayjin improve ( vtr )
kayk one-eyed ( adj)
kayl to cure, to heal
Kaylassa Kailash (mount in Himalaya)
kayp immovable (good) (ieus)
kays hair (sb) past & past participle of "kayd"
kaysar hair (on the head)
kaysbeurst hair brush (sb)
kaysspilkcurve short bend (or a road, sb)
kayt heath(land) (sb)
kayurt gallery ( sb ) ( underground trench )
kayut cabin ( sb) ( ship )
kaz gauze (sb )
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan (npr)
ke (& kem) = that (clitic, introduces a wish)
keapay hideous, awful (adj)
kebab meat in pieces
kebayl kabyle (adj. & sb)
kechap ketchup (sb)
kechula sheep wool bonnet
keday stall for food ( sb)
kedelay bean sprouts
keghel skittle (sb)
keghyek polecat ( sb )
kehgn find (vtr )
kehl hide (vtr )
kehlder veil (sb)
kehlgh sting ( sb) (for elephants)
kehm to comb
kehmb bend ( vint), curve (sb); curved (adj)
kehmber to cup in drying, to tighten at the waist (vtr)
kehns to consider, to assess
kehrz cut ( vtr )
kehrztapwl cutting board
keih to be stretched out, half-lying
keih ep = to rest on
keing gird (vtr )
keingschia slope, incline (sb)
keip show (vtr; picture)
keisch slip (hide; vtr)
keiw colleague, fellow member (sb)
kekos forage (sm )
kelembak aloes
kelgei ringworm (adj )
keli rural way (sb)
kelic chalice (sb)
kelim carpet (sb)
kelk sledge (sb)
kellar cellar (sb)
kellner (/-in) = waiter/waitress (sb)
kelp kelp (sb)
kelpire windfall, godsend ( sb )
kelvin kelvin (sb)
kemalisme kemalism
kemall reasonable (adj)
kemer crustacean (sb & adj)
kemocheng (feather) duster ( sb)
kemti pursuant to
ken ( prefix ) = empty of
kenar outskirt (of a wood; sb)
kenaserng exsanguinate, bloodless
Kenchreay Cenchreae ( npr )
kenek golden yellow (adj )
kenevire floorcloth (sb)
keng oblique (adj )
kenis (sing) = ashes (splu, of a dead person)
kenkel back of knee, ham (anatomy, sb)
kenkseg cut-throat (sb)
kenos void, vacuum (sb)
kenten cento ( sb)
kenth scrap, tatter (sb)
kenthmachine machine that cuts papers into tatters, "shredder"
Kephis Cephissus
kepi kepi
keputa stocking (sb) (of shepherd)
ker time, occasion; ex: tri kers = three times (sb); past tense of “keren”
kerab relative (sb; family)
kerabat relationship (in family; sb)
kerais cherry (sb)
keramide coating, flooring, facing (sb)
keramise to coat/floor/face something
kerangu horned animal
keraun to thunder forth, to strike down; thunderbolt (sb)
kerbau water buffalo (sb)
kerber speckled, spotted (ex: animal); Cerberus (npr)
kerd heart (sb); "habe semject ep id kerd" = "to feel sore about something"
kerdagh heartache (sb)
kerdensuwter artificial pacemaker
kerdmuscle heart muscle
kerdmuscle cardiac muscle
kerdmuscle infarct myocardial infarction
kerdmusclinfarct myocardial infarction
kerdos craft, skill (sb)
kerdprient boyfriend (sb)
kerds (sing.) = hearts (cards; splu)
kerem garlic (sb)
keren circle, surround (vtr)
kerfel chervil (sb)
kerker garganey
kermus cherry-tree (sb)
kernem bird cherry, hackberry
Kernew Cornwall (npr)
kernewic Cornish (adj & sb)
kerosene kerosene (sb)
kerpich rammed earth ( sb)
kers brain ( sb)
kersen frozen snow (sb)
kersnit ice pellet (sb)
kerstamm brain stem
kersvascular accident (KVA) cerebrovascular accident (CVA), cerebrovascular insult (CVI)
kerswrntios Curiatius (indo-european)
kerv deer (sb)
Keryneia Cerineia
kes hare ( sb)
keskul wooden bowl
ketone ketone (sb)
ketong leper colony ( sb)
ketter spindle
ketterpehd to go into a spin (sb)
ketun shepherd's hut
keub thorny bush
keul highlight, cultivate(a land; sb )
keulk hide (vtr )
keung to hesitate, to delay
keup to demand, to require
keupmon assignee (sb )
keuzd to hoard (vtr)
kewer North Wind (sb)
keyah food shelf
keyf state of mind
Kfarnahum Capernaum
khabar news (sb) (information)
khabaragence news agency
khabd craze (sb)
khabis wicked ( adj )
khabis zahr loaded dice
khadim domestic ( sb , adj)
khafi low ( adj ) (voice )
Khafra Khafra
khak bad ( adj ) (failed); cannot (vtr)
khaketha migraine (sb)
khakoul egret (sb)
khalach carder (sb)
khalal heartily, willingly (adj)
khalang alpinia galanga (sb)
khalass help, rescue (sb)
khalat dressing gown (sb)
khalazat coarseness (sb)
khali straw mattress (sb)
khaliban mainly ( adv)
khalifa caliph ( sb)
khalimag team of yoked animals, harness (sb)
Khalkedon Chalkedon
khalkhal anklet
khalti jumble, hotchpotch (sb)
khaluschi old seadog (fig., sb)
khaluz copse, coppice (sb)
khalwa solitude (sb)
khalwani recluse, loner (sb)
kham (fish) hook (sb)
khamaeleon chameleon (sb)
khamal tail (sb) (of a piece of furniture)
khamer spirit (alcoholic beverage; sb)
khamsi Thursday (sb)
khamwst rodent (adj & sb)
khan khan (sb)
khana closet, shed, cupboard (sb)
khandak moat (sb)
khandan lineage ( sb )
khanday cold zone
khandjar dagger (sb)
khanenk honeycomb
khanji sinogram (sb)
khanliawng content (sb)
khanrjien Han ( Chinese) (adj , sb )
khanrliou cold stream ( sb)
khansian sweat gland ( sb)
khanye betray (vtr )
khap tablet (sb)
khar cutting edge ( sb)
kharab ruined (adj)
kharasch poll tax (sb)
kharen pretty ( adj )
kharij foreign countries, the “abroad”.
kharite Charis (Grace, Greek mythology)
khark to drown
kharkhar groan, (death) rattle (sb)
Kharkiv Kharkiv (npr)
kharman threshing floor ( sb)
kharrat turner (worker), to turn (vtr; to make)
khartas bumf (sb)
Khartoum Khartoum (npr)
Kharybd Charybdis (npr)
khasaan decay (sb )
khaschen surly (adj )
khasina (sing) = accounts, funds (splu)
khasinadar treasurer
khasnah Public Revenue
khasnahdar treasurer
khassa bar ( sf ) ( pustule )
khassa stingy ( adj)
khassara loss (sf )
khassiat food, alimentary (adj)
khastar lining (sf ) ( sewing)
khat (hand-) writing (sb)
khatem over, finished (adj )
khater danger ( sb)
khaterban fireman ( sm )
khath harness (sb)
khatna circumcision (sm )
khauris charming, pleasant ( adj )
Khauris nov yar ! Happy new year !
khaurise to embellish
khauristat pleasantness, pleasure, comfort (sb)
khavan mortar ( sm ) ( pestle )
khayal daydream(ing) (sb)
khayal-ye dreamily ( adv )
khayat tailor (sb)
khayatsedd sitting cross-legged
khayatswehbhend hovering & sitting like a tailor
khaydamak lanky (adj )
khayghian (sea) coast (sb)
khayghian marine green-water navy
khaygow oceanic trench (sb)
khayka stalk ( sf )
khaykou estuary (sf )
khayn traitor ( smb)
khayr sword ( sm)
khayrliou ocean current
khayrliou cold ocean current ( sm )
khaysaw (sing) = algae ( splu )
khayxian ( sing ) = sea, halieutic resources ( splu )
khayxiau strait between an island and the mainland
khayxien seafood ( sb)
khazar khazar
kheiss to feel
kheissas sensitive (adj)
kheissassia sensitivity
khekuf marmot (sb)
kheptenn quite (adv)
kheuld to make cooler (vtr)
khevesch thistle (sf )
kheyma tent ( sf )
khianat treason (sb)
khich nothing at all
khida cunning (sb; special trick)
khidmat professional activity
khiek couldn't (past tense)
khierk past tense of “khark”
khilaf faux-pas
khilafat califate
khimer chimera (sb)
khimeric fanciful
khinna henna (sb)
khinsire little finger (sb)
khisab dyeing ( sb); to dye (vtr)
khisi affront ( sb)
khiss felt (past tense)
khisses feeling(s) (sb)
khitab speech, harangue (sb)
khiter evil, malignant (adj)
khitergumt hazing (US), initiation ceremonie (BR), bastardisation (AU), ragging (SOUTH-ASIA)
khitergwehme do a hazing to (US), do a initiation ceremonie to (BR), do a bastardisation to (AU), do a ragging to (SOUTH-ASIA)
khittam nose-ring (especially for oxen; sb)
khiyaaban bed of flowers (sb)
khlayb loaf (of bread) (sb)
khlev pigsty (sb)
khlor chlorine (sb)
khloride chloride (sb)
khlorofluorocarbon chlorofluorocarbon
khlorofluorocarbon CFC
khlorophenol chlorophenol
khmer-rouge Khmer Rouge (adj & sb)
khodja Hodja (sb ; master)
khol birthmark ( sb)
kholera cholera (sb)
kholt cold (sickness; sb)
khomut harness(ing) (sb)
Khonsu Khonsu (npr)
khor choir (sb)
khoral chorale (sb)
khoreographia choreography (sb)
khorom private mansion, hôtel particulier (sb)
khortoum proboscis (sb)
khoumel hops (sb)
khouter farmstead (sb)
khowyi convenience, indulgence ( sb)
Khruschchov Khrushchev ( npr )
Khuda hafiz Goodbye!
Khufu Khufu (npr)
khuld cool; past tense of "kheuld"
khuldet coolness
khurafat claptrap (sb)
khurka distaff (sb)
khurma date (fruit, sb)
khus hovel, slum (sb)
khuschk atrophy ( sf )
khutba short speech, address ( sb)
khvil while ( sf) ( duration)
khwanjanghian volcanic rock ( sb)
khwanrluan mess ( sf )
khwanxi bliss (sb)
khwayji ( sing ) = chopsticks (plu)
khwehr suppurate (vint)
khworst (eagle's) aerie (sb)
khwoyic indulgent, conniving, complacent (adj)
khwoyie + acc. = indulge in ( vpr )
khyk pig (sb)
kiaut shell (sb)
kiauteina midden (shell heap)
kiaychin to reload (a pen)
kibbuts kibbutz (sb)
kibrit match (for fire; sb)
kickback kickback (corruption)
kicuta hemlock (sb)
kidnapp to kidnapp (vtr)
kiekwr pet (sb)
kielc past tense of “kalc”
kielken hall, tall room (sb)
kiemer hellebore ( sb ); past tense of “kamer”
kien past tense of “kan”
kiend past tense of “kand”
kienkel past tense of “kankel”
kienkiu modest ( adj)
kiep monkey ( sm ); past tense of “kap”
kier candle ( sf )
kierd past tense of “kard”
kierdwn past tense of “kierdwn”
kierey ram ( sm )
kierk chicken (concerns the whole species)
kierk chicken (sb )
kierp past tense of “karp”
kiest clean ( adj ) (pure)
kiet whale (sb)
kietyaghnav whaling ship
kieu noticed (past tense)
kieul past tense of “kaul”
kieup past tense of “kaup”
kieur past tense of “kaur”
Kiev Kiev (npr); past tense of “kav”
kieyd past tense of "kayd"
kieyl past tense of “kayl”
kiezghian shale (geology, sb)
kih past tense of “keih” and "kihen"
kihen to put down (vtr)
kijie pheasant (sb)
kikiaw smart (adj)
kikiriki ! cock o doodle doo !
kikwan trachea (sb)
kikway weird
kikye jay (bird; sb)
kil keel ( sb) (vessel )
kilef (dust/stretch) cover (sb)
Kilikia Cilicia
Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro (npr)
kilometer kilometer (sb)
kilvater wake (ship; sb)
kima minced meat ( sf )
kimatih value (adj )
kimbel trunk (tree; sb)
kimlo soup (sf ) ( vegetables)
kimon bug ( sf )
Kimri Cimmerian (adj. & sb)
kinana bandolier (sb)
kinas mitt(en) (sb)
kinaya half-secret word
kinaya hint (allegory, sb)
kindara black seabream (sb)
kindergarten kindergarten
kinematique kinematics
kinetic kinetic (adj)
king past tense of “keing”
King James Bible King James Bible
kinkin (door)bell ( sb )
kino cinema theatre
kionku penitence, penance ( sb)
kiorkel broken cobblestone (sb)
kip representation, picture (sb); kip (sing) = heads (of a coin; sb)
kip-au-wirt coin-flipping
kira rental price ( sb) ; rent (sb)
kirba big/ugly goatskin, waterskin (sb)
kirghise Kyrgyz (adj & sb)
Kirghisestan Kyrgyzstan (npr)
kirilitsa Cyrillic ( sb , adj) ( alphabet )
Kirim Crimea ( npr )
Kirka Circe ( npr )
kirmiz crimson (adj )
kisch past tense of “keisch”
kisk ruffe ( sb)
kismenye ball (and chain; sb)
kissat tobacco pouch
kist basket ( sb)
kitab digest (book)
kitab book, digest (sb), gather in writings (vtr)
kitel overall (sb)
Kithayron Cithaeron
Kitium Kition
kitra thuja (sb)
kittar linking (of events; sb)
kiurliung mound, hillock
kivot reliquary (sb)
kixien deadline (sb)
kiyafat array (clothing; sb)
kizeghiangas shale gas (sb)
kjee silk thistle (sb)
kjen callus, hard skin (sb)
kjiagiu furniture ( sb)
kjiarjien beauty (woman; sb)
kjiauschi missionary
kjiawxieng by chance (adv)
kjiboen hold (sb, martial arts)
kjien silk cocoon (sb)
kjiengow perennial (adj)
kjienrlau tough (adj)
kjigiau good augury
kjin gilding (sb)
kjingyow goldfish
kjingyowku gold and jade
kjinschenkjau marigold ( flower )
kjinschi myopic (adj )
kjiu cautery (sm )
kjiugnan rescue (vtr & sb)
kjiuschi longevity ( sf)
klad to load (a cargo) (acc. = onos)
kladreus hold ( sf )
klaer piece of wood ( sb)
klah to bank up, to fill in (sb)
klahmen motte (a mound forming the site of a castle or camp)
klairoukhia cleruchy
klap beat ( vtr ) (the linen)
klapadeireh beater ( sb )
klaup jump, leap (vint)
klaxon horn (on vehicles; sb)
klehng bend ( vtr )
klehpt to steal; theft
klei hidden treasure
Kleisthenes Cleisthenes
kleitu slope ( sb)
kleiun hiker (sb )
Kleonay Cleonae ( npr )
Kleopatra Cleopatra
Kleopatra Cleopatra (npr)
klep (sing ) = fallen rocks (splu)
kleu listen to (vtr )
kleumen reputation (sb)
kleus glory (sf )
kleuster audition, listen to (vtr)
kleustria audience ( sm )
kleuyt jingle, chime (vint)
Klewandos Cleanthes
klewos glory (sb)
klewosdeh glorify (vtr)
Klewosmenos Cleomenes
klewost glorious
kliep past tense of “klap”
klieup past tense of “klaup”
klink (door) handle (sb)
kliti propensity ( sb)
klobuk hood (sb)
kloder ell (correct maynen !)
kloder alder (sb)
klohng past tense of “klehng”
klohpt past tense of “klohpt”
klombh mutilated (adj )
klonkia twig (sf )
klor bit of wood
klor stick (sm )
klu past tense of “kleu”
klump clog (shoe; sb)
kluster past tense of “kleuster”
klut famous (adj)
kluyt past tense of “kleuyt”
Klytaymestra Clytemnestra
kmehen to work, practise, torment, worry (vtr)
knabh to full (wool)
knar grate, creak (vint)
knayp tavern ( sf )
knede knead ( vtr )
knedlia ball (food; sb)
kneigv ep = to lean on; kneigv olan-ye = to rest one's elbow
Knidos Knidos (npr)
kniebh past tense of "knabh"
knier past tense of “knar”
knigv past tense of “knigv”
kniv knife (sb)
knivarie knife making
knop button (sb)
Knossos Knossos
kobold goblin ( sb)
kocide plait (of hair; sb)
koft meatball (sb)
kogchoun to have a quarrel (sb)
kohgn past tense of “kehgn”
kohl past tense of “kehl”
kohm past tense of “kehm”
kohmb past tense of “kehmb”
kohns past tense of “kehns”
kohrz past tense of “kehrz”
koim community of inhabitants (sb)
koimbehnd to assign a forced residence to
koimreik to rapatriate oneself
koin whetstone ( sb)
koister campfire (sb)
koistrank poker (for fire; sb)
kojust bodysuits ( sm )
koklysche whooping cough (sb)
kokona shrew (woman; sb)
kokul tuft of hair (sb) (animals)
Kokytos Cocytus
koliva koliva (ritual boiled wheat)
Kolkata Kolkata (sb)
kolkhose kolkhoz
kolpak hubcap
Komintern Comintern
komor sledgehammer (sb)
konak manor, mansion (sb)
kondak barrel (sb)
konem clavicle, collar-bone (sb)
kongcio now (adv)
koper oats ( sm )
kopre excrement (sb)
kor army corps, part of the army
Korea Korea ( npr )
korel yeoman, warrior (sb)
koriga strip, strap, lash ( sb )
koriomenos warrior spirit
korion chief of a corps of army
korkel pebble (sb)
korm torture (sb )
kormen ermine (sb)
korn dogwood ( sb )
koromislo shoulder piece (sb)
kos Scots pine (sb)
kosel hazel (sb)
Kottos Cottus
kov to strike, to forge (vtr)
kovach smith (sb); to fabricate by forging (vtr)
kovbi gudgeon (sb)
kovensider wrought iron
kovile long grass
kovnia smithy (sb)
kowja ladle (sb)
kowngbayku gap (sb)
kowp heap ( sb & vtr )
kowpic copious (adj)
kowrnt alveolus, socket (sb)
koy Koi (fish, sb)
kragh yell, scream (vtr)
Krak des Chevaliers Krak des Chevaliers (npr)
Krakow Krakow (npr)
kram gear, clobber (sb)
kramp twist (vint)
kran crane (sb) (machine)
krant shore, bank (sb)
krehk to brood (vtr)
krehkreactor breeder reactor
kreid chalk (sb)
kreider sieve, screen (sb)
kreig to conquer
kreih sieve, sift (vtr)
kreins better (adv.) (adv.)
krek (frog) spawn (sb)
Kremlin Kremlin (npr)
krent horned; cuckold
krent horned (adj )
Kreousa Creusa
kreptic vigorous ( adj )
kreus shudder (vint)
krew rare (meat)
krew (krewos) = flesh (sb)
kriegh past tense of “kragh”
kriemp past tense of “kriemp”
krig conquest (sb), past tense of "kreig"
krih past tense of “kreih”
krinod yellowhammer
Krishna Krishna (npr)
kriuk hook ( sb)
kriv tortuous (adj )
krouzek ring (diacritic)
krov roof (sb)
krus past tense of “kreus”
krwesen ilex (sf )
kschauswan nitric acid (sm )
kschianschau grass jelly (Asian dessert)
kschiau Chinese horoscope
kschong door knocker (sb)
kseuwar (european) starling ( sb)
kshitow rare earth element (sb)
kshiuu fast ( adj )
kshiuuchifan fast food (sb )
Ku-Geong Forbidden City (of Beijing)
Kubbat-es-Schakhra Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem)
kubh bunk (for sleeping; sb )
kuchay civet (sb)
kuchi Tocharian
kuchi Tocharian (adj & sb)
kufi kufic
kufya headgear (sb)
kuga reed mace, bulrush (sb)
kugla small ball/bowl
kuglakalem biro (sb)
kuhl kohl (cosmetics; sb)
kukjiu outspoken (adj)
kuku cuckoo ( sm )
kul past tense of “keul”
kulah cap (with an eyeshade; sb)
kulambu mosquito net (sb )
kulchan quiver (sb )
kulk hiding place (sb); past tense of “keulk”
kullab mould, cast (sb)
kumar game of chance
kumasch silk fabric, cloth
kumbekh crest (heraldry, helmet, sb)
kumruk customs post
kun as (temporal conjunction); present tense base of “kussen”
kunar dog performer (showman)
kunda stub ( sm )
kundak cart ( sm ) ( small, to push something)
kundur frankincense (sb)
kuneina kennel (sb)
kung past tense of “keung”
kunia she-dog, bitch (sb)
kuning potentate (sb)
kup past tense of “keup”
kupasti handrail
kurban ritual sacrifice (sb)
Kurban-Bayram Aid al Adha (npr)
kurd kurd(ish)
kurd kurd(ish)
kurgan kurgan, funeral mound
kurihen to purchase
kurihencentrale group purchasing organization
Kurile Kuril
kuritor purchaser, lessee (sb)
kurmia mole (animal, sb)
kurmiaend platypus (sb)
kurni perch (for a bird; sb )
kurort spa town
kursiy seat (chair; sb)
kusch to nibble, to gnaw at
Kusch Cush (Bible, npr)
kuschk kiosk, pavilion
kuss kiss (sub.)
kuss kiss (sb)
kussen kiss ( vtr )
kussour failure, fault (sb)
kussut sawdust (sb)
kustakh casual (adj)
kutong curio (Eng.: "curio")
Kuwayt Kuwait (npr)
kuxi vulva (sb)
kuyan steelyard balance ( sb
kuzd hoard (sb); past tense of "keuzd"
kuzdod hoard keeper
kuzu kudzu (sb)
kwah to take in, to gather (vtr); to succeed in (doing)
kwalay row, din (sb)
kwali jester ( sb)
kwanday magnanimity (sf )
kwas cough (vtr )
kwast cough (sb)
kwaster to give/have a slight cough
kwatel receiver (firearms) Eng: "receiver = part of a gun"
kwatel receptacle, repository (sb)
kwath to ferment
kwaun dog ( sb)
kwaundiemen kynodesmē (“dog tie”)
kwaunmaurk dog and horse
kwax croak (vtr)
kwayd invite (vtr)
-asc ( suffix ) = to become X
kwecto apparently, as it seems (adv)
kwehen sharpen (vtr)
kwehk seem (vtr)
kwehkwl to do a cartwheel
kwehl circulate (vint)
kwehlk bundle (sb); toss (vtr)
kwehlos cog (sb)
kwehlp to stumble ; to capsize, overturn (vint)
kwehnd + acc. = to endure, suffer (vtr)
kwehr make, do ( vtr; including additions ); kwehr- itner kye = to head towards; kwehr- el mortu = to float on one's back; kwehr- prabh = to be right (in one's action)
kwehrant civil employee (sb)
kwehrmen way (of doing something; sb )
kwehs to pant
kwehster to sigh
kweid even if/though
kweih to pay (for a crime, vint)
kweil girl
kwein + acc. = to take revenge on
kweisk whisk ( vtr )
kweistel to bellow, to low (vint)
kweit feature, characteristic
kweit feature (sb.); to quality, distinguish (vtr/vint)
kweiter clear (adj), clear ( vtr / pr); kweiter sien gurgule = to clear one's throat; (finance) wipe off, regularize; to purify
kweitergwis illuminance (sb)
kweitert brightness; playfulness
kweitos white brilliance (sb)
kweitu feature, characteristic
kwekmor revealing sign (sb)
kwekwl wheel (sb)
Kwel Yule (sb)
Kwelawos Santa Claus (npr)
kwenchau consider ( vtr )
kwender angelica (sb)
kwerkel hoop (sb )
kweru cooking container
kwet sharpened (adj)
kweter whether, if (conj)
kwetor knife grinder
kwetwerdeil to quarter (vtr)
kwetwerpehd to move forward on four legs (vint)
kwetwerpod four-legged (adj)
kwi bamboo basket
kwide find ( vtr; colloquial )
kwies past tense of “kwas”
kwiester past tense of “kwaster”
kwieth past tense of “kwath”
kwiex past tense of “kwax”
kwieyd past tense of “kwayd”
kwij chipmunk (sb)
kwikwehl to turn around in circles
kwin past tense of “kwein”
kwineuw to pile / stack up (vtr)
kwineuwer forklift, lift truck, fork truck, fork hoist, forklift truck
kwinew to put away (vtr)
kwisk whisk ( sb ) ( kitchen); past tense of “kweisk”
kwistel past tense of “kweistel”
kwit white ( adj )
kwit magia white magics (sb)
kwiter picture (sb); past tense of “kweiter”
Kwitor Avenger
kwizei regulation, statute (sb)
kwohk seemed (past tense)
kwohkwl past tense of “kwehkwl”
kwohl past tense of "kwehl"
kwohlk past tense of “kwehlk”
kwohlp past tense of “kwehlp”
kwohr made, did
kwohs past tense of “kwehs”
kwohster past tense of “kwehster”
kwoid wheat (sb)
kwoin penalty, price (sb) (punishment, compensation)
kwol rotating (adj)
kwolbeuwen crop rotation
kwoldrom moving walkway
kwoldwer revolving door (yaschi politic)
kya towards the(m) (neut. plu)
kyag rennet (sb)
kyal room (part of a building; sb)
kyam wels catfish
kyanka conch (sf )
kyant towards (spatial preposition)
kyar dear (adj)
kyareih cherish ( vtr )
kyarek magpie (sb)
kyas castigate, correct ( vtr )
kyasen penalty (sb)
kydon quince (sb)
kye to(wards) (spatial preposition); (used as an enclitic after an adverb of place or time to reinforce it)
kyehm hindrance (sb); get jammed, hinder, hamper (vint)
kyehmses disability (situation, sb)
kyehrn blacken (vtr)
kyehros blackness (sb)
kyehrsen (jet) black (adj; & fig); kyehrsen magia = black magics (sb); Kyehrsen Mar = Black Sea ( npr ); kyehrsen mohrt = Black Plague (sb ); kyehrsen ribis = black currant; kyehrsen torm = black hole (sb)
kyehrsen humor sick humour
kyeim to wedge, jam (vtr)
kyeim to hold up, hinder, jam (vtr)
kyeimter to hinder, to make diabled (vtr)
kyein kite (bird; sb)
kyenk peg, pin (sb)
Kyeront the “Ferryman” ( sb ) ( mythology)
kyeuk to summon
kyeus designate ( vtr )
kyid towards it; towards the (neutral singular nominative & accusative)
kyies past tense of “kyas”
kyim past tense of "kyeim"
kyjak sedge (sb)
kyohm past tense of “kyehm”
kyom ball/bowl (that blocks something; sb); towards him/the (masculine singular)
kyonk shellfish (sb)
kyopev clumsy (adj)
kyost rib (sb)
kyostek hobble for horses
kyowngbu fright ( sfb)
kyrk church (sb)
kyrknav nave (sb)
kyrksbidal beadle ( sb )
kyrksghehrd churchyard
Kythera Cythera ( npr )
Kythnos Cythnos ( npr )
kyu sedan
kyudos prodigy ( sb); kyudos neren = feat ( sb)
kyuheih + acc. = to be bearing (a child; vtr)
kyunggiaw to emphasize
kyurk pelisse (sb)
kyutur-ye as a whole ( adv )
Kyzik Cyzicus (bo urb ed roy)
laab entertainment ( sb)
labdakide Labdacid
Labdek Labdacus
label label (sb)
labire to work hard
labor labour (political; adj)
laborant laboratory assistant
laboratorium laboratory
labu calabash (sb)
labyrinth maze, labyrinth ( sb)
lac (& lak) = lake (sb)
Lac os Como Lake Como (npr)
laca lacquer ( sb)
lacai lackey (sm )
lace lace ( vtr )
lachuga hovel ( sf )
Laconia Laconia
laconic laconic
lafa stipend ( sb)
lafz talk, words
lagam bridle, snaffle (sb)
lagar emaciated (adj )
lagher camp ( sb), to store (vtr)
lagoun lagoon (sb)
laguyn gourd (sb)
lah to overflood, invade (vtr)
lahaf muffler (sb)
lahn winepress (basin; sb)
lai lai (sb)
laisse laisse (poesis)
lak lake (sb)
lakab nickname (sb)
Lakedaymon Lacedaemon
lakhja tip of the tongue (sb)
lakin however (adv)
Lakschadvihp Laccadive
lal to hum
lalay to prattle, to babble
lambhel hilt (sb)
lambhen to take hold of
Lamech Lamech (npr)
lamen sediment layer
lamentable pathetic (adj)
lamentation moaning (sb)
lamep lap (vtr)
lampe lamp (sb)
lamper shiny, gleaming (adj) (that reflects light)
lampertat lustre (sb)
Lampsak Lampsacus (npr)
lance lance (sb) & to launch
lance pad launch pad ( sb)
lancier lancer (sb)
land to land
land country, land (sb) & to land
landensrotos undercarriage
landsknecht landsknecht (sb)
landspect landscape
landweir war in the country
lanet lurk (vint)
lang stall (for wares; sb)
langoreus languorous (adj)
languid languid (adj)
languie languish (vint)
languor languidness (sb)
languste crayfish
lankan baluster ( sb)
lanterne lantern ( sb)
lanthanum lanthanum (sb)
lao lao
Laodice Laodice
Laozi Laozi (npr)
lap past tense of “lamep”
lapilli (sing) = lapilli
lapithe lapith
laptop laptop
lapus burdock ( sb) ( plant)
laque to laquer
larc larch ( sm )
large large ( adj )
larina (female) prostitute (sb)
Larnaca Larnaca (npr)
larva larva ( sf )
laryngal laryngeal
larynx larynx (Tod werd est tik in id englisch dictionar)
larynx larynx (sb)
las greed, lust (sb)
lasim essential, indispensable ( adj)
lasni eager ( adj)
lass let (vtr)
lasso lasso (sb)
last ballast (sb & vtr)
lastruym hold ( sb) (boat )
lastun spiral of creeping plant
lat past tense and past participle of “lanet”
lateral full-back (soccer)
Lateran Lateran
latif neat, kind ( adj )
latifundiar landowner
latifundium great landed estate
latin Latin (adj. & sm )
Latium Lazio ( npr )
latmah slap ( sf )
Laton Leto
latrine latrine
latro thief (sm )
latte lath, slat, board (sb)
Latvia Latvia (npr)
latyo alluvial plain
laud (arbitral) award
laude to praise
laugv washing (sb)
lauk leek ( sm )
laun borrow ( vtr )
laur laurel ( sm )
lautel profit (sb)
lautlic profitable, lucrative ( adj )
lav wash (vtr )
lava lava ( sf )
lava tunnel lava tube (sb)
lavande lavender (sb)
lavathol lava dome (sb)
lavire to tack about (sailing; vint)
lavmachine washing machine (sb)
lavrak (european) seabass
Lawa Dehnwen Peoples of the Sea ( splu )
lawahie airy (adj)
lawc clearing (in a forest; sb)
lawi alluvium
lawni linchpin (sb)
lawo people in arms ( sb)
lawter limpid, clear (adj)
lax salmon ( sb)
laxative laxative (adj. & sb)
laxisme lenience, permissiveness (sb)
lay white goosefoot (plant; sb)
laya black sheep (sb)
layic secular, lay (adj )
laymoun lemon-tree (sb )
layn lend (vtr)
Layos Laius
lays forest, wood (sb)
Laystrygon Laestrygonian
layteh insole (sb)
layter ladder (sb)
laz lair, den (sb)
Lazarus Lazarus (npr)
lazuward lapis lazuli (sb)
lebenswecker lebenswecker
lebonah incense (sb)
leck leak (sb)
lecker good (food)
leckereit sweet, candy (sb)
lection lesson (sb)
lectorium rood screen
lectrin lectern
led to offend, to wrong
leg act of Parliament
legat legion commander
legation legation (sb)
legbild bill (for an Act of Parliament, sb)
legend legend (sb)
leghar alloy (sb)
leghar-rot alloy wheel
leghenn bowl, basin, pan (sb)
leghings leggings (plural nomen in Sambahsa)
legion legion (sb)
legislator legislator (sb)
legitim legitimate (adj)
legitime to legitimate (vtr)
legv light (adj)
legvmenos light (fig., thoughtless, precipitated)
legvos lightness (sb)
lehg tell, count (vtr)
lehnc throw, thrust (vtr)
lehr to give a lecture (sb)
leik to play; game (playing; sb); to fly, to hang loose (clothes, hair; vint)
leikar playboy, knock-about comedian (sb)
leikdaher playful, jokey
leikmap game board
leikstyr gamepad (computing)
leim loam (sb)
leimoc slug (sb)
lein lead, leash (for dog; sb)
leips to miss (something; vtr)
leis read (vtr)
leisa ridge of a furrow
leisa ridge (agriculture, plowing; sb)
leispianji E-reader (computer)
leit to go, to run (figurative meaning)
leit- de the matter is about
leitmotiv leitmotif
leiv lift ( vtr )
leizd edge ( sb )
lekha flower bed (garden; sb)
lekhusa woman in confinement
leloip to remain (adverb quod maynt "reman", nuden pre id conjugen verb)
lema disease, substance of blear-eyed persons
len soft (adj ) ( fig)
lendv waist, loin (sb)
lendvkatan loincloth (sb)
lendvsack fanny pack
lengu thoughtlessly (adv)
lengver nimble (adj)
lengvos elation
lent slow (adj); lent-ye coc = simmer (vint/tr)
lento motion slow motion (sb) (cinema)
lentor slowness
Leon Trotski Leon Trotsky
Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (npr)
leopard leopard (sb)
leper leper (sb); leprous (adj)
lepra leprosy (sb)
Lerna Lerna (npr)
lesbian lesbian
lesch carrion (sb)
lesion lesion (injury)
lesion lesion (wound)
letal lethal (adj)
lethargia lethargy (sb)
letters letters (splu; "literature")
leu detach, remove, untie (vtr)
leuc shine, glow, gleam (vint)
leucaemia leukemia (sb)
leud to go up, to arise
leudher free ( adj)
leudher vol free will
leudherkwekwl freewheeling (adj & adv)
leuds (splu) = people (several persons)
leugh lie ( vtr & sb; to utter falsehood )
leughay to deny (a statement)
leuk league (unit of measure; sb)
Leukip Leucippus
Leuktra Leuctra
leup peel (vtr)
leur free ( adj & vtr)
leur menos freedom of conscience
leurtorg Free Trade
leus lose ( vtr ) ; loss (sb)
Leuven Louvain, Leuven ( npr )
leuxmen bay ( sb ) ( opening in the wall)
leuyk (& leiku ) = toy (sb)
Levantino Mar Levantine Sea
lever deliver ( vtr )
leverant delivery man (sb)
levghend left-handed (adj & sb)
levitic leviticus (sb)
levstic lovage (sb)
levter left (adj ) (direction )
levtro to the left
lewank (stone) slab (sb)
lexicon lexicon (sb)
lexis term (sb) (word)
Lhasa Lhasa
liachic drawer ( sb)
liaison affair, liaison (sb)
liane liana ( sf )
liang mound (sb)
liap Asian hat (sb)
libell dragonfly (sb)
liberal arts liberal arts
liberalisme liberalism
Liberation liberation (historia)
libertarisme libertarianism
libertin libertine
libertinage lewdness
libi Libyan (adj, sb)
Libia Libya (npr)
libitum pleasure, free choice
libram libram (sb)
librar bookseller
librarie bookshop (sb)
libretto libretto (sb)
libter willingly, with pleasure (adv)
liceitat liceity
licence license (sb)
licencieus licentious
liche lich (nb)
lichen lichen (sb)
licit lawful, licit (adj)
licitation invitation to tender (sb)
lict bed (sb)
lictdrehnk nightcap (drink; sb)
lid (& oklid) = eyelid (sb)
lider leader (sb)
liderspect leadership
liek (& liekar) = doctor, physician ( sb)
liel past tense of “lal”
liend past tense of “land”
lient summer (sb)
lientsparsaat daylight saving time (sb)
liep linden (sb)
liess past tense of “lass”
lieter leather ( sb)
Lietuva Lithuania
lietuvan Lithuanian (sb, adj)
lieubh love (vtr)
Lieubher Lover (sb) (tarot)
lieubwehrg hard-working (adj)
lieun past tense of “laun
liev past tense of “lav”
liew small house, cottage (sb)
lieyn past tense of “laun”
lift lift, elevator (sb)
liftban lift/elevator shaft
liftgonel gondola lift (sb)
liftkursiy chairlift (sb)
lig past tense of “lineg”
liga league (sb); Liga iom Nations = League of Nations
ligament ligament (sb)
lige face (sb)
ligne line (sb); ligne os credit = line of credit
lignenav steamer (sm )
lignite lignite
ligver Ligurian (adj)
lihaf bedcover
lihay shrewd, clever (adj)
lik -like (adj)
lik past tense of “leik”
lika the same, alike (adv)
likav playful (adj)
likeih to fly (a flag; vtr)
likw tide-mark (sb); left (past tense)
lil lily (sb)
liliac lilac (sb)
liman harbour (sb)
limbh limbo (sb)
lime lime (color)
limite limit ( vtr )
limite limit ( sb)
limon silt
limou citrus limetta (sb)
limousine limousine (sb)
lin flax (sb)
linask tench (sb)
linav linnet (sb)
lineal ruler (sfb) (instrument)
lineament lineament (sm )
lineg to lick
linekw to leave
linen linen ( sb)
lingerie lingerie
lingerie lingerie
lingua language (sb )
linguistique (sing.) = linguistics
liniment liniment (sb)
linkwes infinitive of "linekw" = "to leave"
linoleium linoleum (sb)
Linos Linus (brother of Orpheus)
linse lens (sb)
linsemen linseed
lintel header (sm )
lion lion ( sm )
liondent dandelion ( sm )
lionfel linaria (sb)
lip lip (sb)
lipide lipid (sb)
lipien grayling (fish, sb)
lipreus greasy, fatty (adj)
lips past tense of "leips"
liquefie liquefy (vtr)
liqueur liquor (sb)
liquid liquid
liquidation liquidation (sb) (judicial, bankruptcy)
liquiditat liquidity (sb, incl. economics)
lira lira (& pound in certain countries)
liriope liriope (sb)
lis past tense of « leis »
Lisboa Lisbon (npr)
lising leasing (rental purchase agreement)
lisor to lease (rental purchase agreement)
liste list (sb)
lit past participle and past tense of « leit »
litania litany ( sb)
literal literal
literar literary (adj)
literator man of letters
literature literature (sb)
lithographia lithography
litsia lychee (sb)
litu drinking session (sb)
liturgia liturgy (sb)
liubh love ( sb); past tense of “lieubh”
liuu pomegranate (sb)
liuushiek garnet (color, mineral)
liv past tense of “leiv”
livad kitchen / vegetable garden (sb)
livat to fuck; fucking (!)
livid livid ( adj)
livree livery( sb)
llama llama
lobby lobby (sb; pressure group)
lobe lobe ( sm)
loboda orache ( sb )
lobut cudgelling (sb)
loc place (sb; turns to "lok-")
localise locate (vtr)
localisen irrigation localised irrigation
locanda tap room (sb)
lockout lock-out
lockye weasel ( sb)
locomotive locomotive (sb)
locus standi locus standi, standing to appear (law)
locution announcing, voiceover, speech ; phrase ("phrase" in the sense of something like "adverbial phrase", for example, "at night" is an adverbial phrase in "Loud noise at night is a nuisance")
loden loden
lodh plumb-bob ( sb)
lodhseid steady (adj)
lodhskeir not steady (sb)
lodka fishing boat (sb)
loft loft (appartment)
log log (sb); log ex = to log out; log in = to log in
log- in to log in
logarithme logarithm
loge to accomodate (vtr)
logic logical (adj)
logiquer logician
logistic logistic (adj)
logo logo (sb)
logos speech (sb)
logule small log
lohg past tense of “lehg”
lohnc past tense of “lehnc”
lohr lore; past tense of "lehr"
loid clay (sb)
loikwaygwer bare owner
loikwn legacy ( sb)
loim damp (adj)
loisa ridge of a furrow
loisa furrow track (sb)
lok place (sb)
lokat padlock (sb )
lokchuan silk crepe (sf )
loktong whore ( sf ) (! )
loleng Chinese lantern (sb)
lollipop lollipop
lonc bow ( sb ) (weapon)
long long (adj)
longe-alamat chron
longmetrage feature film (sm )
lopat shovel ( sb)
lopatar fallow deer (sb)
loquet counter, window
lordose lordosis (sb)
lori lory (bird; sb)
lorion strap, braces (clothing; sb)
loschak young stallion
Lot Lot (Bible; npr)
loteng ( sing.) = attic, loft (sb)
loterie lottery (sb)
lothring Lorrain (adj & sb)
Lothringia Lorraine (province)
lotion lotion (sb)
lotse (maritime) pilot
lott to draw lots for; lot, share (sb)
lotus lotus (sb)
loupe magnifying glass (sb)
lousa tonsil (body, sb)
low dishwater, wishwash (sb)
lowagh lavoir, washing place ( sb)
lowga washing agent
lowter washbasin, sink (sb)
loy law (sum of legal norms, sb)
loy iom large numers law of large numbers
loyaltat loyalty (sb)
lu past tense of “leu”
luat pitch pipe (sb)
luba bower, arbour ( sb)
luban olibanum (sb)
lubher bast fibre (sb)
Lubnan Lebanon ( npr )
lubricant lubricant ( sm )
lubrifie lubricate (vtr.)
luc past tense of “leuc”
lucanca sausage ( sm )
Lucas Luke ( npr )
luce light (sb)
luce-yar light-year
lucid lucid (sb)
Lucifer Lucifer
luckern skylight window (sb)
Lucretius Lucretius ( npr )
lucro garish (adj)
lucrum-cessans loss of profit
lucubration lucubration
lucubration lucubration
lud past tense of “leud”
ludder rogue, rascal (sb)
ludic play-based, playful
Ludvic Lewis
luf gun barrel (sb)
lugh past tense of “leugh”; lie (sb)
lughav perfidious, deceitful ( adj )
lughic wily ( adj)
luk hatch ( sb)
lukad bright / sunny interval (sb)
Lukaschenko Lukachenko
lukma snack ( sb)
lukukramb firefly (sb)
lull to lull, cradle (vtr)
lumatay to bruise, to wound (sb)
lumbago lumbago (sb)
lumbal punction lumbar puncture (sb)
lumel lout (sb)
lump rag (sb)
lumpen ragged, tattered (adj)
lumpia Spring Roll (chinese food)
lumpsammler rag and bone man
lumpvehsend dressed in rags (adj)
Luna the Moon (npr)
lunatic lunatic (adj. & sb.)
lung meadow (sb)
lup past tense of “leup”
lur past tense of “leur”
lura bad wine (sb)
lurd filth (sb)
lure freedom (sb)
lurhat language (sb) (not spoken or particular to a group)
lus louse (sb); past tense of “leus”
luster luster, chandelier ( sb)
lutf kindness (sb)
lutfan be nice !
lutheran lutheran
lutt burbot (sb)
luur to spy on, to watch closely
luwa silk thread (sb )
Luwi Luwian ( adj , sb)
luxe luxury (sb)
luxembourgisch luxembourgish
luxeus pompous (adj )
Luxor Luxor
luxuriant luxuriant, lush ( adj)
luxurie splendour; pomp ( sb)
lwo to loot; lwo els annem = to take one's breath away
lwok sika deer
lwon booty ( sb)
lyceium secundary school (before University; sb)
Lydia Lydia (npr)
lyegher bed, couch (sb)
lyehg to lie (recline horizontally)
lyehg to lie (vint)
lyeig to lay (vtr)
lyekwrndwer veine portal vein
lyekwrnt liver ( sb)
lyekwrntvurst liverwurst
lyig past tense of “lyeig”
Lykurgos Lycurgus
lymphe lymph
lymphome lymphoma (sb)
lynching lynching (sb)
lynx lynx (sb)
lyogher watch, look-out (like an animal; for hunting; sb)
lyogos deposit (ex
lyohg past tense of « lyehg »
lyohga situation (sb)
lyra lyre (sb)
lyric lyric(al)
Lysip Lysippos
lysosom lysosome
lyt a little (adv); lyt ed lyt = little by little
lytil little (adj)
lyung lung (sm )
lyut fierce (adj)
ma why ( pron. interr)
maaf sorry (adj ) ( excuse)
maal good ( sm) ( possession )
maallift lift (sm )
maarif building (fig )
Maas Meuse
maaschouk lover ( sm )
maazwl removed (adj , sm )
macabre gruesome (adj)
macadamia macadamia (sb)
macaron macaron
maceir (heavy duty) low wall
macen stonecutter (sb)
macere macerate
machete machete
Machiavelli Machiavelli ( npr )
machine machine ( sb)
machinebunduk machine gun ( sb )
machinepistol submachine gun
machisme machism
macropsia macropsia
macula lutea macula lutea
macule macule (sb., vtr.) Addihes tod maynen ei inpiut "macule"
macule dapple ( vtr )
madame Mrs. ; ma'am.
madeir timber (sb)
madenn mining ( adj )
madh damp, humid
madh wet ( adj )
madh to lie, to be shrouded in (fig.)
madreporic madreporic (adj)
madyoun debtor (adj , sb)
mae don't (adv)
maedwn friendly ( adj )
maememyehrsas forget-me-not, myosotis (sb)
maeng shoot (mastery, skill) (sb)
maeti not... anymore (when "mae" ought to be used)
mafia mafia (sb)
mafioso mafioso
maflouk devoid, lacking (adj)
magasin store, warehouse (sb)
magasinier storekeeper (sb)
Magdala Magdala (npr)
Magdalenien Magdalenian (adj. & n.)
Magellan Magellan (npr)
magh can, may (vtr) ; power (sb)
maghil tomb (sb)
Maghreb Maghreb (npr)
maghrebi North African
maghses maybe (adv)
maghtula power balance
magia magics (sb)
magician magician (sb)
magisterium master's degree
magistral formule compounding (pharmacy, sb.)
magistrat magistrate (sb)
magma magma
magn main (adj); magnios sequence star = main sequence star
magnat tycoon (sb)
magnesium magnesium (sb)
magnet magnet (sb)
magnetic resonance magnetic resonance; Magnetic Resonance Tomographia = Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
magnetise to magnetize (vtr)
magnetite magnetite
magnificence magnificence (sb)
magnitude magnitude
magno kyrk main church, mother church
magno seghel mainsail (sb)
magos magus (sb)
magoti femininity ( sb)
magur mound (sb)
magv child (sb; young being)
magvnajisser pedophile
Magyar Hungarian (adj. & sb)
Magyaria Hungary (npr)
mah to mother
mahalg costly
mahar dowry (sb)
mahed cradle (sb, fig.)
mahel trial (law)
mahel to try (vpr); trial (sb)
mahibe formidable ( adj )
mahir cunning ( adj)
mahjiaung mahjong ( sb )
mahlbehrg courthouse (sb)
mahogany mahogany ( sb)
mai May (sb)
maibrank maybug (sb)
maideh help ! mayday !
maigher meagre (adj)
mailing mailshot (sb)
Maimonides Maimonides (npr)
maimour med + encharged with (adj)
maimoureih med + to encharge with
maincourante daybook (ex: in police station)
mainframe mainframe (computer)
majalah magazine (sb)
majestat majesty (sb)
majestueus majestic (adj)
majlis assembly house, assembly chamber (sb); Majlis ios Vatan Suria = Syrian National Council
Majlis im Communes House of Commons
majnoun crazy love
major major (adj; sb); major arcane = arcana major (sb) (cards); major modus = major scale (music)
majorat major of age (adj. & sb)
majordomo majordomo (sb)
majoritar majoritary (adj)
majoritat majority (sb)
majuscule capital letter (adj & sb)
makah dive (bad inn; sb)
makar although, whatever
makase railroad switch ( sb)
makass (sing) = clippers (sb) (hairdresser )
Makassar Makassar
makbul fulfilled, granted (ex
makdour option ( sm ) ( possibility )
makedon Macedonian
Makedonia Macedonia (npr)
maken poppy (sb)
makh make, fabricate (vtr)
makhboub darling (adj & sb)
makhkoum convicted (adj & sb)
makhleb Saint Lucy cherry
makhmour drunk ( adj )
makhmourluk hangover ( fig, sb)
makhsoul yield, ouput, return ( sb)
makhsus on purpose, intentionally (adv )
makir deceitful ( adj )
Makka Mecca (npr)
makrell mackerel
makrisch sorrel (sb)
makrouse indebted (adj )
maktab workroom ( sm )
maktub missive (sb)
makulat sustenance (sb)
makuz ( sing) = shears ( splu )
mal poor, mediocre, bad (adj)
mala trowel ( sf )
Malacca Malacca
malaghetta malaguetta (sf)
malaise malaise (sb )
malal weariness ( sb); to weary (vtr)
malalt weary ( sb)
malama reprimand, rebuke (sb)
malamant detached (behaviour)
malaria malaria (sb)
malay corn/maize flour (sb)
malays Malay
Maldives (splu) = Maldives (splu)
maldivi Maldivian
malefic evil (adj)
malefice evil spell
malek wood fire (sb)
malformation malformation
malformation malformation
malgasch malagasy (adj & sb)
malgh mallow (sb)
malice malice (sb)
maligno tumor malignant tumor
malin tainted (adj)
malinger puny ( adj )
mallah boatman ( sb )
mallands badlands (splu)
malleable malleable ( adj)
malm shoal (sb )
malnutrition malnutrition (sb)
malodore reek (vint)
maloul depressed (adj)
malst gwahmen stopgap (sb)
malt malt (sb)
malti Maltese (adj & sb)
maltose maltose (sb)
maltraite maltreatment, mistreatment (sb.) ; maltreat (vtr.)
Maluku Maluku
malumat piece of information (sb)
malvasia malmsey (sb)
malversation embezzlement (sb)
mamaliga maize porridge (sb)
mambh reproach (vtr) (semject ad semanghen)
mamma mummy
mammifer mammal (adj & sb)
mammwt mammoth (sb)
man to stay (vint)
manafi bargain (sb)
manage manage, run (vtr)
Manasse Manasseh (npr)
mandala mandala
mandala mandala
mandarin mandarin (adj. & sb)
mandat mandate (incl. League of Nations)
mandayi mandaean, mandaeic
mande to send for (vtr)
mandile apron (sb)
mando sterile (adj) ( woman)
mandolin mandolin ( sf )
mandor foreman (sm )
mandover manpower, labour (sb)
mandra cowshed (sb)
mandragor mandrake ( sf )
maneth learn ( vtr ) (a news )
maneuvre (military) manoeuvre
maneuvre maneuver ( sb)
manga manga (japanese comic)
manganese manganese (sb)
mangeit mangy (adj)
manghan bewitch (vtr)
mangolnel mangonel
mangonel mangonel
mangrove mangrove (sb)
manhouss sombre, gloomy
maniak maniac (adj. & sb)
manichaeisme manichaeism ( sb)
manicure manicure ( sb)
manier manner (sb)
manierisme mannerism
manifeste to show, express, demonstrate (vtr)
manifesto manifesto (sb)
Manila Manila (npr)
manipule maniple (Kyrk)
manipule handle (vtr)
manju manchu
Manjukwok Manchuria
mank to lack, be lacking (vint); lack (sb)
mankal brazier (sb)
mankay mango ( sf )
mankem Manguean (Indian)
mankholt chard ( sf )
mann husband (sb)
manna manna
mannequin dummy; model (sb)
manngven mariticide (the person)
manngvon mariticide (the action)
mansarde mansard roof (sb)
mant (& mantu) = chin (sb)
manta rai Manta ray
mantega lard (sb)
mantein maintain (vtr)
manteinance maintenance (sb)
mantel coat (sb)
mantelett mantlet
mantelett mantlet
manthel calender (vtr) (the linen)
manticore manticore (sb)
mantis (praying) mantis (sb)
manufacture manufacture, factory
manzil caoching inn, transport café, stopover
maoiste maoist
map map (sb)
mapa folder (organizer) (kay classifie papiers)
mapsack binder, satchel ( sb)
maquette scale model
maquiss maquis shrubland
maquiyage make-up, greasepaint (sb)
mar sea ( sb)
Mar Agayos Aegean Sea ( npr )
maracuya passion fruit
marasmus marasmus
marathon marathon (sport)
Marathon Marathon (Greece)
maraux longspined bullhead
maraz sickly ( adj )
marba ! pleased to meet you !
marbrehger breakwater (structure)
marcasite marcasite
Marcell Marcellus
marche march (sb & vint)
marcotten layering (sb.)
marct (& marken) = craggy, seamed (face; adj)
Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius (npr)
mareghi urchin (sb)
marg edge (sb)
margarine margarine (sb)
marge margin (sb)
marginal marginal (adj)
marginalise marginalize (vtr.)
margwenak siren, mermaid (sb)
marhoum late (deceased; adj)
marhour haughty (adj)
Maria Mary ( npr )
Marianas (Insules) = Mariana Islands
marik burglar (sb)
marine navy (sb)
marineblou navy blue (adj)
marinfanteriste Marine soldier (sb)
marinpineg marine painting (sb)
marionette marionette (sb)
maritim maritime (adj)
marjban ranger (of Middle-Earth; sb)
mark march (border) (grance territorium)
mark to mark (out); mark, trademark(sb); march (sb) (territory)
mark lurhat markup language
markaukhkwl sea snail
marketing marketing (sb)
marloub defeated (adj)
marloubeih defeat (vtr)
marloubia defeat (sb)
Marmara id - = Sea of Marmara
marmelade marmalade (sb)
marmor marble (sb)
marmosett marmoset (sb)
marn present tense base of “marsen”
marnad pipefish ( sm )
marnigv mermaid ( sb)
marode to be on the prowl
Marok Morocco (npr)
maroki Moroccan
marone maroon (vtr., intentional act of abandoning someone in an uninhabited area)
maronite maronite
marotte fad (sb)
maroul lettuce (sb)
marpertu fjord
marquesa marchioness
marquese marquis (sb)
marqueterie marquetry
Mars Mars (npr; planet)
marsan Martian (adj. & sb)
marschal marshal (sb)
marseghel topsail ( sb )
marsen to wither, to decay
Marsilio Ficino Ficino (npr)
marsiuge sea-sickness (sb)
marswin porpoise (sb)
mart March (month, sb)
marter marten (sb)
marthiya dirge (sb; chant)
martial martial (adj. & npr)
martyr martyr (sb)
marwtia impetuosity
marwtic fiery (adj)
marz disgust (vtr )
marzih caprice, whim (sb)
marzipan marzipan (sb)
masaar reliquary, shrine ( sb)
mascarade mascarade (sb)
masch sweet pea ( sb)
maschiculi machicolation ( sb )
maschkhoul engaged ( adj ) ( borrowed , used)
maschkouk doubtful ( adj)
maschour famous ( adj )
maschrou legitimate (adj )
maschruu striped ( adj)
maschtab standard ( sm) ( measure )
mascotte mascot ( sb)
masculin masculine (adj)
masgal arrow slit
masjid mosque (sb); Masjid al Aksa = Al Aqsa Mosque
mask mask (sb & vtr)
Maskat Muscat ( npr )
maskbal fancy-dress bowl
maslag Datura stramonium ( sm )
masnadh prop ( sm )
masochiste masochist
masraf expenditure (sfb) & spend ( vtr )
masrour glad ( adj )
massacre massacre (sb)
massaf line, queue (sb)
massage massage (sb & vtr)
massal joke, trick, hoax (sb)
massalla prayer rug
masse mass (sb)
massen media (splu) = mass media
massengrabh mass grave, "potter's field" (sb)
massif mountain range (sb)
massing brass (sb)
massive massive ( adj)
masson freemason
massoul responsible, liable ( adj , sb)
massur weaver spool
mast mast (sb)
mastitis mastitis
mastodon mastondon (sb)
mat checkmate (chess; sb)
matam lugubrious ( adj)
matamoro braggart, matamoro
matamoro matamoros (sb)
match match (sb; sport)
mater mother ( sb)
materbahsa mother tongue (sb)
materia matter, substance (sb)
material material (sb & adj)
materland mother country
maternitat maternity hospital (sb)
materplack motherboard (sb)
matertat motherhood (sb)
math past tense of “maneth”
mathal saying, dictum (sb)
mathalan for example, for instance
mathematique (sing) = mathematics ( splu )
mathematiquer mathematician (sb)
mathmoun content (sb); to contain (vtr)
mati mate (drink)
matier field ( discipline, sb )
matil moth
matrass mattress (sb)
matriarchat matriarchy
matrimonial separation legal separation (couple)
matrimonial separation legal separation
matrix matrix (sb)
matrona matron
matrone matron
matrose seaman (sb )
matruw maternal uncle ( sm )
matta mat ( sf ) ( bench )
matteurp to mend with straw
Matthias Corvinus Matthias Corvinus
matur mature (adj)
Matyah Mathew ( npr )
mau barter (vtr)
maul sacrifice (vtr)
maun warn (vtr)
maund protection
maung much, many (adj. & adv)
mauntia muse (sb)
maur dark; swarthy (adj)
maurdh murder (sb & vtr)
maurdher murderer (sb)
maurg morning from 0H00 to daylight, « graveyard's shift »
Mauritania Mauritania (npr)
Mauritius Mauritius (npr)
maurk destrier (sb) ; knight (chess ; sb)
maurkschalk marshal ( sb) ( in charge of horses )
mausoleium mausoleum (sb)
maut toll ( sb)
mauve mauve (adj ; color )
mauxekwan capillary vessel
mawi faded (adj )
mawjuiji ink brush
maxam design, intention (sb)
maxim maxim (sb)
maximum maximum (sb)
Maximus is Confessor Maximus the Confessor
maxud intentional ( adj )
maydan playground
mayer tenant farmer (sb)
mayeutique mayeutics
mayka jersey (sb)
maykhana tavern, inn (sb)
mayl mile (avoirdupois system; sb)
maymoun monkey (sb)
mayn opinion (sb); to mean (vtr)
maynad maenad (sb)
maynen meaning (sb)
maynleudher detached (behavior)
maynmeid poll (sb)
mays maize (sb )
mayster master ( sb )
mayu swampy ground
mayukh ankle (sf ) (wood )
mayuss disconsolate (adj )
mayzel butcher, hack, mangle ( vtr )
mayzelar pork butcher (sb)
maz maggot (sb)
mazbakh slaughterhouse ( sb )
mazgh (sing) = brains (splu)
mazreb big top of tent (sb)
mazuk strawberry ( sb )
me me (accusative)
meander meander (sb )
mecanic mechanical (adj)
mecanic molive mechanical pencil
mecanic resistence strength of materials
mecanique mechanics ( sb)
mecanisme mechanism ( sb )
mecaniste mechanic, driver ( sb)
mecene patron
med with (means; prep)
medayl medal ( sb )
medaylon medallion (sb)
mede mede
Medea Medea (npr)
medgu common pochard ( sb)
mediatic media (adj)
mediatolker media player (software)
medic doctor, physician (sb)
Medici Medici (npr)
medicin medicine (sb)
Mediev Middle-Age
Medina Medina
medio middle (adj & sb ) ( center)
mediocampiste midfielder (soccer)
mediocre mediocre ( adj )
mediofingher middle finger (sb)
Mediomar Mediterranean (Sea )
Mediorient Middle East ( sb )
meditation meditation (sb )
medium medium (plural: mediums)
mediunitat mediumship
medsu amidst ( prep )
medu mead (sm )
medusa jellyfish ( sf )
medv heady, inebriating (adj)
medven to make drunk (vtr)
medvia drunkenness (sb)
medyen lyegher media layer (internet)
Medyeusteuropay Lands Err :509
meg very, much (adv)
megagmo ecliptic (ja exist; precision; nomen)
megagmo the Great Way (ex : stars)
megalith megalith (sb)
megalomaniak megalomaniac (adj, sb)
megalopolis megalopolis
megaphone megaphone, loud hailer
megatmen magnanimous (adj)
megaurb megacity ( sb )
megder redwood (sb)
megdos greatness
mege size (sb)
Meger Belt Great Belt
megil (comp. meger; sup. megst) = great, large (adj)
Megil Hevd Holy Week
Megil Juma Good Friday
megil klewos (sing) = deeds (splu), “big glory” (sb)
Megil-Hellad Magna Graecia
mehgh to grant (vtr)
mehl grind (vtr)
mehld to signal, announce (vtr), to pray (vint)
mehlden prayer; description, particulars (sb)
mehldschid leaflet
mehlg milk (vtr)
mehlstrohm maelstrom
mehlstrohm maelstrom
mehm remember (vtr)
mehmen remembrance (sb)
mehn think (vtr); thought (sb) (general)
mehr die (vint)
mehreina place to die (sb)
mehsg knit (vtr )
mehsgmen knitting (sb)
meic blink (vint) (eye)
meid measure (vtr & sb); ep meid = bespoke
meidaw upside down (adj)
meidic modest (adj)
meih to mitigate (vtr)
meil prefer, like (vtr)
meinc diminish (vtr/vint)
meingfu issue ( sf) ( death )
meini minnow (sb )
meinyun fate, destiny ( sb )
meiose meiosis
meirka young lady
meirong maze ( sm )
meis more (adv)
meisg to cross (incl. breed) (pati genetique, bo vtr & vint)
meist most (adv)
meiter to reciprocate
meith + acc. = change of (vint)
meithel main square
meithyo seedling, sapling (the plant that is meant to be transplanted to another place, like a tree seedling)
meiwrnt term (duration; sb)
meiwrntisu arrow of time
meizd to reward, recompense (vtr)
meja table (sb) ( for eating)
mejban host (sm ) (receiving )
meje eat ( vtr ) ( seated)
mejeina dining room (sb)
Mekhlen Mechelen ( npr , city of Belgium )
mekhtab moonlight
meklemm ointment ( sb)
Mekong Mekong (sb)
mela black ink (sb); ink-black (adj)
melamine melamine
melankholic melancholic ( adj )
melanome melanoma (sb)
Melchisedech Melchizedek (npr)
melee melee
melee melee
Melewagher Meleager
melez mongrel
melg milk (sb)
melgarie dairy (sb)
melgpeku dairy cattle
Melgvia Milky Way ( sb)
melinder honey fritter (sb)
meliponiculture meliponiculture
meln muddy (adj)
melodia melody (sb)
melodrame melodrama
melomane music lover
melon melon (sb)
melopoia chant (sf )
melos softness, mellowness
melsk soft, mellow (adj)
melv flour (sb)
melwrnt flour (non-vegetal) (non-vegetal)
member member (sb)
membrane membrane (sb)
membraneus membranous (adj)
meme meme
memmen + acc. = evoke the memory of (vint)
memorandum memorandum, memorial (sb)
memoria memory (sb)
memorise memorize (vtr)
mems limb (sb) (body)
memsbat (& memsbaten) = aching (when referring to tiredness, body; adj)
memuar memoir ( sb ) ( story )
men thought (general, philosophy) (sb)
men but ( conj)
menace menace (sb & vtr )
menach fop (sb )
menagerie menagerie (sb)
Menander Menander
menay to envision, think (vtr)
Mencius Mencius
mendel almond (sb)
Mendeleyev Mendeleev (npr)
mender mountain lake (sb )
menegh crowd (sb)
Menelaos Menelaus
menexi violet (flower, sb)
mengain vice (for tools, sb)
menghia whole, set (sb)
mengusch pendant (jewel; sb)
meningitis meningitis (sb)
Menkaura Menkaure
menos consciousness, spirit, intent (sb)
Menoslawyos Menelaus
menot lunation, moon's month
mens mess (dinning room; sb)
mensc human, man (sb)
menscenrect Human right
menscenressurces human resources
menscgenos (hu)mankind (sb)
menscule uvula (sb)
mensdeh wisdom ( sf )
mensdeht (& mensdehn) = full of wisdom
mensdehyazgen [mënsde:yAdjën] = zoroastrianism (sb)
mensdehyazgi zoroastrian (believer)
menstruation menstruation (sb)
ment mind (sb)
mental mental (adj)
mental retard mental retard (sb)
mentangst remorse ( sp)
Mentat Mentat (sb ) ( Dune)
mention mention (vtr & sb )
mentor thinker (sb)
menue menu ( sb)
menuet minuet
menxu while (conj.)
meongcin bird of prey (sb)
mer mere (adj.)
mercantile mercantile (adj.)
mercantilisme mercantilism
mercat market (sb)
mercatcapitalisation market capitalization
mercatsok market research
mercenar mercenary (adj. & sb)
mercerie haberdashery (sb)
merchandising merchandising (sb)
mercie mercy (sb)
Mercur Mercury ( npr ) ( planet )
meremett mending (sm )
meremettise darn ( vtr )
Merenptah Merneptah
merg dive (vtr/vint)
mergbaurd diving board (sb)
merghel marl
mergis filth (sb)
mergist filthy, disgusting (adj)
mergschowbey diving equipment (sb)
meriend provision, food (sb)
merig merry (adj)
merit merit (sb) (advantage, benefit; law case)
merlang whiting (sb)
merlon merlon (sb)
merluce hake (sb)
Merovech Merovech
meroveching merovingian
mersie thank you (interjection)
mersortrakh diving suit
merteck joist (sb)
merti mortal (adj) (doomed to die)
merto mortality
meryo young warrior
mesel blackbird (sb)
Mesopotamia Mesopotamia (npr)
mesopotamiak Mesopotamian
mesozoique mesozoic (era) (sb)
mespil medlar (sb)
message message ( sb)
message pwarn errand boy ( sb)
messager messenger (sb)
messap Messapian
messe mass (sb)
messiah Messiah (sb)
messianisme messianism
mestiss mestisso, métis (sb)
mestissage miscegenate (Addihes id verb form pro tod ja existent werd)
mestissage interbreeding
met dish, meal (sb)
metabolisme metabolism ( sb )
metall metall (sb)
metallurgia metallurgical industry
metaphor metaphor
metaphysique metaphysics
Metapontum Metapontum
Metaschala Methuselah (npr)
metastase metastasis (sb)
Metastasio Metastasio
meteor meteor (sb)
meteoric dazzling, incredible (adj)
meteorite meteorite (sb)
meterise retrenchment ( sm )
methane methane (sb)
methode method ( sb)
metonymia metonymy
metrique metre
metro underground
metropolis metropolis (sf )
mett mow ( vtr )
meublar furniture ( sm )
meuble piece of furniture (sb )
meudh ub = cheer up
meugh mug ( sm ) ( drinking )
meuk release (vtr ) , drop (vtr )
meun moon (sf )
meunpisk sunfish
meunweus moonrise (sb)
meurch cement (vtr ) (fig )
meurch harden ( vint / vtr )
meurcher mortar (sm ) ( concrete)
meurm swarm (vint)
meute pack (ex
mev gull ( sf )
Mexico Mexico ( npr )
mezzanine mezzanine
mi to me
miasma miasma
miau miaow
mic wink (sb); past tense of “meic”
Michael Michael (npr)
Michael Servetus Michael Servetus (npr)
Michel Michael
Michelangelo Michelangelo ( npr )
micri tiny ( adj )
micro microphone ( sb)
micro-rika headset (sb)
microbe microbe, germ (sb)
microbian microbian, microbial
microcosme microcosm (sb)
microcredit microcredit
microfinance microfinance
microgrov microgroove
microorganisme microorganism (sb)
microphone microphone ( sb)
microprocessor microprocessor (sb)
microscope microscope ( sb )
microtubule microtubule
mid past tense of « meid »
middien noon (sb)
midfabricat intermediate good
midocean regv mid-ocean ridge
midspilker fid (tool for ropes)
mie (sing.)
miech blade of weapon (sb)
miechel thin strip / blade (sb)
miechstaven metal shutter
miedh past tense of “madh”
miegve childhood (sb)
miehel past tense of “mahel”
miekh past tense of “makh”
mielt honey (sb)
mielt-menot honeymoon
miembh past tense of “mambh”
miems meat ( sb)
miemspeku beef cattle
mien my, mine; past tense of “man”
miens of my (singular)
mienthel past tense of “manthel”
mier big, large ( adj )
mierer-pold uppercase
mierk past tense of “mark”
Mierstieups “Strider” (name of Aragorn in the “Lord of the Rings”)
mierz past tense of “marz”
mieu past tense of « mau »
mieul past tense of « maul »
mieun past tense of “maun”
mieurdh past tense of “maurdh”
mieyn past tense of “mayn”
mieyzel past tense of “mayzel”
mifussal hinge (sb)
migh past tense of "minegh"
mighel mist (sb)
mignon minion (sb)
migrator migratory ( adj) ( bird)
miieu past tense of "miau"
mijmer censer (sb)
mikdar amount (sb & vtr)
mil thousand ( num ); past tense of “meil”
mild mild ( adj )
milder alleviate, mitigate (vtr )
mildet pity ( sb )
milesio Milesian
Miletos Miletus (npr)
mileus compassionate ( adj)
milfel mille-feuille (sb)
milgran pomegranate tree (sb)
milice militia (sb)
milicionaire militiaman (sb)
milieu milieu (sb) (environment)
militant militant (adj. & sb)
militar military (adj)
milite to be a militant
miliu millet (sb)
milium mile (measure unit; sb; in avoirdupois system “mayl”)
millenarisme millennialism (sb)
millennium millennium (sb)
million million (acts like a distributive number)
millionaire millionaire
milz spleen (sb; body)
mime mime (vtr & sb)
mimic mimic (adj.)
mimicrie mimicry (sb)
mimithav flighty, fickle (adj)
minara minaret (sb)
minc thin, slim (adj); past tense of “meinc”
mine mine (sb)
minegh urinate (vtr)
miner miner (sb)
mineral mineral; mineral aqua = mineral water
mingo sunday (sb)
miniature miniature (sb)
miniaturise miniaturize (vtr)
minibar minibar
minimum minimum
ministerium ios interior interior ministry
ministrant altar server (sb)
ministrell minstrel (sb)
minoic Minoan
Minor Conventual Conventual Franciscan (sb)
minorat minor, infant (sb, adj)
Minotaur Minotaur (npr)
minst least (adv); Minst antslehnkus lands = least advanced countries
mint mint (sb; flower)
mintean underbodice (sb)
minter less (adv)
minu slim, slight, tiny (adj)
minus minus (mathematics); missing (adj; when it refers to some counting)
minuscule small (letter)(adj. & sb)
minute minute (sb)
miracle miracle (sb )
miraculeus miraculous (adj)
mirage mirage (sb)
mirath inheritance, patrimony (sb)
miris stock ( sm )
mirobolant fantastic, fanciful, gaudy, megalomaniac, ambitious, extraordinary, incredible
mirveylment wonder ( sm )
miryow spell (sm )
misab eave (sb)
misanthrope misanthropist, misanthropic
mischko high forest (sb)
mischmasch mishmash (sb)
mischnah mishna
mise-en-abime mise en abyme
Miseno Miseno
miser miserable (adj)
misere misery (sb) (miserable situation)
misgvalt brutal mistake (ex: police abuse)
miskett muscat (sb)
miskin mean, miserable, poor
misogynia misogyny
misogyniste misogynist (sb) & misogynistic (adj)
misplais offend (vtr)
misprete misunderstand (vtr)
Misr Egypt ( npr )
miss to miss (someone)
missal missal (sb)
misserve to go against, put at a disadvantage
missil missile (sb)
mission mission
mission mission (sb)
missionar-oblat MIssionary Oblate
missulouk dia = to treat harshly (vtr)
mistreus to mistrust (vtr)
mith past tense of “meith”
Mithras Mithrras
mitkali vichy cotton (sb)
mitochondrion mitochondrium (sb)
mitra mitre (sb)
miulwa sugar cane (sb)
mix mix ( vtr )
miyanch broker ( sm )
miyanchia brokerage ( sb)
mizdenyagher bounty hunter
mizdo reward (sb)
mizdobor laureate
mizrab bat (sb ) (ex
mlege softroe (sb)
mliak coax (vtr); meek, sweet (adj)
mo film (sb) (thin envelope)
moan Mon (people & language)
mobil movable
mobilisation mobilization (sb)
mobilise mobilize (vtr)
mobilphone mobile phone
mochi rice cake ( sb )
mode fashion (sb)
mode defilee fashion show
model model (sb)
modelisme model building
modem modem (sb)
moder bluish (adj)
moderat moderate (adj)
moderator (TV, radio) presenter
modifie modify (vtr)
modus mode (sb)
moffic stuffy, muggy (adj)
mohawk mohawk, mohican (hairstyle)
mohgh past tense of "mohgh"
mohican Mahican, Mohican (tribe)
mohl past tense of “mehl”
mohldt /mohlden xitu = classified facility
mohlg past tense of “mehlg”
mohm past tense of “mehm”
mohn thought (past tense)
mohr past tense of “mehr”
mohrt death ( sb); dead (adj)
Mohrt Mar Dead Sea (npr)
Mohrts kyasen capital punishment (sb)
mohsg past tense of “mehsg”
moin palisade, picket fence (Correction pro id englisch entrat. Id tarjem "fence" dehlct ses supressen)
moin fence (sb )
moineih to bedeck; strengthen
moini performance (of service; sb)
moinitor provider (of a service)
moinos ring (of people, for example in drug dealing)
moit (sing) = gallows (splu)
mokan plucky, jaunty (adj)
mokhayar moire, watering (sb)
mokrice woodlouse (sb)
mokye midge ( sb)( insect)
molda clay
moldure molding
mole mole (unit; sb)
molecule molecule (sb)
moleskin moleskin
moleste molest (vtr.)
molg newt (sb)
moli jetty, pier (sb)
molie to give trouble (to do something; + dative of the person)
molika silver fir
molin mill (sb)
molive pencil (sb)
moll soft (adj)
mollach awkward lump
Mollah Mullah (sb)
mollesse softness (sb)
mollusk mollusc (sb)
molos setback, issue
molosser big hound
molybdenum molybdenum (sb)
mombin hog plum, yellow mombin
moment moment (sb)
momentan momentary
mon (a)lone, lonely
monade monad (philosophy)
monarch monarch (sb)
monasteir monastery (sb)
monastic monastic
monazite monazite
monegask monégasque
monetar masse money supply
monetar serpent (european) "Snake in the tunnel"
monete coins, change (sb)
mongoloid mongoloid ( adj. & n. )
moni necklace ( sm ) ( jewel )
monitor monitor (screen); supervisor, instructor
monobrov unibrow, jacco brow, monobrow
monochrome monochrome (painting)
monochromia camaieu (sb)
monocle monocle (sb)
monoculture monoculture (sb)
monodrame monodrama
monoglot monoglot
monolith monolith ( sb)
monopodial monopodial
monopol monopoly (sb)
monoscope TV test card (sb)
monotheisme monotheism
monotone monotonous (adj)
monovan minivan
monsignore Monsignore
monsignore monsignore
monster monster (sb)
monstrance monstrance
monstrueus monstrous (adj)
mont mount ( sb )
montage film-editing (dayir films)
montage ligne assembly line (sb)
montagneryss ( sing ) = roller coaster ( splu )
montay knoll, hillock (sb)
monte mount (a beast), assemble (a mechanism)
montur battle dress (sb)
monument monument
moor moor (sb)
mops nasty little lap-dog
moquette fitted carpet, wall-to-wall carpetting
mor rubble ( sb)
morabit marabout ( sb)
moral moral (adj); morale (sb)
moralitat morals (splu)
moratorium moratorium
Morava Moravia
moravan Moravian (sb)
moravsk Moravian (adj)
moravski fraters (splu) = Moravian Church
morber mulberry (fruit) (fruit; correction)
morber blackberry (sb)
morbid morbid (adj)
morbiditat morbidity (rate; sb)
mordv mordvin
Morea Morea (npr)
mores habits, customs (splu)
morey moray eel (sb)
Morgan Morgan le Fay
moribund dying, about to die (adj)
morja walrus (sb)
mork carrot (sb)
morphine morphine
morphine morphine
morphologia morphology
mors mole (on the skin; sb)
mortaise mortise (sb)
mortal mortal (adj); mortal danger = danger of death
mortek bound to death (sb)
mortier mortar (artillery) (artillerie)
mortification mortification (sb)
mortifie mortify (vtr.)
mortuar mortuary (adj.)
mosayic mosaic ( sb)
moscel clam ( sb)
Moses Moses (npr)
moskitt mosquito (sb)
Moskovsk of Muscovy (adj.)
Moskva Moscow ( npr )
moss moss ( sb) ( plant )
moster encephalon
mot burst (in mind; sb)
motac wagtail (sb) (bird)
motel motel (sb)
motic hoe (sb)
motion to make gestures
motivation motivation (sb)
motive tune (sb) (music)
moto motorcycle (sb)
motocycle (& motocyclette) = motorcycle (sb)
motocycliste motorcyclist (sb)
motor engine ( sb)
motorcap cylinder head
motorghalg push-rod
motorseg chainsaw (sb)
motto motto (sb)
mouhakeme conviction (trial, sb )
mouhar stamp (seal, sb)
moustache mustache (sb)
mov motion, move (sb); move (vtr/vint)
moveina circle of influence of a movement
movil loose, friable (adj; ex: earth)
movilstand tilth (state of the aggregates of the soil)
movment movement (incl. music)
mowktan charcoal (sb)
mowtan tree peony
mox (moxu) = soon (adv)
Mozambique Mozambique
mozg marrow (sb)
mozzarella mozzarella (sb)
mreja fishing net (sb)
mrich pepper-tree (plante)
mriga big game animal
mu pout (sb)
muadeb respectful (adj)
mualim scholar, savant (sb)
muamma riddle (sb)
muassir contemporary (adj)
muazan muezzin (sb)
muazwl dismissed person
mubalarha pomposity (sb)
mubtada beginner, novice (sb)
mubtala afflicted, distressed (adj)
mucilage mucilage
mucosa mucosa
mucoviscidose cystic fibrosis
mucus mucus (sb)
mudam continually (adv)
mudel detergent (sb)
mudh mud (sb); past tense of “meudh”
mudhguarde mudguard ( sb)
mudimaar vain, conceited person (sb)
mudra roll (sb)
mufareb cheater
muff muff (sb)
muffel (big) mitten
muffin muffin (sb)
mufide salutary (adj)
muflis bankrupt
Mugdischo Mogadishu
mugeih bawl ( vint )
mugh bellow (vint)
Muhammad Muhammad (npr)
muhandis technician ( sb)
muhanga anteater (sb)
muhim considerable ( adj)
mujarim guilty, convicted (adj. & sb)
mujaurr neighbouring (adj )
mujilid bookbinder (sb)
mujra allowance (sb)
muk mouth (ex: of an animal); past tense of “meuk”
mukabal kabbalist
mukadar sullen (adj)
mukadma litigation (sb)
mukam stay, sojourn (sb & vint)
mukamstitule permanent resident card
mukarime benefactor (sb)
mukawi invigorating (adj )
mukel muzzle (of a gun; sb)
mukhatna circumsized (sm)
mukhayar street pedlar (sb)
mukhla time limit (sb)
mukhlat respite (sb)
mukhsen helpful (adj)
mukht sheaf (of straw; sb)
mukhtaj needy (adj)
mukhtmel likely (adj)
mukhtmelia verisimilitude
mukskip mugshot (sb)
mukuzay bric-a-brac
mulakat appointment (sb)
mulasel mullet (sb)
mulasim assistant (sb)
mulat mulatto
mulayim slight ( adj) ( fig)
mulch mulch, mulching
muld slag heap ( sb)
mule mule (sf)
Mullah Nasreddin Khoja Effendi Juha Nasreddin ( npr ; legendary figure )
mullett mullet (hair)
mulmul muslin (sf )
mult many ( adj)
multinational multinational
multiplatforme cross-platform (adj)
multiplicationstable multiplication table (sb)
Mumbay Mumbai, Bombay (npr)
mumia mummy ( sb)
mumification mummification
mumkin feasible (adj)
mumps mumps ( sm ) (illness )
mumtase distinguished ( adj )
munassib congruent, adapted (adj)
mund world ( sb)
mundan wordly; pertaining to social life, refined (adj)
mundial world(wide), global (adj )
mundie Monday (sb)
mundmap map of the world (sb)
mundule mandala ("small world")
mundule mandala
Munich Munich
munition ammunition (sb)
munk monk (sb)
munkin nun (sb)
munsche assistant, clerk (sb)
munt month (sb)
mur wall ( sb )
murabba jam (sb)
muraisch marsh ( sb)
murak cloudberry (sb)
mural (pineg) = mural (painting) (sb)
murar mason ( sb )
muraria masonry ( sf )
murch past tense of “meurch”
murdar dirty (adj )
murg white with a slight shade (adj)
murgan lamb with black stripes
murhoul Moghol
murjan red coral (sb)
murluster wall sconce (sb)
murm ant (sb); past tense of “meurm”
murmure murmur (vtr )
murmweik anthill ( sb)
murtrap service-hatch ( sb)
muru dunghill
mus mouse (sb)
musar buzzard
musch fly (animal, sb)
muschabad conjurer (magician, sb)
muschama bath mat
muschdiemen bow-tie ( sb)
muschkil painful ( adj)
muschkilan painstakingly (adv)
muschmwla medlar-tree (sb)
muschrik associate (Quran) arab = مشرك
muschron St. George's mushroom (kay correge tod entrat)
muschron mushroom (sb)
muschteri customer (sb)
muschteria customership (sb)
muscle muscle (sb)
muscleus brawny (adj )
musculature muscle structure (sb)
museium museum (sb)
music music (sb)
musical musical (adj); musical theatre (sb)
musician musician (sb)
musique-concrete musique concrète
musk musk (sb)
muskete musket (sb)
muslim muslim (adj. & sb); Muslim Braters = Muslim Brothers
muspad mouse pad
mussafaha handshake (sb)
mussafer traveller (sb)
mussafer pehrner travelling salesman, traveling merchant
mussalsal continuous ( adj)
mussim monsoon ( sf )
must wort (sm )
mustahkam on the “guard yourself” position (adj )
mustajer tenant, lodger ( sb )
mustathna apart from ( prep )
mustaur well-done (cooked; adj)
mustra sample (sb)
mustra glas watch glass (for chemicals)
mustring monstrous (adj ; appearance)
mut mute (adj)
mutaasib biased (adj)
mutaassif sorry (adj)
mutabeid to disabuse
mutabuneg to second (ex: an employee) (vtr)
mutaharib belligerent (adj & sb)
mutalba claim (sb)
mutamarrid refractory, objectory (adj)
mutamayn to make up one's mind
mutamenos fickle (adj)
mutaol emptying (of a car's oil; sb)
mutasalzal shaky (adj )
mutaschalter network switch (sb)
mutastrehc to turn inside out (a garment) (vtr)
mutatrehc change of direction
mutawassit average
mutaweik to move (house)
mutawoik metic (adj & sb)
mutiara pearl necklace (sb)
mutie mumble (vtr )
mutlak absolutely ( adv)
muton mutton
mutt to take place, to have grounds to
mutu each other
mutual mutual (adj); mutual fund = mutual fund
muwazana balance remains
muxit snot, booger, bugger
muzlim low, feeble (adj ) (fig. intensity)
mwanien prosper, thrive (vint )
mwaungsou escape ( vpr )
mwembi mango tree
mweyssui unfinished ( adj)
mwurjien unmanned (adj)
myanma Burmese
Myanmar Burma (npr)
mycelium mycelium
mydriasis mydriasis
myehrk decompose ( vpr )
myehrs forget ( vtr )
myeirk to degrade (tr. organism) (transitive os "myehrk")
mygal (& mygalomorph) = mygalomorpha (adj & sb)
Mykainas Mycenae (npr)
mykainay mycenaean
mynder proud (adj)
myndert pride (sb)
myohrk past tense of “myehrk”
myohrs past tense of “myehrs”
myorki sapric
myriade myriad (sb)
myriapode centipede (sb)
myrobalan mirobalan (sb)
myrt myrtle (sb)
myryi (adj. pl) = ten thousand (num) (declinable; poetic)
mysteir mystery
mysterieus mysterious
mystic mystic
mystifie mystify (vtr)
mystique mysticism
mythic mythical (adj)
mythologia mythology
mythopoeia mythopoiea
mythos myth (sb)
Mytilene Mytilene (sb)
mytin mutineer (sb)
mytinrie mutiny (sb)
naal horseshoe
naam yeah (colloquial weidos kay sayge "ya !")
naan naan (sb)
nabahsit (he/she) kept on talking, saying
nabh navel (sb)
nabla nabla symbol
Nablus Nablus
nabug trepan
Nabukudurriussur Nebuchadnezzar
nackal storyteller (sm )
nadh needle ( sb)
nadime guest (at table, sb)
nadir nadir ( sm )
nadureih perpetuate ( vtr )
nafaka alimony (sing.)
nafassat exquisite ( adj )
nafiz piercing, keen ( adj)
nafore host, sacramental bread (sb)
Nafplio Nafplion ( npr )
nafsan to fell carnal lust towards (vtr)
nafsani carnal ( adj )
nafsania carnal lust (sb)
naft oil, gas, gasoline
naft kant petrol can
naft-tanker oil tanker (sb)
naftaduct oil pipeline
naftalin naphthalene (sb)
naftequivalent tonne tonn of oil equivalent
naftkiezghian bituminous shale
naftlamen oil slick
naftplatforme oil platform
naftpumpe petrol pump
nagor capital (city; sb)
Nahum Nahum(npr)
naiw never (adv)
naiwo never (adv)
najis filthy (adj )
najisse desecrate ( vtr )
nak reach (vtr )
nakadh cash (money, sb)
nakeb tuck, estoc (sb)
nakeer small physical flaw
naker mother of pearl ( sb)
nakh silk carpet
Nakhchivan Nakhchivan
nakhel date palm
nakhodka master (of a vessel)
nakhut chickpea
nakis not equal to the task ( adj )
nakwr big reptile
nalbant blacksmith, farrier (sb)
nam name (vtr & sb )
namdeh to name (vtr)
nami on behalf of
namic illustrious (adj)
namnak noxious, mephitic, dank (adj)
namor date (vtr, USA)
namor to date (someone)
namos (sing) = greetings (splu)
nanander husband's sister
nandu rhea (bird; sb)
nanina lullaby (sb)
Nanking Nanking ( npr )
nanotechnologia nanotechnology
nant to grow bolder ( vpr )
nanuk polar bear
nao trouble (sb) ( problem )
nap turnip (sb)
Naphtali Naphtali (npr)
naphtha naphtha
napi nappy, diaper (sb)
napoleonian napoleonic
napter grandson
naptrice granddaughter
naptriya (sing) = grandchildren (splu)
naranji orangey (adj)
narc to fall asleep (vtr)
narcisse daffodil, narcissus (sb)
narcomania drug addiction
narcoterrorisme narcoterrorism
narcotic narcotic (adj & sb)
nard hum ( vtr )
nardban stairwell (sb)
nargil coconut (sb)
Narkis Narcissus (npr)
narkisisme narcissism
narn story, tale (sb)
narre tell, narrate (vtr)
narval narwhal (sb)
nas nose (sb)
naschast starch (sb)
naschastise to starch (vtr)
naschir publishing house
nasel to speak with a nasal twang
nask moist (adj)
nassab lineage (sb) (progeny )
nassel offspring (sb)
nassib luck ( sb ) ( happiness )
nassihat notice (sb) ( appeal )
naster muzzle ( sb)
nastil lanyard ( sb )
nastorm nostril (sf )
nastraj on guard ( adj )
nasuk precarious ( adj )
Natal Christmas (sm )
nater grass snake ( sb)
nation nation (sb)
national national (adj)
nationalisation nationalization (sb)
Nativitat Nativity (sb)
natric water snake (sb)
natrium sodium ( sb)
natural natural ( adj); natural catastrophe = natural disaster (sb); natural park = natural park (sb)
natural reserve natural reserve, nature reserve
naturalise naturalize (vtr)
naturaliste naturalist
naturaliste naturalist
nature nature (sb)
nature-plaut full-size (adj.) (adj.)
naturelika naturally (adv)
naudh (see grammar) = need, require (vtr)
naudhberme shoulder (road)
naudhbleigos distress flare
naudhleizd shoulder, hard shoulder, emergency stopping lane
naudhstand state of emergency
naudhudghang emergency exit (sb)
naudhward self defense
naufrage shipwreck (sb)
nauk boat, craft
nauk craft, vessel (sb)
naumachie naumachia
nauna nurse ( sb)
naurbat alarm (bell; sm )
nausea nausea, retch ( sb )
nauseabund nauseous ( adj)
nauseant nauseating (adj)
naut sailor (sb)
nav ship (sb)
Navarre Navarre ( npl )
navax to catch up with
navige navigate (vtr )
navsenitner traffic separation scheme
navtecton shipwright
nawag boatman, mariner (sb)
nay Pan-flute (sb)
nayade naiad (sb)
nayd to scoff at, jeer at
nayib deputy (adj & sb)
nayive naive (adj)
nayivitat naïvety
Nayrobi Nairobi (npr)
nayv dead body, corpse
nayvon simpleton (sb)
nayvsqual narwhal (sb)
Nazareth Nazareth (npr)
Nazianzos Nazianzus
nazrani Nazarene (adj & sb)
ne not ( adv ); ne bad = not yet; ne importet = it doesn't matter; ne pro id mund ! = not for the world
neanghen no-ne, nobody
nebahim ineffable (adj)
nebh cloud ( sb )
nebhskrehb skyscraper (sb)
nebos cloud, host ( sb)
nebule fog (sb)
nebulice nebula ( sb)
necber mortiferous
necessar necessary (adj)
necoct raw (adj )
necromant necromancer ( sb)
necropoli necropolis (sb)
ned reed (sb)
Nederland the Netherlands
nederlandso siuge Dutch disease (eco.)
neempediset (& neempedisen) = without mishap/incident (adv)
nefas baneful, harmful, ill-fated (adj)
negative negative (adj & sb)
nege deny (vtr)
Negheb Negev (npr)
negocye negotiate (vtr)
negro negro (adj & sb)
negroid negroid
nehc violent death (sb)
nehc to die violently, to perish
nehiyaw Cree (Indian)
nehkw darken (vint)
nehm distribute (vtr)
nehmwehrg distribution network
nehoneste dishonest (adj)
nehs to get through (vint)
nehsplan recovery scheme
neic kill (vtr)
neid nothing (pronoun); no (pronoun before neutral singular nominative & accusative)
neideti nothing more
neigv to bathe (wash, vtr) (vtr)
neigvos impeccable ( adj )
neih to lead, to take (vtr)
neihsioul common thread, breadcrumbs
neizd nestle (vtr / vint )
nekese stingy ( adj )
nel no (adj.; declinable, see grammar)
nematode nematode
nemerto immortality ( sb)
nemortu undead (adj & sb)
nemos sacred grove (sb)
nemutaasib neutral (adj)
neofficial unofficial
neologisme neologism
neoplasia neoplasia
neoplasme neoplasm
neotenia neoteny
Nepal Nepal (npr)
nephilim Nefilim
nepot nephew (sb)
neptaqua aquifer (nomen)
neptia niece (sb)
Neptune Neptune (npr)(planet)
Neptwn Neptune (npr) (Indo-European god)
nepumess greenhorn (fig.)
nepumess greenhorn (fig.)
nepunei with impunity (adv )
ner male (adj , sb)
nerce strength ( adj )
Nereide Nereid (sb)
nergven homicide ( adj & sb )
nergvon manslaughter (sb)
nerikeina cutthroat (dangerous place)
Nero Nero
neroti virility (sb)
nert strong (adj)
nerv nerve (sb)
nervencollapse fit of hysterics
nerveus nervous (adj); nerveuso systeme = nervous system
neskohpt (& neskohpten) = unexpected (adj)
nespekent despite (prep)
nest nest (sb)
nestorianisme nestorianism
neswehb minor (sm , adj) (child)
net net ( sb)
Netanyahu Netanyahu (npr)
netdatingservice online dating service
neter ... ni = neither... nor
neti not... anymore
netog homeless
netrehdet impassable (adj)
nett (& netto) = netto (adj )
netwehrg network ( sfb)
neud use (sb & vtr)
neudbild user guide, instructions
neuk to nod
neuk nape of the neck ( sb )
neuroglia neuroglia (s.plu.)
neurolog neurologist (sb)
neuron neuron (sb)
neuropath neurotic (adj & sb)
neurose neurosis (sb)
neurotic neurotic
neurotransmitter neurotransmitter
neus to sniff at, to scent
neuster nostril (of animals like horses)
neuter none of both, neither
neutral neutral
nev nine (num)
nevodh trawl (net; sb )
nevok lamprey (sb)
newiss unconscious (ment)
newissab unbeknownst to
newissab unbeknownst to
nexion unification (of a territory to another one)
ni nor
nib (& nibo) = unless
nibam to beam down (Star Trek)
nic past tense of “neic”
Nice Nice (npr)
nickel nickel (sb)
Nicolaus Nicholas (npr); Nicolaus Cusanus = Nicholas of Cusa
niconte countdown
Nicosia Nicosia (npr)
nicotine nicotine (sb)
nideh to overturn (vtr)
nidehn cut production (vtr); poor (adj)
nieb next to
nieber neighbor (adj. & sb)
niebst next (adj)
niebtreb dependency ( sb ; building)
niek reached (past tense)
niem mute (adj ); past tense of “nam”; I won't
nient past tense of “nant”
nierc past tense of “narc”
nierd past tense of “nard”
nies our, ours; you won't = thou wilt not
niesel past tense of “nasel”
nieudh past tense of “naudh”
nieute crew (sb)
nieyd past tense of “nayd”
nifall fallout (sb) (ex
Nigeria Nigeria (npr)
nigerien nigerien (adj & sb; from Niger)
nigv (& nigva) = nix
nigvehn crush ( vtr )
nigvie to go bathing (vint)
nihilisme nihilism
nihonschu sake (Japanese drink; sb)
niitsitapi Blackfoot (Blackfoot, Indian)
nikau to take note of
Nikaya Nicaea (modern
Nikippe Nicippe
niklad download
Nikodem Nicodemus (npr)
Nil Nile (npr) (river of Egypt)
Nilent [nilEnt] = slow (vtr/vint)
nilentgrumb speed bump
nilinekw to lay down (vtr)
nilufar water lily (sb)
Nilus Nilus (name of person)
nimen no-one, nobody
Nimrod Nimrod (sb)
nin stealth (sb)
Niniveh Ninive (npr)
nipflutt neap-tide (sb)
nippes (splu) = rags (splu)
nippon Japanese (adj & sb)
nipponrjien Japanese (a person ; sb)
nirund to round down (a number)
nisbatan relatively ( adv)
nischan (land)mark ( sb)
nischt (& nischto) = nothing, naught
niscrib log ( vtr ) ( writing)
nispehc look with disdain
nisteigh get (vtr / vint ) (into a hotel )
nisteurd slide down ( vtr )
nistrehl to shoot down (vtr)
niter lower (adj)
Niterlands Lower Countries (hist.)
niterplag stun (vtr)
nitia circle of family and close friends.
nitrate nitrate
nitrogen nitrogen (sb)
nityis close relatives, next of kin (sb)
nivell level (sb)
niweirt to devaluate, belittle
nizari nizari
nizd past tense of “neizd”
no no
noar noir
noba horn, cornett (sb)
Nobelpris Nobel prize
nobil umbilical cord
noble noble (sb, adj)
noblesse noblety (sb)
noceur noceur
nocpter flying night creature
noct night (sb)
Noct iom Longknivs Night of the Long Knives
Noct iom Longknivs Night of the Long Knives
noctcamiss nightgown (sb)
noctluce night light (flame)
nocttable bedside table
nocttable bedside table (sb)
noctur nightly (adj)
nodal nodal ( adj)
node knot (sb)
Noe Noah (npr)
nogaku noh (Japanese Theater; sb)
nogh claw (sb)
nogw naked ( adj)
nogwod unclothed
nogwtat nudity ( sb)
nohc past tense of “nehc”
nohkw past tense of "nehkw"
nohm past tense of “nehm”
nohmos distributive justice
nohs past tense of “nehs”
noit nash
nojit ( sing) = scissors ( splu )
nojitskand scissors jump
nolb eelpout (sb)
nolle prosequi nolle prosequi
nomade nomad (adj. & sb)
nomadisme nomadism
nominal nominal; nominal stieure = nameplate capacity; nominal wirt = par/face value (currency)
nomination appointment (sb) (to a post)
non-alignement non-aligned movement
non-sense nonsense
nonchalant lazy, nonchalant (adj)
nord north (sb & adj)
Nordwest Passage North-West Passage (npr)
Norge Norway ( npr )
noria noria ( sb)
normal normal
norme-page folio (page)
norn norn
noroc happiness (sb)
noroc-ye fortunately (adv)
noroct happy ( adj)
norren Norse (adj , sb)
norsk Norwegian (adj. & sb)
nos us (non-nominative)
noseih to help out (vtr)
nostalgia nostalgia (sb)
nostalgic nostalgic (adj)
notable notable (adj)
notar notary (sb)
note note (sb; including music)
notice short article, snippet (sb)
notion notion
notor notorious ( adj )
notoritat notoriety, fame (sb)
nougat nougat (sb)
Nouveau Roman Nouveau Roman
nov new (adj); nov yar = New Year (sb)
Nov Sambahsa werd englisch (detayls)
Nov Zeland New Zealand (npr)
nova nova (star) (sb)
novator novel (adj)
Novaya Zemlya Nova Zembla (npr)
novella novella (sb)
novgnaht (& novgnahn) = newborn (adj , sb)
novice novice ( sb)
novmeun new moon (sb)
novs (splu) = news
novsta bride (sb)
now crossbow (sb )
nowngmin peasant (adj. & sb)
nraveih delight (vtr )
nraviht (& nravihn) = pleased (adj )
nreday torrid zone
nrerliou warm stream (geography, sb)
nricheing schedule (sb)
nrischay sunstroke (sb)
nrwong fluffy (adj)
nu then (in opposition to “de”; proclitic); namely (proclitic)
nuance shade (of color); subtlety (sb)
nuanceat shady, subtle (adj)
nub past tense of “numeb”
nubb nob (sb)
nubian nubian
nubil nubile
nuce nut ( sb)
nucel nugget ( sb)
nucleolus nucleolus
nucleotide nucleotide
nuclide nuclide
nud past tense of “neud”
nude usefulness (sb)
nudtor user (sb)
nuga trinket (sb)
nugh twaddle (sb)
nugver kidney (sb)
nugwrnt bones (splu)
nukta dot (sb)
nuktet (& nukten) med = speckled, dotted with (adj)
nukwt unsaid thing (sb)
null null, nil (adj)
numeb to surround with a nimbus
numer number (sb); enumerate (vtr); Numers = Numbers (Bible)
numismatique numismatics
numismatolog numismatist
nun now
nundiens nowadays
nundiens nowadays
nuntos from now on (adv)
nuntro until now (adv)
nuper recently ( adv)
nuptialitat marriage rate
nuptos not long ago (adv)
Nürnberg Nuremberg
nurserie nursery
nus past tense of “neus”
nutrient nutrient
nyakha cogongrass (sb) (Imperata cylindrica)
nyesta stone marten (sb)
nylon nylon ( sb)
nymphe nymph ( sb)
nyong chrysalis ( sb)
nyowi ruyi (sb)
Nyssa Nyssa
nyuti constraint ( sb)
O Deiwes ! God forbid ! correction
O Deiwes ! Great Gods !
oasis oasis (sb)
ob because (of)
obdeusk to darken (ex: cloud; vtr)
obedd breakfast (sb) & to have breakfast (vint)
obedeih + acc. = to obey
obehl semject ad semanghen = to be indebted to someone for something
ober (& oberkellner) = butler, waiter (sb)
obese obese (adj )
obesitat obesity
obischnuet ad = inured to
obituar obituary
objec to object
object object ( sb)
objective objective (adj. & sb)
objurge to sermonize, lecture
obkwehk to prove to be
obligat Not at all ! (when replying to a thank)
obligat-ye obligingly (adv)
obligation obligation (sb)
oblige oblige (vtr)
oblique oblique (adj)
oblitere cancel (a stamp; vtr)
oblong oblong (adj)
oboe oboe (sb)
obol offering (sb)
obscene obscene
obscurantisme obscurantism (sb)
obscure obscure (adj, fig)
obsequieus obsequious (adj)
observe observe (vtr)
obsidian obsidian (sb)
obsiege besiege (vtr)
obsok search, rumage (vtr; investigating)
obsolete obsolete (adj)
obsweih to hiss (vtr)
obsweih hiss (someone; vtr)
obten obtain (vtr)
obture to close up, to fill
occitan occitan
occult occult (adj)
occupe occupy (vtr)
ocean ocean (sb)
ocelot ocelot (sb)
ochag stove (sb)
OCIW Organisme pro Collective Inlyoigas in Wirtpapiers = Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities
ocolo on the other side (of)
oct (& octo) = eight (num)
octave octave (sb)
octent dawn, daybreak (sb)
octet octet
october october (sb)
octopod octopod, octopus (sb)
octosyllab octosyllable
ocular ocular (adj. & sb )
od that (conjunction; ex
oda ode
ode to emit a smell
odego shaft, stem ( sb)
odoc danewort (sb)
odometer odometer, odograph
odor smell, odour ( sb)
odorant odorous
odorat sense of smell
Odysseia Odyssey (npr)
oedipei oedipal
oedipei oedipal
Oedipus Oedipus (npr)
Oenone Oenone
oeti waterbird (sb)
off-set offset printing
offend offend (vtr)
offensive offensive (sb)
offer offering (sb)
offerte supply, offer (in general; comm., sb)
office-automation office automation
official official (adj); official gazette = official gazette
officier (military) officer (sb)
offshore offshore (ex: naft)
ogive ogive (sb)
oglan guy (sb ; fam !)
ogonek ogonek
ogor fallow (field, sb)
ogork gherkin (sb)
ogre ogre ( sb )
ogvi drake, serpent
ogvidingv wormtongue
ogvigvehn kill a dragon
ogwn oven, fire (sb)
ogwnark fender (fireplace; sb)
ogwnos burner of gas cooker
ogwnschirm firewall (sb)
ohgv past tense of “ehgv”
ohngw past tense of “ehngw”
Oiagros Oeagrus
oid inflate ( vint)
oid swollen ( adj )
oik some, a few ( pron )
oin one; ace (in games, cards)
Oineus Oeneus
oinkleitu tect lean-to (sb)
ois coming from (prep)
oisa ard draw bar (sb)
oisbehnd hug, entwine ( vtr )
oisbehrd cut out ( vtr)
oisbehrst burst out (vint)
oisbeud to wake
oisbrinegh bring out ( vtr ) (a principle)
oiscutt shake ( vtr )
oisdrabh clear ( vtr )
oisfall err ( vint)
oisghend take off ( phone ) ( vtr )
oisgwehm withdraw ( vint)
oiskav dig, carve out ( vtr )
oiskehrz cut ( vtr )
oiskeulk hide (vint)
oiskeup scoop ( vtr )
oisklad unload ( vtr )
oiskweit to make out, decipher
oisleub shirk ( vtr)
oisleur trigger (vtr )
oisloy outlaw (adj , sb)
oismitt fling, chuck ( vtr )
oismode old-fashioned ( adj )
oisnarc snore (vint)
oispleind shine, be radiant (vtr)
oistak past tense of “oistanek”
oistanek quench (vtr )
oistaun be amazed (vint)
oisteurb disturb (vtr )
oistrag remove
oistrehc stretch (vtr / vpr )
oiswaurg repress (vtr )
oisweind dispel ( vtr )
oiswind fan (vtr )
oisxeur scour (vtr)
oit oath (sb)
oitbrehg perfidious ( adj )
oitbrehg perjurer ( sb )
oiter one of the two, either
oiterped - ye hopping along, on one foot
oiv egg ( sb)
oivalbh egg white
oivalbh in sneigv beaten egg white
oiwa service-tree
oiwo service-tree fruit
ojog saddle (culinary; sb)
ok (possible plural: okwi ) = eye ( sb)
OK [ okey ] = OK ( adv )
oka small basement window
oker ochre (adj , sb)
okey OK ( adv )
okhagni chill
oklap eye-patch
oklid eyelid ( sb )
okmusch floater (deposit of various size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility within the eye's vitreous humour)
oktorm (eye-) socket
oku quickly (adv ), fast ( adj)
okupeht swift-flying
okuspohc clear-sighted (adj)
okutat liveliness (sb)
okwekw race-horse, fast horse
okwi eyes (splu); med bare okwi = with the naked eye
okwimark periorbital dark circles, dark circles, infraorbital venous stasis, periorbital hyperpigmentation
okwivid-ye obviously (adv)
okwn bull's-eye (window, sb)
ol oil (sb)
ola awl (sb; tool)
olan elbow (sb)
olbjim giant (sb) (fig. tall person)
olgalge dipstick
olgh worthy (adj)
olifant olifant
Oligocene Oligocene (sb)
olive olive (sb)
Oliver Olivier (npr)
olivine olivine (sb)
oljaquet oilskin (garment, sb)
olpalma oil palm (sb)
olpumpe oil pump
Olymp Olympus ( npr )
Olympiade Olympiad ( sb)
Olympian Olympian ( adj )
olympic olympic (adj)
om of the (masculine & neutral genitive plural)
om raw (adj )
oma grandma (sb)
Omar Omar (npr)
ombrage (+ acc) = to put under a cloud (fig.)
ombudsman ombudsman (sb)
ombuln bearing (of a wheel)
omen omen (sb)
omitt omit
omnipotent allmighty, omnipotent (adj)
omnipresent omnipresent, ubiquitous
omniscient omniscient, all-knowing
omnivore omnivorous
omoedd carnivorous (adj , sb)
oms shoulder ( sb )
omskinct (& omskingen) = (slung/worn) across the shoulder
on (& onos) = load, cargo (sb)
-on very, given (suffixed with an hyphen to the first member of the nominal syntagma, deletes any article and can bear declension marks
oncarr panel-van (sb)
onchocercose onchocerciasis
oncle uncle (sb)
onctueus smooth, unctuous ( adj )
ondiek van body
ongwen ointment (sb )
onir vision (in a dream)
oniric dreamlike (adj)
onkh nail (on finger; sb)
onkhenlaca nail polish, nail varnish, nail enamel
onogh talon, claw (of animal, sb)
onomatopeya onomatopoeia
onwogh truck, lorry (sb)
onyx onyx (sb)
oocyte oocyte (sb)
opac opaque (adj)
opal opal (sb)
open-data open data
opera-bouffe opéra bouffe
opera-comique opera comique
operation operation (sb)
operationsysteme operating system (computing)
operative system operating system ( computing)
opercule cap (sb)
operette operetta
ophicleide ophicleide
ophthalmologia ophthamology
opiat opiate
opinion opinion (sb)
opnos wealth ( sb )
opnosrehn trickle-down (economics) (economic theoria)
opop ! cry of hoopoe
opos productive activity (sb)
opospledveh working population
opponent opponent
opportun opportune (adj)
opportunisme opportunism (sb)
opposen oppose (vtr)
ops often (adv)
opsen harvest, crop (sb)
opst vegetable, table fruit (sb)
optic fiber optic fiber
optician optician (sb)
optimiste optimist, optimistic
optional optional (adj)
opulence opulence (sb)
or vein, lode, deposit (sb)
ora foothill (sb)
oracle oracle (sb)
oral oral (adj)
Orange Orange (fluv inter Sud Africa ed Namibia)
orange orange ( sb , adj)
orangeade orangeade (sb)
oration oration, orison (sb)
orator orator (sb)
oratoria oratory
oratorian oratorian
oratorio oratorio (sb)
oratorium oratory (sb)
orbat work, labour (sb & vint)
orbater worker, labourer (sb)
orbatfredo dien public holiday
orbatsforce labour force
orbh orphan (sb)
orbis orb (sb)
orbit orbit
orbitise + acc. = go into orbit around
orchidee orchid
Orchomenos Orchomenus
ordeil ordeal
orden order ( sb ) ( professional )
order intimate (vtr )
ordinal ordinal (adj)
ordinal deiker ordinal indicator
ordinar ordinary (adj)
ordonnance batman (soldier; sb)
oreghen oregano ( sb )
Oreithya Orithyia
Orestes Orestes
organ organ; (fig.) body (sb)
organ organ, body (sb)
organic organic (adj); organic agriculture = organic agriculture
Organisation om Naft Exportend Lands (ONEL) = OPEC (npr)
organisationstructure organization chart (sb)
orghen organ (music, sb )
orghi testicle (sb)
orgia orgy (sb)
orgiastic orgiastic
orgumt origin, "coming from" (sb)
orhindeuropay proto-indo-european (adj & sb)
orie ex = to ensue from
orientation orientation (sb)
orifice opening, orifice (sb)
Origen Origenes
origin origin (sb)
original original (adj)
orinch disillusioned (adj)
ork Orc (adj. & sb)
orkester orchestra ( sb)
orkestration orchestration
orlays rainforest (sb)
orm poor ( adj )
ornament ornament (sb)
ornd eagle (sb )
orndfarn bracken (sb)
orne decorate (vtr)
orneuw to give birth to/deliver / delivery (of a child) (idafi maynen, bo nomen ed verb)
Orpheus Orpheus
orphic orphic
orpiment orpiment (sb)
ort vine stock (sb)
orthodox orthodox
orthoepia orthoepy
orthogonal orthogonal
orthograph orthography
orthopraxia orthopraxy
os of (before masculine & neutral singular); face (sb; vx)
osanka chamaedrys
oschaf dried fruit
oschluk wild garlic, crow garlic
oscille swing, oscillate ( vint)
osk ash-tree (sb)
ost bone ( sb)
ostengrabh ossuary ( sb )
ostension ostentation (sb)
Osterreich Austria (npr)
osterreichisch Austrian (adj)
ostia (skeleton) frame (sb)
ostracisme ostracism
ostrec piece of broken glass or earthenware
ostri oyster (sb)
ostrogoth ostrogoth
ostwrng knucklebone (sb)
osyern autumn, fall ( sb)
otac cattle bowl (sb)
otaria otary
otarien sucker (!, a gullible or easily deceived person.)
otikh rest (sb)
otter otter (sb)
Otto Othon
ottoman Ottoman
oulak courier, messenger (sb)
ouler rein (sb)
oumer age (of a living being; sb)
oumerpyramide population pyramide
ouper bank, shore (sb)
ouperdrumos riparian forest
ouperzone riparian zone, riparian area
outer goatskin, waterskin; breast (sb)
outrage insult (to someone)
outraget (& outragen) = offended (adj)
outsourcing outsourcing (sb)
outurnt seminal
ouvert overt (adj)
ouzer to apologize
oval oval
ovarium ovary
over task, undertaking; work (sb)
overall coverall (sb) (clothing)
overdraft overdraft (sb)
Ovid Ovid (npr)
ovoid egg-shaped (adj)
ovral action takings (on a vessel, for fighting)
ovrar project manager
ovule egg cell
ow sheep (sb)
oway cheer (vtr) & cheering (sb)
owet suet (sb)
owika ewe (sb)
owin sheepskin
owtow ralph, vomit (vtr ) ( ! sick)
ox to water (vtr )
oxalis oxalis (sb )
oxidant oxidizing agent
oxide oxide ( sb)
oxkant watering can (sb)
oxygen oxygen ( sb)
oxygenation oxygenation
oxymoron oxymoron
oxyton oxytone
oyos thill (sb)
oyr gold coin
ozd clade
ozd branch ( sb)
ozdia tree view (classifying pattern); branches
ozdos branch pattern (sb)
ozone ozone (sb)
pace peace ( sb)
pacharva slut ( sb) ( vulg )
pachavura cloth, duster, towel ( sb)
pacific peaceful, pacific (adj )
pack pack ( sb & vtr )
pad pad ! quack quack ! ( excl)
padan expanse of wheel (sb)
paddel paddle (vint & sb)
padi rice plant
padma lotus flower
Padua Padua
padwl puddle (sb)
paediater paediatrician
pag to settle down (vint); past tense of "paneg"
pagach omelette (sb)
pagan pagan (adj. & sb)
Pagasetic Gulf Pagasetic Gulf
page page (both « book » and « servant », sb)
pagode pagoda (sb)
pagos settlement (sb; country)
pagostelephonia fixed(-line) telephony
pah herd ( vtr )
pain-au-chocolat pain au chocolat
pair pair
pakama rafflesia (sb)
pakyav wholesale buying
pal stake ( sb)
pala rocky heights ( splu )
palach executioner (sb)
paladin paladin ( sb)
palamar mooring rope ( sb)
palank hoist (sb)
palaska cartridge pouch ( sb)
palat palace (sb)
Palatin Palatine (hill of Rome)
Palayologos Palaiologos
palco box ( sb ) ( for spectators )
paldun paling (wall) (sb)
palek guardian (sb)
Paleolithique Paleolithic (sb)
paleontologia paleontology
paleozoique paleozoic (subs.)
Palestine Palestine (sb)
palestini Palestinian (adj & sb)
palette palette (sb)
palimpsest palimpsest
palinodia palinode
paliote paillote (kind of straw hut on beaches, sb)
pall (& pallid) = pale ( adj)
Pallas Athena Pallas Athena, Pallas Athene
pallex thumb (sb)
pallexise sieno nas = to thumb one's nose
palliative palliative (adj); palliative kaur = palliative care
pallor paleness (sb)
palma palm-tree ( sb)
palme palm (of plant or tree; sb)
palmipede palmiped (adj & sb)
palmol palm oil (sb)
palpe palpate ( vtr )
palpeber blink (vint)
palpite beat, throb (vint)
palraudh taproot
palt quarrel (sb) ( crossbow )
palto mantle (sb)
pam palm (unit)
pam palm (of hand)
pambuk cotton ball
pamen scabies (sb)
pampas-gras pampas grass
pamphyl pamphylian
Pamphylia Pamphylia (npr)
pamrlan revolt (sb & vint)
pan section, piece, tail of clothing (sb)
panacea panacea (sb)
panakida slate-broad (in schools; sb)
panama hat = panama hat (sb)
panamenyo Panamian
Panaytios Panaetius
pancel slice of bread
pancer armour (thick protection ; sb)
pancerbrehg anti -armour
pancercolnier armoured collar (sb)
pancreas pancreas (sb)
pand (sing) = stakes (splu)
pandemia pandemic (sb)
pandit pundit
pandlayner pawnbroker (sb)
Pandora Pandora
paneg to settle, to fix (vtr)
Panegsorgan iom Differenden Dispute Settlement Body
panela panela
panell panel (sb)
paneurp patch up (vtr )
Pangaea Pangaea
panglong sawmill ( sb)
pangsi black silk
pangsit wonton (sb)
panique panic ( sb) and panic (vint)
panire paneer (sb)
Panjab Punjab (npr)
panko mire (sb)
pankration pankration
pankwent miry (adj)
panne breakdown (mechanics)
pansyuh patch ( vtr )
pantalon (sing) = pants (splu)
pantek lower part of the belly (sb)
panther panther (sb)
pantoffel slipper (sb)
pantograph pantograph
pantomime pantomime (sb)
panucla panicle (sb)
panyo wetland (sb)
pao slingshot (sb)
pap-test pap-test (sb)
papa papa (sb)
papagall parrot (sb)
papaya papaya (sb)
papier paper ( sb)
papierpulp paper pulp (sb)
papil nipple ( sb )
papilla papilla
papillar papillar(y)
papiross cigarette end (sb)
paplwn bedspread
papp pope (leader of Catholics; sb)
pappdem papacy
paprika paprika (sb)
paprikapiments (splu) = peppers (splu)
Papua-Nov Guinea Papua New Guinea (npr)
papur typia (sb)
papuscha rolled tobacco (sb)
papyrus papyrus ( sb)
paquet package (sb)
par peer (sb )
paracentese puncture (medicine; sb)
parachute parachute (sb)
parachutist parachutiste (sb)
paracompass paracompass (sb) (Dune)
paradays paradise ( sb)
paradaysic heavenly (adj)
parade parade
paradigme paradigm
paradox paradoxe (sb)
paradwer French window (sb)
paraffin parafina
paragraph paragraph (sb)
parakletos paraclete (sb)
parallaxe parallax
parallel parallel
parallel parken parallel parking
parallelipiped parallelipiped
paralysis paralysis (sb)
parameter parameter
paranoia paranoia (sb)
paranoid paranoid (adj)
parapett parapet (sb)
paraphe to sign
parasite parasite ( sb)
parassol parasol, beach umbrella (sb)
parat ready (adj); to make ready (vtr)
parautomatic fully automatic (adj)
paraydh burn completely (vint)
Parca Parca (npr)
parcellation (land) subdivision (sb)
parcelle plot, parcel (sb) (land)
pardon to forgive, pardon (someone); forgiveness
pare ward off (vtr)
paredros pardedros
paren peering
parenkhyma parenchyma
parent parent
parfrehs freeze completely (vtr)
paria pariah (sb)
pariet past tense of "parat"
parika mistress (sb) (sexual)
parinda winged creature (sb)
Paris [parIs] = Paris (npr; capital of France); [pAris] = Paris (Greek hero)
park park (sb & vtr)
park om attractions amusement park (sb)
parking parking, car park (sb)
parking braik parking brake
parkwaktmeider parking meter (sb)
parkwehr perform (vtr)
parlament parliament (sb)
parlamentar parlamentary, PM (adj & sb)
parlamentarian parlamentarian (English Civil War)
parlar parley (sb & vint)
parle de = to show off (vint; fig . while speaking )
parler phrasebook (sb)
parluar parlor, visiting room ( sb)
parmenidei parmenidei
Parmenides Parmenides
parmesan parmesan (cheese; sb)
Parnassos Parnassus (npr; Mount of Greece)
parodia parody
parodye to parody
paroxysme paroxysme (sb)
Pars Persia (npr)
parschna crust, heel of bread (sb)
parsi Persian (adj & sb)
Parsi weirs Greco-Persian wars
parsimonia parsimony (sb )
parsimonieus parsimonious (adj)
parstupp to draughtproof
part part (sb)
parterre flower bed (sb)
Parthaw Parthia
parthawi Parthian
participative democratia participatory democracy
participe participle (sb); (+ acc.) to participate in
particular particular, peculiar (adj)
particule particle
partie party (sb)
partisan partisan
partise party (sb) (politics)
partition partition (sb); disk partitioning (sb)
partiture musical score (sb)
partner partner (sb)
partnerspect partnership (association between partnership, quality; sb)
partouse gang bang
partpayghen installment (USA), instalment (UK) (like in “pay in 3 installments”)
parverd palfrey (sb)
parveulbh swaddle, to muffle up (vtr)
parvolg turn about (vint)
parwarisch livelihood (sb); parwarisch agriculture = subsistence farming
parwoik parish (sb)
pasar market street
Pasargadae Pasargadae
pasarghan street vendor (sb)
pasban night watchman (sb)
pascha pasha
pashtan pashtun
Pasiphae Pasiphae (npr)
Pask Easter ( sb)
pask to graze
passacaglia passacaglia
passage passage (sb)
passager passenger (sb)
passagerplav airliner
passance (sing) = articles (splu) ( lawyer)
passandase (sing) = savings, earnings (splu)
passar to take place (event, vint)
passat trade wind (sb)
passatsk yob (sb)
passe to pass; pass (sb), passage (of arms)
passement lace, braid, gimp
passion passion (sb)
Passion Hevd Holy Week
passional crime crime of passion
passionant fascinating (adj)
passionat passionate (adj)
passiva liabilities (accountancy)
passive passive (adj & sb); passive dom = passive house
passport passport (sb)
pasta pasta (for eating; sb)
paste pasta (sb)
pastel pastel (pingen !)
pasteurise to pasteurize
pastiche pastiche
pastille pastille (sb)
pastinak parsnip (sb)
pastiurma dried meat ( sb)
pastor shepherd, pastor (sb)
pastorat presbytery (sb) (pastor)
pastorkwaun sheepdog
pasture pasture (sb)
pat tie, draw (sb., like in "Neither team scored and the match ended in a draw")
patan spinning wheel
patat potato (sb)
patchwork patchwork, pieced work
patchwork quilt patchwork quilt
pateit pâté (sb)
pateit-in-cruste pâté en croûte
patelle kneecap (sb)
patent patent (sb )
patentire patent (vtr )
pater father ( sb)
patergven parricidal (adj), parricide (murderer of one's father; sb)
patergvon parricide (murder of one's father, sb)
Paterklewos Patroclus
patertat fatherhood (sb)
pati including (conj.)
patient patient (adj. & sb)
patili kitchen utensil
patina patina ( sb)
patinette kick scooter, push scooter (human-powered land vehicle)
patria fatherland (sb)
patriarch patriarch
patriarchal patriarchal
patrician patrician (adj. & sb)
patricika Show-off, preppy (female person, not necessarily a student), Valley girl, barbie
patriciko Show-off, preppy (male person, not necessarily a student)
patriot patriot (adj & sb)
patrogni patrilinear
patroller patrol (sb)
patron cartridge (sb)
patronage patronage (sb)
patronym patronymic name (sb)
patronymique patronymic, patronym (sb)
patroxohn parricide (adj , sb = person)
patruw paternal (adj)
patu child/day care
patwass patois ( sb )
pau little, few ( adv)
pauk few (adj)
Paul Paul (n.pr)
paund path (sb)
paung permeable (pangu)
pauper poor ( adj )
paupertatsoyl poverty threshold (sb)
paur fear
paur fear (sb)
pauric frightened ( adj)
paursk search, look for ( vtr )
paursken research (sb; ex
pause pause, break (sb & vint)
pave pave ( vtr )
pavian baboon (sb)
pavilion pavilion (sb )
pawen peacock ( sb )
pawiropeku goodbye, farewell ( interjection )
Pawson Pan (god) (Kay addihes tod maynen do id ja existent werd)
Pawson pastoral god ( sb )
payan paean
paydrwn blossom, open out (vtr )
paygh pay ( vtr )
payghbild payroll
paykut (sing) = pork chops ( splu )
paym itching (sb); itch (vtr)
paymen herder (sb)
payn hardly (adv)
paytak crooked (adj)
paytt suffer (vint)
paytten suffering (sb)
payttgehn agent pathogène/infectieux
pecan pecan (sb)
pech pitch (sb )
pecharka field / meadow mushroom
pechat postmark, stamp ( sb)
pecher blister (on the skin, sb)
pecmen (eye)lash (sb)
pecten comb (sb)
pectenkiaut great scallop (pecten maximus)
pectoral pectoral (adj & sb)
ped foot (sb)
ped-ye on foot (adv)
pedagog teacher (sb)
pedak ep - = on tiptoe
pedal pedal (sb)
pedalcrank crankset
pedalcrankbrakh crank arm (ex: bike)
pedalpoint pedal point (sb; music)
pedcuitwent palmiped (webbed feet)
pederast pederast(ic)
pedghanger pedestrian (sb)
pedjonglire ball-juggle (vintr., soccer)
pedophil pedophile (adj & sb)
pedstol pedestal (sb)
peduncule peduncle
pedyenpaund pedestrian crossing (sb)
pedyo pedestrian (adj & sb)
Pegasos Pegasus ( npr )
pehd fall (vx ; vint )
pehd-leuder-ye to plummet
pehd-nebsois to be completely taken aback (vint)
pehk comb ( vtr )
pehkw stove (furnace ); to cook (vtr/vint)
pehkwer baker (sb)
pehkwerie bakery
pehl stuff (vtr)
pehld fill (vint)
pehnd find (vtr) (to have a judgment on something)
pehrd fart (with a noise; vint)
pehrk furrow (sb)
pehrn sell ( vtr ), sale (sb)
pehzd fart (with bad smell; vint)
peichisch (!) = diarrhea (!, sb)
peigher nasty, wicked ( adj); (as a verb): de = to be angry about; dia = to bear (somebody) a grudge
peigos pattern, design (sb ) ( ornament )
pein pain (sb)
peind enemy (adj & sb )
peingmin commoner (sb)
Peirayeus Piraeus
peisel pestle (sb )
Peisistratos Peisistratos
peisk fishing (sb) and fish (vtr )
peiskerie fishery (sb)
peisklicence fishing licence (sb)
peit try (vtr)
pekeni very small (adj)
pekhlevan daredevil (sb)
Peking Beijing (npr)
peku livestock, cattle (sb)
pekuklehpt cattle raiding
pekuklohpt duffer
pelegrina cape (sb) (mantle)
pelegv islet, small island (sb)
peleist Philistine
Peleus Peleus
pelgrin pilgrim (sb)
pelgvos high sea
pelgvos marine blue-water navy
pelita lamp oil ( sb)
pelk axe (sb)
pell fur ( sb)
pell-mell in a jumble, pell-mell
pell-mell higgledy-piggledy
pellit pellet (sb)
Peloponnese Peloponnese (npr)
pelote (wool) ball (sb)
pelp finish-flouring, panelling
pelpel butterfly (sb)
pelteck stammering (adj; sb)
peltewih flat land (sb)
Peltewih Mater Mother of All Things
pelu many, much, a lot (vx; adj & adv); + participle = by dint of
pelupoik many-coloured
Pelusium Pelusium
peluskohp eagle eye ("who sees a lot")
pelwika milk bucket (sb)
pemb pink (adj)
penal criminal (refering to criminal justice); penal register = criminal record
penalitat penalty (sb)
penalty penalty . — kalc = penalty kick . — decision = penalty shootout
pend nose (sb) (fam)
pendant counterpart (sb) (fig); pending (adj)
pendel balance pole (sb)
pendeloque pendeloque
pendule pendulum ( sb )
pendulesaat clock (sb)
pendyo gallows-bird (fig.; sb)
Peneios Peneus
Penelope Penelope (npr)
penetre penetrate (vtr)
pengereh casement window (sb)
penicillin penicillin (sb)
penis penis
penk (& penkwe) = five (num)
penkalem penholder
penkalem pen (sb)
penkwdul cinquefoil (sb)
Penkwost Pentecost ( npr )
penkwozd hand ( sb ) ( kenning )
penn pen ( sb) (feather for writing)
pennon pennant ( sb ) (flag )
pennscrin pencil box (sb)
pensee-unique pensée unique
pension retirement (sb); (gosten) pension = boarding house (sb)
pensionat boarding school
pensionfund pension fund
pensive pensive (adj )
pensuk sand dust
pentagramme pentagram (sb)
pepermen experienced (adj)
Pepin is Bragv Pepin the Short
peplos peplos (sb)
pepperbox pepper-box
per through, by (prep); (elastic) per = spring (sb) (for bouncing )
perag brew, mix, stir (vtr )
perakende patch of land (sb)
perambh to surround (vtr); around (prep)
perbehnd league (vtr)
perbehrg hide (vtr)
perbleuf bluff (vtr)
percent percent (sb)
percentage percentage (sb)
Perceval Percival
perche perche (sb)
perchem toupée (sb)
perchin lock, bolt (sb)
percleich eccentric slot, cutter pin
percolation percolation
perdic crank (sb)
peregrin foreigner on transit
pereih perish (vint)
peremptor peremptory (adj)
performant high-performance, outstanding (adj)
Perga Perga (npr)
pergamen parchment (sb)
pergas to gas (kill)
Pergolesi Pergolesi
perhvdi last week (adv)
pericarditis pericarditis
Peridan Eridanus
peries surpass (vtr)
periglege est seller quem neglege safe is better than sorry
perigumt thoroughfare
perihelium perihelion
Perikleus Pericles
perikwehl + acc. = to frequent (a place; vtr)
perikweih to settle a score (violently; vint)
perikwihen to settle a score with (+ acc.; violently)
perikwiti gangland kill
perile peril (sb)
perimeter perimetre
periode period (sb)
periodic periodic(al) (adj)
peripheria periphery (sb)
peripheric periphereal (for computer, sb)
periphrase circumlocution
periple (difficult) journey(sb)
perischan pitiful (adj)
peristebel aerial part of a plant
peristyle peristyle, colonnade (sb)
periwehrt to turn over (vtr)
periweiker perioikos
perixiht neighbour(ing)
perkal percale (sb)
perkehlen hiding of stolen goods
perkeip to illustrate (to be the illustration of; vtr)
perkuin mixed forest (sb)
Perkunia Black Forest (Germany)
perkwn storm-god (sb)
perkwngayd snipe (sb)
perkyu (animal's) chest (sb)
perlah leach (vtr, soil)
perlahmen result of the leaching (soil)
perlahsa leaching (soil)
perle pearl (sb); to form in droplets (vtr)
perleis to leaf through (vtr) (a book)
permadh soak (vtr)
permanent permanent (adj)
permehld communicate (vtr)
permeid ibo = take action to avoid
permiss licence (sb); past participle and past tense of “permitt”
permitt allow ( vtr )
perneic annihilate, destroy (vtr )
perneiceus pernicious (adj)
pernik gingerbread ( sb)
perodh forward ( adv )
perodhfug headlong rush
perodhia advance (sb)
perodhsedd chairman (sb)
perom ferry (sb)
perore to hold forth
perpaneg to lease
perpaur to paralyze with fear
perpendicular perpendicular ( adj )
perpetual perpetual (adj)
perplex perplexed, puzzled (adj )
perron station platform
perruakchei brook (sb)
perry perry (alcohol)
persclav enslave (vtr)
persecut to persecute (vtr)
persehkw to pursue; persecute (vtr)
Persephone Persephone (npr)
Persepolis Persepolis (npr)
Perseus Perseus (npr)
persevere persevere
persic peach (sb)
persist (+ inf.) = persist
persna heel ( of foot, sb )
person character (someone)
person person (sb)
personalitat personality (sb)
personel staff (sb)
perspective perspective (sb)
persrineg to chill to the bone, to numb with cold
perstrak to numb with tiredness
pert crossing (sb )
perti running board/step
perton set to music
pertor ferryman, smuggler of people
pertu thoroughfare; gangway (sb)
pertulayter accomodation ladder
perturbe disrupt (vtr)
Peru Peru ( npr )
peruan Peruan (adj & sb)
peruca wig ( sb )
perusch Pharisee (adj & sb)
perut (& peruti) = last year
pervase console (sb) (fireplace )
pervert to pervert
perwehgh forward (vtr )
perwnt rock, boulder (sb)
peschkire towelling, tie-towel (sb)
peschmerga peshmerga
Pessakh Passover (sb)
pessimiste pessimist (adj & sb)
pesticide pesticide
pesticide pesticide (sb)
pestifer pariah (adj )
pestilent pestilent (adj )
pesvenke pimp (!, sb)
pet (enclitic stressing identity)
petal petal (sb)
petanque pétanque (sb)
petard banger (sb)
petasos petasos (sb)
Peter Peter (npr)
peti small toolkit, small case (sb)
petis fairly, on the contrary
petitfour petit-four (sb)
petmesc grape jelly (sb)
petra stone ( sb )
Petrarca Petrarch ( npr )
petrarquisme petrarchism (sb)
petreus rocky (adj )
petri-cutia Petri-dish
petrochemia petrochemistry (sb)
petrol oil, petroleum (sb )
petrosell parsley ( sb )
petwrnt all feathers of an animal
peud ped (soil)
peudel to puddle
peung to make/have a puncture
peungst fist ( sb )
peunk punk ( sb )
peurk (& perku) = oak ( sb )
peurst (sovereign) prince ( sb )
peurstdem principality ( sb )
peurstin (sovereign) princess (sb)
peximett rusk (sb)
pey with prospects, promising (adj.)
peyeth payot (Jewish sidelocks; sb)
pfehrst to point at (vtr); forefinger (sb)
pfehrster pointing device (sb)
pfeifer fife(-player) (sb)
pfohrst past tense of “pfehrst”
pfwehng dilate (vint)
phaeton phaeton (carriage)
phag eat (!, vtr ); “se phact con sien gvibh” (! Fam.) = « he's bawling out against his wife » !
phalang phalanx (sb)
phallus phallus (sb)
phar lighthouse (sb)
pharaoh pharaoh (sb)
pharaohi pharaonic (adj)
pharmac medication (sb)
pharmaceut pharmacist (sb)
pharmacia pharmacy (sb)
phayak Phaeacian ( adj , sb )
phenol phenol
phenomen phenomenon ( sb),
phenotype phenotype
phenyl phenyl (chemistry)
phial phial ( sb)
Phidias Phidias
phieg past tense of “phag”
philanthrope philanthropist
Philip Philipp (npr)
Philippines ( splu ) Philippines ( npr )
Philodem Phildemus (npr)
philosoph philosoph
philosophen petra Philosopher's Stone ( sb)
philter philter ( sb )
phlebotomia bloodletting (sb)
phlegma phlegm (sb)
Phleious Phlius
phoenix phoenix (sb)
phonation phonation
phone (tele)phone
phone kuschk telephone booth (sb)
phoneme phoneme (sb)
phonespionage telephone tapping
phonograph phonograph
phonologia phonology
phosphatase phosphatase
phosphate phosphate
phosphor phosphorus (sb)
phosphorescence phosphorescence
phosphorescent phosphorescent (adj)
photo (& photograph) = photo(graph) ( sb)
photoapparat camera (sb)
photocopie (to) photocopy (nomen & verb)
photograph photographer (sb); to photograph
photographic film photographic film
photogravure photogravure
photomontage photomontage
photovoltayic photovoltaic (adj)
phrase phrase (sb)
phraseologia phraseology
phryg Phrygian (adj & sb)
Phryne Phryne (npr)
Phthiotis Phthiotis
phylis bud (sb)
phylloclade phylloclade
phylogenetique phylogenetics
phylum phylum
physiologia physiology ( sb)
physiotherapeut physiotherapist (sb)
physique (sb) = physics ( splu)
physiste physicist ( sb)
phyt sapling (sb)
phyteina plant nursery (sb)
phytosanitar phytosanitary
piala cup (one-hand vessel without handle, sb)
pianji tablet (for writing; sb)
piano piano (sb)
piastre piastre (sb)
piau trim, clip (vtr)
piaumen clipping, trimming (sb)
pibeh sip ( vtr )
pic peak (sb)
picaresk picaresque
piccole popsicle (Canada), freezer pop (U.S.), ice lolly, ice pop (United Kingdom, India, Ireland, South Africa), ice block (New Zealand, parts of Australia), icy pole (parts of Australia), ice drop (Philippines)
piccolo piccolo (flute, sb)
pichen pinch ( sb)
pick pike (sb) ( ex
pick pick (vtr)
pick spades (of cards; sb)
pickant racy, biting (adj ) ( fig )
pickel ice axe ( sb)
pickin annoy ( vtr )
pickup pickup (truck; sb)
Pico della Mirandola Pico della Mirandola ( npr )
picsaat rush hour
pictor painter (sb)
pictoresk picturesque (adj )
picture miniature (illuminated manuscript; sb)
pidek macaco, macaque (sb)
piece piece, play (sb) piece (in a game)
piece-montee pièce montée (cake)
pieck past tense of “pack”
pied-à-terre pied-à-terre (sb)
pieddel past tense of « padddel »
pieg girl (sb); past tense of “pag”
piel spear (sb)
piemont piedmont (bo nomen & region Italias)
pieng coin (sb)
pier pier ( sb)
pierk past tense of “park”
piern distant, far ( adj)
piesk past tense of “pask”
pietat piety ( sb)
pietisme pietism
pieu salivate (vint)
pieurn to slash-and-burn
pieursk past tense of « paursk »
pieut feed ( vtr ), food (sb)
pieutadditive food additive
pieydrwn past tense of “paydrwn”
pieygh past tense of “paygh”
pieym past tense of “paym”
pieytt past tense of “paytt”
pig past tense of “pineg”
pigeon pigeon (sb)
pigher past tense of “peigher”
pignos collateral security, pledge (sb)
piieu past tense of “piau”
pikinier pikiner ( sb)
pilav rice dish
pile pile (heap; sb)
pillar pillar (sb)
pilluck peck (vtr)
pilote pilot (sb)
pilule pill (sb)
piments (splu) = peppers (splu)
pimpant elegant
pinacle pinnacle ( sb)
pinak log (sb)
pince-nez pince-nez ( sb )
pincette tweezer ( sb )
Pindar Pindar ( n.pr )
pinduk skid (vint)
pineg paint (vtr); painting (result; sb)
pines pound (vtr)
pinew to feed (vtr, fig.)
pingel paintbrush (sb)
pingen painting (sb) (activity)
pinguin penguin (sb)
pinion pine nut (sb)
pinnace pinasse (sb; ship)
Pinocchio Pinocchio {pinOkyo}
pinseing temper, character (sb)
pint pint (sb)
pion (Chess)pawn
pionnier pioneer (sb)
pior too (much/many)
pip beep (vint)
pip squeak, pip (vint )
pipe pipe (for smoking; sb)
pipend dangle (vint)
piper pepper (sb)
pipernitsa peppershaker (sb)
piperspraiy pepper spray
pipette pipette (sb)
pipiusi dairy, milk-producing ( adj )
pir pear ( sb)
piranha piranha (sb)
pirate pirate ( sb)
piratia piracy (sb )
piratye pirate (like in "We mostly used them to pirate games") ; piracy (of books, movies, softwares, etc)
piraug (meat)pie (sb)
pirmwer spring (season; sb)
pirouette pirouette
piruz turquois (sb)
pis past tense of “pines”
pischleme pushover, sucker (! idiot; sb)
pischman repentant ( adj) & repent ( vpr )
piscine swimming pool ( sb )
Pishun Pishon (Eden; npr)
pisk fish (sb); past tense of “peisk”
piskyol tassel (sb) (decoration)
pisse piss
pissuar orinal
pistach pistachio (sb)
pistill pistil
pistol pistol (sb)
piston piston
piston kyenk piston pin
pit past tense of “peit”
pitancye poor food (sb)
pitcher pitcher (baseball; sb)
pithecanthropus Pithecanthropus ( sb)
piton rocky outcrop (sb)
pitsu maritime pine (pinus pinaster)
pituita pituita (sb)
pituv nourishing (adj)
piurn fire (sb) (as an element); past tense of "pieurn"
piurna pyre, bonfire (sb)
piurnwehrg firework ( sb)
Pius Pius (papp)
Pius Pius
piut past tense of “pieut”
pivnitsar wine waiter (sb)
pivot pivot (sb)
piw past tense of "pinew"
piwer fatty, greasy (adj); to manure (vtr)
piwer acid fatty acid (sb)
piwernia fertile meadow (sb)
piwernt manure (sb)
piwon fat (vtr & adj)
piwonphobia fatphobia
piyama pijama (sb)
piyun peony (sb)
Pizarro Pizarro
pizd breast (udder of woman; sb)
pizdan woman's chest
pizza pizza (sb)
pizzeria pizzeria
plab flap (sb & vtr)
plabdwer flap door
place place; square (sb); place (vtr)
placenta placenta
placette piazzetta (sb)
placid placid (adj)
placircule roundabout, traffic-circle (sb)
plack plate, patch, plaque (sb)
plackentectonique plate tectonics (sb)
placunt flat cake (sb)
plafon ceiling ( sb) ( fig )
plag hit, strike ( vtr ); quenching, caliber ( sb) ( fig)
plaga plague, curse ( sb ; fig .)
plagel thrash, batter (vtr )
plagelpwarn whipping boy, underdog (sb)
plaiboy playboy
plain plain ( sb)
plais please (vtr & interjection )
plaisure fun, pleasure (sb)
plaj beach (vacation resort; sb)
plajurb seaside resort
plakat poster, notice
plan plan, plane (sb); to plan
plan os incidence plane of incidence
plane plane (ex: surface; adj)
planetarium planetarium
planete planet (sb)
planeur glider (sailplane; sb)
plang cry, weep (vtr & sb)
plangsalk weeping willow ( sb)
plank board, plank ( sb )
planken sheating, plank (sb)
plankraudh tabular root
plankton plankton (sb)
plantain plantain (sb)
plante plant ( sb)
Plantegenest Plantagenet
planter planter (cotton)
plask shallow (adj)
plaskpleuk perform a low pass, make a low pass (v. intr) ; low pass (sb., plane)
plastal plasteel
plaster plaster ( sb) (medicine )
plastic plastic (adj. & sb); plastic arts (splu)
plastic chirurgia plastic surgery
plastician plastician (sb.)
plastician artiste plastic artist, visual artist
plastire dressing, bandage ( sb)
plat (& platt) = flat ( adj)
platane plane-tree ( sb )
plateau plateau (sb)
platen armur plate armour (sb)
platforme platform (sb)
platin platin
platin platinum (sb)
platitsa plaice (sb)
Platon Plato (npr)
platonic platonic (adj, sb; ex: love)
platoniste platonic (adj, sb; when refering to Plato's philosophy)
platska license plate (sb)
platupod flat-footed
platwos wingspan, scope, calibre (sb)
plaut (& platu) = broad, large (adj )
plautdemel flatworm
Plautus Plautus
plautvehrm flatworm
plav (air)plane ( sb)
plavbehr aircraft carrier
plavdrom landing runway
playc agree, get on together ( vpr )
playct agreement ( sb)
pleban parish priest ( sb)
plebania presbytery (sb)
plebiscite plebiscite
plect shrug (one's shoulders; vtr)
pledveh the mass of people (sb)
pleh to fill
plehc to roll up ( vtr )
plehcstol folding chair
plehder flare (vtr )
plehp chat (vint )
Pleiades Pleiades (splu)
pleid plead (vtr )
pleidoyeir plea(ding) (sb)
pleina arrowhead (sb)
pleins dance of joy (vint)
pleisker lap (vint)
pleist most, the major part of (adj; “most people”)
Pleistocene Pleistocene ( sb)
plen med = full of (adj)
plenar plenary
plend grouse (vtr)
plenipotentiar plenipotentiary
plenitude fullness (sb)
plenorbatia full employment
pletia shoulder blade (sb)
pletwos stature, calibre (sb)
pleu to be at anchor
pleugh plow (vtr )
pleuk fly (vint); flight (sb); pleukend tapit = flying carpet (sb)
pleukghansen model flying geese paradigm (eco.)
pleukpisk flying fish (sb)
pleukrecorder flight recorder (sb)
pleuritis pleurisy
pleus fin (sb)
plexiglas plexiglas (sb)
plexti cornrow, canerow (kay addihes to maynen ad tod ja existent werd)
plexti braid (sb)
pliat dish (sb)
plictic boring ( adj )
plictisse bore (vtr )
plid past tense of “pleid”
plieb past tense of “plab”
plieg past tense of “plag”
pliegel past tense of “plagel”
pliehg to make sure to
plieng past tense of “plang”
plieyc past tense of “playc”
Plinius Pliny
plins past tense of “plins”
plinthe plinth (sb)
pliohg past tense of “pliehg”
plisker past tense of “pleisker”
plohc past tense of “plehc”
plohcta intertwining (sb)
plohder past tense of “plehder”
plohp past tense of “plehp”
ploisko except (prep)
plor floor, terrain (sb)
plorkweit (plorkweitu) = undulation (terrain)
plormeiden land survey (sb)
plorsleid landslide (sb)
plosive (consonn) = stop (consonant)
Plotin Plotinus
ploton platoon (sb)
plott raft (sb)
plu past tense of “pleu”
plug-in plug-in (sb)
plugh plow, plough (sb); past tense of “pleugh”
pluk past tense of “pleuk”
plukel fowl, head of poultry ( sb)
plukwid in plenty (adv; adj)
plumbh lead (metal, sb )
plumbher plumber ( sb)
plume plume (sb)
plunder plunder (sb & vtr)
plur several ( adj)
plural plural
plus plus, extra (adv); past tense of “pleus”
Plutarch Plutarch ( npr )
Pluto Pluto (former planet; npr)
Pluton Pluto ( npr ) (god)
plysch plush (sb)
pnehg choke ( vpr )
pnehs to snort
pneig stifle (vtr)
pneis to put off (someone; vtr)
pneu (& pneumatic) = tire (sb)
pneumonia pneumonia
pneus to wrinkle one's nose
pneustoffspraiy tyre sealing can
pnig past tense of “pneig”
pnohg past tense of “pnehg”
pnohs past tense of “pnehs”
poacea poacea (grass)
pochade pochade
pochette pocket square (sb)
pocrast wine with spices
pod paw ( sb)
poder container (sb)
podin vat, tank (sb)
podium podium
podloga floor, floorboards
podstol support, stand (sb)
poduts common nase (sb)
poem poem ( sb )
poesis poetry (sb)
poet poet (sb)
poetic poetic (adj)
pogach focaccia (sb)
pogrom pogrom
poh drink (vtr)
pohd past tense of “pehd”
pohk past tense of “pehk”
pohkw past tense of “pehkw”
pohl past tense of “pehl”
pohld past tense of “pehld”
pohltos plenty, abundance (sb)
pohltost plentiful, abounding (adj)
pohnd past tense of “pehnd”
pohrd past tense of “pehrd”
pohrn past tense of “pehrn”
pohtel glassful (sb)
pohzd past tense of “pehzd”
poig paint ( sb) ( color)
poignant poignant ( adj )
poik multicoloured, variegated, stained ( adj)
poimen mother's milk
point point (sb)
pointillisme pointillism
poison to poison (vtr)
poison poison (sb & vtr)
poitt to have the right to, to be entitled to
polauror aurora, northern light (sb)
pold field (sb; including chessboard)
poldam ostentatiously (adv)
polden violka field pansy (flower; sb)
poldmus vole (sb )
poldskeir through fields
pole pole (geography; sb)
polec Polish (adj , sb)
poleih polish ( vtr )
polemique polemique (sb)
polemiste polemicist
poli fortress (sb )
police police (sb )
police agent policeman
police station police station (sb)
policeagent policeman ( sb)
policiste policeman
policiste policeman (sb)
poliomyelitis poliomyelitis (sb)
polissa (insurance) policy
polite polite (adj)
politeia politics (the politic world)
politesse politeness
politic political (adj); "Is Politic" = "The Statesman"; politician (sb)
politique (sing) = politics (splu)
politise to politicize (vtr)
pollen pollen (sb)
polo camiss polo shirt
Polska Poland ( npr )
polt gruel, porridge ( sb)
poltergayst poltergeist
Polybios Polybius
polyeder polyhedron
polyglot polyglot
Polykleitos Polykleitos
polymathe polymath
Polyneikes Polynices
Polyphem Polyphemus
polystyrene polystyrene (sb)
polytheiste polytheist
polyvalent for many uses (adj.)
Pomaria Pomerania
pomel pommel (sb)
pommesfrites French fries (splu)
pompe ceremonial, pomp (sb)
Pompei Pompei (npr)
Pompeius Pompey
pompeus pompous (adj)
pompic ceremonial (adj)
pompier pompier (art)
pon since, for (prep); present tense base of “posen”
pondos impression, inner feeling (sb)
ponnim Phoenician (adj, sb), Punic
pontific Pontiff (sb)
pontifical pontifical
Pontificstat Papal States
Pontius Pilate Pontius Pilate (npr)
ponton pontoon (sb)
pop (orthodox) pope (sb)
popayghen down payment, instalment
populace populace
popular popular (adj)
popularise popularize (vtr)
population population (sb)
popule people (lower classes; sb); to populate (vtr)
populeus populous ( adj )
porche porch ( sb)
porcule piglet ( sb)
pord ford (sb)
pore pore
poreunc + dative of the person = order, command (vtr)
poreus porous (adj)
porg offer, show, put forward (vtr)
pori bush (sb) (African landscape)
pork pig; pork (sb)
porm fare (sb)
porno porn
porphyre porphyry (sb)
porphyria porphyria (sb)
Porphyrios Porphyry
port port (sb)
Port Sayid Port Said (npr)
portabilitat portability (communication)
portable portable (ex: un portable computer)
portal portal (sb)
portcigar cigar holder (sb)
portcrayon portcrayon
porte port (software)
portfolio portfolio (fig.)
portic portico (sb)
portion portion
portmanteau coat & hat stand (sb)
portmonaie portfolio (sb)
porto postage (sb)
portrait portrait ( sb )
Portugal Portugal ( npr )
portughesche Portuguese (adj. & sb)
portvin port wine (sb)
pos after (prep)
poscras after tommorow (adv)
posdaril sustainable (adj) (development)
posdehrj maintain (vtr)
posdehrjcost expenditure
posdini pilule morning-after pill
pose (to) pose
Poseidon Poseidon
posen to lay down (vtr); posen un probleme = to pose a problem
posface afterword
Posidonios Posidonius
position position (sb)
positioner tracker, transmitter (sb)
positionsluce navigation light (vehicules)
positron positron
poskwo afterwards, then
posmiddien afternoon (sb)
pospehrn management customer service, after sales service
possedd possess (vtr.)
possible possible (adj)
possowel Under the Sun (adv); to sunbathe (vint)
post post, mail (sb)
postalion postman (sb)
postamt post office
postcode postal code
postdiek mailbox
posteritat posterity
postgrind mailbox
postgrind correction pro postgring
postgrind PO box
posthangjow mail-order
posthangjowpehrn mail-order sale
postlad moccasin (sb )
postmark stamp, postmark ( sb)
postmaster postmayster (sb)
postmortem posthumous
postpigeon homing pigeon (sb)
postulat postulate (sb)
postule to postulate
postule to postulate
pot pot (sb)
potass potash
potassium potassium (sb)
potem fathom (sb)
potential potential (adj & sb)
potentiometer potentiometer
poter potter
poterie pottery (sb)
poterna postern (sb)
poti mister, sir; lord (sb)
potion potion (sb)
potire pitcher (sb)
potischah padishah (sb)
potnia madam, lady (sb)
potnika miss (sb)
poul pool ( sb)
poupdeck poop ( sf )
povesti clothing ( sb)
povidel plum mousse (sb)
prabh right, fair (adj )
prabh mores (splu) morality (sing)
prabh torg fair trade
prabhil rule ( sb) ( of conduct)
prabhil guideline (sb )
prabhtat fairness (sb)
practic practical (adj ); traineeship (sb)
practicant trainee
practician practitioner
practie practise (vtr)
practis consulting-room (sb)
praebende prebend (sb)
praedd devour (vtr); prey (sb)
praedicator Dominican (monk)
Praha Prague (npr)
prairie prairie, grassland
pram barge (sb)
pranier pillory (sb)
praseodymium praseodymium (sb)
praxis practice
praxis practice (sb)
Praxiteles Praxiteles (npr)
prayghest hand reach (sb)
pre before (temporal preposition)
preambule preamble (sb)
precaution care (sb)
precedd precede (vtr)
precept precept (sb)
preche preach (vtr)
prechen preaching (sb)
precieus precious (adj)
precipice precipice (sb)
precipitation precipitation (sb)
precis precise, accurate (adj)
precoce precocious
precolombian precolumbian
precursor precursor(y)
predator predator (adj. & sb)
predecessor predecessor (sb)
predestination predestination
predicative predicative (gram.)
predilection predilection (sb)
predisposen to predispose (vtr)
predominant predominant (adj)
preemptive weir preemptive war
prefabricat prefabricated
preface preface (sb)
prefayssal question preliminary ruling
prefect prefect
prefer prefer (vtr )
prefixe prefix
pregen imbue, impregnate ( vtr )
preghes before yesterday (adv)
prehg to pray, ask (someone; to do = ke(m) + verb)
prehgen prayer (sb)
prehistoria prehistory
prehp to appear, to come into sight
prehsc ask in marriage (vtr)
preih enjoy ( vtr )
preihplen affectionate (adj )
preim receive ( vtr )
prekaursprabhil precautionary principle
prekheiss sense, forebode ( vtr )
prelat prelate (sb)
preleiv to take (a sample; ex: science; vtr)
preliminar preliminary
prelude prelude (sb)
prem- present tense base of “pressem”
prematur premature (adj )
premeditation premeditation (sb)
premehnmon warning (adj )
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
premiere premiere
premiss premise ( sb)
premium premium ( sb)
premonitor prescient (adj )
prenam first name, forename
prepage flyleaf (sb)
preparation preparing (sb)
prepare prepare (vtr)
prepayghen advance (sb) (money)
preponderance supremacy (sb)
prepost provost (sb)
preraphaelite pre-raphaelite
prerogative prerogative (sb)
presage presage
presayg to predict
presbyterian presbyterian
prescol preschool
prescrib ( prescrìb ) = to prescribe
prescription prescription (sb)
presence presence (sb)
present present (adj)
presentation presentation, talk
presepe nativity scene, manger scene, crib, crèche, presepio, presepe (Maynmos her un artistic representation ios gnahsa os Jesus Christ., plais oistrag id tarjem os "presepe" ex id werd "cripia" in ia dictionars. Mathalan: in id Englisch dictionar id inpiut "cripia" est tarjen ka "manger (sb); Nativity scene ( sb)", oistrag tod "Nativity scene ( sb)")
presidence presidency (sb )
president president ( sb)
presidium presidium (sb)
press-papier clipboard (sb)
presse press (sb; journalism, recruitment)
pressem press (vtr) & pressure (sb)
pressening tarpaulin (sb)
pressure trakh pressure suit ( sb) (clothing)
prest first (of more than 2); prest officier = first officer (aircraft)
presump to presume
presumptueus presumptuous (adj.)
preswed freshwater
prete understand ( vtr )
pretend claim, pretend (vtr)
pretensieus prententious
preter first of 2, former (adj); first (adv)
preterit preterit
pretexte pretext ( sb)
pretorium courtroom ( sb )
preus to burn (feeling )
Preussen Prussia (former German province or kingdom; npr)
preussenblou Prussian blue (adj & sb)
preustang hair iron (sb)
preuv to prove (vtr)
preuven test (exam)
prev past (sb & adj)
prevarie prevaricate (vint)
preven to prevent
preventive concordat receivership (sm )
prever former (adj), before, formerly (adv)
previd to foresee
prevst once, before (adv)
prevstic erstwhile (adj.)
pri by, along (prep)
Priapos Priapus (npr)
pribeud to puzzle (someone)
pribeud to puzzle (vtr; to make somebody pay attention)
prickel fizz (vint)
prickelscharab pop (drinking; sb)
Pridanwstria Transnistria
pridem stillness, freedom
prie-dieu prie-dieu (sb)
priem edge, border (sb)
prient friend (sb)
prient strehl friendly fire
prientia friendship (sb)
prientlik friendly (adj)
prieslen spindle whorl
prih past tense of “preih”
prileips + acc. to be in breach of, to fail to observe
prilieubh to have a short-term love with
priliubh flirt (short-term love)
prim prime (number); past tense of “preim”
primar talim primary education (sb)
primark markup (computer)
primate primate
primatia primacy (sb)
prime prime (symbol)
primitive primitive (adj)
primordial primordial (adj)
primule primrose (sb)
prince prince (sb) (son of the ruler)
Prince-Charmant Prince Charming
princesse princess (sb)
principal principal ( adj )
principal motoraxekunda main bearing journal (of the crankshaft)
principe principle (sb)
prined take (vtr ) ( a city )
print footprint, track
printer printer (computer, sb)
priok blinker (horse tack)
prioritat priority (sb)
priozd branching, bifurcation (incl. computer)
pris price (sb); past participle & past tense of “prined”
prise prize (of war); taking (after a siege)
prisedd chariot-driver
prisindex Price Index ( sb)
prisma prism ( sb)
prison prison ( sf)
prisoner prisoner ( sb)
prispehc + acc. = to attend
prist period of time
pristah to stand by
pristdeposit time deposit
pristic periodic ( adj )
pritor amateur, lover (adj , sb) ( who likes)
prityohc tributary (river, sb)
privat private (adj) (opposed to " public "); privat individu = private individual (sb)
privatisation privatization
privilege privilege (sb); to favour (vtr)
prix prize (sb)
priy appreciable (adj)
pro for (prep); (as a verbal prefix means “ahead”; the verb triggers dative)
proactive proactive
proag to move off
proaiwo forever (adv)
proapo following the stream (adv)
proba sample ( sb )
probable probable (tod werd exist tik in id englisch dictionar ed manct in alter)
probable probable ( adj)
probe to put to the test
probehr- do diewo to uncover, see through
probeprist probation (workplace)
probeud wake (vtr)
probire try on (a garment; sb)
problematique underlying problem
probleme problem (sb)
procastell forecastle (sb)
proceddat process, way of acting (sb)
proceddure procedure, proceedings (sb)
procent percent (sb)
procentage percentage (sb)
process process, trial (sb)
processor central processing unit (CPU, sb)
Proclus Proclus
procrastine to procrastinate
procree procreate
procurature the Attorney's Office, prosecution
procure provide, get ( vtr )
procureur attorney, prosecutor ( sb)
prod ahead (prep)
prodah hand over (vtr; a criminal)
prodgrund foreground
Prodic [prOdik] = Prodicus
prodigal prodigal (adj)
prodsok foresight (future studies)
produc produce (vtr)
productionszangir production line
productive productive (adj)
prodwals outpost (sb)
proe already, first (adv; proclitic)
profan secular (adj & sb)
profession os fid profession of faith
profile profile
profiling profiling
profit profit (sb, commercial)
profitable profitable (adj)
profite (+ acc.) = to take advantage of
profitsmyehren profit sharing (sb)
profume perfume
profund profound (adj)
profunditat profoundness
prognath prognathous
prognathisme prognathism
prognohsa forecast (sb)
programmation lurhat programming language (sb)
programme program ( sb)
progress progress (sb)
progwmt movable (good) (ieus)
prohg suitor (sb); past tense of “prehg”
prohibeih prohibit (vtr)
prohibitive prohibitive
prohp past tense of “prehp”
prohsc past tense of “prehsc”
proid to fret
proikto asshole, anus
project project (sb)
projection projection, showing (sb) (to project a movie)
prokal to call out to (+ acc.)
prokaryotum prokaryote
Prokrustes Procrustes (npr)
prokwe near (prep. & adj)
prokwem near (prep. & adj)
Prokweust Middle East ( npr )
prokwitat proximity
prokwol sidekick (sb)
prokwst nearest
prokwtos merienden short food supply chains (pitu)
proletar proletarian (adj & sb)
proletarian proletarian (adj)
proletariat proletariat
prolifere to proliferate
prolixe prolix
prolonge to prolong (vtr.)
Promanthus Prometheus ( npr )
promanthusic Promethean ( adj )
promenade walk (avenue; vx)
promi (& prominent) = celebrity (sb; person)
promiscu prosmiscuous
promiscuitat lack of privacy
promiss promise (sb); past tense & past participle of “promitt”
promissor promising (adj)
promitt promise (vtr)
promontur promontory (sb)
promotion promotion; special offre
promov to promote
prompt prompt (adj)
pron prone (adj )
pron (+ dative) inclined/prone to
pronomen pronoun (sb)
pronunce pronounce (vtr )
pronunciation pronunciation
propaganda propaganda (sb)
propage spread (vtr)
propedeutique propedeutics
propedeutique propaedeutics
propeller propeller (sb)
prophecy prophesy (vtr)
prophet prophet (sb)
prophetia prophecy (sb)
propice propitious, suitable (adj)
propizdan forward-breasted
propodia front-end, forecarriage (sb)
propon present tense base of “proposen”
proposen to offer, propose; proposal
proposen propose (vtr); proposal (sb)
propylayum propylaea
prosayic prosaic
prosch close to, near (with an idea of movement)
proschkehmb ant = bow low / prostrate before ( vint)
prose prose (sb)
proselyte proselyte (adj & sb)
proselytisme proselytism
prosodia prosody
prospec [prospEk] = prospect (vtr)
prospect leaflet, brochure; perspective (sb)
prospector prospector (sb)
prosper prosperous (adj)
prosperitat prosperity ( sb)
prostate prostate (sb)
prostek silly, booby, fool (sb & adj)
prostitut prostitute
prostituta prostitute
prostitution prostitution ( sb)
prostre prostrate (vtr )
protection protection (sb)
protectionisme protectionisme
proteg ( protèg ) = protect (vtr)
proteiforme multi-figured (adj)
protein protein (sb)
proteoid raudh proteoid root
protest (& protestation) = protest ( sb)
protestant Protestant ( adj , sb); Protestant Union = Protestant Union ( npr )
proteste protest (vint)
prothesis prosthesis
prothrombine prothrombin
protiag raze, demolish
protiapo against the current (adv)
protie /protiev = against
protiebeud wake up (vtr; against one's will)
protiedar to hold back
protiedeh to apprend
protiediewo against the sunlight (adv)
protiekyeuk to ward off (a spell)
protiemleu exclaim (vint)
protietrag to tug
protievol reluctance ( sb)
protiokw stare at ( vtr ); look (on a face; sb)
protipam arm wrestling
protistum protista (plu)
protocol protocol; statement (book against an offender)
protocolire to book an offender
protohistoria protohistory
protonat protonate (adj)
prototype prototype (sb)
protozoium protozoan
proverb proverb
proviande provisions of food (splu)
provid pro = provide for (vint)
providencial providential (adj)
proviende provision (reserve, sb)
province province
provoque provoke (vtr)
prudence prudence (sb)
prudent prudent (adj)
prue early morning (sb; sometimes used as an adverb too)
prun plum (sb)
prus past tense of “preus”
pruser caustic
pruss Prussian (Baltic people ; sb)
prussisk Prussian (Baltic people and language; adj)
pruswa hoarfrost (sb)
pruv proof, evidence ( sb)
pryster priest ( sb)
psalm psalm ( sb )
psalmodia psalmody
psalmodie chant, drone out ( vtr )
psalterio psalter (sb)
pseudonym pseudonym ( sb)
pseudostebel pseudostem
psianschou swindle (! sb)
psora scabies (sb)
psychanalyse psychanalysis (sb)
Psyche Psyche (npr)
psychiater psychiatrist (sb)
psychiatria psychiatry
psycholog psychologist (sb)
psychopath psychopath (adj. & n.)
psychose psychosis
psychosomatic psychosomatic (adj.) adjective!
psychosomatique psychosomatic medicine substantive!
psychotic psychotic
psychotrope psychoactive (drug) (adj & sb)
ptelei poplar (sb)
pterg wing (sb)
ptergwent wekwos catchphrase
pterodactylus pterodactylus (sb)
ptilo plume, panache ( sb)
Ptolemayos Ptolemy ( npr )
ptor feather ( sb)
public public (adj & sb); public transports = public transports (splu)
Public Ministerium Prosecutor's Office
publican publican (adj & sb)
publie to publish
puddel poodle (sb)
pudding pudding (sb)
puericulture infant care (sb)
Puerto Rico {pwErto rIko} = Puerto Rico
pugil pugilist (sb)
pugma wrestling (sb)
puik pine (sb)
puk thick (adj)
pukukyah to wriggle
puladh blade of weapon
pulc flea (sb)
Pulcinella Pulcinella
puleig pennyroyal (mint; sb)
pullie pulley (sb)
pullman coach, bus
pullover sweater (sb)
pulmon lung (sb)
pulp pulp (sb)
pulpoik spotted ( adj )
puls pulse (sm )
pulsar pulsar
pulse pulse (vintr.)
pult desk, lectern ( sb)
pulver powder ( sb)
pumpe pump ( sb)
punctual punctual (adj)
punctuation punctuation
punctue to dot, mark
puncture puncture (ex : of tyre; sb)
pund pound (sb); pund sterling = Pound Sterling (sb)
punese drawing pin
pung button ( sb ) (machine ); past tense of “peung”
punor however, on the other hand (adv )
pupill pupil (sb) ( all meanings)
pupp doll (sb)
pur (& pure) = pure (adj )
Purat Euphrates (npr)
puree puree (sb)
pureemixer immersion blender
purgatorium purgatory
purge purge (sb ; fig )
purkan blowing snow (sb)
purpwr purple (sb , adj )
purt child (sb) ( descendant)
purtka female heifer
purulent purulent
pus pus ( sb)
pusc push ( vtr )
puscht tearaway, scallywag (sb)
pusillanim pusillanimous
pusinos coniferous forest (sb)
pussa small fat man (sb)
pussire push ( vtr ) (fig. to cause to)
pustak grimoire ( sb)
pusten desolate, barren (adj ) ( place)
put well (sb; for water)
puta cunt (! vulva)
putrid putrid (adj)
puwen clean (vtr)
puwnster domestic help (woman; sb)
pux thick tail; pux- id scol = to play truant
puyku superb (adj)
puzzle jigsaw puzzle
pwarn boy (sb)
pwol half (adv)
pwolter one and a half
Pygmalion Pygmalion
pygmay pygmy, pigmy
pyjama pyjamas, pajamas (singular in Sambahsa)
pylcell virgin, maiden (sb)
pyramide pyramid (sb)
Pyreneis Pyrenees (npr)
pyrening Pyrenean
pyrite pyrite, fool's gold (sb)
pyroclastic nebos pyroclastic flow (volcano; sb)
pyromantia pyromancy
pyrot gunpowder ( sb)
pyrotechnique (sing.) = pyrotechnics
pyroteina gunpowder magazine (artillery)
pyrotnest pan (of powder gun)
pyssic pussy (cat) ( sb)
Pythagoras Pythagoras ( npr )
pythagorei pythagorean (adj. & sb)
pythia Pythia ( sb )
qua interrogative & relative pronoun for feminine singular nominative & neutral plural nominative & accusative
quader framework (sb) ( fig )
quaderpetra freestone (sb)
quadrat square (adj. & sb); quadrat raudh = square root
quadratic equation quadratic equation
quadriga quadriga
quadrille quadrille (sb)
qualg which (one)
qualifie qualify (vtr)
qualitat quality (sb)
quan when
quan when
quando when
quando when
quant all (adj)
quanter everywhere ( adv )
quantic physique quantum mechanics
quantitat quantity (sb)
quantloc everywhere (adv )
quantplor off-road (vehicle; adj )
quantum quantum
quap tadpole (sb)
quapt castration (sb)
quar four (num); "Quar arya sontias" = "Four noble truths" (buddhism)
quarantaine quarantine (sb)
quardel schib quarter glass (car)
quaresma lent
quarsdasch em (typography)
quartal block of houses ( sb)
quarterback quarterback (football; sb)
quarterdeck quarterdeck (sb)
quartett quartet (sb)
quartier quarter; billeting (sb)
quasi nearly, quasi
quat handful (sb)
quaternar quaternary
quatrain quatrain (sb)
quayque (al)though
quayt how much/many ( pronoun )
quebecois québécois, quebecer (adj & sb)
quel interrogative & relative pronoun for undetermined singular nominative & accusative
quem as, than ( with comparative )
quer where
question question ( sb)
questionar survey, questionnaire (sb )
questor tax collector ( sb)
quetzal quetzal
queu queue (sb & vint)
qui masculine singular nominative singular pronoun ; undetermined plural nominative & accusative interrogative & relative pronoun
qui-pro-quo qui pro quo
quie quay, wharf, embankment (sb)
quietisme quietism
quiett quiet ( adj)
quilt quilt (Definition: un lihaf meis gvereht quem oin charsaf, bet est gwaurer)
quincalier ironmonger (sb)
quintal quintal (100 kg; sb )
quintessence quintessence (sb)
Quintilian Quintilian
quitance bill, receipt
quitance bill, invoice (sb)
quitte quits (adj), quit (vtr)
quo what (general relative pronoun)
quod what ; that, which (relative pronoun neutral nominative & accusative)
quodquid bih to anyway, be that as it may
quom interrogative & relative pronoun masculine singular accusative
quos whose (when referring to a singular nominative & accusative noun)
quosmed how, with what (referring to an instrument)
quote quota; quotation, rating (sb)
quoter which (of two)
quotient quotient (sb)
quoy interrogative & relative pronoun masculine plural nominative.
raa yard (sailing, sb)
rab to abduct
rabab rebec (sb )
rabar roll in the dust (vint)
rabat discount (sb)
rabbin Rabbi (sb)
rabbinic rabbinic
rabiabahsa gibberish (sb)
rabita bale (sb)
rabos rabies (sb)
race race (kin)
rach sulfuric acid (sb)
Rachel Rachel (npr)
rachis main shaft of a plant
rachis raquis (botanic; part of the feather) Ubnuwen id ja existent inpiut
rachitic rachitic, rickety
rachitis rickets
racketire racketeer, to racket
radh advise (dative of the person; vtr); piece of advice (sb); Radh ios Jectpospolita Polska in exile = Government of the Republic of Poland in exile
radian radian (sb)
radiator radiator ( sb); radiator sayp = grille ( sb) (vehicle )
radical radical ( adj )
radicalise to radicalize (vtr)
radicule radicle (botany)
radio radio ( sb)
radioactivitat radioactivity (sb)
radioamateur amateur radio (sb)
radiocarbon tarikhen radiocarbon dating
radiotherapia radiation therapy (sb)
radius radius (sb) (circle)
radja rajah
raffine refine
raffinerie refinery (sb)
rafik mate, pal, buddy (sb)
raflat somnolence, sleepiness (sb)
raflatic sleepy (adj)
raga register of voice
rage rage (sb)
ragh lacerate (vtr )
ragou stew (sb)
rah enumerate (vtr)
rahas-ye secretly (adv )
rahat rest ( sb & vint )
rahim merciful (adj)
rahimat (+ acc.) to have mercy / pity on
rai ray ( sb)
raid raid (sb)
rail rail
railvia railway ( sb)
railvia halt stop, halt (small train station)
railvia skeirdrom level crossing (sb)
raison reason ( sb)
raisonable reasonable (adj)
raisonable accomodance reasonable accomodation
raisonen reasoning (sm )
rajem stone (vtr )
rakakel cackle (vint)
rakete rocket ( sb)
rakia rakia (sb)
ralise coarse (adj, person)
rallie + acc. = go along with (vint); rally (sb)
rally rally (sport, sb) (sport, sb)
Ramah Ramah (former city in Israel; npr)
ramak last breath (sb )
ramal to tell fortune (vtr )
Ramathayim Arimathaea
ramazan Ramadan ( sb)
rampe ramp ( sb)
ramsa fair ( sb)
Ramses Ramesses (npr)
ramun chamomile (sb)
rana tree frog
ranch ranch
rancic rancid (adj)
rancor resentment, rancour (sb)
rand rim, edge (sb)
random random (adj & sb)
random access memoria random access memory (sb)
rang rank (sb)
ranger ranger (sb)
ranghi colour, shade (sb)
ranghin flowery (adj)
ranking ranking (sb)
ransomware ransomware
ranuncule buttercup (sb)
rap rape (plant; sb)
Rapa Nui Easter Island (npr)
rapanui Rapa Nui (adj & sb; inhabitant of Easter Island)
rapeina field of rapes ( sb)
Raphael Raphael ( npr ) ( Italian artist )
raphia raffia (sb)
rapid fast (adj )
rapid rapid (sb ) (in a river))
rapire rapier (sb)
rappel abseil, rappel (sb.) ; abseil, do abseiling/rappeling (vintr.)
rapport report (sb)
rapporteur rapporteur (sb)
rapproche se kye = to come closer to (fig.)
rapprochement rapprochement
rapt kidnapping, abduction (sb)
raptor abductor ( adj , sb)
rapuncel corn salad (sb)
raquet racket (sb)
rar rare (adj)
rarz rage (vint)
Raschid Rashid
rase to raze (to the ground) (vtr)
raskal scurvy fellow, cad (sb)
rasp rasp (vtr )
rasper grater, shredder
raspeus rough ( adj)
rass cape (sb)
rassass lead shot ( sb)
rassure reassure ( vtr )
raster rake ( sb)
rat rat (sb)
ratafia ratafia (sb)
ratib set price (sb)
ratibsafer package tour
ratifie ratify (vtr )
ratio rate (sb)
rational rational (adj)
rationire rationing (sb) and ration (vtr)
ratur petty thief
ratusch City Hall (sb)
raubh to steal, rob (vtr)
rauchugun pig iron
raudh root (sb)
rauf ruffle (vtr )
raufank chimney hood (sf )
raug wrinkle (sb)
rauk rude, raucous (adj )
rauk blahmen rough breathing (Greek)
raumateria raw material (sb)
raunaft crude oil
rautexte plain text
rauza funerary garden
ravage havoc, ravage (sb)
ravan walk, stroll (sb)
ravelin ravelin
ravine gully ( sb)
ravioli ravioli (sb)
ravun engagement gift
rawaj currency unit ( sb)
rayha scent (sb)
raym sundry ( adj)
rayn queen (sb)
rays Head of State
rayvan stroll (vint)
razzia raid (sb)
razzye raid (vtr)
re re, case, affair (sb)
reactionair reactionary (adj; pol.)
reactionkittar chain reaction
reagent reagent (sb)
real real (adj)
reanimation kerd - = cardiac resuscitation
rebell rebel (sb, adj)
rebellion rebellion (sb)
rebiakmen rib vault (sb)
rebio rib (sb)
recapitalisation seasoned equity offering
recension review (critical appraisal of a work)
recent [rëtsEnt] = recent (adj)
recep [rëtsEp] = receive (vtr)
recept (medical) order (sb), recipe (sb)
receptible admissible (adj)
receptioniste receptionist (sb)
receptor handset (telephone)
recess recess (sb)
recessive receding (adj)
recetts revenue (splu) (trade)
rechal treacle (sb)
recharge reload (vtr)
rechwng bill (in restaurant; sb)
recidive repeat offense/offence
reciproc reciprocal
recital recital (sb)
recitative recitative
recite recite (vtr)
reclame advertising, advertisement (sb)
reclusorium hermitage of a recluse (latin : "reclusorium")
recogneih recognize (vtr)
recollect recollect (monk)
recommande recommend
recommande recommend (vtr)
recommandet post registered mail
recompense recompense (sb & vtr)
reconcilye to reconcile (vtr; con = with)
reconnaissance reconnaissance (sb) (military)
reconnaiter reconnoiter (vtr) (military - place)
record record
recorde record (vtr)
recrudescence recrudescence
recrut recruit (sb)
rect right (sub.) (sub.)
rect right (sb) ; right (adj)
rect schack running stitch, straight stitch
rectangle rectangle
rectsam the right way round
recule recoil (gun)
recuper recover (vtr)
recurr to have recourse to (vint)
recurrent recurrent
recurs action, suit (sb)
recuse to challenge (Law.)
recycle recycle (vtr.)
recycling recycling (sb)
redan redan (fortification)
redemptor redeemer (sb)
redingote redingote
rediska radish (sb)
redox redox (adj & sb)
reduc reduce ( vtr )
reduction reduction (sb)
redundance redundancy (sb)
redwoi fear (vtr)
reeducation reeducation, rehabilitation (sb)
ref rivet (sb)
reference mark, position (sb)
referencensysteme reference framework
referendum referendum (sb)
reflation recovery policy
reflect ( reflèct ) = think about (vint)
refleg (reflèg ) = reflect ( vtr )
reflexe reflex (sb)
Reformation Reformation (sb) (history)
reforme reform (sb)
refoulement refoulment (dia gospotis)
refraction refraction
refrain refrain (in a song; sb)
refreschment refreshment (sb)
refrigerator (& frige) = refrigerator (fridge; sb)
refuge refuge (sb)
refugeit refugee (sb)
refuse refusal (sb), refuse (vtr)
refutabilitat refutability
refutation refutation
refute refute
reg reach out (hand), stretch out (arms) (kay addihes tod maynen do id englisch dictionar)
reg govern (vtr; fig.)
regatta regatta (sb)
regent regent
regie control room, production department (show; sb)
regime régime (sb)
regiment regiment ( sb)
region region ( sb )
regisseur stage/film director
register register ( sb)
reglament regulation (sb)
regne reign (sb & vint)
regret regret ( vtr )
regular regular
regv back (spine; sb)
regvpulverisator costal pulverizer, back pulverizer
regwos twilight, dusk (sb)
rehabilitation rehabilitation
rehm relief (vtr)
rehn stream (vint)
rehnic running (adj; nose)
rehv tear off (vtr)
reib rib (sb)
reiber rib; principal rafter (carpentry)
reibo ribbon (sb)
reid ride (vtr)
reid-ye astride, straddling ( adv )
reidbiest mount (for riding; sb)
reidweghtor teamster ( sm )
reik + acc. = return to, get back to ( vtr )
reincarnation reincarnation ( sb)
reineta russet apple
reip rip (vtr )
reiss draw (vtr)
reissen drawing (sb)
reiv to rive
reject discharge, rejection (sb; thing)
rejoin join (vtr; a place)
rekehgn recognize (vtr)
relai relay (athletics, like in “relay team”, “relay race”…)
relai relay (sb)
relat tell; to establish a link (vtr)
relation relationship (sb)
relativitatstheoria theory of relativity
relaxe to relax (vtr/vint)
relegation relegation
relevant relevant (adj)
relief relief, terrain (sb)
religion religion (sb)
reling railing, ship's rail (sb)
reliquia relic
reman to remain
remarkable remarkable ( adj)
remarke remark, notice (vtr)
rembeurs pay back (vtr)
remeid remedy (sb & vtr)
remep to creep
remep creep (vint)
reminiscence vague recollections (remembering)
remunerative remunerative (adj)
Renaissance Renaissance (sb ) ( History )
rened render (vtr )
renegad renegade ( sb , adj )
renege to renounce, repudiate something
renfort reinforcement, back-up (sb)
renk bad trick
renn reindeer (sb)
rentabilitat return (sb)
rentaka swivel gun (sb)
rentier person of privte means
rentire retire (vint)
reoinascen reunification
rep past tense of “remep”
reparation repairing (sb)
repare repair (sb, vtr)
reper locate, spot (vtr )
repercutt echo, pass on (vtr)
repertuar repertoire ( sb ) (of an artist)
repeteih to repeat
repeteih repeat (vtr)
repetition rehearsal
replic replica (sb)
replicant replicant
replication replication ( sb)
replie respond (vint; trial)
reploy withdrawal (sb) (military)
report report (sb)
reporte to report (vtr)
reporter reporter
repositorium repository (software)
repoussee repoussé (adj)
reprehensible reprehensible
represente to represent (to be representative)
represente represent (vtr)
reprobation reprobation (sb)
reprographia reprography (sb)
reptil reptile (adj. & sb)
repugnant repulsive (adj)
repulg to push away, drive back (vtr)
requisitorium prosecutor's argument
requisitum prerequisite (sb)
reroge to take on (vtr)
res past participle & past tense of “rened”
resack backwash (sb)
reserve book (vtr ) ( ex: a place); reserve (sb & vtr; including military); reservation (sb)
reserverot spare wheel
reservuar reservoir (sb)
resid ( resìd ) = live (vint)
residence residence (sb) (medicine ) internship ( sb)
residual residual (adj )
residue residue (sm )
resilience resilience (sb)
resist [rëzIst] = resist (vtr)
resistor resistor (sb)
resmen belt, strap (sb)
resocialisation social reintegration
resort resort
resort resort
respect [rëspEkt] = respect (sb)
respect (& respecte) = respect (vtr)
respective respective (adj)
respieu rebuff (vtr)
respirator medical ventilator; respirator insufficience = respiratory failure (sb)
respire breathe (vtr/vint)
respond retort, respond (vtr)
responsible responsible (adj)
respublic republic (sb)
ressenteih resent
ressentiment resentment (sb)
ressort jurisdiction (space; sb)
restaurateur restaurant owner
restaure to restore
reste to be left (vint); rest, left-over (sb)
restrineg to restrict
restructuration restructuration
resultat result (sb)
resulte ex = to result from
resume sum up (vtr)
resurrection resurrection (sb)
resurreg to ressurect
reteulgen pull-up (after a jump; sb)
reticence reluctance (sb)
reticent reluctant, hesitant (adj)
reticule reticle
retina retina
retina retina
retire pension off, retire (vtr)
retireit retired person
retive restive, stubborn (adj)
retorte retort
retorte retort (chemistry; sb)
retouche to touch up (sb)
retrace retrace (vtr)
retraite retreat (sb) (military)
retransliator radio-repeater
retrehv retrieve, find back (vtr)
retro backwards (adv)
retrodrehb feedback (sb.) (if the word, which you intent to translate, doesn't concern to a "drehben", maybe you wanna use the word "retroregule")
retrograde retrograde (adj.)
retroguardia rearguard (military force)
retrogwahsa reversing (vehicle; sb)
retrosmitter setback, mishap, hiccup
retrospecule rearview mirror (sb)
returne un wirt return a value (ex: contexte os programmation)
reu crumble, collapse (vint)
reudher glow red (vint)
reudhos redness, red blotch (sb)
reug belching (sb) and belch (vtr)
reul rule (sb & vtr)
reup to break (up) (vint)
reur bell, wail (vtr)
reus crackle (vint)
reusch rush (vint & sb)
reust to get rusty
reuyd to exploit (a natural resource) (vtr)
rev reef (sail)
revanche revenge
revanche revenge (sb & vtr)
revele to reveal (vtr)
revente rhubarb (sb)
revenue revenue (ex. of a State, sb)
reverbere reverberate
revere revere (vtr )
reverence reverence (sf )
Reverend Reverend (sb)
revers reverse ( sb) (Sports )
reverso rekurihen reverse repo
revigore invigorate, brace up (vtr)
reving reefing
revolution revolution
revolutionar revolutionary
revolv revolve (vint)
revolver revolver
revue review (military spectacle, magazine, sb); review (vtr)
rew past tense of "rewen"
rewaldh - se = to regain one's control
rewen to space out (vtr)
rewidue to reafforest (vtr)
rewiduesa reforestation (sb)
rewos (free) space (sb); rewos bar = space bar
rewost roomy, spacious
rewoswakt spacetime
rewot (sing) = viscera (splu) (animal)
rey wealth (sb)
reykhan marjoram (sb)
reza latch (sb)
rezg rope, rigging (sb)
rhabreb dewlap
rhabreb dwelap, wattle, lappet, whalebone, fetlock
Rhadamenth Rhadamanthuq
rhaddeb furious (adj)
rhalat erroneous, wrong
rhalateih to skew/distort (vtr)
rhalib victorious ( adj)
rhalt err ( vint) error, mistake (sb)
rhasal ghazal
rhassib usurper (sb)
rhayir alien, external (adj)
rhayr non- (prefix) (to words of Arabic origin)
rhelrhay ingush
Rhen Rhine (npr)
rhenisch Rhenish
rhetoric figure figure of speech
rhetorique rhetorics (sb)
rheumatic feber rheumatic fever
rheumatisme rheumatism (sb)
rhielt past tense of « rhalt »
rhinitis rhinitis
rhinoceros rhinoceros (sb)
rhizome rhizome
rhizosphere rhizosphere
Rhodes Rhodes (npr)
rhododendron rhododendron (sb)
Rhomay (Imperium) = Byzantine (Empire)
rhum rum ( sb)
riawdals achievement (sb)
ribat piping, slip-bead ( sb)
ribis red currant (sb)
Ribonucleic Acid ribonucleic acid
ribosom ribosome (sb)
rica headband (sb)
riche rich (adj)
richeih enrich (vtr)
ricochete rebound, bounce ( sb)
ricotta ricotta (sb)
rictus grin (sb)
rid past tense of “reid”
rieb past tense of “rab”
riedh past tense of “radh”
riegh past tense of “ragh”
rierz past tense of “rarz”
riesp past tense of “rasp”
rieubh past tense of “raubh”
rieud to mourn for, to weep
rieuf past tense of “rauf”
riff reef (sb)
rifil ripple (sb)
rig realm (sb); past tense of “rineg”
righing rigging (sb)
rigid rigid (adj)
rigor rigor (sb)
rigoreus strict (adj )
rik returned, got back to (past tense)
rime rhyme (sb)
rind rind (sb) ( fruit)
rinderpeste rinderpest (sb)
rineg hug ( vtr )
rineg Market Square
ring ring ( sb)
Ringenpoti “Lord of the Rings”
rinna gutter ( sb)
riouda mourning, wailing; Riouda Duivar = Wailing Wall
rip past tense of “reip”
ripa rib (sb); seashore (sb)
riposte retaliate (vtr)
ris rice (sb)
ris absmudel rice drainer
riscat risky (adj)
risk risk (sb, vtr); ye sien wi risk = at one's own risk
riskpremium risk premium
risotto risotto (sb)
riss past tense of “reiss”
rissala periodical (sb , newspaper )
rissem drawing ( sb ) ( result )
ristorno return (of a part of, f.i., an insurance)
rite rite (sb)
ritornell ritornello (sb)
ritter knight (sb )
rittersk chivalrous ( adj)
ritterstand chivalry ( sb)
ritual ritual (adj & sb)
riud past tense of "rieud"
rivalitat rivalry (sb)
rivete rivet (sb)
rivier river (sb) (that flows into another river; & including "River of diamonds"); Rivier ios Pace = Peace River (Canada)
Riyad Riyadh (npr)
rizma ream (sb) ( paper )
rjienbwuts figure ( sb) (fig. important person )
rjiendaujughyi humanitarianism ( sb)
rjienkjian world of the living ( sb)
rjienklicha rickshaw (sb)
rjienrlwey humankind
rjienzao man-made (adj)
rlau jail, gaol ( sb )
rlaurjien senior, elderly person
rlayji next year
rlayu thunderstorm ( sb)
rlienxien meticulous (adj )
rligay ( sing ) = profit and loss ( splu )
rlinji provisional ( adj)
rlinji muntdel provisional twelfth (budget)
rliokchay Green tea
rliouscha (sing) = quicksands (splu)
rliouturbine water current turbine (sb)
rlowtou road verge (sb)
rlungdwan monopolize, take up (vtr )
roadster roadster ( sb )
robe robe (sb)
robot robot (sb )
robust sturdy ( adj)
robustesse robustness
rock rock (sb)
Rockic Montans Rocky Mountains (splu)
rod gnaw ( vtr )
rodar meadowsweet ( sb)
rodent rodent (adj & sb)
rodeo rodeo (sport)
Rodrigo Roderic
rog rye (sb )
rogamus rogatory commission
rogant demanding (adj)
rogv dress, skirt ( sb )
rogye to straighten (vtr)
rohm past tense of “rehm”
rohn past tense of “rehn”
rohv past tense of “rehv”
roibh disparate (adj)
roig row (sb); “ep sien roig” = in one's turn
rokh roc (sb) ( fabulous bird )
rol role (sb); ag- un rol
roll roll (vtr/vint) (sb)
rollbaurd skateboard
rollbaurdsport skateboard (sport)
rolldrab escalator
rollschou roll skate (sb)
rollstaven rolling slat blind (sb)
Romagna Romagna ( npr )
roman novel ( sb)
romanc romance (adj)
romani romani
romanlik novelistic (= Fr. "romanesque")
romantic romantic (adj)
romantiquer romanticist (sb)
romantisme romanticism
romanurg novelist (sb)
romb diamond shape (sb)
Rome Rome
romune Romanian
Romuneia Romania
romuscha forced laborer
Roncesvalles Roncesvalles ( npr )
rong haughty ( adj)
rontgen radio, x-ray ( sb & vtr) ( medicine)
rontgenium roetgenium (sb)
ronthal halter ( sb)
ropp lewd, filthy (adj )
rosar (sing) = prayer beads (splu)
rosbif roast beef
roschtka hearth grate (sb)
rose rose (sb)
rosette rosette (of a guitar)
Rosette Rosetta (npr); Rosette Petra = Rosetta Stone
rosink (sing) = raisins (splu)
rosmarin rosemary (sb)
ross dew (sb)
rossomak wolverine (sb)
rost roast (vint) & roasted (adj)
rostdel rotisserie (roasting device)
rot wheel (sb)
rotarkel guard stone
rotarpresse rotary printing press
rotative rotary ( adj)
rotbrehg breaking wheel ( sb) ( torture )
rotic cartage (sb)
rotor rotor (sb)
rotos landing gear
rotscruvwehrt tire iron (US), tyre iron (UK)
rotskand (to do a) cartwheel
rotunde rotunda ( sb)
roube suit, clothing (sb); (roubes = splu) = things, belongings
roufett trade association
roug clamp, bridle ( sb)
rouge rouge ( sb)
Roumeli Rumelia
rouna secret (sb)
round round (sb) ( Sports )
roup opening, doorway, gun-port, embrasure ( sb )
route route ( sb)
router router (sb)
routine routine (sb)
routing routing (internet)
roy king (sb)
royal royal (adj)
roydem kingdom (sb)
roygven regicide, kingslayer (the person)
roygvon regicide (the action)
royschalk steward ( sb) ( Gondor's “Arandur” )
ru past tense of “reu”
ruakchei brook ( sb )
rubeola (sing) = measles
rubin ruby ( sb)
rublye ruble ( sb)
rubric rubric, topic (sb)
rucksack backpack
rudh commie (pejorative slang for communist) (pejorative werd pro "communiste")
rudh red (adj)
Rudh Liewen Drehm “Dream in the Red Chamber” (Chinese major novel, npr)
rudhchald breaking (adj) (fig., ex: topic)
rudher past tense of “reudher”
rudiment rudiment (sb)
rudimentar rudimentary (adj)
rue rue (sb) (plant)
ruffian ruffian (sb)
rug rough (adj); past tense of “reug”
rughat curse, swearword (sb); to swear, curse (vint)
Rugia Rügen
Ruhollah Khomeini Ruhollah Khomeini
ruine ruin (sb)
ruineus ruinous
rujiow shotgun (sb)
rukh rook (chess, sb)
rukhade castling (sb)
rukhsa dismissal (sb)
rul past tense of “reul”
rumantsch romansh
rumen rumen (sb)
rumep break up (vtr)
rumine ruminate ( vtr )
rumor rumor ( sb )
runc wrist ( sb)
runcsaat watch (wrist; sb)
rund round (sb); round (adj)
rundgeir roundabout (sb)
rundic rounded, chubby ( adj )
rundretorte round-bottom flask
rune rune (sb)
runedh to redden (vtr)
ruoss red-haired (adj)
rup past tense of “rumep”
rupia rupee (sb)
rupture break ( sb)
rur past tense of “reur”; countryside
rural rural
rural exodus rural exodus
rurdom country house
rus past tense of “reus”
rusch past tense of “reusch”
ruschvett bribe ( sb )
rusk Russian (adj. & sb) ( ethnicity ); rusk ballett = Russian ballet ( sb )
Russ Russia ( npr ) ( old)
Russia Russia ( npr ) (Modern)
russian Russian (adj. & sb) (nationality)
rust rust (sb); past tense & participle of "reust"
rusta country town (sb) (!)
rustbaungos rust fungus
rustic rustic
rustic rustic (adj)
rutabaga rutabaga ( sb)
rutule Rutulian
ruyd ore, mineral resource (sb); past tense of “reuyd”
rybs brassica rapa (plant)
rynk forest pasture
ryowkhow favorable ( adj )
ryssia stake net (sb )
rythme rhythm (sb)
rythmic rythmical (adj)
sa (& sal) + verb = to be about to
sa(l)- to be about to (samt defis, pre un conjuget verb)
Saadi Saadi (npr)
saan umbrella (sb)
saat clock, watch (sb)
saat hour ( sb) (o' clock )
saat-ye clockwise (adv)
saatar watchmaker
saatfark time zone difference, jet lag
saatzone time zone (sb)
Saba Sheba (biblic kingdom; npr)
sabab reason, cause (sb)
sabastan sebesten
sabbarh dyer (sb )
sabbatical sabbatical (adj & sb)
sabd Saturday (sb)
sabel sable (animal, sb)
saber saber (sb )
sabi Sabian (Coran)
sabika old acquaintance
sabit indelible (adj)
sable sable (sb) (heraldry)
sabotage sabotage (sb & vtr)
sabur purge ( sb)
sabzi (sing ) = vegetables ( splu )
sac sack(ing) (sb; vtr)
sacber confiscator, looter, “sacker” (sb)
saccadat staccato (adj)
saccade jerk (sb)
sachet sachet, little bag
sack bag (sb)
sacramebt sacrament (sb)
sacrifice sacrifice (vtr & sb)
sacrilege sacrilege (sb)
sacrileger sacrilegious (adj.; sb "anghen")
sacristia sacristy
sadak wedding gift (sb )
sadiste sadist ( sb )
sadistic sadistic ( adj )
sadrenc chessboard (sb)
sadrencpold field (on a chessboard)
safawi safavid
safer travel (sb & vint)
safi rough, unpolished, uncultivated (adj)
safride trevally (sb)
sage sage (sb)
sagv to know how to
sahan tureen (sb)
Sahara Sahara (npr)
Sahel Sahel (npr)
sahide blest (adj)
sahikh (wa salim) = safe and sound (adj)
sahli Sahelian
sahrawi Saharian (adj)
saint saint (adj. & sb)
Saint Augustinus os Hippo Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Gallen St. Gallen ( npr ) (city and canton of Switzerland)
Saint Gotthard Saint Gotthard (Switzerland; npr)
Saint Iohannes lukukramb glowworm
Saint Iohannes lukukramb glowworm (sb)
Saint Laurent Saint- Lawrence ( npr ) ( river and gulf )
Saint Office Holy Office ( sb)
Saint patron patron saint (sb)
Saint Peter Basilic Saint Peter's Basilica
Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (npr)
Saint Spirit Holy Spirit
Saint Thomas os Aquin Thomas Aquinas (npr)
Saint-Alliance Holy Alliance
saison season ( sb)
saj teak (sb )
sajada small prayer mat
sakat invalid (adj , sb)
saker sacred (adj)
Saker Roman Imperium Deutschios Nation Holy Roman Empire
sakerdot priest (sb )
Sakerdotin High Priestess ( Tarot )
sakerfalk saker falcon (sb)
sakht tough, bitter (adj)
sakhtian morocco leather (sb)
sakhwan by mistake
saki cup-bearer (sb)
sakib radiant (adj)
saktah swoon (vint; fig.)
sakwn quiet (adj)
sala salah (Islam)
salace salacious
salace salacious
salacot pith helmet
salade salad (sb)
Saladin Saladin (npr)
salafi Salafi(st)
salafia salafism
salair salary (sb)
salairmandover wage-earning class
salamander salamander (sb)
Salamis Salamis
salariat employee, salaried ( adj & sb)
saldem brine (sb )
saldet savoury (and any kind of salted appetizer)
saldetiko snack (like Cheetos or Doritos); cheese puff, cheese curl, cheese ball, cheesy puff, corn curl, corn cheese; potato chip, crisp Baym od id Franceois tarjem est ne mathmount vasya maynens tos conception, plais vid id Englisch au Portughesche tarjem
saldmer briny (adj)
saldnitsa salt box
saldpetra saltpeter (sb)
Salem Salem (npr)
salepp orchis ( sb)
salg + acc. = to go / get out of
salgos swell (of the sea, sb)
salic Salic, Salian
saline saltworks (sing. in Sambahsa)
salive saliva (sb)
salk willow (sb)
sall room ( sf )
Sallust Sallust
salm (& salmon) = salmon ( sm )
salmiac ammonia salt, salmiac (sb)
salmonella salmonella (bacteria; sb)
Salomon Solomon ( npr ); Salomon Insules = Solomon Islands (npr)
salon lounge ( sb)
saloun saloun
saltamarka doublet ( sb )
saltillo saltillo
saltimbank travelling acrobat (sb )
salto (& saltomortale) = somersault (sb )
saluber healthy, salubrious ( adj)
salut hello (sb) ( greeting)
salute to greet (vtr)
salv safe (adj)
salv save (vtr ); salv deposit grind = security locker (bank) (sb)
salv-conduct safe-conduct (sb)
salvguarde safeguard (vtr)
salvia sage (herb, sb)
salviarmust sagebrush (sb)
Salvor Saviour ( sb)
salvtat integrity, safety (sb)
salvtatscage roll bar (vehicle) (sb)
salvtatsnauk lifeboat
salvtatsvest lifejacket (sb)
sam same (adj )
saman utensil (sb)
samar pack saddle ( sb)
Samarkand Samarkand (npr)
samawi sky-blue (adj )
samband link, relationship (sb)
samberect equal in rights
sambuca sambukê (sb)
sambussa filled pastry cake (sb)
samdehk- con to tally with (vint) (vint)
samdih secret code (sb)
sameih se _ + dat. = to give oneself as (fig.)
Samen All Saints' Day (fest)
samghat meeting, gathering (sb), to come together (vint)
samgwelbh born of the same mother (sb & adj)
samid Samoyed(ic)
samkwehk to ressemble (+ acc.; vtr)
samkwehkia similarity, resemblance, likeness (sb)
samkweit common point, similarity (sb)
samleit- con to go together with (fig.)
samlik similar, like (adj)
samlyogh sexual partner (sb)
sammel collect, muster (vtr); at the same time (adv)
samogni of the same lineage (adj)
Samothrace Samothrace
samproauyis cousin first cousin, full cousin (id -is os "samproauyis" maght bihe declinen)
sampurna consummate (adj, perfect)
samreiss to copy exactly, trace (vtr)
samsar estate agent (intermediate)
samsaria estate agency (sb)
samsarkhaneh estate agent office (sb)
samskeip con to correspond/coincide with
samstehm to agree (vint)
samstyren self-management
samswoiner team-mate (sb)
samt (set, endowed) with (adj )
Samuel Samuel (npr)
samuray samurai
samvergen social distancing
sanat artisanat (sb)
sanbaw to be filled (vint)
sanctifie sanctify
sand sand (sb)
sandal sandal (sb)
sander zander (sb)
sandlatte common purlin (sb)
sandsaat (sand) hourglass (sb)
sanduk trunk (coffer; sb)
sandvehrm mud worm ( sm )
sanghie rocky, stony ( adj )
sangla forfeit (in a game; sb)
sanguine sanguine (sb; pigment, pencil)
sanhedrin sanhedrin
sanicule sanicula (sb)
sanitar nurse (sanitary helper, sb); sanitary (adj)
sanitar surveillance public health surveillance
sank sanction (vtr) (to enact)
sanka mandible (sb)
sanscha uneven (adj) (terrain)
sanschan Celestial Bodies (splu)
santak cuneiform (sb)
santak cuneiform, wedge-shaped writing (sb)
santaki cuneiform (adj.)
santaki cuneiform (adj)
Santorin Santorini
santur zither (sb)
sanya sled (sb)
sapan scarlet pimpernel (sb)
sapat old slipper (sb)
sapounopera soap-opera (sb)
sappeur sapper
sappeur sapper
Sappho Sappho (npr)
sappir sapphire ( sb)
sapun soap (sb)
sapunise soap ( vtr )
saraband sarabande (sb)
sarach saddler ( sb )
Sarah Sarah
sarakain Saracen
saranda colander ( sb)
saray hall, palace (sb)
Sarayevo Sarajevo (npr)
sarban head of caravan (sb)
sarc to compensate (somebody)
sarcasme sarcasm (sb)
sarcastic sarcastic ( adj)
sarcen kludge, kluge
sarcophag sarcophagus (sb)
sard Sardinian (adj , sb)
Sardes Sardes (npr)
Sardigna Sardinia ( npr )
sardine sardine ( sb)
sardonic sardonic (adj )
sarige wading pool ( sb)
sarik myna ( sb)
sarkari official (sb)
sarong sarong (sm )
sarracene sarracen (adj & sm )
sarraf money changer ( sb)
SARS SARS (Severe Acut Respirator Syndrome)
sart light red (adj)
sarvari Turkish baggy pants
sask spike ( sm )
sassanian Sasanian
sassar dazed (adj)
sassimi sincere (adj)
sasyo fruit of the fields (sb)
sat sated (adj); enough (adv)
Satan Satan (npr)
satellite satellite
sater chopper (sb)
satin satin ( sb)
satire satire
satiric satirical ( adj)
satisfac satisfy (vtr)
satos satiety, surfeit (sb)
satrap satrap
satrape satrap
saturation saturation (sb)
Saturn Saturn (npr) ( planet)
satyr satyr (sb)
satyric satyric
saub tallow ( sb )
sauce sauce (sf )
saudagher trader ( sb)
sauk damage ( sb & vtr )
saukan booby trap
saul single, sole ( adj )
saun sound (adj.)
saun healthy, sound (adj)
sauna sauna
sauna sauna (sb)
saup rotten ( adj ) & rot (vint)
saupsrut wastewater
saur calf (of leg; sb)
saurk coffin (sb; for dead)
sautee sauté (adj)
Sava Sava (npr) (river of former Yugoslavia)
savana savanna (sb)
savant savant
savd sap (sb)
Savoya Savoy
savoyard savoyard
Saw Sais
sawin assegai (sb)
sax cleaver (sb)
Saxen Saxony
saxifrage saxifrage (sb)
Saxon Saxon
saxophone saxophone
say gills (splu)
saya sagum (sb)
sayad hunter (sb)
sayang ! What a pity! ( interj )
sayct says; said (past participle)
sayd hunt (vtr & sb)
saydban game-keeper
sayeto trickle (sb) (smoke , blood)
sayg say (vtr); sayg- prabh = to be right
saygway extramural
Sayid Said (npr); hatchetman (sb)
saylab flood, flooding (sb)
saynete theatrical sketch
sayp fence, grid, enclosure ( sb ) (Correction pro id englisch entrat. Addihes id tarjem "fence")
sayp grid, enclosure ( sb )
sayr strolling ( sb )
sayran stroll, walk (vint )
sayta bristle (hair; sb)
sayv fierce, ferocious (adj) (wild); to rage (vint)
sayvant canopy (building; sb)
sbehnd hug ( vtr )
sbehrd cut ( vpr )
sbeud wake ( vpr/vint )
sbieg past tense of “sbieneg”
sbieneg gambol (vint)
sbohnd past tense of “sbehnd”
sbohrd past tense of “sbehrd”
sbonda something slung across the shoulder
sbreck bauble (sm )
sbrigh past tense of “sbrinegh”
sbrinegh bring out ( vtr ) (a principle)
sbud past tense of “sbeud”
scaben alderman (sb)
scafold scaffold (sb)
scal (& scala) = scale (sb)
scaliktissad (sing.) = economies of scale
scalmodel scale model
scalp scalp (sb)
scamia (low) stool
scandal scandal (sb)
scandaleus scandalous (adj)
scandalise scandalize ( vtr )
scandire to scan, to chant
scanne to scan (vtr; image)
scanner scanner
scanner scanner (sb)
scapada escapade (sb)
scarlat scarlet (adj )
scarlatine scarlet fever (sb)
scarmusch skirmish (sb)
scatule box ( sb)
scauba stud, crampon (sb)
scaur clubfooted
scenario scenario, plot
scenariste scriptwriter, scenarist
scepter scepter (sb)
scetil bowl (sb)
scha hush (interj !)
Schaam Greater Syria
schab kid (sb)
schabak xebec (sb)
schabaki Shabak(i)
schabasch tip (money; sb)
schabender harbourmaster (sb)
schabenderkhaneh harbourmaster's office
schablon pattern (sb); cliché (sb) (fig)
schabout Atlantic pomfret, ray bream (sb)
schabrack saddle mat (sb)
Schabtay Zvi Sabbatai Zevi
schadab verdant (adj)
schadravan water jet (sb)
schaduff shadoof, shaduf
schaecheing range, scope (sb)
schaentay prune (vtr) pruning (sb)
schaenziu fan (to move air; sb)
schaffel keg (sb)
schag shag (tobacco)
schaghian sandstone (sb)
schaghird apprentice (sb)
Schah Shah (sb)
Schah-Nameh Shahnameh (sb)
schahadat shahada
schahide witness (sb & vtr); Schahide os Jehovah = Jehovah's Witness
schahidia testimony (sb)
schahin peregrine falcon
schajra isolated tree (sb)
schak mesh, stitch (sb)
schakel link (of chain, sb) dial (vtr)
schakenmreja gillnet
schakh chess (sb)
schakhmat checkmate
schakht shaft (mine, sb)
schakhwa sensual pleasure ( sb)
schakhwani voluptuous (adj )
schakhwat lust
schaki plaintive (adj)
schakir grateful ( adj)
schakwa grief (sf )
schal shawl (sb)
schalasch shelter (sb)
schalk servant ( sb)
schalt to switch (on; vtr)
schalter on-off switch (sb)
schaltpult switchboard (sb)
scham shame (sb)
schama candle (sb; religious)
schamandura sea mark buoy (sb)
schamar slap (sb & vtr)
schamdan candlestick (sb)
Schameri Samaritan (adj & sb; ethnic group)
schamlia shawm (sb)
schampu shampoo
schang percussion instrument (sb)
schangdar drummer (jazz, rock)
schangdien shrine (sb)
Schanghay Shangai (npr)
schangtakim drum kit
schanta lunchbag (sb)
schap foot-and-mouth disease (sb)
scharab drink, beverage (sb); sip (vtr)
scharara foolish remark/action (sb)
schararakar maker of foolishness
scharf scarf (sb)
scharia Sharia (sb)
schariban (sing.) = whiskers
scharife sharif
scharike accomplice (adj & sb) (partner)
scharir malicious (adj)
schark East, Levant (direction; sb)
scharlagan sesame oil (sb)
schaschev mad, touched, cracked (adj)
schater tent pavilion (sb)
schaungzan disable (vtr )
Schawl Saul (npr)
schawngdan get discouraged ( vpr )
schawngwo noon (sb)
schawxwen momentarily ( adv )
schayak coarse wool cloth
schaykan bond, debenture (sb)
schaykh sheikh
schebeck female monkey (sb)
scheffel grain loading hopper (sb)
scheffer manager, estate steward (sb)
Scheherazade Scheherazade
Scheherazade Scheherazade
schehnk give, pour, pay (vtr)
scheigjian the World (religion, sb)
scheild + acc. = to shield (vtr )
scheingji spermatazoon ( sb)
scheischaung here below
scheisouk trend (fig. fashion; sb)
scheiss shit (vtr)
scheiv to shift (vtr)
schekel shekel (sb)
schekhi boast, boastfulness (sb)
Schem Shem (npr)
schema diagram, pattern (sb)
schemi Semite, Semitic
schen blaze (sb)
schengkjien prejudice, bia (sb)
schenouse love-in-a-mist, nigella damascena (flower, sb)
scherdenn abomasum (sb)
scherif sheriff
scherz joke ( sb)
schetrak rustyback, ceterach officinarum (sb)
scheuffel shuffle (vtr ) (cards)
scheykhwayghian limestone (sb)
-schi too, likewise (enclitic suffix; from "yaschi")
schiau tide (sb); to break (like a wave, vint)
schiaubar tidal bore
schiaupadwl tide pond (sb)
schiawkien erase (vtr )
schib (window) pane ( sb)
schiber cursor ( sb) ( tech. )
schiboy wallflower (sb)
schibtierg windschield wiper (sb)
schicane chicane (sb)
schicanire quibble ( vtr )
schid (paper) sheet (sb)
schiday humid climate zone (sb)
schiekel past tense of “schakel”
schielt past tense of “schalt”
schieta plaice (sb )
schifa healing ( sb )
schifakhaneh house of healing ( sb)
schifra honing iron (sb)
schift shift (sb, move)
schigiowng order of things
schiieu past tense of “schau”
schija envoy(ee) ( sb)
schijang débouché (market)
schikay complain ( vint); complaint (sb)
schikergah preserve (sb)
schikht layer (sb) (vein)
Schikiperia Albania (npr)
schikwan laboratory cylinder (sb)
schild shield; sign, notice (sb); past tense of “scheild”
schildmaid shieldmaiden ( sb)
schildvolcan (& schildvolcano) = shield volcano (sb)
schimmel go mouldy (vint)
schimmer shimmer ( vtr )
schindel (& schindule) = shingle ( sb )
schinghay attack, blow, infringement (sb)
schip skiff
Schirase Shiraz (npr)
schirite braid (sb)
schirk rag (sb)
schirkat partnership (for the common good; sb)
schirm screen (sb, for hiding, protection)
schischee demijohn, carboy (sb)
schischmav plump, podgy, chubby (adj)
schisme schism
schiss past tense of “scheiss”
schitajiki pencilboard (sb)
schiya shia (Islam, sb)
schiyi shi'ite
schiyong used (adj)
schizophrenia schizophrenia
schizophrenic schizophrenic
schkaf cupboard (sb)
schkembeh tripe (sb)
schkip Albanian (adj )
schkoda blaze, disaster ( sb)
schlagbaum mobile fence
schlakhsana whipped cream ( sb))
schleiv polish ( vtr )
schlesser locksmith ( sb)
schliv past tense of “schleiv”
Schlonsk Silesia ( npr )
schnicel sirloin steak (sb)
schnur string, thread, lace (sb)
schnurbaut heavy duty boot (sb)
schnurceramique corded ware
schnurpupp string puppet
Schoah Shoah (npr)
schock shock (sb)
schofar shofar (sb)
schoft shophet
schogun shogun
Schomron Samaria (npr)
Schomroni Samaritan (pertaining to Samaria) (adj & sb)
schop shop (sb)
schoppen tankard (that can contain the equivalent of an imperial pint)
schorf dry stone wall (sb)
schort ( splu ) = shorts (splu)
Schostakovich Shostakovich
schou shoe (sb)
Schoumer Sumer ( npr )
schoumri Sumerian ( adj. & sb)
schouner schooner
schoupleus artificial swimfin (sb)
schoutor shoemaker ( sb)
schowbey equipment ( sb), equip (vtr)
schowi therefore
schowngjighian retinitis (sb)
schpeck (streaky) bacon (sb)
schpross mullion (sb)
schram scar ( sb)
schrank tiny room, recess (sb)
schraud shroud (ship; sb)
schrehnk shrink (vint)
schreink shrink (vtr)
schrift font (sb)
schrill shrill (adj)
schrohnk past tense of “schrehnk”
schrot scrap iron (sb)
schrub helix (sb) (form)
schtab staff (head of an army)
schtabbertor bâtonnier ( sb)
schtecker electric plug (sb)
schtender rack (sb)
schteukel to divide up (vtr)
schteurm + acc. = to storm (attack; sb)
schtoss move, blow (game; sb)
schtraf punishment, penalty (sb)
schtuk bit, piece (sb)
schturm assault ( sb); past tense of “schteurm”
schturmbunduk assault rifle
schuffel past tense of “scheuffel”
schughev seedy (adj )
schuidien rice field ( sb)
schuifan to exemplify
Schulammit Shulammite ( npr )
schumwl coverage (fig )
schun crack (of skin; sb)
schungjin magnificent ( adj)
schupa implement shed (sb)
schut hornless (adj )
schvabra scrubber (brush)
schvorce breastplate (sb)
Schweiz Switzerland (npr)
schweizer Swiss (adj & sb)
schwenkjiauschi missionary (sb)
schynka ham (sb)
sciatique sciatica (sb)
science science (sb)
scientific scientific (adj)
scientisme scientism
scind present tense base of “scinesd”
scinesd split, cut (vtr )
scintigraphia scintigraphy
Sciron Sciron
sciss past participle & past tense of “scinesd”
sclav slave (adj & sb)
sclaventajir slave trader (sb)
sclaverie slavery (sb)
sclera sclera
scleren shrivel (vtr )
sclerotique sclera
sclos clos, small castle (sb)
sclud door lock (sb)
sclus lock (for water transport; sb)
scobies elderberry ( sb)
scol school (sb)
scolass to find a way how to
scolastique scholasticism (sb)
scollation school meal, school lunch
scolnote (school) mark (sb)
scoltabelle school report (sb)
scomber trash (sb)
scop scope (sb)
score score (sb; amount of points)
scoria slag (sb)
scorpion scorpion (sb )
scoup scoop (news, sb)
scouter scooter
scovard pancake ( sb)
screhsc to ressurect, rise (from death) (vint)
screisc to ressurect, raise (a dead) (vtr)
screuv to screw
scrib write (vtr)
scribe scribe (sb)
scribel scribble ( vtr )
scribmachine typewriter (sb)
scribtable desk (sb)
scricit (he/she/it) screamed
scrie scream (vint)
scrin jewel case, casket (sb)
scrining screening (against disease)
scriptor writer (sb)
scriptural monete scriptural monete
Scripture (Holy) Scripture
scrobila starch paste ( sb )
scrock hull (ship; sb)
scrotum scrotum
scrupule scruple ( sb )
scrute to peer into
scrutin ballot, polling
scruv screw (sb); past tense of "screuv"
scruvcleich wrench, spanner
scruvwehrt screwdriver (sb)
sculp sculpt ( vtr )
sculpture sculpture (sb)
scura blind (for windows; sb)
scurfer scurvy (sb)
scurr scour (vtr; to roam a place for hunting, plundering...)
scuss past tense & past participle of "scutt"; jerk, jolt, tug, shaking (sb)
scutt shake (vtr)
Scylla Scylla (sb)
sdehrkos dung (sb)
sdu to take off (a garment)
se oneself
se contente med = to content oneself with
se deteriore deteriorate (vint)
se elan to dash, to hurl oneself
se enlieubh in/med = to fall in love with
se enneus to shove one's nose
se evad to escape (from jail)
se fallsisen slump (vint)
se forakwten protie(v) / contra = to set oneself against
se forilay giggle (vint)
se forkhayal fantasize (vintr.)
se forkheuld to get a chill (vint)
se forprehp to fail, malfunction
se forsorb to choke (vint)
se kinew to thrash about
se kiw past tense of “se kinew”
se lamente moan (vint)
se perimedven get high, get stoned (! vintr., to intoxicate oneself with drugs or other substances)
se persteiv to dig one's heels in
se precipite rush (vint)
se promene to have a walk (vx)
se refer ad [rëfEr] = to refer to
se resigne to give in, to resign
se sehnd to force one's way
se speud hurry up (vint)
se streubh to struggle (to free oneself)
se trabe stumble (vint)
seance session, performance ( sb)
sebum sebum
secant intersecting (adj )
secator (sing) = loppers (splu)
secka mint (office; sb)
second second (adj )
secret ( secrèt ) = secret (adj. & sb); to secrete (vtr)
secretaire writing desk, secretaire (sb)
secretar secretary (sb); secretar-general = secretary-general
secretariat secretariat (sb)
secretion secretion (sb)
secte sect (sb)
section section
sectoral sectoral
secular stagnation secular stagnation
secularisme secularism
secule century (sb)
secundar ieus secundary law (EU)
secundar ieus secondary law (EU)
secunde secund (time unit; sb)
securitat security, safety (sb)
securitisation securitization (finance, sb)
secwr axe (sb; tool, weapon)
sedative sedative (adj, sb)
sedd seat (sb); sit (vint)
seddapos gluteal fold
seddel saddle (sb)
seddos basis, assize
seddwerwn seatbelt (sb)
sedef mussel (sb)
sediment sediment
seduc seduce (vtr)
sefarat diplomatic mission (sb)
seg (to) saw
seg cut ( vtr )
segdel handle (of plough; sb)
segel sickle ( sb)
segetal cereal (adj )
segheitel handle (of ard; sb)
seghel sail (sb & vint)
seghelbaurd windsurf ( sb)
segler sailing ship (sb)
segment ring (ex: mechanics)
segmurm atta (ant)
seh sow ( vtr )
sehat correctness (sb)
sehgn dream, muse over (vint)
sehgvreimos nursery rhyme (sb)
sehkw follow (vtr)
sehkwmen follow-up (sb)
sehl win, achieve (a victory, a prize, sb)
sehlk drag, tril along (vtr)
sehlkter coulter, colter (agriculture)
sehnd opening (breakthrough; sb)
sehnder make clots , concretions (liquid, vint)
sehngv sing (vtr)
sehnk sink (vint)
sehnkseid vertical ( adj)
sehr squeeze, clench (vtr)
sehrg blood (sb)
sehrg transfusion blood transfusion (sb)
sehrgkwehlen circulatory system (sb)
sehrglasni bloodthirsty (adj)
sehrgstriht (& sehrgstrihn) = bloodshot (adj)
sehrgsuker blood sugar
sei if ( conj ) ( assumption )
seid straight (adj)
seikw spill ( vpr )
seil rope (sb)
Seilenos Silenus (npr)
sein hay (sb)
seina seine (sb)
seink sink (vtr )
seinkholt hay fever (sb)
seise huntsman (sb)
seismologia seismology
seit wire-mesh (sb)
seit rake (vtr )
seitos wire-fencing (sb)
seituva water hole
seiz seize (vtr)
seizen boarding (sb)
sekelat woolen garment (sb)
sekia kid (sb)
sekway aftermath (of a wound, a disease)
sekwent following, according to
sekwos following (prep)
Selchuk Seljuk
seld herring ( sb)
selderei celery (sb )
selective reuyden selective logging (sb)
seleg to select
seleg {sëlEg} = to select
sell good (contra-evil), blest (adj. & sb)
sellamat hello ! (general greeting formula); to greet
sellgumt welcome (sb)
sellgwehm to welcome (sb)
sellhelm caul, cowl (piece of membrane that can cover a newborn's head and face)
selp fat, grease (sb)
sem some (adj)
semanghen someone
semantique semantics
Semele Semele (npr)
semen seed (sb)
semianhaingher semi-trailer (sb)
semikehmber semicircular arch (sb)
seminar seminar (sb)
semiologia semiology
semiologia semiology (sb)
semject something
semolin semolina
semper always (adj)
semquis someone (singular masculine nominatif)
sena senna (sb)
Seneca Seneca ( npr )
senecion groundsel (sb)
Senegal Senegal (npr)
seni separately
seni apart, separately (adv)
senil senile (adj )
senn (& sennmat) = alp ( sb)
sensation sensation (sb)
sensational sensational
senschalk seneschal (sb)
sense sense (sb)
sensorial systeme sensor systeme (sb)
senst last ( adj)
Sensto Judcement Last Judgement (sb )
sensual sensual ( adj)
sententieus pompous ( adj)
senter latter (adj)
sentient sentient (adj.)
sentiment sentiment
Seoul Seoul (npr)
sepal sepal (sb)
separe separate ( vtr )
sepeul + acc. = render the last homage to
sepit grain of wheat (sb)
sept (& septa) = seven (num)
september September (sb)
septen kehlderndans dance of the seven veils
septentrion septentrion (sb)
septic podin septic tank ( sb)
sepulker sepulchre ( sb)
sepulkral sepulchral
sepulture burial place (sb)
sequelle sequel (wehrg)
sequence sequence (mathematics)
sequencen sequencing
sequester receiver(ship) (of the assets of a debtor)
ser seriously (adv; when refering to injuries)
seraphin seraph
seray citronella (sb)
serb Serbian (adj. & sb)
serbese bold (adj)
serbesia boldness (sb)
Serbia Serbia (npr)
serenade serenade (sb)
serene serene ( adj )
Serenyu Erinys (oraryo nam)
serf serf (sb)
serfdem serfdom (sb)
serge serge (sb) (cloth)
sergeant sergeant (sb)
sergugi small plume (sb)
serial serial (noun) (hol ios irsalen "serie")
serial (TV, radio) serial (sb); serial port = serial port
serialisme serialism
serie series (sb)
serietat seriousness ( sb )
serieus serious (adj)
serigraphia screen printing
serkwen corner of the mouth (sb)
sermon sermon ( sb)
Sermon ep id Mont Sermon on the Mount
seropositive seropositive
serp sickle (sb)
serpcellen siuge sickle cell disease
serpent serpent, snake (sb)
serpentin serpentine (adj); streamer (sb)
sert late (in time; adj)
sertan sertão
serter later (in time; adj & adv)
serve serve (vtr; including tennis)
servent xeimen servent estate
server server (Generic werd, ne tik pro informatique)
service service ( sb)
service-station service-station ( sb)
serviet napkin (sb)
servile servile ( adj )
servitude servitude, easement (sb)
servus ! at your service !
ses to be, being (sb)
sesgwesmen extinct (volcano)
sess sat (past tense & past participle)
sessiet (he/she/it) will be
session session (sitting, sb)
seswo oneself
setar white bridal veil
Seth Seth (npr)
Sethi Seti (npr)
setus pregnancy ( sb)
seucla beet-root ( sb)
seug suck ( vtr )
seugpapier blotter ( sb)
seugraudh haustorium
seul found (vtr )
seup booze (vint)
seurc gush (vint)
seurf to surf (vint)
seut soothe (vtr)
seuw to impulse, give rise to (vtr)
seuy rain (sb & vint)
seuyjaquet (& seuymantel) = raincoat (sb)
Sevastopoli Sevastopol
Seville Seville (npr)
sexe sex (sb)
sexe scandal sex scandal (sb)
sexe-bombe sex-bomb (attractive woman)
sextant sextant (sb)
sextar sixth (measure; sb)
sexual act sexual act
seyf strongbox (sb)
sfall err (vpr)
sfaradi Sephardi
sfud skewer (sb)
sgill (to) seal (wax) (nomen & verb)
sgwen present tense base of “sgwesen”
sgwesdel candle extinguisher (sb)
sgwesen to go out (light), to switch off
sgwesen to turn / switch off, to extinguish
sgwesspoim dry ice (for extinctor)
shagal jackal (sb)
shamyu shark (sb)
shangsu constant (sb)
shayad probably (adv)
sheinkhoadan flare (sb)
shiakali boswellia sacra (sb)
shibboleth shibboleth (sb)
shienciu overgrown ( adj )
shienrlin (sing) = woods ( splu )
shinan contraption (sb)
Shinto Shinto (npr)
Shiva Shiva (npr)
shortstop shortstop (sb)
shraman shaman ( sb)
shuibaen fountain basin, weathering pit
shuirlien water lily ( sb)
shuitow chickenpox (sb)
si “yes” to a negative response
Siam Siam
siamese siamese
siav bay (horse; adj)
sib to oneself
sibakin crack (vtr )
sibia relationship, feature (sb)
Sibiria Siberia (npr)
sibiriak Siberian
siblautel self-interested
siblautel self-interested
sibylle sibyl
sicar hitman (sb)
sicbaj marinade (sb)
Sicilia Sicily (npr)
sicilian Sicilian (adj & sb)
sicurance insurance ( sb)
sicure insure (vtr)
sidarat presidency of the council
Side Side (npr)
side-car side-car (sb)
sider iron (sb)
Sidon Sidon (npr)
siec past tense of “sac”
siefer past tense of “safer”
siege siege
siegestand state of siege
sielg past tense of “salg”
sielv past tense of “salv”
siemmel past tense of “sammel”
sien one's
sienk past tense of “sank”
sierc past tense of "sarc"
sies thou wilt / you will; to have a snooze/nap/siesta (vint)
siesta siesta (sb)
sieug ill (adj)
sieughehlper health care aide (sb)
sieuk past tense of “sauk”
sieune health (sb); sieune-sicurance = sickness-insurance
Sieune ! Bless You ! (to someone who has just sneezed)
sieup past tense of “saup”
sieyd past tense of “sayd”
sieyg said (past tense)
sigh victory (sb)
sigil sigil (sb)
sigle logogram (sb)
signal signal (sb)
signatar signatory ( adj , sb)
signature signature ( sb)
signe sign (vtr & sb)
signet signet (ring)
significant significant (adj)
sigwr assert (vtr)
sigwra definitely, surely (adv)
sigwring fuse link (elect., sb)
sik whitefish (sb)
sikhisme sikhism (sb)
sikhtir ! out! ( interj )
sikw past tense of “sinekw” or “seikw”
silah armed force ( sb)
sildbwr silver coin
Sileimanie Sulaymaniyah
silence silence (sb)
silent silent (adj)
silenter muffler (US, CA), silencer (UK) (car, motorcycl)
silhouette silhouette (sb)
silicium silicon (chemical element ; sb)
silk silk ( sb)
sill seal (animal, sb )
sillew nov yar ! happy new year !
silo silo
Siloah Siloam (npr; Bible)
silur catfish (sb)
sim flat (nose; adj)
siman edge, ridge (sb)
simbva large wildcat (sb)
Simeon Simeon (npr)
similar similar (adj)
simili (adj) = imitation (adj)
similigravure autotypy
similitude similarity (sb)
simitar scimitar (sb)
simple simple (adj)
simple reul os tri simple rule of three
simpliste simplistic
simulacre travesty, mockery
simule + acc. = pretend (vtr)
sin- present tense base of “sisen”
Sinay Sinai (npr)
sincere sincere (adj)
sindon silk brocade ( sb)
sindu border river
sinecure sinecure (sb)
sinekw dump, pour out ( vtr )
sinep mustard (sb)
sinepgas mustard gas
sinf corporation, guildhall
Singapura Singapore (np)
singkong cassava (sb)
singular singular (adj, sb)
singule single (unique, isolated; adj)
sinhala sinhalese
sinister sinister (adj)
sink past tense of “seink”
sino-tupeudi Sino-Tibetan
sinsar lizard (sb)
sinuatrial sinusal
sinueus serpentine ( adj)
sinus sine
siougye to relapse (disease)
sioul thread (sb)
sioulskau threadbare ( adj)
siour wife's brother (sb)
siphon siphon (sb)
sirat moral (of a story; sb)
sirdab oubliette (sb)
sirdak felt quilt (sb)
sirdar Commander in Chief
Sire Sire (sb)
sirene siren (sb)
sirma thread of gold
sirop syrup ( sb )
sirr reserve (personal discretion; sb)
sirri secretive (adj)
sisen to let (+ verb)
sisen to let to + verb
sislew advantageous, beneficial ( adj )
Sisyph Sisyphus
sit past tense of “seit”
sitara brick partition (sb)
sitla well bucket
sits cereal ( sb)
sitsit gossip (sb)
situation situation (sf)
siudel awl (sb; for sewing)
siuge illness (sb)
siuk dry (adj)
six six (num)
Sixtin Capelle Sistine Chapel
siyassa policy (sb
siz past tense of “seiz”
Skaane Scania
skabh scrape ( vtr )
skac jump, leap, somersault (vint & sb)
skadh shadow (sb)
skadhnet shade cloth, shade net
skal to declaim (nov maynen, mathalan pro un poem)
skal (voice) shout (sb)
skalm thole-pin (sb)
skalop colchicum ( sb)
skamb bent (adj )
skamb turning point, bend (sb)
skand jump (vint )
skandbaurd springboard
skap scape (botany)
skap escape (vtr), to depart from
skapbock scapegoat
skaphander standard diving dress, hard-hat, copper hat equipment, heavy gear
skapologia escapology (sb)
skapstar shooting star (sb)
skar bedsore (sb)
skarp scarp (sb); steep (adj), sharp, cutting (fig, adj)
skarpen sharpen (vtr)
skarpstrehler marksman (sb)
skarpwn steep rock
skat ray (fish, sb)
skater to scatter, display, unfold
skatert tablecloth (sb)
skau show ( sb)
skau make see, show (vtr)
skaun remarkable (adj )
skaurnt shit (sb)
skaut cattle, stock (sb)
skaut guardia stock grid, krud knocker (AU), vehicle pass, Texas gate (USA/CA), cattle guard, stock gap (USA), cattle grid, pit gate (CA), cattle stop (NZ)
skav dig (vtr)
skayv awkward, clumsy (adj)
skedh past tense of “skenedh”
skehd scatter ( vint)
skehlp peel (vtr )
skehn skin (vtr )
skehpt wait for ( vtr )
skehpteina waiting room
skehptschalasch bus stop shelter
skehptton dial tone (sb)
skehr shear ( vtr )
skehrd stunt ( vtr )
Skehrwn Cronus (oraryo nam)
skehrz cut ( vtr )
skehth + acc. = to be harmful to, to do damage to
skeip shape (sb & vtr); loom (vint)
skeirsmeih simper ( vtr )
skeiryeusa bracing (architecture, sb)
skeletic skeletal ( adj)
skeletocleich master key
skeletum skeleton ( sb)
skelia wing dam, jetty, boom (sb)
skelm rascal (sb)
skelmic naughty (erotic)
skenedh scatter (vtr )
skeng oblique ( adj )
skengokwi slanted eyes
skept late (with delay; adj)
skeptic skeptical (adj)
skepticisme skepticism
skermen graze (wound, sb)
sketh damage (sb)
skeud sulk (vintr.) (Tod est un ubnuwen (addition!) pro id sambahsa werd “skeud”)
skeud cantankerous, sullen, dull, morose (adj )
skeul (see Grammar) = to be obliged to, ought to
skeulk hide (vint)
skeulkic deceitful (adj )
skeulos criminal liability, guilt (sb)
skeulost villain (adj & sb)
skeum skim ( vtr / vint )
skeup scoop ( vtr )
skhal euphorbia ( sb)
ski ski (sb & vint)
skibehnden ski binding (sb)
skibh past tense of “skimebh”
skider sparse ( adj)
skidereih op off (agriculture)
skiec past tense of “skac”
skiedisk touchy ( adj )
skiend past tense of “skand”
skiep past tense of “skap”
skieter past tense of “skater”
skieu past tense of “skau”
skiev past tense of “skav”
skilida clove garlic (sb)
skilift platter lift (sb)
skimbel limp, hobble (vint)
skimbher lame, wobbly, shaky ( adj , sb)
skimebh limp, wobble (vint)
skinhedd skinhead ( sb)
skink femur ( sb)
skip past tense of “skeip”
skipper skipper (sb)
skirp blade of grass
skizze sketch (drawing, beginning; vtr & sb)
sklad unload (vtr ); to take off (a garment); storage
skladretrehv storage & retrieval
skohd past tense of “skehd”
skohlp past tense of “skehlp”
skohn past tense of “skehn”
skohpt past tense of “skehpt”
skohr past tense of “skehr”
skohrd past tense of “skehrd”
skohrz past tense of “skehrz”
skohth past tense of “skehth”
skoip in the image of (prep.)
skolfa temple (on head; sb)
skolig puppy (young dog)
skolm gladius, swerd (sb)
skolt subscription (private paying, as in a club) (nov maynen)
skolt scot, share ( sb)
skoperd spinning top (sb)
skoptic mocking (adj )
skord pan
skot sheet (of sail) (sb)
skoyu tibia ( sb)
skrehb scrape, scratch ( vtr )
skrehbdel squeegee, squilgee
skrehmb shrivel up, wrinkle (vint)
skremeb to get smaller/shorter (vint)
skrobh hornbeam (sb)
skrohmb past tense of “skrehmb”
skul past tense of “skeul”
skulk scout, explorer (sb); past tense of “skeulk”
skult tort, obligation, debt
skum foam, scum ( sb); past tense of “skeum”
skup past tense of “skeup”
skweiter to give a picture of
skweiter to give a picture of
skwoit drive (computer, sb)
skyth Scythian (adj. & sb)
skyur rack (sb)
slab weak (adj)
slabpoint weak point (sb)
slahem slam (vtr)
slalom slalom (sb)
slamm mud ( sb)
slampic untidy ( adj)
slanc slender, slim (adj )
slangh flexible pipe
slasch slash (punctuation)
slav Slavic ( adj , sb)
Slavonia Slavonia ( npr )
slebh past tense of “slemebh”
slehmber relax (vint , ex . ties )
slehmbert ! stand at ease !
slehnger creeper (plant, sb)
slehnk rewind ( vint )
sleib sticky (adj)
sleibic gummy, sticky (adj )
sleid to slide
sleid-axetehler plain bearing, solid bearing, friction bearing
sleidschou iceskate (sb)
sleim file (tool, sb)
sleingher to roll (vessel)
sleit to pass away (vint; to die)
sleiv to smooth (vtr)
slemb loose, flabby ( adj )
slembos loose space (mechanics)
slemebh let go off (vtr )
sleu release ( vtr )
sleub shirk ( vint)
sleuber skid (vint)
sleubric slippery (adj)
sleuct sob ( vtr )
sleur trigger (vtr )
sleur- id WC-speuler to flush the toilet
sleurviel tripwire
sli plum-tree
slid past tense of “sleid”
sliep haggard ( adj )
sligon mattock (sb)
slingher rolling (ships, sb)
slip (sing) = underpants (splu)
slitt sleigh, sledge (sb)
sliv smooth (adj )
sliv blahmen smooth breathing (Greek)
slogan slogan
slohmber past tense of “slehmber”
slohnk past tense of “slehnk”
sloikw pupil of eye
slosk slush (sb)
slot sleet (sb)
sloug servant (sb)
slougek attendant, employee (sb)
sloup sloop (sb)
slovene Slovene
slu past tense of “sleu”
slub past tense of “sleub”
sluber past tense of “sleuber”
sluct past tense of “sleuct”
slung sip, gulp (sb)
slur past tense of “(oi)sleur”
smad let's
smag savour (vtr)
smagu tasty (adj)
smal bad, poor (adj)
smalt smalt (sb)
smantan cream (from milk, sb)
smantel chuckle, giggle (vint)
smaragd emerald (sb)
smartphone smartphone
smauk fig (sb)
smauk + acc. = to feast on
smauter to watch (ex : TV, movie; vtr)
smauterquote (sing) TV ratings (splu)
sme (+ verb in the present tense with past value) = once upon a time; SME = "Smulk ed medya entreprises"
-smee enclitic, especially after a personal pronoun : precisely, in particular
smehg to have a taste (vint)
smehld to (s)melt
smehrk stink (vint)
smeih smile (vint & sb)
smeik crumb ( of bread)
smeil to chisel (vtr)
smeilige smiley ( sb)
smel small animal (sb)
smeru (& smeur) = fat (sb)
smeu wet
smeu wet ( adj & vtr); dribble, drip (vint)
smeug smoke (vtr ) (food )
smeugallin sissy (fig )
smeughel smuggle (sb & vtr)
smeugler smuggler (sb)
smeuk shiny (like wet; adj)
smieg past tense of “smag”
smiegd frail (adj )
smientel past tense of “smantel”
smieuk past tense of “smauk”
smieuter past tense of “smauter”
smih past tense of “smeih”
smil chisel of sculptor (sb); past tense of “smeil”
smilax rough bindweed ( sb)
smitt smite, chuck out (vtr)
smohg past tense of “smehg”
smohld past tense of “smehld”
smohrk past tense of “smehrk”
smoking tuxedo
smokru goatee (sb)
smu past tense of “smeu”
smuc past tense of “smunec”
smug past tense of “smeug”
smughel past tense of “smeughel”
smulk small ( adj)
smulker-pold lowercase
smunec to blow one's nose
smures semanghens pam fig. for “to bribe someone”.
smyehr share ( vtr ) ( take part in )
smyehrdeil share ( sb)
smyehrfinancen crowdfunding
smyohr past tense of “smyehr”
smyrn myrrh (sb)
Smyrna Smyrna
snah swim (vint)
snahglegules swim goggles (plural nomen in Sambahsa)
snahmayster lifeguard (for swimming)
snahslip swim briefs
snahwensti swimbladder
snap beak (sb); snap (vtr)
snapel spout (vint)
snapphoto snapshot (sb)
snarc snore (vint)
snas muzzle (sb)
snayper sniper (sb)
snayu tendon, sinew (sb)
snehg sneak (vpr)
snehwrnt noose (sb)
sneif sniff (vtr); sneif- tabak = to take snuff
sneig stick (into, vtr)
sneigv snow (sb & vint)
Sneigvalba Snow White ( npr )
sneigvbaurd snowboard
sneigvdrift snowdrift (sb)
sneigvmensc snowman (sb)
sneigvoivs (splu) = floating island (sing) (cooking)
sneigvter snowdrop (flower; sb)
sneit curtail (vtr)
sneud doze (vint); sluggish, sleepy
sneup puff, to be breathless (vint)
sneurd purr (vint)
snidan breakfast (sb)
sniep past tense of “snap”
sniepe woodcock (sb)
sniepel past tense of “snapel”
snierc past tense of “snarc”
snif past tense of “sneif”
snig past tense of “sneig”
snigun mucus of the nose
snigv past tense of “sneigv”
snit past tense of “sneit”
snob snob
snohg past tense of “snehg”
Snohgos the Serpent (npr)
snub past tense of “snumeb”
snud past tense of “sneud”
snumeb marry ( vtr ) ( a man)
snup past tense of “sneup”
snuptia wedding ( sb)
snurd past tense of “sneurd”
snus (& snusa) = daughter-in-law ( sb)
so that, this (masculine singular nominative)
sober sober (adj)
sobertat sobriety (sb)
sociable sociable (adj)
social anxietat social anxiety
social orbat social work (sb)
social phobia social phobia
societal societal (adj)
societat society (sb)
Societat os Jesus Society of Jesus (sb)
sockel plinth, pedestal, base ( npr )
Socrates Socrates ( npr )
Sodom Sodom ( npr )
sodomia sodomy
sodomise sodomize
sodomite sodomite
sofa sofa ( sb)
sofra coffee table
software software ( sb)
sogn dream (awaken; sb)
sohgn past tense of “sehgn”
sohkw past tense of “sehkw”; quest
sohl past tense of “sehl”
sohlk streak, trail (sb); past tense of “sehlk”
sohnd past tense of “sehnd”
sohnder past tense of “sehnder”
sohngv past tense of “sehngv”
sohnk past tense of “sehnk”
sohr past tense of “sehr”
soitos enchantment, spell (sb)
sok investigate, search (vtr); sok(en) = investigation, search (sb); "Sok de ia buhsa ed causen ios Opnos iom Nations" = "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"
sokar investigator (sb)
sokh wooden ard
sokhbat company (friends, sb)
sokjudce investigating judge (sb)
sokmotor search engine ( sb)
sokwi fellow (sb)
sokwia fellowship (sb)
sokwidirector Partner Manager (sb)
sol sun (sb)
solar panell solar panel (sb)
solar plexus solar plexus (sb )
solar systeme solar system (sb)
solbrand sunburn (sb & vtr)
solbril sunglasses (sing. in Sambahsa)
soldat soldier (sb)
solde pay (of soldier, sb)
solenn solemn (adj)
solfege solfège
solflor sunflower ( sb)
solg such
solicitude solicitude (sb)
solid solid (adj)
solidaritat solidarity ( sb)
soliditat solidity
soliste soloist
soll must (vint; with a meaning of probability; ex: “he must be there” = “is sollt ses ter”)
sollucic sunny (adj)
solsaat sundial (sb)
solstice solstice (sb)
soluk breath, mouth odour (from the throat, sb)
Solus Soli
Solus Soli (in Cilicia)
solution solution (sb)
solv to solve (vtr)
solv solve (vtr)
solvent solvent (nomen)
som (I) am; (clitic particle + conjugated verb) = indicates that this action is nearing completion
sombre sombre (fig., adj)
sombrero sombrero
somies back plate, subbase (sb)
somkwe (+ participle) = all the more... since/because
sommett summit (sb)
son son ( sb)
sonate sonata (sb)
sonde probe, sonde (vtr & sb)
songay Songhay
songv song (sb)
songvsam singing, sing-song (adj)
sonnett sonnet (sb)
sonst if not
sont (they) are
sonter apart/independently from
sonter independently from
sonterbahsa slang (argot; sb)
sonteria set, clique (sb)
sonterkweit peculiarity
sontern but (conj) (after negation)
sonterviz in(side) joke
sontia reality, truth
sophisme sophism
sophiste sophist
sophisticat sophisticated (adj)
sophistique sophisticate (vtr)
Sophokleus Sophocles (npr)
sopran soprano
soprano soprano
Soratios Horatius (PIE triplet)
sorb swallow (vtr)
sorbete sorbet (sb)
sorbh rowan (sb)
sorghum sorghum (sb)
sort sort (sb)
sortie sortie
sortie sortie
sorwk shrew (sb)
sorwkar buzzard
sosule murmur (vint) (wind , grass)
sotia sotie (sb)
soufflee soufflé (sb)
souk souq
soup soup ( sb)
souper supper (sb)
sour sour ( adj)
sousaphone sousaphone (sb)
soutache soutache (sb)
soutane cassock ( sb )
souvenire souvenir (sb)
souverain sovereign (adj. & sb); souverain fund = sovereign wealth fund
souverainitat sovereignty (sb)
soviet soviet (adj & sb)
sovietsk sovietsk (adj)
soya soy (sb)
soyl threshold ( sb)
spa spa
space (outer) space (sb)
space sonde space probe
spacial spatial
spad spade (sb)
spadassin spadassin (sb)
spadix spadix
spahi spahi
spahi spahi
spak droplet (sb)
spalt fault (geo; sb); crack (vtr)
spalv hue (sb), to give a hue to (vtr)
spand to span (Druve-ye tod werd ja exist, lakin tik in id englisch dictionar. Spehm od mien tarjem pro alter bahsas sont correct)
spand to span (vint)
spandbeton prestressed concrete
spang loop (sb)
spanking spanking (sb)
spanplat particle board
spans span (unit)
spant nautical frame
spar spare, save (vtr)
sparcutia moneybox
sparghen (sing) = nappies (splu)
Sparta Sparta (npr)
spartak string, cord (sb)
spartan Spartan (adj, sb)
sparv sparrow (sb)
spasme spasm
spasmodic spasmodic (adj)
spassere walk, stroll ( vint)
spatule spatula, slice (sb)
spece ilk (! pejorative)
spece species (sb)
special special (adj)
special relativitat special relativity
specieus specious
spect look (sb; act of looking)
spectacle show (sb)
specter spectre (sb)
spectral ligne spectral line
spectrum spectrum (sb) (eg. lights)
speculation speculation
specule mirror (sb)
specule-dom house of mirrors, hall of mirrors
speculeschib two-way mirror
speh hope (vtr & sb)
spehc look at (vtr)
spehcel cookie, informer (sb) (Police)
spehd speed (vint)
spehder speedster (sb)
spehn spin (vtr)
spehr spread (vtr)
spehrd competition (sb)
spehrdcircuit racing circuit
spehrdgombh curb (USA), kerb (BR) (that red/white striped sections to indicate track limits, widely used in Formula One)
speic spoke (sb)
speim foam, lather (vtr/vint)
speit despite (sb & prep)
spelbt spelt (sb)
speleologia speleology (sb)
spelghen spleen (mind) (dumos, gumos)
spell spell (vtr )
spend spend ( vtr ) (time); gift, offering, donation (sb)
speren spur ( sb & vtr )
sperg to splash
sperma semen (sb)
speud speed (vtr & sb)
speudmeider speedometer
speul wash, rinse with plenty of water (vtr)
speulkhana scullery
sphere sphere (sb)
sphygmomanometer sphygmomanometer
spice spire (sb) (on a building)
spieja (sing) = provisions, food supplies (splu)
spiejar steward's room, pantry (sb)
spielt past tense of “spalt”
spiend past tense of "spand"
spier past tense of “spar”
spieu spit ( vtr )
spieumen spit, spittle (sb)
spieuter splutter, sputter (vint)
spik woodpecker ( sb)
spilk pin ( sb)
spin (& spina) = spine (sb)
spina spine of book
spinak spinach (sb)
spincrusber gooseberry
spindel vertebra
sping finch (sb)
spion spy (sb)
spionage espionage (sb)
spionka peephole (sb)
spira turn, coil (sb)
spiracle spiracle; blowhole (anatomy)
spiral spiral (adj & sb)
spiraldrab (sing) = spiral stairs (splu)
spirit spirit, wit, soul (sb); "Id Spirit iom Loys" ="The Spirit of the Laws"
spiritisme spiritism
spiritlampe spirit lamp (sb)
spiritualitat spiritualitat
spirulina spirulina
spiss spice ( sb)
spital hospital (sb)
spiu past tense of “spieu”
spiuter past tense of “spieuter”
spleind glare, blaze (vint)
spleindos glare ( sb )
splendid splendid ( adj)
splind past tense pf “spleind”
splinter splinter (sb)
spoctic derisive, mocking ( adj)
spohc looked at (past tense of “spehc”)
spohd past tense of “spehd”
spohder boisterous (adj)
spohn past tense of “spehn”
spohr past tense of “spehr”
spohrd past tense of “spehrd”
spoim foam, scum (sb)
spolye spoil (sb & vtr)
spond to mean/resolve to + verb (vtr)
sponda generosity, expenditure (sb)
sponsalia betrothal (plu.)
sponsor sponsor (sb & vtr)
spontan spontaneous (adj)
sponton spontoon (sb)
Sporades Sporades (n.plu.)
sporadic sporadic
spore spore (sb)
sport sport (sb)
sportiste sportsman (sm.)
sportive sport (adj)
sportkielken gym(asium)
spraiy spray ( vtr )
spraneg to burst (vtr)
spranggvond blunderbuss
sprat sprat (sb)
sprehg to ask (someone a question; vtr)
sprehng spring, explode, burst (vint)
sprehngcap warhead (sb)
spreu burst forth (vint)
spreud be startled, start (vint)
spreug bud (sb & vint)
spreuv test, put to the test ( vtr )
spreuz splash ( vtr )
spreuzdrift spindrift (sb)
sprijin support (sb)
sprika cultivated fenugreek
springflutt spring tide
sprinkler irrigation sprinkler
sprinkler irrigation sprinkler irrigation
spritseghel sprit sail
sprohg past tense of “sprehg”
sprohng past tense of “sprehng”
spru past tense of “spreu”
sprud past tense of “spreud”
sprug past tense of “spreug”
sprut brook (sb)
spruv past tense of “spreuv”
spruz past tense of “spreuz”
spud past tense of “speud”
spul past tense of “speul”
spula spool (sb)
spulach ball (of wool, etc., sb)
spygat scupper (sb)
spyra (horse) dung (sb)
squade squad ( sb)
squader wing, naval squadron ( sb)
squadron squadron (sb)
squal big fish, squaloid (sb)
squalid noncultivated, squalid (adj)
squam scale (on animals, sb)
srakue to chip (vtr)
srakut serrated, steely, jagged (adj)
srans take leave of (vtr)
sray defecate (vint)
srayen bullshit (fig. sb)
sreg garland (sb); past tense of “sreneg”
sreht stir, ondulate (vtr, vint & sb)
sreneg surround with a garland
sreu flow (vint)
sreumen river (sb)
sreup dirt ( sb)
sreupbak dustbin (sb)
sreupgloi spot of dirt ( sb)
sriens past tense of “srans”
sriey past tense of “sray”
srig cold ( adj); past tense of “srineg”
srigeh to feel/be cold (vint)
srigpreus frostbite (sb)
srineg cool ( vtr )
sringa syringe (sb)
srog strawberry (sb)
sroht past tense of “sreht”
srom paralyzed (lame, adj )
srov electric power (sb)
srovbux socket (sb)
srovgehn power plant (sb)
srovijadh engine-generator
sroviswor power supply (sb)
srovos socket (for electricity; sb)
sru past tense of “sreu”
srungh snout (sb)
sruskwrnt muck-water
SSS termination of pregnancy
SSS = "suwen setusstop" = voluntary interruption of pregnancy
stabh past tense of “stamebh”
stadel stable (sb)
stadelmayster riding master (sb)
stadelsloug groom ( sm )
stadium stadium ( sb)
staffette dispatch rider, courier (sb)
stag relay, stage (sb)
Stagheiros Stagira
stagnant stagnant (adj)
stah stand; stah- wakht = to stand guard
stahal deserve (vtr)
stahgjia sidebar
stahmen stamen
stahmen weaving loom (sb)
stahsit (he/she/it) stood
stahwrnt bar, loaf ( sb ) ( compact material )
stajer rent ( vtr )& rental (sb) (subject = tenant )
stak to stick (propagate plants by cuttings)
stak past tense of “stanek”
staka crutch (sb)
stakhanovic stakhanovite
stal steel (sb)
stal grehven steel engraving
stalactite stalactite (sb)
stalagmite stalagmite (sb)
stalbeton reinforced concrete, steel concrete
staleina (sing.) = steelworks
stam stem, trunk (including torso; sb)
stamberg log cabin (sb)
stamebh ( semject ad semanghen ) = to keep someone from something
stammel stutter (vtr )
stamp stamp ( sb & vtr )
stampel to check in / clock in ( ex: unemployed)
stand status, stand ( sb) ( situation )
stand-in stand-in (actor)
standard standard, reference (sb)
standic standing (permanent; adj)
stanek quench (vtr), waterproof (adj)
stangh bar (long object; sb)
stank waterproof, watertight
stanza stanza (poetry)
star star (sb)
star ad to stare at
starkala bastion fort
start start (sb & vtr/int)
start-ub start-up (sb)
starter motor starter motor
stase stasis (biologia)
stat State
Stat-Generals (splu) = States-General (splu)
stater stater (sb)
station station (sb)
station-chef station master
stationar stationer (sb)
stationarie stationery shop, stationery supplier
stationcarr estate car, station wagon
stationwogh estate car, station wagon
statistic statistic (adj & sb)
statistician statistician
Statsgwen Stateswoman
Statswir Statesman
statuar art of sculpture (sb)
statue statue ( sb)
Statue as Libertat Statue of Liberty (npr)
stature stature (sb)
status status
status quo status quo (sb)
statut statute
staud stud farm (sb)
staun to be surprised, astonished ( vint )
staunos astonishment, amazement (sb)
staur powerful (adj )
staven shutter (sb)
stavros Sign of the Cross
staw to condensate (vint)
stayg sudden (adj & adv)
ste you are (2° plu + courtesy)
steb (& stebel) = stem (sb)
steg to cover (vtr)
stega canvas sheet (sb)
stegu (steug) = impermeable, waterproof
stegyu trickster (sb)
stehbh buttress ( vpr )
stehcolnier wing collar (sb)
stehg (& steg & tehg & teg) = cover (vtr)
stehl to set upright
stehlb to protrude (vint)
stehlbend prominent (adj )
stehm support (vtr )
stehm voice (sf ) ( vote)
stehmb stalk (vint)
stehmbild ballot paper ( sb)
stehn thunder (vint)
stehng sting ( vtr )
stehngmen point of stitching
stehnk stink (vint)
stehnkkaupust skunk cabbage (sb)
stehntor thunderous (adj )
stehrb to fall into coma
stehrk sully (vtr )
stehv stiffen ( vint)
stehver pile, stilt (sb)
steigh path (sb); (ub) = to get/go (up); steigh in nauk = to get on a vessel
steighijadh ski lift (sb)
steist leavened dough (sb)
steiv to stiffen, tighten (vtr)
stele stele (sb)
stempel inking pad
stempel stamp, mark (sb)
sten (& stena) = rock face (sb)
stenbrohg rubble ( sm )
stencovehr tapestry (sf )
stendart standard (big flag; sb )
Stentor Stentor (npr)
stepfamilia stepfamily
Stephen Stephen (npr)
ster female (adj, sb)
sterbnio dry skin (sf )
steren strew, display, expand ( vtr ) ( subject = person); steren id lict / crovat = make the bed; steren id meja = set the table
stereochemia stereochemistry
stereometria solid geometry
stereotypia stereotypy
stergvon femicide, feminicide (the action)
steril sterile ( adj)
sterkwol womanizer
stern tern
sternue sneeze (vint)
sternum sternum
sterp barren (adj)
stestoud battered, dented (adj)
stet spot, place (sb)
stethoscope stethoscope
stethoscope stethoscope
stets everytime (adv)
steug impermeable, waterproof (adj)
steulbnas turned-up nose (sb)
steulp to be rolled up
steum steam ( sb )
steumboot steamboat (sb)
steun whine, groan, moan (vint)
steup fade ( vint)
steurb disturb (vtr )
steurd to go into a dive (vint)
steuv stifle (vtr)
steuvos stifling heat (sb)
steuvtenjra pressure cooker
steven steven
stewardesse stewardess (in aircraft)
steysia frozen drop
stibium antimony (sb)
stiche verse ( sb)
stiejer past tense of “stajer”
stiemmel past tense of “stammel”
stiemp past tense of “stiemp”
stiempel past tense of “stampel”
stienghel siskin ( sm ) (bird)
stienke sealing (sf )
stier past tense of “star”
stiert past tense of “start”
stieun past tense of “staun”
stieup step ( sb & vint)
stieupbenk tier, terracing (sb)
stieupen grade (nov maynen; oraryum ed Sambahsa grammatic)
stieupen step of stairs
stieupengarden hanging garden (sb)
stieupenpyramide step pyramid
stieure power (sb)
stieurste thirst for power
stiew past tense of “staw”
stiftor instigator (of an offence)
stiga string ( sb ) (of musical instrument )
stigh past tense of “steigh”
stigma stigma ( sm )
stigmatise to stigmatize
stikel glass jar ( sb )
stikelkrov glass roof (sb)
still still, quiet (adj); to quench (one's thirst)
stillgwit still-life (art; sb)
stimule boost (vtr); stimulus (sb)
stin tin (sb)
sting entice (vtr); sting (sb)
stinghil stem, leg (sb) (of plant)
stingic stitched (adj )
stint smelt (animal, sb)
stip stiff (adj )
stipendium scholarship
stiumep to space out (vtr)
stiup past tense of “stieup” & "stiumep"
stiv past tense of "steiv"
stochastic stochastic (adj.)
stockrose hollyhock (sb)
stoff stuff (vtr) (pipe, chair); material, fabric (sb)
stog stack (sb) (of hay)
stohg past tense of “(s)tehg”
stohl past tense of “stehl”
stohm mouth ( sb); past tense of “stehm”
stohm-do-stohm annem mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, artificial respiration
stohmneigv mouthwash
stohmstupp gag (in mouth)
stohn past tense of “stohn”
stohng past tense of “stehng”
stohnk past tense of “stohnk”
stohnter thunder ( sf )
stohnterflor St John's wort (sm )
stohrb past tense of “stehrb”
stohrbos coma (sm )
stohrk past tense of “stehrk”
stohv past tense of “stehv”
stoicisme stoicism
stoiciste stoic (of stoicism)
stol chair (sb)
stolar joiner, carpenter (sb)
stolb post, column (sb); plume (fig. sb)
stolbcron capital of column
stolg handle (sb)
stolon stolon
stomak stomach (sb)
stop stop (sb, vtr, vint); stop- dreiv = to lay down (vessel)
storgn stun (vtr)
storia story (sb)
stork stork (sf )
storm storm ( sb)
storm-lanterne hurricane lamp
stormic stormy (adj)
stormsaylab storm surge (sb)
storn starling (sb)
stow holdup (traffic jam; sb & vint)
stowage stowage (sb)
stoya rack (on car roofs, sb)
stoyic stoic (adj)
stoyicisme stoicism
Strabon Strabo
strad street, paved road
Strad traffic prabhilscode ( STPC ) Highway Code; Strad Traffic Securitat = Road Prevention
stradorbats roadworks (splu)
stragn strange, weird
stragn strange (adj)
stragnitatsdal uncanny valley (term used in robotics and animation)
stragnitatsdalin uncanny valley (term used in robotics and animation)
Stragno Weir phoney war
strah strew (vtr ) ( subject = thing )
strah litter ( sb ) (strewn straw )
straj sentinel ( sb)
strak tired ( adj)
strakay exhaustion (fatigue) ( sb)
stramb stubble field (sb )
strand strand, beach (sb); strand (vint)
strangh string, thread, cord (sb); string (vtr)
stranghar ropemaker (sb)
strangule strangle (vtr )
stratagem stratagem (sb)
strate stratum (sb)
stratege strategist
strategia strategy
stratovolcan (& stratovolcano) = stratovolcano (sb)
straugh hairy, shaggy, tousled (adj)
straus ostrich (sb)
straus strut (vint)
strax immediately (adv)
strayk strike (cessation of work; sb & vint)
strehb rotate (vtr / int)
strehblayter turntable ladder
strehc stretch (vtr / vpr)
strehcbenk torture rack (sb)
strehcmark striae, stretch mark
strehkw wriggle, squirm ( vint)
strehl stroke (sb ) ( projectile )
strehl ray, shooting (sb); to shoot
strehl-ed-myehrs fire-and-forget ( sb) ( missile )
strehlguarde shooting guard (sport, sb)
strehlploton firing squad
strehlsclud breech (firearms)
strehm to stream
strehmghalv headlong (flight)
strehng severe (adj); se strehng ad = to try hard to
strehnge severity, harshness, sternness
strei strip (sb) (form)
streibande wrapping (ex: of a mummy)
streich to tick off
streichen deletion, erasure (sb)
streif brush against, touch upon
streih flute, scratch, cross out (vtr)
streikw twist, twiddle (vtr)
streip brush against, skim past (vtr)
streipoik mottled (adj)
streped cheese mite (sb)
strett straight (sb; sea)
streu spread (vtr)
streug stroke (mark, sb)
strich past tense of “streich”
strict strict
strict strict (adj)
strid hiss ( vtr ) ( like a snake)
striend past tense of “strand”
striengh past tense of “strangh”
striepmen stirrup (sb)
strieus past tense of “straus”
strieyk past tense of “strayk”
strif past tense of “streif”
strih past tense of “streih”
strikw past tense of “streikw”
string string (swimsuit; sb)
strip past tense of “streip”
striptise strip-tease ( sb)
striz idler, loafer (sb)
strohb past tense of “strehb”
strohc past tense of “(oi)strehc”
strohca section, distance (sb)
strohcaradar SPECS
strohg past tense of “strehg”
strohkw past tense of “strehkw”
strohl past tense of “strehl”
strohm stream (sb), past tense of "strehm"
strohng past tense of “strehng”
stron armchair ( sb)
strophe stanza ( sb)
strophium strophium (sb)
stru past tense of “streu”
strubh past tense of “strubh”
structural adjustement structural adjustment
structure structure (sb)
strug build (vtr); past tense of “streug”
strugition project management (sb)
strugitor project owner (sb)
stryng pen (for cattle, sb)
stub stump ( sb)
stuck stucco (sb)
studio studio (sb)
studio (appartement) studio apartment, studio flat, efficiency apartment, bachelor apartment
studye study ( sb & vtr)
studyent student
studyent student (sb)
stul chair (sb)
stulp past tense of “steulp”
stumep blur, muffle ( vtr )
stumia atmosphere, mood (sb)
stump stocky, muffled, dull (adj)
stump section, stump (sb)
stun past tense of “steun”
stune sheep pen (sb )
stuned hit, hurt, knock ( vtr ); stuned- id dwer = knock on the door; stuned protie(v) = stumble against (sb)
stup blunt ( adj ); past tense of “stumep”
stupid stupid ( adj)
stupor astonishment ( sf )
stupp to stop up (vtr)
stupper stopper, cap (sb)
sturb past tebse of “(oi)sturb”
sturd past tense of “steurd”
stus past participle & past tense of “stuned”
stut pillar (sb) (support, column)
stuv past tense of “steuv”
stuve steamroom (sb)
styehrg have a heart for, be very fond of (+ acc.)
style style (sb)
stylise stylize (vtr)
stylus stylus (sb)
Stymphel Stymphalia
styorga affectivity
styr steer ( vtr ); steering wheel; plight control surface (sb)
styrbord starboard (sb)
styrman helmsman (sb)
styrmat first mate
su sow (female pig; sb); (as a suffix) = locative plural
suabeghaben well hung (! who have a big penis) (!)
suadaunteihsa euthanasia
suadin fair weather (sb)
suagehnia eugenics
suagrund soundness (sb)
suamenos well-disposed (adj)
suart well assembled (adj)
suastika swastika
suastika swastika
suaswehdos good-natured (adj)
suave mawkish, sickly (adj)
suavohst (& suavohsen) = well-dressed (adj )
sub under (prep)
subahat stooge ( sb )
subalbh whitish (adj)
subantslehnken underdevelopment
subdehmen trestle (sb)
subeih to undergo (vtr)
subestime underestimate
subject subject (adj & sb)
subjunctive subjunctive (adj & sb)
subkeih be surmounted by (vtr)
subklehpt get / squeeze something out
sublime sublime; Sublime Porte = Sublime Porte
submarin submarine, underwater (adj)
submarnav submarine (sb)
submartos ballistic missillehnc (SMBML) ballistic missiles submarine
submerg [submErg] = submerge (vtr)
submitt submit (vtr)
subofficier-chef chief petty officer
suborbatia underemployment
suborne suborn, temper with (vtr)
subpehnd ponder (vtr)
subpoena under fear of (penalty) (prep)
subroge subrogate (vtr)
subrudh reddish (adj)
subsell harness saddle
subsequent subsequent
subsidiar subsidiary
subsidium grant, allowance
substantial substantial (adj)
substantive substantive (sb)
substitue substitute (vtr)
substitue (un nov ject uni veut ject) to substitute (sambahsa : a new thing to an older thing)
substitut substitute (adj. & sb)
substrate sunstrate, substratum
substreich underscore ( vtr )
subswadh sickly sweet (adj)
subterfuge subterfuge
subtile subtle (adj)
subtilesse subtlety (sb)
subtitule subtitle
subtrag subtract (vtr)
subuk frivolous (adj )
suburb suburb (sb)
subven + acc. {subvEn} = meet (one's needs; vtr)
subvention subsidy, grant (sb; vtr)
succedd + acc. = to succeed (succession)
success success (sb)
succinct succinct (adj)
succinic acid succinic acid (sb)
succulent luscious ( adj)
succumebh (+ acc) = to succumb to
succursal branch plant (commerce; sb)
sud south (adj. & sb)
sudeh to enrich (vtr)
sudehn affluent (rich; adj & sb)
suder ooze (vint)
sudernt oozing (sb)
Sudocean Southern Ocean (npr)
sudorv chubby, luscious
sudye to sue (vtr)
sudye ob neagus action for failure to act (EU ieus)
suedos property, quality ( sb)
sufficient sufficient (adj )
suffocant suffocating ( adj)
suffoque suffocate ( vtr )
suffrage suffrage (sm)
suffragette suffragette
sug past tense of « seug »
suggest to suggest
suggest ( suggèst ) = suggest (vtr)
sugiuk summer sausage (sb)
suibh hot, goodie (sex) (sexe)
suicide suicide (sb & vint)
suicideit suicide victim
suisraen notwithstanding (prep)
suite suite (sb)
suker sugar (sb)
sukerconfect candy (sb)
sukeride saccharide
sukernitsa sugar box
sukerwata cotton candy ( sb)
sukman smock (sf )
sukno woolen fabric (sb)
sukol swineherd (sb)
sul foundation (sb); past tense of “seul”
sula gannet (sb)
Suleiman is Kanouni Suleiman the Magnificient (npr)
sulfamide sulfamide
sulkhban peacekeeper (sb )
sulkhbania peacekeeping
sulouk behavior (sm )
sultanat sultanate
sumbur pip, seed (sb)
summar summary ( adj )
summum highest point (sb)
sumptuar sumptuary
sumptuar sumptuary, extravagant
sumptueus sumptuous (adj)
sund sound (of sea)
Sunda Sunda (eust os Java)
sundae sundae (sb)
sunder with beautiful lines
sunduk trunk (case; sb)
suneht excision
Suner Evander
suner doughty, valiant (adj)
sungki tooth askew (sb)
sunna Sunna (npr)
sunni sunni (adj & sb)
sunnic nasty person (sb) ( Fig. !)
sunu son (archaic word for "son")
sunyin space of time ( sb)
suomen Finn(ish)
Suomi Finland
suor sister ( sb ) ( religious, nun )
sup past tense of “seup”
supeih to turn upside down (vtr)
super super (adj)
super-ego superego
superbeuw to make very proud (vtr.)
superbia vainglory (sb)
superestime overestimate, overstate
superficie area (sb)
superimpression superimposition
superior talim higher education
superpellice surplice
superstructure superstructure (sb)
supervivum houseleek (sb)
supervolcan (& supervolcano) = supervolcano (sb)
supiht (& supihn) = upside down (adj)
supodeh subjugate, subject (vtr)
supodeht (& supodehn) = underling, henchman (sb)
Supodia Cinderella
supogleg + acc give (somebody) a dirty look
supostah subordinate (adj)
supplante supplant (vtr )
suppon present tense base of « supposen »
suppose let's suppose, supposing that (prep)
supposen suppose (vtr)
supprem present tense base of « suppressem »
suppressem to suppress
suppression piurn suppressive fire (sb)
suprematia supremacy (sb)
suprematisme suprematism
suprematisme suprematism (art)
supreme supreme
sura sura
surc past tense of “seurc”
surce source (sb)
surce-code source code
surcot surcoat ( sb)
sure sure ( adj )
surf surf (sb)
surface surface (sb. & vint)
surfacepiwern top-dressing
surgoun outlaw (sb)
Surhd Sogdia
suri Syrian (adj & sb)
Suria Syria (npr)
suriay Syriac
suricate meerkat, suricate
Suriname Suriname (npr)
suringa siege mine
surogv black coat horse
suronpan abacus ( sb)
surplus surplus (sing; sb)
surprined surprise ( vtr )
surpris past participle & past tense of “surprined”
surprise surprise (sb)
surrealisme surrealism
surrealisme surrealism
surreg {surrEg} = arise, rush up (vtr)
surrogat mater surrogate mother
surrogat matertat surrogacy
sursedd + acc = suspend (vtr)
sursess suspension, reprieve, deferment (law; sb)
surugi postillion (sb)
survive (+ acc.) = survive (vtr)
Susanne Susan (npr)
suschi sushi (sb)
suspec [suspEk] = to suspect
suspecen suspicion (sb)
suspeceus suspicious (adj)
suspend [suspEnd] = suspend (vtr) (fig)
suspense suspense (sb)
suspension suspension (vehicle)
sussam sesame (sb)
susur whisper (vtr)
sut past tense of “seut”
suter owner (sm )
sutliach rice pudding
suture suture (sb)
sutwrnt motive, energy (fig.)
suw past tense of "seuw"
suwal question (sb & vtr)
Suways Suez (city of Egypt; sb)
suwen setusstop termination of pregnancy
suy past tense of “seuy”
sval swallow (sb)
svalswayp dovetail joint
Sveden Sweden (npr)
Svensk swedish (adj); Swede (npr)
swad sweet (adj )
swader sweetener
swadglehdj ice cream ( sb)
swadwn season ( vtr )
swale swale (landform. It's a moist depression in a tract of land, usually with rank vegetation)
swamen lord ( sb)
swamonium lordship, paramountcy (sb)
swardu rind (of meet, sb )
swardut chubby (adj )
swarm swarm ( sb)
swat wind row (sb)
swaul sole (of shoe, foot, sb )
swayp tail (sb)
swaypdwer tailgate (car)
sweb Suevic, Suebic, Suebian (adj & sb)
sweghi porcupine (sb)
swehbh hover (vint)
swehd be accustomed to
swehdos custom (sb)
swehk smell (vtr) (subject = perfume)
swehl to swell
swehmbh to mop, spounge up (vtr)
swehn ring (vtr / vint )
swehnd dissipate, fade ( vint)
swehner sonorous, resonant (adj )
swehng swing (vtr)
swehp sleep (vtr)
swehpen sleep (sb)
swehpghanger sleepwalker (sb)
swehpsack sleeping bag (sb)
swehpwagon sleeper, sleeping wagon
swehr pronounce, utter (vtr)
swehrbh whirl, swirl (vtr, vint)
sweid to sweat (sb)
sweigh to shut up (vint)
sweih whistle (vtr ) ( sing )
sweind dissipate (vtr)
swekers parents-in-law ( spl )
swekwehr ensure ( vtr ) ( a service)
swekwos sap, juice (sb)
swekwr safe ( adj) (in safety; self-assured)
swelion wife's sister's husband (sb)
swelpel sulfur (sb )
Swelyioskwekwl Sun Chariot / Wheel
Swelyos Sun God
Swelyosplowyo Solar Boat ( sb )
swergos cloudy sky (sb)
swes sister (sb)
swesgen sibling (sb)
swesgen atmen soulmate, soul mate
swesgenmenos fraternity, spirit of brotherhood
swesgni brotherly, sisterly
swesgven fratricidal (adj)
swesgvon fratricide (murder of the sibling; sb)
swesrin sisterly (pertaining to one's sister; adj)
swester sister (sb)
sweup to sleep it off
sweurgh worry ( vint); sorrow (sb)
swiedwn past tense of “swadwn”
swigh past tense of “sweigh”
swih past tense of “sweih”
swin swine (sb)
swind fan, lay open (vtr); past tense of “(oi)sweind”
swindel swindle, fraud (sb)
swindler swindler (sb)
swindvingv foul-mouthed, mouthy
swinfluenza swine influenza
swinghing swinging (exchange of sexual partners; sb)
swinphel sow bread (flower, sb)
swistel whistle (sm )
switer sweater ( sb)
swo self ( adj )
swo-euc self-teach ; swo-eucer = self-taught, self-teach (adj.), self-learner (sb.)
swobod autonomous (adj)
swod in the way of (prep)
swodetermination self-determination
swodohbro flag flag of convenience
swodrehbia food self-sufficiency
swofaylen parapraxis (psycho)
swoglehmber booting (sb; computer)
swohbh past tense of “swehbh”
swohd custom (sb); past tense of “swehd”
swohdic customary
swohk past tense of “swehk”
swohl past tense of “swehl”
swohmbh past tense of “(oi)swehmbh”
swohn past tense of “swehn”
swohnd past tense of “swehnd”
swohng past tense of “swehng”
swohp past tense of “swehp”
swohr past tense of “swehr”
swohrbh past tense of “swehrbh”
swoi shuttle ( sb)
swoid sweat ( sb & vint)
swoin team (sb)
swoker father-in-law (sb)
swokru mother-in-law (sb )
swol soil, floor ( sb )
swoleus disinterested ( adj )
swolikwt /swolikwn = left to oneself
swolspect Land Register (sb )
swombh spounge (sb)
swomedication self-medication
swon sound (sb; noise)
swonbehr loudspeaker
swonk sonority
swonkwatel loudspeaker enclosure
swonpneiger suppressor (for firearms, sb)
swonstaven abat-son (sb)
swonstrei soundtrack
swontapwl top, soundboard (of a guitar)
swontorm sound hole
swoplaisen /swoplaist = smug, self-important
swoplaisen self-important
swoplaist self-important
swoprehp pop-up
swoprehpen buk pop-up book
sword black (adj)
sword cofie black coffee (sb)
swordalbh black-and-white
swordmaria police van, "Black Maria" (sb)
swurgh past tense of « sweurgh »
sycomore sycomore (sb)
syconium syconium
syllab syllable (sb)
syllogisme syllogism
sylve forest (sb)
sylvent silvicultural
sylvester sylvester (adj)
sylviculture silviculture
symbiose symbiosis (sb)
symbol symbol (sb)
symmetria symmetry (sb)
sympathia sympathy ( sb)
sympathisant supporter (adj & sb)
sympathise sympathize (vintr.)
symphonia symphony
symphonic symphonic (adj)
Symplegades Symplegades (n.plu.)
sympodial sympodial
symptome symptom (sb)
synagog synagogue (sb)
synapse synapse
synchronmotor synchronous motor
syncopat syncopated (adj. pro "syncope")
syncope syncope
syncretisme syncretism
syndic trustee, management agent (sb)
syndical trade-union (adj)
syndicalisme trade-unionism
syndicat trade union (sb)
syndrome syndrome
synod synod (sb)
synonym synonym (adj & sb)
synor (sing ) = reaches ( splu )
synorise + acc = to confine to
synt sin (sb); to sin (vint)
syntactic syntactic
syntaxe syntax
synthesator synthesizer (music; sb)
synthetic kwiter computer generated image
syphilis syphilis
Syracuse Syracuse
syrat speed (sb)
syratvia expressway, fast track, fast lane
systematise systematize (vtr)
systeme system (sb)
systemic systemic
systole systole
syuh sew (vtr)
syumen sewing, seam (sb) (result)
ta these, those (neutral plural nominative & accusative)
taajub exclamation (of surprise, sb)
taala exaltation (sb)
taale to exalt
taam tapestry (sb)
taana taunting (sb)
taane taunt (vtr)
taat obedient (adj)
tab (tabulation) = tab (computing)
tabak tobacco (sb)
tabakconsumm tabacco smoking (sb)
tabakdose snuffbox (sb)
tabakdukan tobacconist's shop
taban sole of foot (sb)
tabard tabard
tabaschire marl ( sb)
tabby tabby
tabell notice board (sb)
tabernacle tabernacle
tabib doctor, physician ( sm ) ( fam ! )
tabique partition wall (sb)
table table ( sb, including "Tablets of Law " )
tablecockhliar tablespoon (quantity; sb)
tablette tablet (sb)
tabloide tabloid
tabou taboo
tabourett stool (sb )
tabricarte greeting card (sb)
tabrick congratulations (sb)
tabular office (of notar, sb)
tabule blackboard (sb)
tacit tacit (adj)
taciturn taciturn (adj)
Tacitus Tacitus ( npr )
tackel tackle ( vtr )
tackel football tackle football (sb)
tackye skullcap (sb)
tact tact; bar (music, sb)
tactique (sing) = tactics (sb)
tadadh numbering ( sb)
tadbir caution, prudence (sb )
tadribe exercise (sb ) (physical )
tadrijan gradually (adv )
tafarruj break (sb) (children at school)
tafsil schedule of conditions
taft taffeta ( sb)
tagara Nero's crown (flower )
tagargik scrip, wallet (sb)
tah thaw (vint)
tahona flour mill ( sb)
tahu soy cheese
taiper presently
taiper-apostrophe apostrophe
tajhisat equipment, supplies (sb)
tajir merchant (sb); tajir bank = merchant bank
Tajo Tagus
tak past tense of “tanek”
takabur haughtiness
takabur haughtiness, arrogance ( sb)
takaburi arrogant, haughty
takaburi arrogant (adj)
takach weaver (sb)
takan bump, jog (sb & vint)
takelage rigging (sb)
takhta platform, rostrum (sb)
takim paraphernalia (sb)
takoun heel (artificial, sb)
takriban approximately, almost (adv)
takrire emergency judicial proceedings (sb)
takrise back cover, blurb (sb)
talab water retention, reservoir (sb)
Talai-Lama Dalai-Lama
talak repudiation (sb); to repudiate (vtr)
talas swell (sea, sb)
talasch hurly burly (sb)
talent talent (sb)
talenteus talented (adj)
taler dish, plate (sb)
talg such ( pron )
talim education, teaching (sb)
talimabandon dropping-out (sb. school)
talimat learning ( sb)
talion (law of) retaliation
talisman talisman (sb )
talk talc (sb)
talkh biting ( adj , fig)
talkun oats flour (sb)
talmo wedding tent (sb)
talmud talmud
taluss embankment (sb)
tam -tam tom- tom ( sb )
tamam OK
tamarind tamarind ( sf )
tamaskhur buffoonery ( sf )
tamassuk negotiable instrument
tambur (gun) cylinder
tambur drum (sm )
tamburin tambourine (sb )
tamburmajor drum major
tamhide preliminary ( adj)
tamijdar well educated
tamil tamil
tamkha badge, sign ( sb )
tamrin gymnastics move
tamsil performance (of a player, sb)
tamsilart (sing) = performing arts (splu)
tan (& tando) = as long as ( conj )
tanab tent rope ( sb)
Tanagra Tanagra (npr)
tanah tannaim
tanakh tanakh (sb)
Tancred Tancred
tanek concentrate ( vtr / vpr )
tang clamp ( sf )
tangens tangent (geometry)
tangent tangent ( adj )
tangerine tangerine (sb)
tanghage list (watercraft, sb)
tanghe pitch and toss (vint )
tangible tangible
tanglu snowshoe (sb)
tangpfu mount of piety (sb)
tanjar pan (sb)
tank tank ( sb)
tanker tanker (sb)
tannin maritime monster
tanninvoln rogue wave
tant so much, so many (adv, adj)
tant-ye for ought
tantalum tantalum (sb)
tantana feasting, carousal (sb)
tante aunt (sb)
Tanzania Tanzania (npr)
tanzil discount ( sb) (price)
taochang ponytail (of human hair; sb)
taoisme taoism (sb)
taper hatchet ( sb)
taperglupt (& tapergluben) = cut with pruning hook (adj)
tapete wallpaper (sb)
tapia adobe wall (sb)
tapicier upholsterer (sb)
tapicieria padding (sb)
tapicire to stuff (furniture)
tapir tapir
tapit carpet ( sm )
tapwl board (sf )
tapwlraudh tabular root
tar then (after interrogative; clitic)
tara weigh (sb, ex: of a balance)
taraf match (sb; for marriage)
tarafdar adept, supporter of a doctrine (sb)
taragh to upset/rock (vtr)
taragh overwhelm, distress, disrupt (vtr)
taraghmen ab = frantic about (adj)
taragweidos turbulent (adj)
tarah perv (sex maniac)
tarak crack, split (sb)
tarakan cockroach (sb)
taram aperitif (sb) (based on seafood)
Taranto Taranto
tarantule tarantula
tarasque tarasque (sb)
tarbusch fez (hat; sb)
tarcha target-disk (sb)
tardigradum tardigrade
tare tare, defect (sb)
targan cockroach (sb)
tarhout taghut طاغوت
tarick highway maintenance
tariff tariff (sb)
tariffpaneg pricing (sb)
tarikat crafty
tarikhe date (in date, sb)
tarima stool, stepladder (sb)
tarink peg, pin (sb) (metal)
tarise weigh (vtr, ex: a balance)
tarja target (sb)
tarja-public target public, target audience
tarjem translation (sb) and translate (vtr); Tarjem iom Septgim = Septuagint
tarjmant translator (sb)
tarjoun tarragon (sm)
tark conjecture (vtr)
tarn dull (adj; color)
tarneih tarnish (vtr)
tarnien stranger (adj. & sb)
taro taro ( sb)
tarot tarot (sb )
Tarsus Tarsus (npr)
Tartaros Tartarus ( npr )
tarte pie (sb)
tarter tartar, scale ( sb )
tarterplack dental plaque
taschabyth moral firmness ( sb)
taschakur grace, thanks (sb)
Taschkent Tashkent (npr)
task task (sb)
taskar beggar ( sm )
taskerat acquired, accumulated experience ( sb)
taslime surrender ( sb & vint )
tassalli comfort, relief (sb)
tassallise comfort (vtr )
tassalsul coupling ( sb )
tassawuf sufism (sb)
tasse cup (sb; ex: tea)
taste feel, sound/try out (vtr)
tatou tattoo (sb)
taukile appointment (sb ) (to a post )
tauliat letter of credence (sb)
taunay covetousness, lust ( sf )
taung to oblige oneself (+ acc. ject, + dat. anghen)
taungh ( tanghu ) = heavy, large ( adj)
taunschiun childlike ingenuousness (sb)
taur bull (sb)
taurlown debate (sb)
taurokatapsia taurocatapsis (sb)
Taurus Taurus (npr)
tauschire to damascene; damascening (sb)
tautologia tautology
tauxi porcelain ware (sb)
tavan ceiling (material meaning) precision
tavan ceiling (sb)
tavanhoge ceiling height
taverne tavern (sb)
tavla ice rink (sb)
tavle toskate (on an ice ring)
tavro red-hot iron
tawadu ritual ablution (sb)
tawoun plague (sb; disease)
tawrlien serious, calm (adj)
tawsie advocate ( vtr )
tawtay purify, purge, refine ( vtr )
taxe tax (sb)
taxi taxi (sb)
taximeter taximeter
taxir shortage (sb)
tay replace ( vtr ); ( prefix) = spare (first element of compound)
tayar ready, prepared (adj)
tayc to keep quiet (vint)
taydeils spares
tayeur suit, costume (sb)
tayfootballer substitute, reserve, sub (soccer player)
tayfun typhoon (sb)
tayga taiga
tayin ration (sb) (of food)
tayman disrespectful ( adj)
taymayo hawksbill (sb)
taymer timer (mechanism)
Taypei Taipei (npr)
tayrot spare wheel
Taywan Taiwan (npr)
taywanese Taiwanese (adj & sb)
taziya (sing) = condolences (splu)
tazkire bookmark (sb)
Tbilissi Tbilisi (npr)
Tchaykovsky Tchaikovsky (npr)
te thee, you (accusative)
Te dumbo sub ghom ! (expression): “I terrorize you !”
Te dumbo sub ghom ! (exp):" I terrorize you ! "
technic technical
technic technical correctu
technic technical (adj)
technique technique
technique technique (sb)
tect roof (sb)
tecton carpenter (sb)
tefillin phylactery (sb)
teg to cover (vtr)
tegber roof's A-frame
teghel open skillet (sb)
teghell machine sewing (sb)
teghnon fry pan (sb)
teglatte roof board (sb)
tegos toiture (sb)
teguid plump (adj)
tegule tile (sb)
tegut thicket (sb)
tehg to cover
tehl support, bear, tolerate (vtr)
tehlp to fit (into a space; vint)
tehm cut, deem (vtr)
tehng dip (vtr)
tehngos outcrop (sb)
tehom abyss ( sb) ( geographical )
tehr cross ( vtr )
Tehran Tehran ( npr )
tehrb (see grammar ) = to have to
tehrg threat (vtr )
tehrgspehc menacing, grim (adj)
Tehria ferryboat (myth., sb)
tehx lay out (vtr)
tehxdel adze
teib roach ( sb)
teigel tickle (vtr )
tein maintain ( vtr )
teingwain pleasure garden ( sb)
teint complexion, colouring (sb)
teip tape, record (vtr)
teipdehsa typesetting
teiprecorder tape recorder
teken esquire (sb) (apprentice knight)
tekhnass manage to (vint)
telealarme remote alarme (sb)
telefilm television film (sb)
telegenic telegenic
telekinese telekinesis (sb)
Telemakhos Telemachus
telematique (sing.) = telematics
telenovela telenovela Jor ex Latin America
teleorbat telecommuting (sb)
telepathia telepathy (sb)
telephone telephone (vint & sb)
telephonic central telephone exchange
telephonic hoax prank call, crank call, hoax call
teleporte teleport ( vtr )
teleschopping teleshopping ( sm )
telescopic vizieler telescopic sight
television television (sb)
teliak bathhouse boy
telicitat telicity
telluric telluric (adj)
tellurium tellurium (sb)
telvee (sing) = coffee grounds / dregs ( splu )
tem so (much/many)
tem (maung) as much/many
tem maungh as much
temos darkness (sb)
temost dark (adj)
temper temple (of skull; sb)
tempera tempera (sb)
temperament temperament (sb)
temperance temperance (sb)
temperature temperature (sb)
tempere temper (vtr)
templar templar (sb)
temple temple (sb)
tempo tempo (sb)
temporal temporal (adj. religion)
tempos time interval (sb)
Tems Thames (npr)
temser dark, obscure, mysterious (adj )
ten lair, den (sb)
tenayl tenaille
tenchere cooking pot ( sb)
tenct hermetic (adj)
tend to stretch, to tense (vtr)
tender tender (adj)
tenderesse tenderness (sb)
tendon tendon (sb)
tengie to look like
teni darkness (sb)
teni - dark (prefix)
tenia ringworm (sb)
tenjra casserole (sb)
tenkel molke, buttermilk ( sb)
tennis tennis (sb)
tenor tenor (singer)
tenorblockflute tenor recorder (flute; sb)
tens these, those (masculine plural accusative) ; past participle & past tense of « tend »
tensor tensor (sb)
tentacule tentacle (sb)
tentative attempt (sb )
tentel net (sb)
tepeh tell (archaeology; sb)
tephra tephra (sb)
tepid lukewarm (adj)
tepji tray (sb) (to carry food)
tepos asceticism
tepsi cake tin (sb)
ter there
terebenth turpentine (sb)
teremut grumpy (adj)
Terence Terence
Teresa os Avila Teresa of Avila (npr)
tergiversation tergiversation
tergiverse dither (vintr.)
terkat fur (sb; of a living animal)
terlique slipper (sb)
termen boundary stone (sb)
termin terminus
termin term, end (sb)
terminal terminal ( adj , sm)
termite termite (sb)
Terra the Earth (planet)
Terra Nova Newfoundland (npr)
terracotta terracotta (sb)
terrain terrain (sb)
terran earthling, from the Earth (adj. & sb)
terraplaniste flat-Earther
terrasse terrace (sb)
terrible terrible (adj)
terrier terrier (dog; sb)
territorial territorial
territorial wedor (sing) = territorial waters (splu)
territorialo planen spatial planning
territorium territory (sb)
terrorisme terrorism
tert third part(y) (adj. & sb)
tert-mund Third World
terter auger (sb)
tertiar sector service sector
tertipe trick, tip (sb)
Terto-Stat Third State
Tertullian Tertullian
terwn teenager
terwnia teenage (sb)
tesedin finery, set (sb)
tesghiakh workbench (sb)
test test ( sb & vtr)
test-tube test-tube
testamentar testamentary
tetanus tetanus (sb)
teterv grouse (sb)
Tethys Tethys (npr)
tetro thither (adv)
teug (tegu) = thick (adj)
teugisch covert (sb)
teuk germinate, sprout (vint)
teul afford (vtr )
teum inflate (vtr )
teun ( tenu ) = thin (adj)
teuneg slender (adj )
teup hide oneself (vint / vtr)
teupsess stocky, squat (adj)
teurb to make out of order (vtr)
teurs dry out (vtr/vint)
teursclehsp clothes peg (sb)
teursi drier (sb)
teursia drought (sb)
teursic torrid (adj)
teurst thirst ( sb)
teurstic thirsty (adj)
teursviel clothesline ( sf )
teut tribe ( sf )
teution chief of tribe (sb)
teutisk tribal
texte text
textenbeorbater word processor (software)
texture texture (sb)
tey to steal
Thaddayos Thaddeus
thakithami garret (attic, sb)
thalamus thalamus (sb)
thambra uproar, din (sb)
thamf stench (sf )
Thanelwin Salween (fluv os Sud-Eust Asia)
thang seaweed (sb)
thark light blue
Thayland Thailand (npr)
theatral binocle (sing.) = opera glasses
theatre theatre (sb)
thebay Theban
Thebes Thebes (npr, city of Greece)
theisme theism
theiste theist
theme theme, topic
Theodericus Theodoric
Theokrit Theocritus (npr)
theolog theologian
Theophania Epiphany
Theophrest Theophrastus
theoreme theorem
theoretic theoretician, theorist (sb)
theoric theoretical
theorise to theorize (vtr)
theosoph theosophist
theourgia theurgy
theourgia theurgy
thermes thermae (s plu.)
thermic cracking thermal cracking
Thermopyles Thermopylae
thermos vacuum flask, Dewar flask, Dewar bottle, thermos
Theseus Theseus (npr)
Thessalia Thessalia
Thessaloniki Thessaloniki
thol dome (sb)
thorax thorax, chest (sb)
Thoukydides Thucydides
Thrace Thrace (npr)
thraci Thracian (adj & sb)
Thrasymekh Thrasymachus
thron throne (sb)
Thukydides Thucycides (npr)
Thule Thule (npr)
thull cotter pin (sb)
thurroa shoulder bag (sb)
thuthena Madonna lily (sb)
thyrs thyrsus (sb)
ti these, those (undertermined plural nominative & accusative)
tia ! why ! ( interj. )
tib to thee/you (dative)
tibanch gun (familiar ! , sb)
Tiber Tiber ( npr )
tick tick ( sm )
tid time (sb) (as a definite period, an epoch)
tieckel past tense of “tackel”
tiel up to, till ( prep )
tien thy, thine, your, yours
tienbing beam balance (sb)
tienghiay skyline
tienhuy oil lamp ( sb)
tienjien original, of origin ( adj )
tienkau celestial sphere ( sb)
tienkiou weather conditions ( splu )
tienkizu weather map (sb)
tienmwenday sky observatory (sb)
tienxia anywhere in the world (adv)
tienyung (sing) = poor weather conditions (splu)
tierg wipe (vtr)
tiergpapier kitchen roll, kitchen paper, kitchen towel (BR), paper towel
tierk past tense of “tark”
Tierra del Fuego [ tyErra del fwEgo ] = Tierra del Fuego
tiey past tense of “tay”
tieyc past tense of “tayc”
tiganiza donut (sb )
tigel past tense of “teigel”
tighel crucible (chemicals; sb)
tigher tiger ( sb )
Tigris Tigris ( npr ; River of Mesopotamia )
tijarat trade (sb)
tik only ( adv )
tilde tilde
tille tiller (botany)
tilmach interpret (vtr & sb) (translating)
tilt drawbridge ( sb)
timar horse grooming (sb)
Timayos Timaeus (Plato's work; sm)
timbre timbre (sb) (voice)
timian incense (sb)
timid shy ( adj )
timorat timorous ( adj)
timpan (a single) timpani (sing; classical music)
Timur (& Timur Lang) = Tamerlane ( npr )
tin past tense of “tein”; fig tree (sb)
tincture tincture (sf ; pharmacy)
tinghi retail (sale)
tingire pan, copper (sb)
tint ink (sb)
Tintin Tintin (npr)
Tintoretto Tintoretto (npr)
tintschib tinted glass (sb)
tip past tense of “teip”; tip (advice; sb)
tipi tipi
tiptil stealthily (adv)
tiquet ticket (Druve-ye tod werd ja exist, bet est tik in id englisch dictionar, itak ne bringho ids englishc tarjem)
tiquet ticket (sb)
tirade tirade (sb)
tirage newspaper circulation (sb)
tiret drawn, pinched, haggard (adj, face)
Tiryns Tiryns
tischa-beav Tisha B'Av
tischert T-shirt (sb)
tissue tissue (sb)
tissue papier tissue paper
titan titan
titanium titanium (sb)
titille tickle (vtr )
titlo titlo
titube stagger (vint)
titular holder, incumbent (adj & sb)
titule title (sb)
Titus Livus Livy (npr)
tiuna prickly pear (sb)
Tiurhevd Shrovetide (sb)
tiyak walking stick (sb)
Tiziano Titian (npr)
tjauk congee (sb)
tjurunga bullroarer
tjwowschi clairvoyance (sf )
tlabut rootstock
to that (general pronoun)
to- away (verbal prefixe)
toast toast; behd un toast = to propose to drink a toast
tobian sand eel (sb)
toboghan toboggan (sb)
tod that, this (neutral nominative & accusative)
todegher (& todeghern) = this morning
toffie toffee (sb)
toga toga (sb)
togick tajik (adj & sb)
Togickistan Tajikistan (npr)
tohg past tense of "tehg"
tohl past tense of “tehl”
tohlp past tense of "tehlp"
tohm past tense of “tehm”
tohma slash, cut (sb)
tohmika fanny (BR), peach, flower, kitty (child word for "vulva")
tohng past tense of “tehng”
tohr past tense of “tehr”
tohrb had to (past tense)
tohrg past tense of “tehrg”
tohx past tense of “tehx”
toi ! I like that !
tokmak mallet (sb)
tolk talk (vint); explain, interpret (vtr), perform (vtr)
tolkav talkative (adj)
tolkdesk round table (debate)
tolksioul topic thread, simply a thread
toll customs duty
tollunion customs union
tolp location (sb)
Tolstoi Tolstoy
tom that, this (masculine singular accusative)
tomate tomato
tome tome (sb)
tomographia scan (sb)
tomost cutting, sharp (adj)
ton tone (sb)
tonal tonal (adj; music)
tong obliged/indebted
tongjon compassion (sb)
tonic tonic (adj)
tonic water tonic water (sb)
tonnage tonnage
tonne tonn (1000 kg)
tonsilitis tonsillitis
tontine tontine (sb)
top (& topp) = top (sb)
topaz topaz (sb)
topfhelm helmet (of armour; sb)
topic topic ( sb)
toplice hot spring
toque toque (sb)
tor tower (sb)
Torah Torah ( sb)
torche torch (sb)
torcule (wine, oil) press (sb)
torel turret
torf peat (sb)
torg trade (sb)
torgbalance balance of trade
torgrepresenter sales representative (sb)
torgue + acc. = trade in (vtr)
torlak stupid, goose (fig !, sb)
torm hole ( sb)
tornado tornado ( sb)
torni religious portal, torii, torana
tornister pack-sack (sb)
toronkha grapefruit (sb)
torpede torpedo (vtr)
torpedo torpedo (sb)
torpedoboot torpedo boat
torpor torpor, lethargy sb)
torque torque (sb)
torrent torrent (sb)
torrette turret (sb)
torrid torrid (adj)
torsade twist (of wires)
torsade torsade
torsion torsion
torsk cod (sb)
torso torso (sb)
torte cake (sb)
torticolis torticollis, wry neck
torture torture
toru churning stick
torubohu buzz ( sb)
torubow hum (vint)
tos of that (masculine & neutral singular genitive)
Toscana Tuscany
toseh trough (sb)
totalitair totalitarian (adj)
totalitarisme totalitarianism
touche touch (vtr & sb)
touchecran touchscreen (sb)
tour tour (sb) (visit, ballot round, artist)
touren turn (vint)
touriste tourist
touristic tourist (adj)
tourmaline tourmaline (sb)
tourniquet tourniquet; revolving door, turnstile (sb)
tovar ware, merchandise (sb) (trade)
towkjian dirt floor
townghee soy germ
towngji Winter Solstice
towsraen randomly ( adv )
tox yew wood (sb )
toxin toxin ( sb)
toyu gorse ( sb)
trace trace (sb & vtr)
traceabilitat traceability
track track (on a disk)
tracking-shot tracking shot
trackliste playlist (on a disk)
tractat treatise (sb)
tracte treat, deal with (a topic)
tractionstransmissor power take-off, power takeoff, PTO
tractor tractor (sb)
trafic traffic (road, sb)
trafic cone traffic cone
traficznayc traffic sign (sb)
traficznaycos signage (sb)
trafique traffic (sb; contraband)
trag draw, pull (vtr)
tragedia tragedy (sb)
tragher support (sb) (architecture)
tragherbalk dragon beam (carpentry)
tragrect drawing right (finance; sb)
trahen trample/tread on (vtr)
traigv wheat (sb)
trailer trailer (movie)
train train (sb; both for "transport" and "garment")
trainer coach (sb)
trainingtrakh tracksuit
trainire to train (ex: sports)
trainire train (vtr/vint)
trait facial feature (sb)
traite slave trade
traite treat (vtr)
traiteit treaty ( sb ) (international)
traitement treatment
traitement treatment (sb)
traiteur traiteur, caterer
trakh (traditional) costume (sb)
trakh suit (clothing, sb)
tram (& tramvia) = tramway (sb)
trampa barter (sb)
trampolin trampoline
trance trance (sb)
tranche section (of a project; sb)
tranchee trench (sb)
trandafel dog rose (sb)
trans beyond (prep)
transaction transaction ( sb)
transbaur pierce
transceptor transceiver (sb)
transcrib transcribe
transcript (& transcription) = transcript (sb)
transept transept
transfer (to) transfer
transfer ( transfèr ) = transfer (sb & vtr)
transference transferency (psycho)
transfiguration transfiguration (sb)
transformator (electric) transformer (sb); transformator industrie = processing industry
transforme to transform (vtr)
transforme to transform
transgenos transgender
transgression transgression
transhumance transhumance (sb)
transistor transistor
transleis consult (by reading; vtr)
transmission oisa drive shaft, driveshaft, driving shaft, tailshaft, propeller shaft (prop shaft), Cardan shaft
transmutation transmutation of species
transparence transparency
transpiration perspiration (sb)
transplantat transplanted organ
transplantat transplant (sb)
transplante transplantation (sb); transplant (vtr)
transponder transponder
transport transport (sb; incl. emotion)
transporte transport (vtr)
transposon transposable element
Transylvania Transylvania (npr)
trapdwer trap door (sb)
trapeol nasturtium ( sf )
trapezariya refectory (sb)
trapeze trapeze (sb)
Trapezunta Trebizond
trapper trapper (sb)
traque tracking down (sb)
tratte commercial draft
trauma traumatism
trauric sad, mourning (adj)
trav grass ( sf )
traverse rail, cross bar
travertin travertine (sb )
travestisme cross-dressing
travos turf (sm )
travplor lawn ( sf )
travskehr lawn-mover
trawler trawler ( sb )
treb building (sb )
trebuchet trebuchet (sb)
treff clubs (playing cards; sb)
tregv truce (sb)
trehc to displace oneself; displacement
trehd tread (vtr)
trehen wear down/out (vtr )
trehkw wriggle, squirm ( vtr)
trehm throb, vibrate (vint)
trehng corner, drive back ( vtr )
trehp steer, aim, point (vtr )
trehs shudder, shiver, quiver (vint)
treht trot ( vtr )
trehv find, meet ( vtr )
treic braid ( vtr )
treiccruce kick-flip (sb)
treikw twist, twiddle (vtr)
treim slave away (vint)
trem bedside (sb)
trema diaeresis
trembitsa bugle (sb)
tremble tremble (vint)
tremolo tremolo
trench trench coat (sb)
Trente Glorieuses Trente Glorieuses
Trento Trento
tresur treasure (sb)
treud crush (vtr)
treus + acc. = trust
tri three (num)
triade triad
triangle triangle (sb; including the instrument)
triangular triangular (adj)
triangular torg triangular trade
trias triassic
Tribonian Tribonian
tribue assign, allocate (vtr)
tribuet mikdar unitat assigned amount unit (Kyoto protocol; sb)
tribulation tribulation
tribun tribune (sb; speaker)
tribunal tribunal, court (sb)
tribune platform, forum (sb)
tributaire reliant, dependant
tric past tense of “treic”
trick trick (sb)
tricorne tricorne (sb)
tricter funnel; bell of a wind instrument (sb)
tricterbicair culture funnel-beaker culture
tridacna tridacna (sb)
trident trident (sb)
trieg past tense of “trag”
trifel clover ( sb)
triga triga
trigrosch three-pence (fig; of little value; adj)
trikw past tense of “treikw”
trilict bunk bed (three beds)
trill trill (sf )
trim past tense of “treim”
trimmer trimmer (tool)
trimod hopper (sb)
trinitat trinity (sb)
trinquete foremast
trinwir triumvir
trinwiria triumvirate
triod triode (sb)
tripartite tripartite ( adj )
triphthong triphthong
tripod tripod
Tripoli Tripoli (npr)
Tripolitania Tripolitania
tris thrice; three of a kind (poker)
Trisina Troezen (npr; city of Greece)
trist sad (adj) (thing)
triswesgen Three Sisters (agriculture)
Triton Triton (satellite)
Tritwn Triton, the “Third One” (Indo-European divinity)
triumph triumph (sb & vint)
trivial trivial (adj)
Troas troad
troglodyte cave dweller (adj & sb)
trohc past tense of "trehc"
trohd past tense of “trehd”
trohkw past tense of “trehkw”
trohm past tense of “trehm”
trohng past tense of “trehng”
trohp past tense of “trehp”
trohs past tense of “trehs”
troht past tense of “treht”
trohv found, met (past tense)
trohvbureau Lost and Found
trohven find (sb)
Troia Troy (npr)
troian Troyan (adj & sb)
troll troll
trolleybus trolleybus
trombone trombone (sb)
trompe trumpet, horn (sb)
trompe-l'oeil trompe l'oeil (sb)
trompette trumpet (sb & vint)
trope trope
trophi trophy (sb)
tropic tropic (sb)
trotuar sidewalk (sb)
troubadour troubadour (sb)
trouble trouble (sb & vtr)
trouvere trouvère
trozd thrush (sb)
trub cloudy (liquid, adj )
truculence truculence ( sb)
trud past tense of “treud”
trufel truffle (sf )
trugand villain, crook (sb)
truisme truism
trukhla sideboard ( sm ),
trump trump (cards, sb)
trunk trunk (of tree; torso, sb)
trupp troup (sb)
trus past tense of “treus”
trust trust ( sb)
trusteitos trusteeship (sb)
tsaduki Sadduccee (adj & sb)
tsang store up (vtr)
tsanswan carbonic acid (sm )
tsay re - (prefix), back (adv)
tsieng past tense of “tsang”
tsk tut-tut
Tsour Tyre (city of Lebanon)
tsui scorch (vint)
tsun shoal (of fish, sb)
tsunami tidal wave, tsunami (sb)
tu thou, you (nominative singular)
tualette toilets (splu); grooming, washing (action, sb)
tualette-papier toilet paper
tualette-papier toilet-paper (sb)
Tuareg Tuareg (adj, sb)
tuba tuba
tube tube (sb)
tuben campan tubular bells, chimes (splu)
tubercule tubercle
tuberculose tuberculosis ( sb)
tuff tuff (sb)
tugur dive, hovel (sb)
tuibh tubular ( adj)
tuich empty (adj)
tukan toucan (sb)
tul past tense of “teul”
tula balance (sb, same weight)
tulhauk garfish (sb)
Tulkarem Tulkarm
tulpan tulip (sb)
tulumba water pump
tum past tense of “teum”
tumar roll of parchment
tumba somersault (sm)
tumbh tomb, tombstone (sb)
tumor tumor (sb)
tumrouk block log (sb)
tumult tumult ( sm )
tumultueus tumultuous (adj)
tun then (temporal adverb)
tuna tuna ( sb)
tunder thumper ( sb) ( Dune)
tuned hit, thump ( vtr )
tunnel tunnel (sb)
tup past tense of “teup”
Tupeud Tibet ( npr )
tupfer cotton swap
Turb past tense of “teurb”
turbant disturbing (adj)
turbe bother, hamper ( vtr )
turbine turbine (sb)
turbulence turbulence (sb)
turgescent turgid (adj)
Turin Turin
Turkestan Turkestan
turkmene Turkmen
turnier tournament (sb)
turnover turnover (sb)
turpitude base act, baseness, turpitude
turri tor (sb; geology)
turs past tense of “teurs”; dried, dead, fallen (ex: leaves; adj)
tursa dry earth (sb)
turseina litterfall, plant litter, leaf litter, tree litter, soil litter, duff
turtule turtle-dove (sb)
turuk bonito (sb)
turunch bitter orange
turunjan lemon balm (sb)
tus past participle & past tense of “tuned”
tusent thousand ( sm )
tute cornet, cone (sb)
tutelar guardian, custodial (adj)
tutele guardianship (sb)
tuteur stake, support, prop (for plants)
tutia zinc oxide
tutkal glue (sb)
tuvar tart ( adj )
tuvra monogram (sb)
tuxule barrel tap
tuy ponytail
TV carte TV tuner card
TV Channel TV channel
TV luckern television receiver
TV Serie TV - Series
TV-apparat television receiver
TV-ehgven binge-watching, binge-viewing, marathon-viewing
TV-plor studio flor (TV)
TV-serial TV-serial
twac hide, skin (sb) ( scratch )
Twantankhaman Tutankhamun (npr)
twantao short sword (sb)
twarog quark (sb)
twehr swirl (vint)
twehrel twirl (vint)
tweis twinkle ( vint )
tweiser sparkling (adj )
twis past tense of “tweis”
twohr past tense of “twehr”
twohrel past tense of “twehrel”
tyehc flow (vint); to happen, take place (vint)
tyehgv + acc. = to waive (vtr)
tyehr scrub (vtr )
tyeic to make happen, to make flow (vtr) to proceed to
tymian thyme ( sb )
tyohc past tense of “tyehc”
tyohr past tense of “tyohr”
typhoid ( feber ) = typhoid fever (sb)
Typhon Typhon (npr)
typhus typhus (sb)
typic typical
typographia typography
tyrann tyrant (sb)
tyrk turkish (adj & sb)
tyrkchylyk Pan-Turkism
tyrkiss turquoise (sb)
tyrma prison-fortress
Tyrol Tyrol
tyrrhenic Tyrrhenian (adj)
Tyrtayos Tyrtaeus
tyulbenn headscarf ( sb )
ub up (adv)
ubbehrg to reinforce (vtr)
ubdrabs upstairs (adv)
ubfall strike, amaze (vtr) (fig. one's mind)
ubgwader step, running board (sb)
ubgwehm occur (vint)
ubiquinone ubiquinone (sb)
ubiquiteus ubiquitous
ubklad upload (sb & vtr)
ubnuw update (sb); past tense of "ubnuwen"
ubnuwen update (vtr)
ubroll to roll upwards (eyes)
ubrund to round up (a number)
ubsell towering (adj); to tower (vint)
ubslahat lapel, turn-up (sb) (clothing)
ubstehlb to protrude upwards (vint)
ubstiumep upgrade (computing)
ubweirt to enhance the value of (vtr)
uc past tense of “euc”
uchaka pickpocket (sm )
uchronia uchronia
ud from (prep)
udbrehg break out (vint)
udclangh echo (vint)
uddeilen compartment ( sm )
uddistance to distance (vtr)
uddrah run away / off (vint)
udghang exit (sb)
udglehm scale ( vtr )
udgwah overtake, go past (vtr ) (movement )
udkweiter cheer up, brighten up ( vtr )
udlyehger outrigger ( sb)
udmode to bring out of fashion
udnov renew ( vtr )
udnovim energia renewable energy (sb)
udschalt crack up (vint)
udschkembee gut (vtr )
udstehn detonate (vint)
udsteigh scale (vtr )
udstraj unaware ( adj)
udveic pull out ( vint) (vehicle)
udwakt + acc. = to be ahead of (in time; vtr)
udwaldh (+ acc.) = to impose upon (someone)
udwekwn mention ( vtr )
ughiul coal (Fr
ujrat duty, tax, fee (sb)
ul past tense of “eul”
ulama Ulama ( sm )
ulg faded, withered (adj ); past tense of “eulg”
ulouk owl ( sb)
ulter besides (prep)
ultim ultimate (adj)
ultramarin ultramarine (blue)
ultraswon ultrasound
ultraswon ultrasound
ultraswonskweiter ultrasonography
Ulysses Ulysses (npr)
umayyad ummayad (adj & sb)
umbella umbel
Umbria Umbria
umum audience, attendance (sb)
un a(n); un pichen = a little bit of
unanim unanimous
UNCCA (Uniet Nations Conference de Commerce ed Antslehnken) = UNCTAD
uncia ounce (sb)
uni to a(n)
unicitat uniqueness
unicorn unicorn (sb)
unicycle unicycle (sb)
unie unite (sb); "unie-se nerteiht" = "Unity makes strength"
Uniet Arab Amirats United Arab Emirates
Uniet Eustindisch Compagnie (Dutch) East India Company nl. = VOC
Uniet Stats os America United States of America
uniform uniform (sb)
uniforme uniform, even (adj)
union union (sb)
unique unique (adj )
unisson unison ( sb)
unitarisme unitarianism (sb)
unitat unit, unity (sb)
universal bank universal bank
universe universe (sb)
universitat university (education institution)
uno a(n) (before singular maculine or neutral nouns in nominative or accusative)
uns of a(n)
unte during; within a space, through (prep); through where ? (interrogative pronoun)
untitner one the way ( adv)
unwan address (sb; informations)
upanishad upanishad (sb)
uper over (prep)
uperag overrun ( vtr )
uperal raise, heighten ( vtr )
uperbeud to overwhelm (to be too demanding towards)
uperbord to jettison (vtr)
uperbord overboard (adv)
upercontor over-the-counter
uperdah to hand over (vtr)
uperdeh to hand over (vtr)
uperdehl to elude (vtr)
uperdien at the surface (adv) ( “in the daylight”)
uperfall robbery, strike (attack; sb)
uperflutt submerge (vtr)
upergeih + acc. = get the better of (vtr) (win against)
upergenos cousin cross-cousin
uperghang to walk through/over
uperghehld to prevail (vint)
upergreip encroach upon (vtr)
uperhang overhang (sb)
uperhaul overhaul (vtr) (ship)
uperkeih dominate (vtr) (in height)
uperkwehlm overwhelm (vtr)
uperleit do = to pass to (vint; fig)
uperligne overhead ligne
uperneih to make go (into = do)
uperplen crowded (adj)
uperpleuk overfly
uperskac vault (sb & vtr; jump)
uperskadh overshade (vtr)
uperslah to somersault (fig; ex. car)
uperspehc + acc. = to look out into (fig. view)
uperstah superior, senior (chief, sb); to survive, outlast (vtr)
uperswamen overlord (sb)
uperswehp hibernate (computer)
upertrag hand over (vtr)
upertrahen to make overflow (vtr)
upertrehd to overflow (vint)
upertrehen to get through
uperwakh (+ acc.) = to watch on
uperwakht watch, monitoring (sb)
uperwaldh overthrow (vtr) (by force); domination (sb)
uperwaldhen overthrowing (sb)
uperwehgh to knock down (subject = vehicle; vtr)
uperwehnd to get the upper hand on (vint)
uperwehrt to render, translate (vtr)
uperzug coating (sb) (fabric cover)
urad bough (sb)
uradel twig (sb)
Ural Ural (npr)
uralsk Ural (adj.)
urand supple, flexible (adj)
uranium uranium (sb)
Uranus Uranus (sb)
urb city, town (sb)
urban urban
urbanisation urbanization
urbanisme city planning
urbcentre city center (sb)
urbmap (& urbplan) = map of the town
urbmeublar street furniture
urbrand periphery (sb) (city)
urd soft cheese (sb)
urg press, urge (vtr) (to be urgent)
Uriah is Hittite Uriah the Hittite (npr)
urine urine ( sb) and urinate ( vtr )
urne urn ( sb)
urng past tense of “eurng”
urp past tense of “eurp”
urx bear (sb)
urxar bear-tamer (sb)
US US (Uniet Stats; sb & adj)
US Secession Weir US Civil War (npr)
usbeck Uzbek (adj & sb)
Usbeckistan Uzbekistan (npr)
uscher tithe (sb)
use + acc. = use (vtr)
usrin aurochs skin (sb)
usro aurochs (sb)
Ussama bin Laden Ossama bin Laden (npr)
ustad master, erudite (sb)
usucapion usucapion (sb)
usufruct usufruct (sb)
usufructor usufructuary (sb)
usurpation usurpation (sb)
uter one (of two)
uter a(n) [when referring to the member of a pair], one of two
uterus uterus (sb)
util useful (adj)
utilitar utilitarian
utilitarisme utilitarianism
uting iron (for clothes, sb)
utopia utopia (sb)
utopic utopian
uyrhur uighur
vacance vacancy (sb)
vacca cow (sb)
vaccine vaccine (sb & vtr)
vacuole vacuole
vadj sweet flag (calamus)
vaering Varangian
vafa fidelity (sb) (compliance with the rule, the origin)
vafat completion (sb)
vafayi faithful (to its origin)
vafel waffle
vagabond vagabond (adj & sb)
vagder nomad (adj. & sb)
vagek stroller, loafer ( sb )
vagh wague (adj)
vague vague (adj)
vah near future auxiliary (see grammar)
vaik crayfish (sb)
vainleugh lie, gossip (sb)
vajrayana vajrayana
val to be worth something (vtr)
valdhorn horn (instrument; sb)
valdrian valerian (herb, sb )
valid valid (adj)
valide validate (vtr)
valise suitcase (sb)
valk trample ( vtr ) (like a fuller )
valkyrie valkyrie
Valladolid Junta Valladolid debate
vallee valley ( sb)
Valletta Valletta (npr)
vallum vallum
valuta currency (sb)
valutacurs exchange rate (sb)
valve valve (sb)
valvule pallet (sb)
valvule capak cylinder head cover, rocker-arm cover plate
valz waltz
vambrakh vambrace
vampire vampire (sb )
van fetch (vtr)
vandale vandal (adj & sb)
vandalisme vandalism
vande vaunt (vtr)
vanguardia vanguard (sb); advanced (adj)
vanie vanish (vint)
vanilia vanilla (sb)
vank wobble, totter (vint)
vankeih rock, shake ( vtr )
vanna bathtub ( sb )
vannakyal bathroom
vansch wish ( vtr & sb)
vantage advantage ( sb)
vantageus advantageous ( adj )
vapor steamboat; vapor (sb)
vaps make-up (vtr )
vapwn blazon (sb), arms (splu)
vara boar ( sb )
varak tinfoil
varam lump, tumor ( sb )
varbenk door-to-door / public advertising; canvassing (sb)
varf snow-covered top mountain top (sb)
variable variable (adj)
variante variant (sb)
variat varied (adj)
variegat variegated (adj., from "variegation")
variegation variegation
varietat variety (sb)
varosch town (sb)
varsa slope (sb)
Varschava Warsaw (npr); Varschava Pact = Warsaw Pact
varye to vary
Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama
vascular vascular ( adj )
vase vase (sb)
vasistas fanlight (sb)
vast vast, huge (adj)
vasya all the, they all, them all (neutral plural nominative & plural)
vasyalg all kinds of
vasyi all the (plu; must be declined, see grammar)
vat bet (vtr)
vatan home country (sb)
Vatican id - = the Vatican
vatra hearth (sb )
vaucher voucher (sb)
vaudeville comédie en vaudeville (sb)
vayn winnow (sb & vtr)
veau veal
vecel vessel (sb)
vechernia vespers (plu. in Sambahsa)
vecker alarm clock ( sb)
vector vector (sb)
veda veda (npr)
vedanta vedanta (npr)
Vedast Gaston ( npr )
vedim ! let's see! ( interjection )
vegan vegan
vegetarian vegetarian (adj. & sb)
vegetation vegetation (sb)
vehement vehement (adj)
vehicule vehicle (sb)
vehrbh recruit (vtr)
vehrm worm (sb)
vehrmsaup worm-eaten (adj)
vehrs shower (rain, sb)
vehrs pour (vtr)
vehrt estimate (vtr )
vehs wear (vtr)
vehsmen dress, clothes (sb)
veine vein ( sb) ( blood )
veisk to lime, to make sticky (vtr)
velcro velcro
velin vellum (sb)
venaison venison (sb)
venapunction blood test
venchen deception (sb)
vene scour the forest for hunting
veneg seller (sb)
venegautomat vending machine
venere worship (vtr)
veneri venereal (adj)
Veneto Veneto
Venezia Venice
Venezuela Venezuela (npr)
venezuelan Venezuela (adj. & sb)
venge venge ( vtr )
vengence vengeance ( sb)
venkel office, dispensary, shop, store (sb)
ventil gate, seacock ( sb)
ventilator cooling fan
ventilator (air) fan (sb)
ventouse suction cup (sb)
ventriloque ventriloquist
venture venture (vint)
venture-capital venture capital
Venus Venus (npr; planet)
ver true (adj)
veranda veranda ( sb)
verbena verbena (sb)
verdegreis verdigris ( adj )
verdia highway (cf. Eng. "highway")
verdict verdict (sb)
verdure greenery, verdure (sb)
verdvia highway
verft shipyard (sb)
verg to be avoided (vint)
vergeih avoid (vtr)
Vergilius Vergil ( npr )
Veria the True Faith
verifie check, verify ( vtr )
verkel street organ ( sb)
vermouth vermouth
vernacular vernacular
verniss varnish (sb)
vernisse varnish (vtr)
versatil fickle, changeable
verset (& versen) in = (well-)versed in ( adj)
verslyn business (sb; trade)
verslyndirector manager (sb)
verslyning businessman (sb)
verstep desolation (sb) (place )
vertat truth (sb)
vertebrat vertebrate
vertex vertex (geometry)
vertical vertical
vertical bar vertical bar
vertigineus breathtaking (adj)
vertigo dizziness ( sb)
verve verve
Vesalius Vesalius ( npr )
vescell tableware (sb )
vescellschkaf credence, hutch ( sb)
vesdet getup, rigg-out (sb)
vesicule vesicle
vesp wasp (sb)
Vespasian Vespasian
vespentaylle wasp waist (sb)
vesper evening ( sb)
vessel gay, merry, perky (adj)
vest vest ( sb)
vestal vestal
vester garment, item of clothing ( sb)
vestibule hall (entrance room, sb)
vestige relic, vestige ( sb )
Vesuvio Vesuvius (npr)
vetat estate, private property (sb)
veteran veteran (sb)
veterinar veterinar (sb)
vetiver vetiveria (sb)
vetrin shop window (sb)
vetrinsmauter window-shopping
vetus olde(n) (vx, adj)
Vetus Testament Old Testament (sb)
veulbh wrap (up), shroud (vtr)
veulbhmen wrapping, casing, housing
veurn hurt, wound (vtr)
veut old (adj)
veutach antiquated
veutasc to age, grow older (when referring to a thing)
veuter elder (adj)
veutst eldest (adj)
vevd weft (sb)
vever squirrel ( sb )
vexe upset (vtr )
via way (sb)
via cruces Way of the Cross
viable viable (adj)
viaduct viaduct
viaghabel fork (of a way, sb)
viastamebh roadblock
vibraphone vibraphone (sb)
vic past tense of “vinec”
vicar vicar ( sb)
vice vice (prefix); instead of (prep)
vicel calf (animal, sb)
vicinitat vicinity (sb)
vicissitude vicissitude
vicomte viscount
victim victim
victoria victory (sb)
vid view, sight (sb), see (vtr)
vidbehnd + acc. = blindfold (vtr)
viddeposit sight deposit
viden seen
videoleik video game
videophone videophone (sb)
videoprojector video projector
videostajer-schop video rental shop, video rental store
vidmark landmark
vidv widower , widow (adj & sb)
viel thread, wire (sb); past tense of “val”
vielk past tense of “valk”
vien past tense of “van”
vienk past tense of “vank”
vienke cradle (sb)
Vienna Vienna (npr; Capital of Austria)
viennese Viennese
viensch past tense of “vansch”
vieps past tense of “vaps”
vierd damage, loss, harm (sb)
vierdnic prejudicial, evil-doing, harmful (adj)
vies your, yours
viet past tense of “vat”
vietnamese Vietnamese (adj & sb)
vieyn past tense of “vayn”
vighab + acc. = realize (understand suddenly, vint)
vigil watchman
vigilant vigilant (adj )
vigla telescope (sb)
Viking Viking (adj , sb)
vil vile ( adj )
villa villa (sb)
village village (sb)
villar hamlet (sb)
vilpehnd vilify
vimb bream (fish, sb)
vin vin (sb)
vinaigrette vinaigrette
vinar wine grower (sb)
vinber grape (sb )
vinec vainquish ( vtr )
vinghehrd vineyard ( sb)
vingher European weather loach (sb)
vinkelak ticketing device
vinopsen wine harvest (sb)
vinovat guilty (adj & sb)
vinyek vine ( sb) ( plant )
viola viol (music; sb)
violence violence (sb)
violent violent (adj)
violett purple (adj )
violin violin ( sb)
violoncello cello ( sb)
viper viper ( sb )
virbel tuning peg, tuning key (of a guitar)
Virbius Virbius
vire veer (vint ; vehicle )
virgen virgin (sb)
Virgen Insules Virgin Islands (npr)
virgenvinyek Virginia creeper
virid (plante) = house plant (sb)
virose viral disease
virtual virtual (incl. "reality")
virtuoso virtuoso
virtut virtue (sb); in virtut + gen = by virtue of
virtuteus virtuous (adj)
virulent virulent (adj)
vis saw & seen
visa visa (sb)
vischnia morello cherry (sb)
viseur collimator ( sb)
Vishnu Vishnu (npr)
vision vision ( sb)
visite visit (vtr & sb)
viskeus viscous (adj )
visor viewfinder, bombsight, focus ( sb)
vistop to get stalled (motor, engine, sb)
visualiser visualiser
vitamin vitamin (sb)
viticulture viticulture, wine growing
vitisme steep slope (sb)
vitral stained glass (as in churches; sb)
vitrifie vitrify (vtr)
vitriol vitriol ( sb )
Vitruvius Vitruvius (npr)
vitule fiddle (sb)
vivair pond (sb)
vivisection vivisection
viz witticism (sb)
vizic witty
vlastar offspring (sb)
voc voice (sb)
vocabular vocabulary (sb)
vocation vocation (sb)
vocbehr loudspeaker ( sb)
vochet lament ( sb)
vocstump voiceless (phonetics)
vocswehner voiced (phonetics)
vodou voodoo (sb)
vogh vogue
vohrbh past tense of “vehrbh”
vohrm past tense of “vehrm”
vohrt past tense of “vehrt”
vohs past tense of “vehs”
vol want (vtr); will (sb)
volant flywheel (engine)
volatil volatile ( adj )
volay poultry meat
volcan (& volcano) = volcano (sb)
volcanic volcanic (adj )
volg to turn (oneself; vint/vpr)
volkswagen type oin volkswagen beetle (volkswagen type 1), bug (car)
voln wave (sb)
Volodimir Sveintoslavich Vladimir the Great
vols (sing) = sudden revivals (in a story); past participle & past tense of “volg”; you (2° sing) want
volt (he/she/it) wants; volt (sb); volt ne volt = whether he/she wants it or not
voltage voltage (sb); voltage-tuler = surge protector
voltage-tuler surge protector, surge suppressor, surge diverter
volubil talkative, garrulous (adj)
volubilitat gab, glibness (sb)
voluntar voluntary (adj), volunteer (sb)
voluntariat volunteering (sub)
volut volute, curl (sb)
volv overturn, fall over (vint)
volveih knock over, overturn (vtr)
volvwayzd bindweed
vomeih vomit (vtr)
vomit vomit (sb)
vorace voracious (adj)
vos you (non-nominative)
voster your, yours
voxhall concourse (railway station, sb )
voyage voyage (sb & vint)
voyel vowel (sb)
vrack wreckage (sb)
vragh brush ( sb)
vraghbreyel shrubland
vraj witchcraft (sb )
vreg hooked (adj)
vrehmen find (sb)
vrehn crash into, ram ( vtr )
vrehng picklock (sb & vtr)
vrehnk twist ( vint)
vrehsch thresh (vtr)
vreik heather ( sb)
vreikst wrestle (vint)
vreink twist ( vtr)
vren ram (sb) (tool)
vret flock (sb)
vrick scull (rowing; vint)
vrikst past tense of “vreikst”
vrink past tense of “vrink”
vrink wrinkled (adj )
vriyen fortlet (sb)
vrohn past tense of “vrohn”
vrohng past tense of “vrohng”
vrohnk past tense of “vrohnk”
vrohsch past tense of “vrehsch”
vroik heath, moorland (sb)
vron crack, split ( sb)
vrongh curved (adj)
vronka anchorage (sb)
vulbh envelope (sb); past tense of "veulbh"
vulgar vulgar (adj)
Vulgate Vulgate
vulnerable vulnerable (adj)
vulp (& vulpek) = fox ( sb)
vurnos injury, wound (sb)
vurst sausage (sb )
vurstfingher pudgy finger
vyeig weight ( vtr )
vyige weight ( sb )
vyigic weighty ( adj )
wa or/and ( conj ) (that is to say )
waber wade (vint)
wad shoal (sb)
wadel waddle ( vint)
wadh ford (vtr)
wadi Wadi ( sb)
wadwon meaty (adj )
waendow green pea (sb)
waenkhoen resentment, grudge, rancour (sb)
wafat death ( sb ) and pass away (vint)
wag err ( vtr )
waga (sing) = scales ( splu)
wagglonce stray bullet
wagher club, bludgeon (sb)
wagin sheath, vagina ( sb)
waginkiaut grooved razor shell
wagon wagon (sb)
wagon-restaurant dining car (sb)
wahabia wahhabism
wahi stupid, feeble-minded (adj)
wahid only (adj )
wait to watch (out for), to be lying in wait for, to be on the watch (vtr )
wajib compulsory (adj)
wajkh facial expression ( sb )
wakea definitely ( adv)
wakel batch, quantity (sb)
wakf endowment (sb)
wakh watch over ( vtr )
wakhia guard station (sb)
wakhmayster cavalry sergeant (sb)
wakhschat wilderness ( sb)
wakht watch (sb)
wakhtmayster leading seaman (sb)
wakile sollicitor (law, sb)
wakt time ( sb) (duration)
wakya event (sb )
wakye happen, occur (vint)
wal of choice (selected, excellent) (nov maynen, adj.)
wal to choose/accept (nov maynen, vtr)
wal well, fit, healthy (adj & adv)
Walach Vlach ( adj , sb)
waldh dominate, rule (vtr)
waldman woodsman
walg wobbly ( adj )
walik strong, powerful (adj)
wall wall, rampart (sb)
wallon walloon
wals post (sb; employment, custody)
walses wellness (sb)
walsk native (of the country; sb, adj)
Walter Walter
walu battlefield
walwal din ( sb ) ( ! noise )
wan lack, need (vtr & sb)
wanak leader (sb) (politics)
wanakti female leader (sb)
wand wave (sb)
wander err, wander (vtr )
wandlik wavy (adj)
wangher pillow (sb)
wangwl corner ( sb )
wanwster omasum (sb) ( 3rd stomach of ruminants)
wap water body (sb)
war + acc. = to beware of
warak (tree-)leaf
warak leaf ( sb )
waraka note ( sb) (written sign)
warakendoigh puff pastry (sb)
warder watchdog
wardh hard, steep (adj ); to take shape, to get upright
wardhdaunteihsa ortothanasia
wardhdun motte-and-bailey castle
wardheih wank (sb); jerk off (vint)
wardhitat uprightness (sb)
wardhminegh to cum sperma (!)
wardhminegh urinate vertically (vint)
wardhpizdan upright-breasted (adj)
ware ware, merchandise (sb)
warenmoini systeme product-service system
waris heir ( sb)
wark (poor) wretch (sb)
warm warm (adj)
warmspand thermal exspansion (sb)
warmust mugwort ( sb)
warn warn (vtr)
warp motor warp drive engine ( Star Trek)
warren warren (sb)
warwn heaven (sb)
wasabi (cren) = wasabi (sb)
wasaha vivid description ( sb)
wasf quality ( sb) (title)
wasire vizier ( sb)
wassal to find back each other (vint)
wassic reliable (adj)
wassika official deed; reliability
wassil reunion (sb)
wassila means (sub. sing.)
wassila means (sb)
wassime nice (adj) (fig., a quantity)
wassiye bequeath (vtr)
wastah cause, reason (sb)
wastu city (vx)
Wastuwanak Astyanax
waswas nibbling, quibbling (sb)
WAT ( WirtAddihnTaxe ) = VAT
wata cotton wool (sb)
watei inspired (adj.)
watei inspired (adj.)
wati inspiration (fervor)
watt watt (sb)
wau (artificial) kite (sb)
waun camp, encampment (sb)
waungordos campsite (sb)
waunwogh recreational vehicle
waunwogh vardo (sb)
waurg press, oppress (vtr); throng (sb)
waurgpusc knock into, push (vtr)
waurgvreink buckling (ex: metalls)
waurmen opportunity (sb)
waurn sky ( sb )
wausk precious metall (sb)
waust in = to lead up to
wawod insofar
wax shoe polish (sb)
way alas, unfortunately ( adv)
wayang wayang (sb)
waynandos water dropwort (sb)
wayner vine branch (sb)
wayt far, wide (adv)
wayzd weed
wayzdkugla tumbleweed
wazd waste, spoil ( vtr )
WC-speuler flush (sb)
we or (disjunctive particle between clauses)
weben cold weapon (sb)
webtyohc news feed (web; sb)
wed water (sb)
wedernt water table (sb)
wedirn game (animal, sb)
wedkwekwl water wheel (sb)
wedligne waterline ( sb)
wedmark watermark ( sb )
wedmenegh ( sing ) = waterspouts ( splu )
wedor (sing) = waters (splu)
wedor cycle water cycle (sb)
wedorcim divide line (sb)
wedorfront seafront (sb)
wedren aquatic (adj)
wedri sterile (adj; neutered male)
wedsaat water clock
wedsaat water clock
wedstress water stress
wedu female (adj & sb)
wegh way (sb)
weghiter vessel (sb)
weghtor driver (sb)
weh to blow (wind; vint); weh- X ad Y = to inspire Y with X
wehbh weave (vtr; incl. fig.)
wehbh fabric (sb)
wehd marry (a woman; sb)
wehden wedding (sb)
wehdmen purchase price of the bride
wehdmonium prenuptial agreement (sb)
wehgdel delivery vehicle (armament)
wehgh transport (vtr) (in a vehicle); drive (vint)
wehghlicense driving licence (sb)
wehgv + acc. = take a vow of (vint)
wehkw + acc. = to talk to, to express oneself
wehkwos expression ( sb )
wehl + acc. of the person = to want/order someone to
wehlber make walk (someone) (vtr)
wehlp to hope, expect (vtr)
wehlusia paradise of fallen warriors (sb)
wehn Vanr (germanic mythologia)
wehn desire, feel like doing (vtr)
wehnd wind ( vtr ); turning point (sb)
wehng deploy ( vtr )
wehnos envy, desire ( sb )
wehrden wording (sb)
wehrg work (in general)
wehrg work (sb & vint)
wehrg neren heroic deed (sb)
wehrgin chore (sb)
wehrglieubh (kay taye *lieubhwehrg)
wehrmen coat (armour, sb)
wehrt to make/shoot (a movie) (pro films)
wehrt turn ( vtr )
wehs be, find oneself (vint)
Weicmen inhabited Earth, ecumene
weictel abode, binnacle
weid pass (a text, an act; sb)
weida knowledge (sb)
weidos way, fashion (sb)
weidos-ye by way of
weidwos of course (adv); agreed (adj)
weigh fight (vtr)
weigh- aretraite to beat a retreat
weik village, town quarter (sb) , inhabit, dwell (vtr)
weikernam demonym
weikimeih to make inhabitable, to install services on (a terrain, vtr)
weikion mayor (sb)
weikspoti mayor (sb)
weikspotia chiefdom
weiksteren urban sprawl
wein to become friend/allied with
weinch tow ( vtr )
weip swing (vtr), quake (vint)
weir war ( sb); weir os religion = war of religion
weirdo weirdo
weirfert warfare (sb)
weirt to be (something) worth
weis hatch, open out (vint)
weitwodd witness (sb), to testify (+ acc.)
weitwoddia testimony (sb)
wekalat proxy ( sb) ( document )
weleng oriole blackbird (sb)
welutro bundle of clothes (sb)
wensti bladder ( sb)
wer spring (season, sb)
weragmen spine
werd word (sb)
werdel grain storehouse (sb)
werdskaut vocabulary (sb)
weren moult, slough (vint)
wergoldflor primula (sb)
wersi young animal (sb) (one spring old)
wert (clitic particle indicating hearsay language)
wertu river island (sb)
werumenos open-minded (adj. & sb)
werwn seatbelt, belt (to hold back) (sb)
weryon hoop-net (sb)
weryonmreja dragnet
wesar spring cereal (sb)
wesneih bargain (vtr)
wesno procurement (purchase contract)
west west (sb)
western western movie
Westfalen Westphalia ( npr )
Westouper West Bank ( npr )
Wesu good (thing to protect, to share; sb)
wetel yearling, one-year old animal (sb)
weter weather (sb)
weterballon weather balloon
weterwehrt weather vane (sb)
wetos year (vx, sb)
weuder (earthenware) jar (sb)
weugv devote, dedicate, vow ( vtr )
weul tear off, pull off (vtr ) ( eg wool)
weulkw hang about (vint)
weulos fleece ( sb)
weulost fleecy, hairy (adj)
weundel undulation
weundel wave, undulate (vint)
weur (weru ) = broad ( adj )
weurbande (Internet access) = broadband
weurng grouse (human, vint)
weursedd broadseat (kenning for “Earth”)
weus rise (vint) (celestial body)
weux to feed oneself (on = ep, ex : animals, plants)
wey we
whisky whisky (sb)
wi own (adj)
wicca wicca (np)
wich mountain maple (sb)
wid past tense of “weid”
wideuv rob (vtr )
widu woodland (sb) & wooded area (sb)
wieber past tense of “waber”
wiedel past tense of “wadel”
wiedh past tense of “wiedh”
wieg past tense of “wag”
wiekh past tense of “wakh”
wieldh past tense of “wieldh”
wien past tense of "wan"
wiender past tense of “wander”
wier past tense of “war”
wierdh past tense of "wierdh"
wiern past tense of “warn”
wieurg past tense of “waurg”
wieust past tense of “waust”
wiezd past tense of “wazd”
wigh fighter (adj. & n. ); past tense of “weigh”
wighplav fighter airplane
wighplav fighter airplane (sb )
wijdan rapture (sb)
wik past tense of “weik”
wikpact sedentary (as opposed to "nomadic"; adj)
wild wild (adj)
wild magv feral child, wild child
Wilhelm William (npr)
Wilhelm Tell William Tell
Willem os Orange William of Orange (npr)
win friend (vx; sb; as a prefix, means "amicable")
winch winch (sb); past tense of “weinch”
wind wind (sb)
windbrehg windbreak
windcutt squall (sb)
windok leaf window (sb)
Windows Portfeuyl Briefcase (from Microsoft Windows)
windrose wind rose
windschib windscreen (sb)
windschibtierg windscreen wiper (sb)
windstill windstill
windturbine wind turbine (sb)
Winnie Pou Winnie the Poo (npr)
winoye se con = to take up again with (someone)
winpartie exhibition game (sporting event)
winter winter (sb)
wintersport station ski resort (sb)
wintric wintry (adj)
wip past tense of “weip”
wir man ( sb) (male)
wirathat inheritance ( sb )
wirghehld weregild (sb)
wiropeku with all hands (adv.)
wirt tails of a coin; value (sb); past tense of “wirt”
wirtgheightel money-backing (sb)
wirtic worthy (adj; = of the same value)
wirtpapier security (finance, sb)
wis past tense of “weis”
wisan cattle horn ( sb)
wisel weasel ( sb)
wisga rod ( sb )
wisk past tense of “weisk”; mistletoe (sb)
Wisla Vistula (npr)
wista headband (sb)
wisteria glycine, wisteria (sb)
wisu in all directions
wiswank universal, overall (maynend "wohrten kye wiswens/wiswa")
wiswi all (vx. , without any exception, masc. & indet. plural)
witek chaste tree (sb)
witer opposite (adj)
witerom opposite (adv/prep)
witersaison off-season
witerstah to stand up to
wiver wyvern, wivern
wobhel weevil (sb)
wodstu breeding (sb)
woenschice greenhouse (sb)
wogh car, wain, chariot (sb)
woghbleigen vehicle lighting
woghdwer carriage door (sb)
woghfort wagon fort, wagon fortress, corral
woghlo mob ( sb )
woghsaceina car pound (sb)
woghsunduk trunk (USA, CA), boot (UK), dickey (India)
woghwakhter franelero (person whose main activity is guarding or keeping an eye on cars parked in several streets, very common in Latin America)
wogv vow ( sb )
wogwn wedge (sb & vtr)
wogwni moldboard (US), mouldboard (UK)
wohbh past tense of “wehbh”
wohd past tense of “wehd”
wohgh past tense of “wehgh”
wohgv past tense of “wehgv”
wohkw past tense of “wehkw”
wohl past tense of “wehl”
wohlber past tense of “wehlber”
wohlp past tense of "wehlp"
wohn delight (sb); past tense of “wehn”
wohnd past tense of “wehnd”
wohng past tense of “wehng”
wohnic delicious ( adj)
wohrg past tense of “wehrg”
wohrt past tense of “wehrt”
wohs found oneself (past tense)
woibh canvas ( sb) (cloth)
woid to know (irregular, see Grammar)
woik household (sb)
woikia habitation, dwelling (sb)
woiknom sparing (adj)
wolf wolf (sb)
wolfander werewolf (sb)
wolfmuk snapdragon (sb )
wolfolak lycanthrope (sb)
wolfram tungsten (sb )
wolfslaz trou de loup, tiger pit
wonday temperate area
wong down ( sb)
wonk bent (adj)
wortok quail (sb )
wostia rivermouth ( sb); neck of bottle (sb)
Woten Odin, Woden (Germanic God; sb)
wowngschui aqua regia (sb )
wox wax (sb)
woxfigure wax sculpture
woxu spirited (adj)
wugv past tense of “weugv”
wul past tense of “weul”
wulka igniting brand (sb)
Wulkan Vulcan (npr)
wulkw past tense of “weulkw”
wuln (& wulna) = wool ( sb)
wultu look, air, appearance (sb)
wundel past tense of “weundel”
wurc wart ( sb )
wurng past tense of “weurng”
wus past tense of “weus”
wux past tense of “weux”
X-rai X-ray (sb)
Xanthip Xanthippus (ner ! Perikleusios pater)
xehn kill ( vtr )
xeih hold, detain (vtr )
xeikhay mortal coil (sb)
xeimen field, domain (sb)
xeitel field, domain (sb)
xeitelnam domain name
xekwan blood vessel
xenophobe xenophobe
xenti thorny bush (sb)
xep half-light (sb)
xeubh project, throw ( vtr )
xeud push ( vtr )
xeudil projectile, missile (sb)
xeur shave ( vtr )
xiau filial piety
xiaunki fragrance (sb )
xiawngja in times past (adv)
xieday laziness (sb)
xiengi visionary (adj & sb)
xigsi (sing ) = frolics ( splu )
xih past tense of “xeih”
xikji very rare (adj )
xingyi Lunar New Year ( sb)
xiongbu chest (anatomy, sb)
xisey regulations (sb)
xiter settler
xiti colony, settlement (sb)
xition head of colony
xitu establishment, settlement (sb) ( location , building)
xliche swerve (vint )
xohn past tense of « xehn »
xor short, shorn (ex: grass, hair; adj)
xouba jerk, jolt (sb.)
xouba jolt ( sb)
xubh past tense of « xeubh »
xud past tense of “xeud”
xur razor ( sb); past tense of “xeur”
xurmiech razor blade (sb)
xwenyung enhance ( vtr )
xyang to hold out one's neck
ya yes
yabis dandruff (sb)
yadi if only
yaegi coconut tree (sb)
yagh to fetch (food) (hunting, fishing, gathering)
yagher hunter-gatherer
yagorida green grape
yagwa puberty (imkan kay se reproduce)
yah to tell yes to, to approve
yahadi judaic, jewish
yahadut judaism (sb)
yahsa endorsement (sb)
yak to heal, form a scar (vtr)
yakht yacht ( sb)
yakhting yachting (sb)
yakin sure, certain (adj)
yakonien felon, lawbreaker ( sb)
Yallah ! My God!
yalos ardor ( sb)
yamurluk greatcoat (sb)
yana vehicle (fig. ex: thought)
yando sometimes (adv)
Yangon Yangon, Rangoon (npr)
yani that is to say
yanki yankee
yant as soon as ( prep )
yantra press (sb) ( machine )
Yapheth Japheth (npr)
yar year ( sb)
yarinventar inventory
yarkan jaundice (sb)
yarlay last night (adv)
yarmerc annual fair (sb)
yarwg rill, footing trench
yasa (evil) witch (sb)
yaschi too, also (adv)
yasmin jasmine (sb)
yasp jasper (sb)
yastiyantra cross staff (sb)
yastreb goshawk (sb)
yat be zealous (vint )
yataghan yataghan (sb)
yatimkhaneh orphanage
yatun zealous (adj)
yatunia zeal (sb)
yau cradle (vtr); yau- sien cap = to nod one's head gently
yaumdang lewd
yaung seedling ( sb )
yaungbak seedbed, seedling bed (bin used to grow vegetables seeds, which can later be transplanted)
yaungeina seedbed, seedling bed (plot of garden set aside to grow vegetables seeds, which can later be transplanted)
yavasch sweet (adj) ( tobacco )
yavia channel ( sb ) (for irrigation )
yawm day & night (sb ) ( 24 hours )
Yawm Kippur Yom Kippur (npr)
yawmiye daily wage
yawryiss rocking chair
yayc to beg for (vint)
yaz overflow ( sb)
yazg revere ( vtr )
yazget venerable (adj)
yazgidi yazidi
yazgos awe (sb)
ye undetermined preposition; (as a hyphenated suffix) makes adverbs
ye cada cost at all costs
ye dohbro tid timely
ye mieno mayn in my opinion
ye swoweida ed suaweida in good conscience
yeamban savage ( adj ) ( uncivilized )
yebhto the fuck ! (adverb)
yed yet, however ( adv)
yegil ice cube (sb )
yehbh + acc. = have sex with (vtr)
-yehbt the fuck ! (enclitic)
yehs boil ( vtr )
yeis send ( vtr )
yeister to be in one's rutting/heat period
yeji according to
yeken sedge (sb )
Yekhoniah Jechonias (npr)
yeleck vest ( sb )
yelez common dace (sb)
yelk wicker (willow, sb)
yem twin (sb , adj)
yenicheri janissary
yerub small grouse
yesmen strap (sb )
yeudmo man (as a combatant; sb)
yeusmen belt (sb)
yidisch yiddish
yiegh past tense of “yagh”
yiek past tense of “yak”
yiet past tense of “yat”
yieyc past tense of “yayc”
yiezg past tense of “yazg”
yifuku clothing (sb)
yiieu past tense of “yau”
yilgin tamarix (sb)
yinbow trick, arrangement
yinjier accordingly
yinjier-alamat therefore sign
yinkhung to behave shamelessly ( vint)
yinkwa causation (sb )
yinlik Chinese calendar (sb )
yipingia greatcoat (sb)
yis past tense of “yeis”
yo (yo(s)/ya/yod) = non-restrictive relative pronoun (literary use, see Grammar)
yo(s) which (non-restrictive relative pronoun, comes hyphenated as an enclitic just after the verb
yod that (indicates the reason)
yoeng Chinese shadow puppet
yoengschi Chinese shadow puppetry
yogurt yogurt (sb)
yohbh past tense of “yehbh”
yohs past tense of “yehs”
yoin (bul)rush ( sb)
yoingkhwa cherry blossom
yoinkandel rushlight
yoinkjiae musical scale (sb )
yoinscha tuning-fork (sb)
yoister rut, heat
yoitkwe in such a way that
Yokaste Jocasta (sb)
Yonan Ionia (npr)
yonani ionian (adj & sb)
yonkrull thicket of reeds ( sb)
Yosua Joshua (sb)
youbel to be jubilant (vint); jubilation (sb)
yougye se con = to take up again with (something)
yow comfortable (when referring to a person, sb)
yowkjitia body ( sb) ( living being )
yowngki bravery ( sb)
yowrlan yachting (sb)
yowrleing ghost, revenant (sb)
yu you (nominative)
Yudi Jewish ( sb , adj )
yuessuek thimble ( sb )
yuessuekphel foxglove (sb) (plant)
yuft Russian leather, yuft (sb)
yug yoke
yug yoke (sb); past tense of “yuneg”
yugsment beast of burden (sb)
yugwit eternal life
yugwiv live forever (vint)
yui sad (adj)
yukha fish soup (sb)
yukji wet season
yukwi swimwear, swimsuit
yular lanyard ( sb)
yum leaven (sb)
yun young (adj)
yuneg join, connect (vtr )
yungh ship's boy (sb)
yunghy young sailor (sb)
yunkci inflexible will (sb)
yunker petty country gentleman
yunyun and so on
yupkwt hard-boiled (fig.)
yurgan eiderdown (sb)
yurlin rainforest
yutien rainy weather
yuwen young man, youth (sb)
yuwenc young person ( sb)
yuwent youth (age, sb)
Yvain Yvain
za in the back of (prep)
zabaan flying spark (sb)
zabakh to cut one's throat
zaboun helpless ( adj )
zabt accuracy ( sb)
zadah illegitimate ( adj)
zafaran saffron ( sb)
zagar bloodhound (sb)
zaghyah close ( vint )
zaghyan close ( vtr )
zahid reclusive ( adj), recluse (sb)
zahil forgetful (adj )
zahr die, dice ( sb)
zaka zakat (Islam)
zaker dick, cock (! sb) ( penis)
zakhmat discomfort, malaise (sb)
zakir pious (adj)
zakoum oleander
Zakynthos Zakynthos ( npr )
zalal fault, defect (sb)
zalalat meanness (sf ) ( fig )
zalalcircule vicious circle
zalim ruthless ( adj )
zaliss amuse, entertain (vtr )
zam broth (sm )
zaman time, epoch (sb)
zamihr personal pronoun
zamindar landowner (sb)
zamt velvet (sb)
zamtic smooth (adj)
zanbiu praise (sf )
zanchey temporary ( adj )
zanchou decapitate (vtr )
zangir chain (sb)
zangirring chainring (bike)
zangirrot sprocket
zani adulterous
zanji negro ( sb ; ! )
zann battlement, indentation ( sb)
zantan + acc. = sing the praises of
zara buttermilk (sm )
Zarathuschtra Zoroaster ( npr )
zarbatana blowgun ( sf )
zargan garfish (sb)
zariya means (sub. sing.)
zariya means (sb)
zark cattle-pen ( sb)
zarkar goldsmith (sm )
zaruri + dative = it is up to
zawk flavor (sb)
zaworts backwards (stepping; adv)
zayf indisposed, unwell (adj)
zazzer mop of hair
Zebedee Zebedee (npr)
zebra zebra
zebulun Zebulun (npr)
Zeila Zeila
Zeila Zeila
zeirp chirp (vint)
Zekharyah Zechariah (npr)
zekhtin olive oil
zembile catjang (sb)
zenith zenith (sb)
zephyr zephyr ( sb)
zero zero (num)
zero-risk zero risk
zevzeck silly (adj)
zeys ryegrass (sf )
zeytoun olive tree
zeytuni olive green
zgarda necklace for animals
zibel garbage ( sb )
zibelfiullbassein spent fuel pool
zibelkreihna civic amenity site
zibelkreihsa waste sorting
zibelpuwner dustman (sb)
zibett civet ("musk-cat")
ziel aim (vtr & sb)
zielt neicen targeted killing
zigzagh zigzag (sb)
zikkurat ziggurat (sb)
Zilla Zillah (npr)
zina adultery ( sb)
zinat attire ( sb)
zindan penal colony (sb)
zingimber ginger (sf )
zinhaar ! Beware! Caution !
Zion Zion (npr) (Jerusalem)
zionim Zionist
zionut zionism
zip zip(per) (sb)
zirah chainmail (sb)
zirek sagacious, wise (adj)
zitvar artemisia cina (sb)
ziyan fierce, unremitting ( adj ) ( person , animal)
zizania wild rice, Canada rice, Indian rice, water oat
znayc to beacon (vtr); sign (sb)
znieyc past tense of “znayc”
zodiac zodiac
zograf house painter (sb)
zombie zombie
zone area, zone (sb)
zonenplan zoning (sb)
zonot cenote (sinkhole)
zoo zoo (sb)
zoonose zoonosis
zoum zoom
zowngschie anyway (adv)
zrehl ripe (adj); to ripen
zrohl past tense of “zrehl”
zubb (sing) = drumsticks (splu)
zulf ringlet (sb)
zulm wrong (sb)
zulu zulu
zumbule hyacinth ( sb )
zumbulenard spikenard (sb)
Zurich Zurich
zvilikh ticking (sb)
zwaugean sitting meditation (sf )
zwaujece setback (sb) ( defeat )
zwayako suppository ( sf )
zygote zygote
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